A green hard fruit candy, apple flavor.

When lying at the base of Lu Ming's tongue, it didn't taste sweet at first.

When Gu Yixin saw Lu Ming, he opened his mouth in a daze, and reached out his hand to support his chin.


Lu Mingshi's upper and lower teeth made a crisp sound, and the hard fruit candy touched the upper jaw.

Lu Mingshi asked with difficulty: "But how is it possible..."

Gu Yixin said innocently: "You keep saying that you love me, but you won't recognize my dirty face."

Lu Mingshi was dumbfounded and blushed: "Did I say that?"

Gu Yixin poked the phone.

"My husband is so handsome. I can't remove my eyes when I see him. I like to hug him to bed at night. I want to kiss him when I wake up..."

Lu Ming was sitting on pins and needles, reaching out to grab the phone, and Gu Yixin quickly took away his hand.

"Don't struggle." Gu Yixin smiled, "I like my husband without shame."

Lu Mingshi: "..."

So how many times did I call my husband unconsciously?

It's already shameful to scream in my heart, and repeat it loudly over and over again...

Lu Mingshi shook his hands and covered his face.

Gu Yixin poked Lu Mingshi's cheek.

"Call for a listen?"


Lu Mingshi shook his head autistically.


The next day, Gu Yixin went to the newspaper again.

However, it is not the entertainment version, but the social version.

The front page is impressively his own handsome figure of street parkour, and the mighty taxi team.

The newspaper spent the entire page, criticizing this kind of star-chasing behavior regardless of traffic safety.

"It is reported that most of the fans participating in this car chase are still middle school students.

Parents all stated that they had been severely criticized and educated their children and imposed a fine of 18 months deducting pocket money. "

Lu Mingshi was holding the newspaper, his eyebrows furrowed, looking very worried.

It's too dangerous.

Being a star is too dangerous!

Sure enough, high risks have high returns, and the higher the salary, the more dangerous the job.

Lu Mingshi reflected on himself again.

If Gu Yixin knew that the Lu family was not bankrupt, he would not go to find a job.

If you didn't look for a job, you wouldn't run into film crews.

If you didn't meet the film crew, you would not be caught by the director Wang to film, and you would not be famous, and be overtaken by fans for ten kilometers!

Lu Mingshi clenched his fists, determined to find time to tell Gu Yixin the truth these days.

actually, I--

I'm super rich!


Gu Yixin came to the crew.

Everyone has naturally seen the newspaper.

On the one hand, he reminded him to pay attention to safety, on the other hand, he also expressed envy.

"Being famous is the truth as early as possible."

"The future is yours!"

"Go rich, don't forget each other."

An Luoyu's face was full of envy: "I want to be red too, but I can't do it."

Gu Yixin comforted him: "You will definitely be a big hit in the future."

You are the protagonist!

There are buffs.

An Luoyu was very lonely: "You don't need to comfort me, I know, I don't have this life."

Gu Yixin patted him on the shoulder: "Actually, I am not happy because I am famous."

Everyone has his own ambitions, and people are very envious of him because he is so popular.

Who knows, in fact, he just wants to go home and move bricks.

An Luoyu was even more depressed.

It's like a treasure you can't get, a person who has it easily, but doesn't care.

Even a little troublesome.

People are really incomparable with people.

An Luoyu, who was quite happy at first, has been laughing **** the crew recently.

Fortunately, he doesn't have many roles, and he will be finished soon.


When An Luoyu sighed in a low voice.

No one noticed that there was a newly recruited assistant in the corner, watching him silently.

From time to time, through the communication equipment, to report to the unknown behind the scenes.

"The little master is in a low mood, which seems to be related to the hero of the play."

"Okay, I will continue to hide our identities according to your instructions. I will clear the troubles for the little master behind and not disturb his normal life."

At this time, whether it was Gu Yixin, An Luoyu, or anyone else who might have caused An Luoyu, they didn't know what they might have to face.


So what are they facing?

It's An Luoyu's father.

As mentioned earlier, An Luoyu and Hei Che both grew up in an orphanage.

Generally speaking, the protagonist who grew up in the orphanage has a mysterious life experience.

As a second attacker, Hei Che has the gorgeous status of the heir of the largest X Gang in Yan City.

