Gu Yixin has a lot of troubles.

When the crew was filming, there were groups of fans who came to him and looked at him.

If you just look at it.

They still touch.

Gu Yixin has never chased stars, nor has he been chased, and has no knowledge of unorganized fanatic groups.

As a result, as soon as he walked over, those sister-in-law Liang took pictures and screamed.

A girl who looked very young boldly stretched out her hand and burst into tears with excitement.

"I have touched Brother Wu Mao! Brother Wu Mao has a great duck!"

With the Warriors taking the lead, the others rushed forward frantically.

Gu Yixin was scared away.

Perhaps he and Runlu do have an indissoluble bond.


Naturally, it is impossible for the girls to catch up with Gu Yixin with only two legs.

But they have money.

So they chased by taxi.

This is of course very dangerous.

Good boy don't learn.

Gu Yixin was parkour above the city, and the taxi team hurriedly chased in the traffic light traffic.

At a red light, Gu Yixin jumped out.

As soon as the green light came on, the distance was quickly shortened.

Gu Yixin ran to the construction site.

The construction site has not resumed.

Gu Yixin ran to the duty room on the construction site, locked the door, and rushed into the room.

Sure enough, a full set of equipment hung on the wall exactly as in memory.

Gu Yixin breathed a sigh of relief.


Five minutes later, the taxis of the fans hovered on the street in front of the construction site.

"Master, I'll give you another eight hundred. Drive back and forth on this road until Brother Wu Mao comes out."

Mimei is really a group of ruthless people.

Still a group of rich people.

Gu Yixin swaggered out of the construction site.

At first he was a little worried, so he smeared two black ash on his face.

These two pieces of black and gray are equivalent to Conan's glasses.

These two pieces of black ash are pasted on, even if you walk under the nose of a person, you can’t see it.

He was too successful in disguising.

Not only did the edamame fail to recognize it, but the Yi family did not recognize it either.


Gu Yixin was walking, but he was a little puzzled while happy.

Why are these two pieces of black ash so powerful?

At first, Lin Rui, who had seen him with his own eyes, did not recognize him.

After returning home, Gu Yixin first met Chen's mother.

Ma Chen erected the pan warily.

"Who are you? What do you want to do? How did you get in?"

Gu Yixin:...

He hugged his head to avoid the cabbage leaves and oranges that Chen Ma threw over, took a bite of a sugar cane, and introduced himself loudly.

"Mum Chen, this is Gu Yixin!"

Chen's eyes widened, and then she threw a fried egg ham and fish roe sandwich, seaweed salmon roll, a large grilled shrimp, a lettuce and a box of Wahaha AD calcium milk.

Gu Yixin threw sugar cane to pick up grilled shrimps and grilled shrimp to pick up lettuce. He had a box of salmon in his left hand and a bottle of Wahaha in his right.

The sandwich was stuck in his mouth, and there was no room to speak.

Gu Yixin looked at what he was holding in his arms and was shocked.

Chen Ma's food can be matched with such a nutritious and balanced diet, she deserves to be the woman who has conquered three generations of Lu's family.

Gu Yixin placed everything on the dining table carefully, and carefully rounded the salmon roll that had been squashed by him. His heart was filled with the guilt of ruining food.

"I am really Gu Yixin."

Chen's mother didn't believe it.

At this time, Da Hei, who had already finished production, appeared at the entrance of the restaurant.

It tilted its head and looked at Gu Yixin in confusion.

As if unable to understand why the owner who is so familiar with the taste had an unrecognizable face.

In the past, Da Hei would rush when he saw Gu Yixin.

Today he hesitated for ten seconds.

Da Hei's reaction made Chen's mother even more sure that this was a fake.

Chen Ma stood behind the counterfeit and silently raised the pan.


After changing someone else, Gu Yixin must be aware of it, and then avoid it.

But he was defenseless against Chen Ma.

And stared at Dai Hei with sincere eyes.

The tragedy is about to happen.

Da Hei, who has been tilting his head, has decided!

This is the taste of the owner.

The taste is not deceiving.

I was beaten by the master, and the master took care of me.

How can we overturn our friendship boat with such a deep friendship and a mere disfigurement?

Da Hei's pair of puppies gazed affectionately at Gu Yixin.

The host went out in glamorous clothes, and returned home covered in dirt.

It must have been severely hit and urgently need its care.

Da Hei's calf kicked the ground fiercely, and the shells rushed into Gu Yixin's arms six meters away, wailing.

Da Hei's enthusiasm made Chen's mother who was holding the pan stunned.

