After 20 minutes, the two men had a good time.

This is impossible.


When Gu Yixin and Lu Ming watched the scale of the movie getting bigger and bigger, they couldn't help but suspect that the movie reviews they saw when they bought the tickets were fake.

Warm and delicate?

Step by step?

The emotional line progresses sweetly and with abuse, the slightest bit stubborn, pertinent to the point, whipped into the inside? ?

...A ghost.

This is clearly a story of a long-lasting love, a friend and a lover!

The beginning is an afterthought, and the emotional rendering afterwards is also incomparable.

Although there is not much part of the real play, the eyes of the two protagonists are intertwined and the tension in the air is crackling, and the tension in the air can be completely chewed in the next second!

What serious artistic expression is this?


Gu Yixin was very immersive.

Lu Ming was sitting on pins and needles.

One of the heroes in this story looks a bit like him.

At the beginning, when I saw the figure, I felt a little sense of sight. When the actor turned his face, the outline and eyes were even more a little bit like.

Think of the gaze of the ticket-checking girl before entering the door.

Lu Mingshi fell into deep thought.

At this time, the film started for about thirty minutes. After a slow flashback, I finally returned to the cabin where the film started.

Two seniors and younger brothers who hooked up on campus, after graduation, embarked on two life paths that did not overlap each other.

One entered the office building and became a 9 to 5 office worker, and the other rented a small shop and became a tattoo artist.

The two who gradually lost contact after graduation met again at the zoo on the weekend.

The scene at the beginning of the movie is the day when an office worker who has been missing each other after meeting and finally decided to go to a tattoo artist.

The excuse used is naturally a tattoo.

The light reflected on the big screen was sometimes dim and sometimes bright. Those lights were reflected on Gu Yixin's face, and his eyes blinked slowly in the light.

The eyelashes trembled slightly, revealing a thrilling look under the light effect.

Lu Mingshi glanced at the screen and at his husband.

After seated, the heating in the hall was really turned on too much.

The jackets were taken off and thrown aside. The two of them were wearing thin sweaters, still feeling sweaty.

Gu Yixin pulled down the neckline of the white turtleneck sweater after a while.

too hot.


On the screen, the office worker who took off all his clothes on the bed turned his head lazily and looked at the tattoo artist standing by the window smoking.

He has a low voice, a little dissatisfied.

"Why hesitate?"

The tattoo artist pinched out the cigarette, turned around, and came closer.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he brushed his palm over the familiar back, feeling the direction of the bones under the skin, still the familiar person.

With the palm of the tattoo artist, the camera gradually moved down.

The gasps of office workers...


The tattoo artist bit the office worker's ear.

"You used to be afraid of pain."

The other party laughed.

"Now I am afraid of... pain, and also afraid of itching..."


Lu Mingshi unnaturally bent his long legs and moved his eyes away from the screen.

He took a deep breath, and found Gu Yixin's in the palm of his hand, clinging closely to him, trying to reduce the heat.

Gu Yixin felt his emotions and slowly moved his eyes to Lu Mingshi's face.

In the extremely dim light, the expressions of people around you are naturally unclear.

But the damp sweat in Lu Mingshi's palm fully explained his master's emotions.

When the love on the screen was strong, he was also confused and infatuated.

It’s just that how much of this ecstasy is caused by the film, and how much of it originated in his heart, who knows?

The corners of Gu Yixin's lips rose slightly, and he also held Lu Mingshi's palm.

Just at this moment, Suojun, who was enjoying in the movie, was breathing hard, and finally turned into a long sob.

It's almost like a signal.

Gu Yi's novice used force to bring this guy who didn't know what he was still hesitating closer.

At this time, Lu Mingshi's mind was already wandering on the edge of the critical point, nowhere could he withstand a little stimulation.

Accompanied by two beauties on the big screen, the rich sauce stuffed with sauce.

The two outstanding young men in the cinema finally let go of their burdens as they wished.

We kissed each other without shame.

A hot and humid kiss is the best way to tell a passionate love.

Unable to separate for a while.

It will not be separated for a long time.