Then, as the protagonist, how can An Luoyu not have a glorious and mysterious family?

The author of this book finally used this foreshadowing when writing the extravaganza.

He wants the number of words, he can't write anymore.

Fanwai was published after Gu Yixin came in.

Therefore, Gu Yixin didn't know the identity of An Luoyu's father.

Who told him that he hadn't seen Fanwai.


On the day An Luoyu finished, Lu Mingshi made up his mind that he wanted to tell Gu Yixin the truth.

Lu Mingshi came to the crew to investigate.

Get Gu Yixin back when you are ready to work.

Lu Mingshi sat on a large leather chair that was more comfortable than the director's chair, next to Director Wang, watching them filming.

The director took a few shots and stopped to rest.

He glanced at Lu Mingshi's stomach.

Can not help but praise this belly.

"The result of Lu Shinephew's marriage turned out to be ruddy and good-looking. It can be seen that life goes well, so he has a wide heart and fat body.

Lu Mingshi now doesn't mind people saying he is fat, and he naturally accepts this compliment.

After a short rest, it was An Luoyu's last scene.

The last picture is that his reputation was completely destroyed after the derailment. The scumbag who was fired from the company walked out of the company with his back on his back. Then he saw his ex-wife dating his new boyfriend from the back. He caught up like crazy and was knocked down by a passing battery car.

An Luoyu used her lifelong acting skills and chased the girl in front of her back.

Lu Mingshi originally looked at him with no interest, but suddenly his eyes widened when he looked at An Luoyu's back.

Lu Mingshi sat up straight.

This person is the one who trampled on his marriage certificate.


Lu Mingshi let out an unhappy voice from his nose.

He remembered too clearly.

The man also owed him an apology.

Director Wang turned his head sharply: "Lu Shinephew, is there any problem with this actor?"

"It's nothing." Lu Mingshi said indifferently, "It's a little holiday. What's his name?"

"An Luoyu."

The fake assistant sent by An Luoyu's father also heard it.

When his gaze turned to Lu Ming, he stayed on this person's face for a long time.


When An Luoyu finished, the crew bought him a cake to celebrate.

An Luoyu thanked the crew who had taken care of him one by one, preparing to get in the car and leave.

But he was stopped.

Lu Mingshi was standing at the end of the corridor wearing a long black trench coat with his hands in his pockets.

An Luoyu said carefully: "Sir, please let me."

Lu Mingshi refused.

An Luoyu looked up in panic, bit her lip timidly.

This man is so handsome and bossy, did he come to look for him?

But he couldn't remember having met him anyway.

If he had ever seen a man with such a strong aura, he would never forget.

When they confronted each other, the fake assistant also sneaked out and followed behind to take a peek.

Lu Mingshi was nearly 1.9 meters tall, and An Luoyu was only 1.72 meters tall.

Lu Mingshi stared at him condescendingly.

"You have done something sorry for me."


I go.

It's amazing.

An Luoyu and the fake assistant thought at the same time.

An Luoyu reflexively recalled the long list of lists in her brain.

Has he ever had dinner and wine with Lu Mingshi?

No no.

I haven't even seen it before.

An Luoyu racked his brains to remember what he could do to sorry others.

The fake assistant is also thinking about this issue.

Could it be that after the peaceful breakup, this person repented again, coveting the beauty of the little master, and came back to save it?

If the little master doesn't agree, use the strong one, and make a bad attempt?

My little master is so weak, if he is not there, wouldn't it be a disadvantage?

The fake assistant was immediately ready for battle.

An Luoyu raised her head and neck was sore.

But Lu Mingshi was so handsome that he couldn't take his eyes off.

So he settled down and asked softly:

"I really haven't met you, I wonder if there is any misunderstanding in this?"

Lu Mingshi said indifferently: "You stepped on my marriage certificate."

An Luoyu:? ? ?

Fake assistant:...


At this time, Gu Yixin also turned out from inside.

He came to Lu Ming for lunch.

The menu of the crew’s box lunch today is very good, it’s a pity not to eat it.

As a result, as soon as he turned a corner, he saw Lu Mingshi and An Luoyu in the distance.

Gu Yixin:! ! !

He suddenly became a little nervous.

After all, An Luoyu is not someone else, but the protagonist of the original book.

