Gu Yixin stared at the numbers on the financial statements.

Although he can't understand the format, he can still count the number of digits behind the long series of numbers.

Lu Mingshi looked at his reaction a little uneasy, and tentatively asked, "Did you believe it?"

Gu Yixin nodded.

Then he grabbed the jeans he threw on the edge of the bed and put them back.

Seeing Gu Yixin nodding, Lu Ming obviously relaxed a lot.

Lu Mingshi took a sigh of relief, took back the financial statement in his hand and put it back on the table, and then enthusiastically opened his hands:



? ? ?


Why did my husband suddenly start wearing pants?


Lu Mingshi's thoughts changed rapidly.

Gu Yixin's behavior is quite unrelenting, and he doesn't recognize people when he mentions his pants.

The problem is that if others are ruthless, they will be refreshed. Gu Yixin hasn't been refreshed yet. I can't pull it now... Isn't it a loss?

Lu Mingshi was thinking very much in his own way. He was ruthless when he was pulled out, and he was thinking about the loss of others.

Gu Yixin is not much better here.

His little brother was still standing tall and was forced into his trousers by his master, so in protest, he got stuck a little while pulling the zipper.


Gu Yixin screamed with pain, and the vigorous little brother finally became a little behaved because of the pain, and stubbornly used his last tenaciousness to go back.

Lu Mingshi was stunned.

He sat up, looked up at Gu Yixin, whose face was so pale in pain, and down at the little brother who was still puffing up by Gu Yixin. For a while, he didn't know which side to cherish first.

Lu Mingshi looked at Gu Yixin, who was still distorted.

"How about me, I'll give it to you?"


Lu Mingshi did not realize the seriousness of the matter.

Five minutes later, his hands and feet were tied with soft straps and tied to the head of the bed.

When Gu Yixin gently let him lie down on the bed, Lu Mingshi didn't guess the direction of this event at all.

Lu Mingshi was frightened: "Really, you don't need to tie me, I won't resist what you want."

Gu Yixin said firmly: "No, you will."

Lu Mingshi: "I won't."

"You can."


Lu Mingshi's heart collapsed.

He felt a group of soft furs scratching the soles of his feet. The moment he touched it, he caused a storm of asteroids hitting the earth in the heart of the steel-like man.

At this moment, this steely man was writhing frantically on the bed, making a non-human hissing sound, his face showing a trance and a gloomy expression of life.

Gu Yixin stopped the dog's tail grass in his hand.

Lu Mingshi's face was blank, and the machine asked, "How long has it been?"

Gu Yixin checked the phone.

"Ten seconds."

He replied.

The use of weapons of mass destruction requires restraint, so the limit he gave is ten seconds.

Lu Mingshi looked at the ceiling blankly, tears and nose coming out.

Although there was no more aggressive dog's tail grass on the soles of his feet, the extreme itching still remained there, making him afraid to calm his mind for a moment.

"I thought it had been ten years."

The steel man was weak.

Gu Yixin dropped the dog's tail grass, looked at Lu Ming's dirty face, and kindly took a damp cloth and wiped it clean.

The wiping technique is very gentle, which Gu Yixin learned by watching videos online in order to be a nanny.

Lu Mingshi was pitiful, his eyes trying to convey his grievance.

But the appearance of such a big one lying there with only a blanket covered in his naked body and his hands and feet **** is still a bit funny.

Lu Mingshi looked at Gu Yixin affectionately.

"Really, I was wrong. I should have told you earlier. You can punish me whatever you want, but please stop using dogtail grass."

He was full of emotions, tears and tears, every word of blood weeping, affectionate world to learn.

Gu Yixin thought about it.

"As long as you don't have dog's tail grass, can you do anything?"

Lu Mingshi nodded.

Lu Mingshi didn't know at this moment, what was waiting for him next was the truly cruel and inhuman torture.


Yes, as people had guessed, Gu Yixin used his fingers and tongue to touch all the indescribable aspects of Lu Mingshi's body, only deliberately skipping the thick part.

When Gu Yixin did this, Lu Mingshi felt what it meant to be suffering.

In the end, Lu Mingshi's whole body was red and flicked silently on the bed as if he was cooked.

His thick code ① does not need any touch to still stand tall, the thick code ② has prepared himself enthusiastically, and the thick code ③ also reacted very excitedly, which fully demonstrated the mood of its owner.

And the most important thing is.

The indescribable parts that were originally exposed without any problems, once they were marked with a thick code.

From the perspective of visual effects, it will make audience friends feel doubled indescribable.

And Gu Yixin had already put on his jacket at this time.

According to a wealth of theoretical research, if the two parties involved in the relationship between the sexes, if one is well-dressed and the other is indescribable, it will make the indescribable feel double shame, thereby increasing the sensitivity of his five senses.

In other words, the sense of coolness and shame will increase simultaneously.

Facts have proved that practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

Gu Yixin watched the whole body flick at the moment, and Lu Mingshi, who was obviously unable to bear it, was very satisfied.

The only dissatisfied part is that his own little brother is disobedient again.

Lu Mingshi's face was full of forbearing sweat. He gritted his teeth tightly to stop the gasps that were about to escape and made him headache.

The tied hands and feet trembled slightly in the loop, and his fists were clenched, suppressing the urge to flow more and more to the top.

Gu Yixin was cute when he saw Lu Ming, and leaned over to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"You can beg me." Gu Yixin said seriously.

Lu Mingshi panted heavily.