The two are exchanging something, intimacy with something, getting satisfaction in dissatisfaction, and reaping a little completeness in dissatisfaction.

The cub who knows nothing about the world is extremely excited in the mother's abdomen. The soft and warm energy meets the needs of fetal growth little by little. This wonderful connection can be felt by both adults.

That adds a touch of intimacy to them.

When the two in the movie are over and start again, start and end again.

They are still stuck together, like a Siamese baby.



I don't know how long it took.

In short, nothing really happened.




With the lights on after the movie ends, everything becomes dull.

There was still a little unfinished emotion on Gu Yixin's face, a little red remained at the end of his eyes, and Lu Mingshi's lips were already swollen.

Neither of them looks great now.

Under the light, the two looked at each other disgustingly.

"Are we..."

"It's time to go back."

Fortunately, I took a mask and went out.

Lu Mingshi's lips were hot and sore, but his heart was so beautiful.

He put on a mask for himself, and helped Gu Yixin straighten out the messed up hair.

It's really a smooth day, Mr. Lu thinks beautifully.

After waiting out the door of the cinema, Gu Yixin suddenly remembered something.

"There is usually surveillance in movie theaters."

Gu Yixin mused.

Lu Mingshi nodded and said happily, "Some and some."

It doesn't matter if there is, it's your own movie theater anyway.

Lu Mingshi was also planning to let them send the video tape over.

Gu Yixin stared at his abnormal reaction: "Are you hiding something from me."

Lu Mingshi shook his head, and said nervously, "No no."

Gu Yixin looked at him suspiciously.

Lu Mingshi looked back calmly.

"It's better not."

Gu Yixin said to himself.

Lu Mingshi breathed a sigh of relief, and asked, "What if there is?"

"I killed you."

Novice Gu Yi walked forward, leaving a light conversation.

The tone of the young man was full of domineering, warning, and willful.

Lu Mingshi's heart beat faster.


What should I do if my husband is so handsome?


Gu Yixin lost the opportunity to learn from the overbearing president, so he could only arrive at the crew early every day, happily helping to move the props for a while, while waiting for the director to come and tell him the play.

"Although your character has few lines, the difficulty is not low at all."

Wang's leading speech has a long heart.

"You must use the least lines to express the richest intentions. To do this, the most important thing is the look in your eyes!"

"Do you know why I don't want so many well-known artists to choose you as the leading actor?"

Of course it is because he looks good.

"Because you have a pair of talking eyes!"

Gu Yixin blinked ignorantly. What do the eyes say?

"Yes! That's it!" Director Wang slapped excitedly, "Keep it in this state, yes, very good-come to the camera, camera 5 will focus on the face and take a close-up!"

What do the eyes say?

This is simple, Director Wang stared at the screen with satisfaction.

As long as you look good, your eyes will speak naturally.

Good-looking people, as long as they stand there, someone will write a complete poem for him.

Although he may not know anything about it, even if he knows it, he will not care about it.


The adaptation of the four great beast ips in the online literature circle has received great attention since the project was confirmed.

Many fans are concerned about the birth of this show. Not only the original book fans, but also the director's loyal audience, fans of actors and actresses who have been rumored with the drama.

Don't think Wang Dao is just a TV show director who is not compelling. He has never won a TV show award, but he is hot.

He makes a red one and wins annual ratings every year, the kind without any qualifiers.

Fans are also top-notch, and some are actors who have since dropped their pay to perform in other plays.

From the beginning of filming, there have been fan organizations to visit the class.

It's just that this crew is also amazing. It's been half a month since filming has started, but I haven't seen the male lead.

The book fans and drama fans are all asking, seeing any male in the crew must rule out whether he is the male lead.

After checking all the results...

The hero really doesn't exist!

Until February 1st, the crew released a vague silhouette on their own initiative.

Take three simple words and add a period: male pig's feet.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves.

There is only a simple silhouette in this photo, and you can experience a strong sense of Su just by looking at the silhouette.

The young man looked at his facial features delicately, and he was very close and admired by loli.

The aura and figure are super S, which makes the older sister fans also call their little hearts pounding.