It was precisely because Lu Mingshi fell in love with the protagonist that the original owner ended up so miserably.

So, will Lu Mingshi still be affected by the protagonist's buff?

Gu Yixin, who has always been super confident, had this idea not because he had experienced all kinds of magical buffs after he walked in.

It is a question whether his various strange buffs are stronger, or the pink buff received by An Luoyu as the protagonist is stronger.

Gu Yixin can't guarantee how much subjective initiative can play in the face of buff·Ultimate Profound Meaning·Love of Mother.


The current situation is that Lu Mingshi and An Luoyu face each other in silence.

Gu Yixin and the fake assistant went in ambush, held their breath, and watched the changes.

Be ready to come out and solve problems at any time.

The difference is that the fake assistant can hear the conversation clearly, while Gu Yixin is far away, so he can't hear it.

An Luoyu: "Sorry sir, I really have no impression."

Lu Mingshi: "x year x month x day x hour x minute, you appeared in the Civil Affairs Bureau."

An Luoyu: "I don't remember much..."

Lu Mingshi took something from his arms.

Of course what he wanted to dig out was the marriage certificate.

There are still An Luoyu's footprints on the marriage certificate.

An Luoyu couldn't afford to deny it.

However, the fake assistant had blood pouring on his head.

The real identity of the fake assistant is the eighteenth running dog under the throne of gambling. He has been smashed out of the dead since he was a child, and his background is darker and bloodier than Hei Che's home.

He is a pure killer.

When a killer sees someone he thinks is the enemy taking something out of his arms, his first reaction is either Mucang or a grenade.

Or what Yunnan worm, zombie virus.

It must be dangerous anyway.

So the fake assistant rushed out in a reflex and slammed Lu Mingshi to the ground!


An Luoyu was stunned.

Lu Mingshi died of pain.

Gu Yixin was crazy.

What is even more irritating is that the fake assistant who caused the accident turned around and ran away as soon as he hit someone.


Probably escape is written in the killers' genes.

For a while, he even forgot that his intention was to save the little master.

Gu Yixin rushed to lift Lu Mingshi up from the ground, seeing his pale face and trembling lips, knowing that he must be in extreme pain.

Gu Yixin immediately called Anqiao and told him what happened.

Then he hugged Lu Mingshi in his arms and kissed the scattered hair on his forehead.

Lu Mingshi lightly grabbed Gu Yixin's hand with one hand, and firmly clenched his fist with the other.

"I'm fine."

He muttered.

It just hurts.

While waiting for An Qiao to drive over, Lu Mingshi did not forget to ask Gu Yixin to take out the marriage certificate from his arms and show An Luoyu the footprints he had stepped on.

After listening to An Luoyu's crying apology, Lu Mingshi nodded:

"you can go now."

When Gu Yixin heard Lu Ming said in an extremely weak voice, "Can you give me a kiss?"

Gu Yixin looked at him in horror.

"You won't die."

Gu Yixin solemnly said.

Don't make life and death like goodbye, dear!

Lu Mingshi looked at him embarrassedly.

"Of course I won't die." Lu Ming said dissatisfiedly, "I just hurt a little. You hurry up, it won't hurt if you kiss me."

Gu Yixin lowered his head and slapped his lips.

Then they kissed for a long time.


When An Qiao received Gu Yixin's call, he really thought that his dear boss was going to hang up.

He cannot lose his boss!

So Anqiao organized the most elite team in the hospital and drove an ambulance to the crew with great fanfare.

boss! wait for me!

hold onto!

When An Qiao rushed to the crew all the way in a hurry.

What he saw were two people sitting on the ground and kissing each other.

That's called a no one else.

Blind dog's eyes.

The boss you said is dying?

Ancho stood aside and waited for ten seconds before finally speaking.

"Boss? Are you uncomfortable?"

When Gu Yixin saw the rescue team approaching, he let Lu Mingshi very consciously.

He looked at Ancho and praised: "It's really fast."

Ancho laughed.

Lu Ming touched his stomach.

He said that it would not hurt after kissing.

It really doesn't hurt anymore? ?


I’m a bit late today and I’ll go to bed first. I’ll count tomorrow... Say good morning to friends I see in the morning, friends I see at noon say good night, and friends I see at night say good night