In his surroundings, Gu Yixin stuck very close, her light-colored eye pupils were lustrous, and the corners of her lips curled slightly to seduce people.

Lu Mingshi clenched his fists and whispered a little bit weakly, "Please, husband."

The call made the voice hoarse, and the ending sound was crisp, but it left a little trembling that couldn't be hidden, like a light hammer on Gu Yixin's heart.

He was used.


The clock is ticking at night.

The large pot of green plants at the door of the bedroom squatted quietly there.

The stars and the moon came out of the clouds, and went back in shame.


A kiss fell on Lu Mingshi's lips again, and they finally did something that needed to be harmonized.

This time it was neither as rude as it was at first nor as careful as yesterday, but looking for something just between the two.

After a special moment, they felt each other, still hugging and nap in the warm bedroom bed.

A so-called punishment became ooxx again.

Gu Yixin sighed slightly regretfully.

Lu Mingshi felt the surging warm current of energy converging toward the cub's location. He and the baby were emotionally connected, and he felt that the cub was very comfortable and happy at the moment, soaking in the safe warm current, absorbing the nutrients that belong to him.

A smile crawled on his cheek.

Lu Mingshi said: "The baby is about to wake up. Wait a minute, you must move around today."

Gu Yixin looked down very seriously, pressing his palm to feel the baby's existence.

After a while, he happily said a little wow, and said with a smile: "So happy."

Of course it was not the first time I felt the fetal movement, but today the emotion of the cub seemed to be particularly exposed, even he could feel it.

Gu Yixin smiled, and Lu Mingshi couldn't help staring at him.

Gu Yixin raised his eyebrows at him.

"Mr. Lu, you are not only a little liar, but you are also very crazy."

Lu Mingshi's expression was serious and plausible: "How reasonable it is to look at my legal partner."

"Oh, good."

It was too reasonable. Gu Yixin nodded and pressed the serious president back.

My legal partner is obviously reasonable.


Gu Yixin finished at the beginning of March, and made a net profit of 10 million in less than two months, which is really a bargain.

Gu Yixin stood in front of the big cake prepared for him by the crew with a little emotion.

There was a circle of fans around him staring at him.

These fans are no longer in the disordered state at the beginning. They have organizational discipline. Now they are all very well-behaved, consciously leaving a distance and standing two meters away.

The director and crew, as well as other actors who have not yet finished, praised Gu Yixin.


"Even though Xiao Gu is young, he is very sensible and dedicated to filming. I chose him to play the male number one not because of his handsome appearance, but because of his acting skills!

I believe that our big IP will surely become a hit this year!

And Xiao Gu, I am not afraid of poisonous milk, and I will definitely win this year's Emperor! "

Gu Yixin was shocked by the director's praise.

He rubbed his flushed face.


"Although Brother Wu Mao is very popular, he is not at all cold, and he is very grounded!

His aim is to'rely on the masses for everything, and do everything for the masses', and has excellent popularity. Whether it's the aunt in the canteen or the uncle who delivers the meal, they have become good friends with Brother Wu Mao! "

Gu Yixin touched his head, feeling empty.

In fact, no matter where he goes, he will try his best to make a good relationship with the auntie in the cafeteria, because then they will add more eggs to his tomato scrambled eggs, and more green onions in the scallion pancakes.

stage manager:

"Wumao is a good comrade.

From the first day I came to the crew, everyone was trying their best to work less and get more money. Only Comrade Wu Mao, as the male number one on the crew, had to take part in the work of our drama. On the first day of the show, he helped us carry sandbags and spread the desert scenery.

Every day after that, as long as there is free time, he will definitely help us work, and never take a cent from the crew.

In order to commend Comrade Wu Mao, we specially allocated a part of the funds of this department and bought today's big cake! "

The fans around me were very moved, and applauded enthusiastically!

We have a bright future! One is Nashidi, two Hollywood, the actor and actress are not a dream! Popularity is even more leveraged. Except for the male model of the folk celebrity construction site, no one can compete with him for the annual celebrity!

With an idol like Wu Mao, why worry about their career fans being dissed by their mothers!

The atmosphere is very touching.

However, when Gu Yixin lifted the lid of the cake with a touch of emotion, his mood became very uneasy.

His colorful head is painted on this cake, and four lines of words are written in the jam under the head:

One cent, two cents, three to four cents,

Seven cents, ninety cents.

All hairs are not as good as five hairs,

Five hairs of morality, intelligence, physical beauty and labor.


Even with Gu Yixin's excellent cultural appreciation level, it is really impossible to praise this crooked poem.

So he took up the knife decisively, unloaded the final cake for 28 yuan, and distributed it to everyone.


The owner of the barbecue restaurant, please give Gu Gu and Lu Lu two skewers of roast pork kidneys, and by the way, give me a skewer, crabs and crabs.

([My dears, I want to change the update time to 9pm!] The author’s procrastination is very serious, and he always delays the code word until the last minute, and has developed very bad habits. So from the 12th In order to adjust my work and rest, to prevent staying up late, I plan to change to 9 o’clock in the evening so that I can go to bed before eleven o’clock. I hope you understand and supervise me = 3 = procrastination is really difficult to treat 555)

Thanks to Zhenyue, Kin, He Yang, Deng Deng Deng Deng Wick, Yu Xi, Rrned, Mao Nuo, Fei Lang, Jiang Zi You Jun’s mines!

Thanks Obama, Xiaoranjun for the grenade!

Thanks to Rock Seaweed, YeolWhite, Yellvalley for their rocket launchers!

Thank you for your collection and comments~ Bo