These two have to look at them again and again.

Suddenly the door slammed open, and an enthusiastic mixed voice sounded from the door:

"Darling~s~, let's come back~~~"

Lu Mu's high decibel still sounded so melodious.

Gu Yixin immediately bounced up and sat back to his original position, watching his nose and his heart to sit quietly.

Lu Mingshi gave a light cough.

He concealed a piece of home clothes that had been opened, and lay halfway on the sofa, with the corner of his eye sweeping the sudden appearance of Lu father and mother.

The two old men stepped aside to both sides, revealing a neat and orderly line of porters in the middle.

A group of uniformed employees, holding various large cartons, suitcases, and tool boxes, filed in from the door, and placed things respectfully and neatly in the empty space of the living room according to Lu Mu's instructions.

Turn around again and move the robot arm away.


The spacious living room of the Lu family looked full for the first time.

The sofa that Gu Yixin and Lu Ming were sitting on was facing the pile of things.

Gu Yixin looked a little dazed, but Lu Mingshi was quite indifferent.

It is not the first time he has seen his parents, no, it is mainly the feat of moving boxes by his mother.

"Mom always buys a bunch of things that might come in handy every time she goes home."

Of course, in the end, it was basically useless.

Compared with my dad, my target is really super saving money, Lu Mingshi thought to himself.

Gu Yixin stood up obediently and bowed deeply to say hello: "Uncle and aunt."

He has been accustomed to screaming like this since he was a child, and the Lu family’s parents have long been accustomed to it.

Father Lu glanced over his son's belly, and then quickly looked away.

Sure enough, his ability to accept is still not as good as his wife.

In the two or three months after returning to the United States, Lu's father and Lu's mother have discussed the sudden pregnancy of his cool and handsome only son again and again.

They first sought the help of science, found Anqiao's article on Super Daniel from the authoritative QWE database, and conducted professional consultation with relevant medical experts to confirm the possibility of this phenomenon.

When Father Lu confirmed once again that only the person who was (beep-) could become pregnant, he finally accepted the fact that his son was the victim.

Father Lu was still a bit unconvinced.

"How can my son suffer from what you said, a man, he should also suppress others if he wants to be a man, how can he be suppressed. Besides, Yiyi's child is so weak that he can't lose even when he decides to fight?"

Mother Lu raised her eyelids, her eyes full of female wisdom at this time.

She sighed leisurely.

"There are such thoughts because you are a straight man, Mingming is not."

Mother Lu said sadly: "We lack care for our children.

In the process of growing up, he must have had a lot of confusion about his sexual orientation, and his infertility has bothered Mingming.

But Mingming only had Yiyi, and Yiyi was so gentle, he must have made the sad Mingming feel dependent, and the two children naturally came together slowly. "

"Actually, this is also good.

I have always worried that Mingming is too kind, because my physique is not willing to find a partner, and I can only die alone in the end.

How great it is now that we have children and partners, so we don’t have to worry about it all the time..."

Father Lu actually has this idea in his heart, but he still needs time to desensitize his son's current appearance.

Lu Mingshi was babbled by Lu Muxu and told him all about his experience when he was born. He also took a look at his chest to see that Ma Pingchuan still swallowed the part about breastfeeding.

It's okay, rich.

rich. We eat milk powder, eat a can and throw a can.

Lu Ming Shirao had been taught by An Qiao a long time ago, and he was still a little embarrassed at the moment.

After all, the feelings of a doctor’s advice and a mother’s heart-and-heart talk are completely different.

In Lu Mingshi and Lu Mu you and I say a word-mainly in the case of Lu Mu unilaterally output.

Father Lu sat down on the sofa opposite Gu Yixin, his face was kind and his eyes were deep and long.

Gu Yixin also looked back at Lu Father quietly, his eyes long and deep.

The eyes of the two men intertwined in the air, long and deep.

No matter how deep it is, it is gone.

Lu Mingshi glanced at his father's face, grabbed Gu Yixin's hand, and wrote lightly: "We should go to bed, and parents, you should go to bed earlier."

He yawned in due course.

The pregnant husband wanted to sleep, and of course no one would stop him. Father Lu could only watch them holding hands upstairs without speaking.

Mother Lu looked at Lu Father, wondering a bit.

"You have been silent tonight, do you have any comments?"

Father Lu wiped his face messily, looking confused.

"I just want to know whether I should treat Yiyi as my daughter-in-law or son-in-law."

Nothing is right.

Lu Mu was also in a daze when he heard this.

Father Lu sighed and said to himself.

"Forget it, it's all the same."


Of course it is different.

Since knowing that the son is pregnant, the old couple have never heard of the corner.

In the morning, the couple was eating at the dining table. Lu Ming had a heavy step downstairs, and Gu Yixin walked in front of him to prevent him from falling.

Father Lu looked at the two people and found that they stood together much more harmoniously than expected.

In fact, Yiyi is not the weak boy in his impression. He pulled up a lot, and although he looked thin, his spirit and spirit were completely different from before.

Once upon a time, Yi Yi was a weak boy who had no power to bind a chicken, and blushed when he saw Ming Ming.

Now he sees people have a calming power, as if he is not afraid of anything that might happen in the world.

That's the kind of self-confidence that you will have after enough experience.


"Take a rest today, do you want to go out and stroll around."

Gu Yixin rarely offered to take the initiative.