People first compared all the men in the entertainment industry, and even the actors who had been out of the circle for many years or who had been out of the horns were pulled out, and finally came to the conclusion:

This... is a newcomer.

A pure newcomer, the kind who has never received a media interview.

The star-chaser girls who were climbing around the wall were about to move.

This kind of aptitude, this starting point, is unreasonable! While the fan circle hasn't formed yet, if you mix in early, you might be able to become a big fan in the future and be loved by countless small fans.

They quickly formed a secret organization.

Underground, private, invincible.

Even the regions were divided, and finally a problem appeared.

What is the name of our new idol?

The girls looked dumbfounded and went to leave official messages repeatedly.

The official is not moving.


At this time, the most shocked was the star-chaser girl in Yan City.

Everyone in Yan City knows Gu Yixin.

The person in the photo is just like their model worker.

Someone in Yan City uncomfortably posted pictures of Gu Yixin at the construction site on the Internet, and put them together with the newcomer, and asked the netizens while @官方.

Are these two people alone?

This time it was even more bloody, and the two factions were arguing about their own opinions.

In the end, the similar faction prevailed.

The first generation fans of Yanshi model workers are a little sad.

Idol abandoned us and made his C-bit debut!

What about being each other's angels for a lifetime?

If you move bricks, I will support you!

Our elder brother has forgotten the slogan of "Meet on the construction site and always strive for the first"?

The girls covered their pink heart.

Broken into slag.


At this moment, a Weibo of a girl, like a Venus star in the night sky, lit up the Yanshi girls in the mist.

She vowed: "The newcomer must not be Gu Yixin, but a man who looks very similar to Gu Yixin, named Gu Wumao!"

This is just nonsense.

Aside from other things, the name Gu Wumao basically bid farewell to the entertainment industry.

But after a hundred pieces of ridicule, the girl silently posted a group photo.

She mosaics her part, revealing the face of the legendary "Gu Wumao, a new male god".

Then the crowd fell silent.

After half an hour, I got on the hot search tail.

The masses said one after another: They are too alike, this is the person!

The masses collectively recognized that this male **** Gu Wumao, compared with the construction site model worker, is not alone, not alone! !


Taking advantage of the high popularity, the drama party and Gu Yixin reached a consensus after discussing, and sent out a Weibo, acknowledging the official identity of 50 Mao.

The heat rushed to the top of the list, dominating the list for three days.

In a twinkling of an eye, the girls have identified their idols for life and confirmed their resounding slogans:

"Five cents fly with confidence,

Edamame will always be with you! "



Gu Yixin, who was browsing the web in front of the computer, fell silent.

Lu Mingshi walked in from outside, and Mr. Lu, who had just swung around in the garden, had two pieces of snowflakes on his body, and a layer of chill was trapped.

Lu Mingshi quietly heated himself by the radiator, staring intently at Gu Yixin sitting on the boss chair in front of the study table.

He seemed to be in some distress.

Lu Mingshi thought for a while, and when the coldness on his body dissipated, he walked over quietly and straddled to the vacant position behind Gu Yixin, embracing his waist like a sloth.

He indulged himself and took a deep breath of the smell of Gu Yixin.

Clear, clear, clear.

When on vacation, Gu Yixin was never too lazy to get out. I only wear pajamas when I stay at home, which is comfortable anyway.

Under his fingers, the furry touch of the thick pajamas brushed his fingertips, and Lu Mingshi couldn't help feeling it.

Gu Yixin finally took a little attention and grabbed his hand, muttering some words in frustration.

Lu Mingshi looked at the discussion on the screen and distinguished it carefully. Gu Yixin was probably saying:

"Obviously the construction site is more handsome, what the **** are they talking about! What do you mean by ‘pat the ash on your body and make a debut with five hairs, it’s a pity to move bricks every day’?!"

Gu Yixin is not happy today.

How can they understand the fun of moving bricks!


Brother Wu Mao! We love you, can you hear me? ?

Thanks for collecting! Thanks for your comments!

Thanks to the little angel who threw mine, it is too late to count tomorrow! Bo