Lu Mingshi was watching TV at home. After the financial news ended, he picked up the remote control and tuned a few channels at random.

Mr. Lu, who had never watched entertainment channels before, saw his subject's face again on TV.

"The famous director Wang Weiwei supported the debut of the newcomer, and his handsome appearance is popular with thousands of girls"

Lu Mingshi stared at the TV, and the host was introducing the newcomer with an idiotic expression on his face. The background was a variety of on-set footage.

"This year's first Internet celebrity is very likely to be decided between the five-star male **** and the construction site male model. The winner will receive a crowdfunding of 2 million yuan from the audience, as well as a number of entertainment resources provided by the **** company, including **** recordings and movies. Xx TV series, **** advertisements, **** magazine shots..."

Lu Mingshi felt a sense of melancholy.

The lover is so popular, but the world does not know that he is mine.


Why is the name of this **** company so familiar?

It seems to be the property of the gambling king.

Thinking of the gambling king, Lu Mingshi's face was a bit stinky.


After suffering a loss last time, he called the gambling king and asked positively why he had to send someone to act on him.

The gambling king apologized in shock, saying that it was his assassin's brain damage and he could do whatever he wanted.

By the way, I asked Lu Mingshi if he was interested in the son he had found, and he could arrange for them to meet at any time.

Three photos are included.

I have to say that An Luoyu looks really good.

It also fits Lu Mingshi's aesthetic.

It is not a very annoying thing to contact this person when his emotional world is blank.


Now Lu Mingshi feels intense heartache whenever he thinks of An Luoyu.

Heartache that his marriage certificate was torn right out of the oven.

That is an indelible mark.

So naturally he can't have any good feelings for such a person.

not to mention.

Lu Mingshi held up his chest and could hear his pride over the phone: "Mr. Gambling King, I'm already married."

The gambler was shocked, but quickly eased over.

He deserves to have experienced a lot of wind and rain. He has eighteen wives and a man with no moral integrity on Xia San Lu.

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Lu." The gambling king said kindly, "My son will not mind. I have told him that you are the best son-in-law I have found for him."

Isn't it normal for rich men to have more wives?

Lu Mingshi was shocked by the gambling king's three views.

"But I mind, Mr. Wang." Lu Mingshi said, "I am wholehearted about my love, please give up this absurd idea. This is an insult to me, my love, and your son."

The gambling king was hung up for the first time.

Lu Mingshi was really angry. He sat in the armchair and rubbed his aching temples.

He knew that he had offended the gambling king with his remarks. He heard that the gambling king was a cruel person who would repay him, but he did not regret it.


Lu Mingshi thought of the unhappy conversation, and when he came back to his senses, the TV screen had cut to the point that another Xiao Xianrou was singing on the stage.

He fixed his eyes, and it turned out to be An Luoyu.

He remembered that An Luoyu was an eighteenth-line star who was hidden by the original company, so it was impossible to have such a chance to perform.

It seems that the gambler either clearly recognized this son back, or helped him secretly.

Lu Mingshi was not interested in their family affairs, and he was a little disgusted.

He switched back to the financial channel, but he didn't want to listen to today's stock index broadcast by the beautifully dressed beauty host.

Lu Mingshi leaned forward and took out a small bottle from under the coffee table.

The blue bottle has a colorless gelatinous liquid flowing inside.

That is the nutrient that Ancho gave him.

After Gu Yixin returned to Luzhai, he reduced his dependence on nutrients. But in the middle and late stages of pregnancy, in addition to the companionship of the lover, some additional supplements are needed.

Lu Mingshi looked at the bottle and flattened his mouth, a little unhappy.

Why is the medicine Anqiao given so bitter?

He touched his pocket, there was a lollipop inside.

Lu Mingshi peeled off the sugar paper and placed it on the small porcelain plate on the coffee table. Then, frowning, he unscrewed the medicine bottle, closed his eyes, pinched his nose and raised his neck and poured it into his mouth.


Gu Yixin walked into the living room happily while humming a small tune. While happy that he had regained his freedom after finishing the game, he regretted that the poem was so shocking that he didn't even take a bite of the cake.

Gu Yixin, who has not eaten the cake, wants to eat something other sweet now.

So when he passed the sofa, he saw the peeled lollipop, and his eyes lit up.


The taste of this nutrient once again made Lu Mingshi feel the shock of his soul.

Sour, bitter, spicy and salty followed by salty, spicy, bitter and sour, mixed with the smell of smelly socks and rags, and neurons can be transmitted directly through the nasal cavity even if you pinch your nose.

Finally, all the nutrients slipped into the stomach, and the suffering ended.

Lu Mingshi still didn't dare to breathe. He pinched his nose and closed his eyes to touch the small dish on the coffee table, but he felt empty.


He suddenly opened his eyes and looked around.

Gu Yixin was sitting next to him, watching TV with cross-legged legs, with a lollipop in his mouth.


Lu Mingshi stared blankly at a piece of white stick sticking out of his mouth, and touched his pocket again.

No more.

The last lollipop.

"..." Lu Mingshi said quietly, "I want to eat candy..."

Gu Yi News Yan turned his head.

Lu Mingshi nodded affirmatively at him.

Even a little bit left.

I don't dislike you, really!

Gu Yixin grabbed the stick with his left hand and drew the lollipop in his mouth.

Where is the sugar?

Only one stick is left.

Gu Yixin looked at Lu Mingshi apologetically.

Lu Mingshi looked at the stick, as if he had lost the strength to think.

He just wants to eat a candy.

Why, why do you treat him this way.

Lu Mingshi lowered his head.

Gu Yixin lost the two dull hairs that stood up when he looked at Lu Ming.

At this moment, I feel like a bad boy who has robbed his brother's toy.

Regretfully, he threw the sticks into the trash can, touched his pocket, and found no candy.

Lu Mingshi's mouth was still very bitter.

People around him tentatively touched him, and Lu Mingshi raised his head blankly.

Two soft stamps were printed on the corners of his lips.

Tian Si Si's tongue slipped into his mouth.

Lu Ming opened his eyes wide.

Soft tongue, sweet.

Hot mouth, sweet.

Even the air in the breath seems to have become a vaporized cotton candy.

At first he was sitting, then he was hugging each other, and finally he was lying on the thick leather sofa, being kissed to the point of losing his mind.

Gu Yixin kissed him, his eyes darkened when he watched Lu Ming go from clear to intoxicated.

He likes to see the other person so unable to extricate themselves.

As if he couldn't do without him at all.

Lu Mingshi finally buried his face on Gu Yixin's neck and took a deep breath.

There is still a little sweetness of the cake remaining on the boy, which was accidentally put on his clothes before leaving.

"Husband." Lu Mingshi asked pensively, "Why are you sweet everywhere?"

Gu Yixin used his fingers to fiddle with Lu Ming's red earlobe, and watched it turn from reddish to crimson, and the pitiful trembling after a breath, seemed addictive.

Hearing that he poked at Lu Mingshi's tough hair again.

"Do you like sweet ones?"

Lu Mingshi honestly said: "I like it."

Gu Yixin chuckled.

"That might be because you like me too."


Thank you eleven. Rock seaweed, Moshang mulberry, Lu Chuangmao, Zangshu, Jiang Ziyou, Dongli like to eat coriander, Shi'an mine~

Thank you for your favorites and comments~!

Update at around nine o'clock in the future~~