He just made 10 million, and he has a little desire to shop, which is understandable.

Lu Mingshi raised his eyebrows and nodded with a smile of course.

——The big deal is all in the shopping mall, which one I want to visit.

Father Lu looked at them and thought, not only Yiyi has changed, but his son has also changed a lot.

A lot of vivid expressions.

I no longer force myself to be too cruel.

Father Lu lowered his head and smiled, laughing at himself as vulgar.

As long as the children feel happy, some things are really not important.

"Ming Ming, Yi Yi."

The two raised their heads at the same time.

"In the next few months, your mother and I will come to take care of the company's affairs. Mingming, you will concentrate on resting at home. Yiyi,"

Father Lu paused and said gently, "You and Mingming take good care of yourself, and we are very relieved."

Lu Mingshi sighed slightly.

Last year until the end of the year, it was okay. Recently, his spirits are unsustainable, and the company is a little weak.

"There are a few people you can use, Dad."

Lu Mingshi said a few names.

Hearing "Chen Zhiang", Gu Yixin raised his eyes slightly.

Why is this name familiar?


Gu Yixin didn't think of it for a while.

Chen Zhiang is the culprit in the original work who conspired with Wei Junshan to frame the Lu family, leading to Lu Mingshi's imprisonment.

He was appreciated by Lu Mingshi, but he held a grudge for his delay in getting promoted. Lu Mingshi put him in the position of general special assistant, hoping that he would get better training. However, Chen Zhiang was ambitious, on the surface he was respectful to Lu Mingshi, and only wanted to reach the sky in one step.

In fact, in the original book, the key evidence of Chen Zhiang's crime when he made Lu Ming was sent to Wei Junshan the next day, Lu Mingshi was preparing to promote him to vice president.

However, early the next morning, Lu Mingshi was tortured away by the police.

He didn't come back until the end of the text.


Gu Yixin took out his cell phone which had been buzzing and shaking. It turned out that the news from the province finally came out.

Lu Mingshi leaned over and took a look.

"I knew you were on the list."

Gu Yixin frowned: "I haven't been selected for the national level yet."

He threw the phone in frustration.

Lu Mingshi patted him on the shoulder, comforting.

"You didn't want to choose this model worker. The allowance hasn't been earned by moving bricks. Or I opened the fourth term for you to go to work?"

Gu Yixin shook his head: "That was the beginning, now I really want to choose it."

For nothing else, just for the enrollment index of that **** elementary school.

It can't be bought by money.

He Gu Yixin said nothing to let the cub lose on the starting line~!

Gu Yixin looked at Lu Ming's belly, clenched his fist and thought to himself.

Lu Mingshi was a little stunned: "Oh...oh."

Knowing he wanted it so long ago, he bought more and announced it.

Lu Mingshi also regretted a bit.


At night, Gu Yixin was lying on the bed tossing and turning, still feeling that he couldn't forget it.

He secretly took out his cell phone in the bed and searched for **** elementary school entrance guide.

Then look at the various hidden rules summarized by the painful parents' exchanges one by one.

Gu Yixin swears that he has never read so many small prints in his life.

Finally, he let out a sigh of relief, and his eyes stopped on a freshly released entry.

"National special-grade athletes, children are exempt from entrance examinations."

Gu Yixin turned his face under the moonlight and lay down on the pillow in deep thought.

What items can be reported?

weightlifting? This is absolutely no problem.

Wrestling? It's OK to practice.

boxing? He can, just KO directly.

Triathlon can also try.

Gu Yixin randomly searched the mailbox of a city sports school and sent a resume.


This resume is really minimalist.

Gu Yixin, male, 18 years old, height 184, weight 147, high school education, special skills in moving bricks.

Generally speaking, this kind of resume is a ghost if it can be reported.

But Gu Yixin is no ordinary person.

He is a celebrity.

So he received a reply as soon as he woke up the next day.

"Dear Mr. Gu Yixin,

We welcome you at any time, and the city sports school will flourish with your arrival!



All members of the city sports school

x year x month x day"

Gu Yixin happily awoke Lu Mingshi who was confused.

Lu Mingshi rubbed his eyes, and the pressure was a little low.

Then he faced Gu Yixin's happy face.

I can't be angry...

Lu Mingshi said helplessly, "What's the matter?"

"I was admitted to the city sports school." Gu Yixin announced.

Lu Mingshi nodded: "That's great."

He was so confused that he didn't even know what he was talking about.

Simply kissed Gu Yixin's face.

Then said that I responded to you, so sleepy, and fell asleep.

Gu Yixin looked at the quilt being wrapped in a ball and pulled him up to cover it.

Lu Mingshi was wrapped in a quilt, breathing long, his chest rising and falling.

Gu Yixin looked at it from behind, feeling that although his waist was thick and he had made up so much, in fact, he had lost a lot.

My cub is very good at competing with the mother for nutrition.

I'm not worried when I grow up.

The heating hula hula, and Gu Yixin's head was also a bit smoked.

Gu Yixin's detective hand attached the quilt to the child's mother from behind, touched his waist and abdomen through the quilt, together to make up for the sleep.


Thank you Deng Deng Deng Deng Wick, Man Xi, Rock Nori, Uncle I am your son’s boyfriend, Lu Chuangmao, Rrned’s mine!

Thanks for collecting and commenting, 啵=3=