Gu Yixin put his arms around Da Hei, and once again assured Chen Ma:

"I'm really Gu Yixin. I ate six vegetable wraps, four or two pot stickers, and three bowls of beef noodles for breakfast. You also asked me to sprinkle more white pepper and sesame oil."

Mother Chen slapped her thigh and shouted repeatedly: "Yi Yi, why are you doing this, wash your face..."


In theory, Gu Yixin should wash his face immediately.

But he suddenly wanted to know if Lu Mingshi couldn't recognize him.

So Gu Yixin went directly into the study.

Lu Mingshi is looking at the materials of the latest acquisition.

The tall man was sitting upright on the big office chair by the window, against the dim light of the evening, a little tiredness appeared on his handsome face.

Mr. Lu, who was immersed in his work, did not notice the movement at the door.

He muttered the key words on the document silently, pondering the solution to the problem.

Gu Yixin approached silently.

Until the figure stood at the desk.

Lu Mingshi suddenly raised his head and noticed this unexpected guest who suddenly appeared.


Lu Mingshi stared at Gu Yixin.

Gu Yixin looked at Lu Mingshi expectantly.

Lu Mingshi's eyes were completely strange and wary.

Lu Mingshi secretly seized the alarm under the desk.

Try to stay calm on the face:

"who are you?"


Gu Yixin sighed slightly disappointed.

It seems that the buff of this auto-mosaic is too powerful, and no one is immune to it except dogs.

Including Zai Zai his father.

But he quickly recovered his calm.

Gu Yixinju glanced condescendingly at Lu Mingshi's stomach.

Lu Mingshi stiffened almost immediately.

For Lu Mingshi, the most important thing is not his own safety.

He is most afraid of someone hurting his child.

Gu Yixin curled his lips and smiled: "Don't you recognize me?"

Lu Mingshi calmly said, "Should I know?"

Gu Yixin: "We are quite familiar."

Lu Mingshi honestly said, "I don't have any impression."

Gu Yixin said frankly: "I am your ex-boyfriend."

Gu Yixin recalled what the director said during the recent acting.

"The essence of an actor is the actor!"

"You can practice more when you are fine. Acting is an excellent art. The lines, movements, and eye contact are all the points that actors should pay attention to at any time."

Dao Wang looks solemn and full of respect for art: "Use your body to convince the opponent! Use your eyes to conquer the opponent! Believe in yourself, and then let others believe your most nonsense words, then success is not far away!"

Gu Yixin seemed to understand.

Facing you when I am mentally retarded Lu Ming.

Gu Yixin played his best acting skills.

Gu Yixin: "Do you know why I enter your house unimpeded?"

Gu Yixin lifted Lu Mingshi's chin: "Because you still love me. All the security equipment in your house still retains my fingerprints and iris. Even Da Hei still remembers my breath. You were hit and lost your memory three years ago. Remember everything, but forget me."

Lu Mingshi's face was dark: "You are talking nonsense! When did I have an ex-boyfriend!"

Gu Yixin was surprised: "You are almost 30, why don't you have an ex-boyfriend?"

Lu Mingshi turned his face: "Can't you have no time to fall in love?"

He tried to break away the fingers that controlled his chin. He didn't expect this manpower to be so powerful, it was almost like Gu Yixin.

Looks alike too.

But it was definitely not him, Lu Mingshi categorically denied it in his heart.

The power of the buff is so powerful, Gu Yixin suddenly felt that he could take this opportunity to talk more.

Gu Yixin: "You have to answer the questions I asked, otherwise the things you fear most will happen."

Such as pressing you on the bed.

Tickle your feet with the dog's tail grass.

Lu Mingshi was really scared. He conditioned his lower abdomen with both hands and looked at Gu Yixin warily.

Gu Yixin clicked on the back of Lu Ming's head when he agreed.

"You can only tell the truth."


"When was the first kiss? With whom?"

Lu Mingshi sullen his face: "With my husband."

"Oh?" Gu Yixin was really surprised. "What was the situation at that time?"

Lu Mingshi's face was a little red.

Seeing his reaction, Gu Yixin almost understood.

Lu Mingshi turned out to be a real virgin.

Innocent even blushes at the mention of a kiss.

Gu Yixin was a little sympathetic to an overbearing president who got caught up in this.

Gu Yixin tentatively asked: "Have you ever felt about other people?"

Lu Mingshi didn't cooperate very much: "You are so worried about what I do in my emotional life."

Gu Yi, who is still immersed in personal settings, said:

"I am your ex-boyfriend, of course I care."

Lu Mingshi snarled, "I said that I don't have any ex-boyfriends! I only have my husband! I only like one person! Don't make up any amnesia!"

Gu Yixin thoughtfully.

Gu Yixin: "You only talk about your husband. I admit that I was defeated by him."

Lu Mingshi looked at him triumphantly, and broke the finger on his chin again, but still did not move.

Lu Mingshi sternly said: "You'd better let go of me earlier, my husband will be back from get off work immediately, and let him see that we will misunderstand us like this."

Gu Yixin has a calm expression: "Let him misunderstand him."

Lu Mingshi said anxiously: "He is very powerful, you definitely can't beat him."

Gu Yixin smiled: "Since I can't beat him, why are you worried?"

He moved closer, and Lu Mingshi stepped back immediately, looking cautious:

"What do you want to do."

Had it not been for the child, Lu Mingshi would have punched him.

As the villain's cannon fodder attack in the book, Lu Mingshi's force value is second only to the protagonist's attack.

Although he doesn't know how to use iron sand palms, the Qishangquan practiced very well. With his strength value, it is absolutely not a problem to beat twenty ordinary rascals.

Gu Yixin looked at Lu Ming with extreme resistance, and suddenly asked, "You really like him so much?"

"What do you like him?"

Gu Yixin thought for a while, and changed to a more specific questioning method.

"How about this."

"Please name his five advantages."

"Five, one cannot be less."

Lu Mingshi's expression was unpredictable.

Lu Mingshi was aggrieved and asked, "What are the benefits of what I said?"

Gu Yixin raised his eyebrows: "The things you fear most will not happen."

Under the threat of terror.

Lu Mingshi gave in.

"I say."

Lu Mingshi cleared his throat and was about to speak.

Gu Yixin took out a cell phone, opened the recording, and handed it to his mouth.

Lu Mingshi stared at the phone.

Why is this phone so familiar?


Once this line of thought is interrupted, it will be difficult to continue.

Lu Mingshi's expression was blank.

Gu Yixin understood.

"It turns out he has no advantages at all."

Lu Mingshi: "Of course there is. He is all good."

"Because there are too many advantages, I can't get out one, two, three!"

Gu Yixin shrugged.

"It doesn't matter, I have a lot of time, you can consider it slowly."

And reminded him: "I want to tell the truth."

Lu Ming thought about it.

These few sentences came out.

"He may be more handsome than me."

"Meeting righteousness."

"Good at moving bricks."

"In fact, I don't like to use violence to solve problems."

"Sometimes it's gentle."

"Very principled."

"Every day is happy."

"It's easy to feel relaxed when staying with him."


You can say too much about the advantages, but why you like it is hard to say in a few words.

When Lu Ming said something, Gu Yixin gave a hum, and finally made seven or eight to ten hum.

But Lu Mingshi became more and more energetic, his brain was so clear, as if he couldn't finish talking until tomorrow morning.

Gu Yixin took the time to go out and wash his face.

Lu Mingshi didn't notice it.

When Gu Yixin came back after washing his face, Lu Mingshi was still in a completely empty state, and a word popped out after a while.

Gu Yixin pulled a stool and sat down opposite him.

Holding his face in both hands, admiring Lu Ming's endless talk.

In the end, Gu Yixin blushed a little, poured a glass of water and handed it over, interrupting the quick-thinking and eloquent President Lu.

"I really have so many advantages?"

Lu Mingshi sneered: "Heh, my face is so big, I mean my husband is not you."

He raised his head and glanced, preparing to torture him with a harsh winter look.

Gu Yixin tilted his head: "Really?"

Lu Ming opened his mouth wide and did not close it for a while.

"...When did you come back?" He looked around, guarding against where the guy who suddenly broke in from his ex-boyfriend jumped out and attacked.

Gu Yixin picked up the phone that was still recording.

"It was my duck just now."

Lu Mingshi opened his mouth again.

Gu Yixin saw that he kept his mouth open, thought for a while, took out a candy from his pocket, peeled off the candy paper and threw it in.


Thank you Mo Yan x2, Fifty Strings, Hit the Fish, Greedy Meow, Zhilan Mink, Yu Yu Qianye x2, Rrned x3, I am the offense and control, as long as I work hard, I won’t be literate x6, fog x14. Rock seaweed, children's shovel officer, Hezijun's mine!

Thank you YeolWhite for the grenade!

Thanks to Mr. Yellvalley for the rocket launcher~!

Thanks for all the collections and comments, meme~