Gu Yixin got up, brushed his teeth, washed his face, cleaned up, and went to the city sports school.

He left a note for Lu Mingshi.

It was past nine o'clock when Lu Mingshi woke up, and he touched his hand to the side.



? ?

Isn't it done? !


Lu Mingshi got up in a daze and looked around the room, no.

After washing, I went upstairs and downstairs, no.

Da Hei was still sleeping and did not go out to walk the dog.

When Lu Ming returned to the dining room with serious thoughts, he picked up the milk cup and finally saw the note on the table.

"I will report to you today and I will be back soon."

Lu Mingshi nodded suddenly, oh, he went to report.

No, what's the report?

Where to report?

He has forgotten that morning.

Lu Mingshi thought to himself, he knew that we were not short of money, so we still had to run out.

The heart of this man, the needle on the bottom of the sea.

Just don't have a home.

Lu Mingshi was a little melancholy.

He couldn't help but grabbed the phone and called Gu Yixin.


Gu Yixin is undergoing physical examination.

As soon as he arrived at the sports school, he received extremely high treatment.

He never showed up. It is said that the principal, who has a very good background, personally took him to register.

The principal's nephew who followed the principal was a bit groan.

Isn't it just an Internet celebrity, without any foundation, it needs such attention.

Definitely marketed.

The principal looked kindly and instructed his nephew: "Dadong, take Xiao Gu to do the test. Be sure to help him plan the fastest ascent path. It is best for him to catch up with the Olympics this year."

Dadong's eyes widened: "Principal, this is a bit difficult..."

The principal's face was stern: "What's the difficulty, there are people above me!"

Dadong hurriedly looked around to see if there were any outsiders around.

Big brother.

No, uncle.

This can't be said nonsense.

It's fighting hard.

Unconsciously, the principal turned his head and repeated to Gu Yixin.

"Gu, don't worry, we are all professionals. We will definitely help you find the most suitable event for you. This year we will let you participate in the Olympics and win us eight gold medals!"

Dadong reminded: "Principal, probably only swimming can win eight gold medals alone..."

Gu Yixin is also a little embarrassed.

"Principal, although I really want to catch up with this year's Olympics."

"But this year, it's impossible."

He paused and pointed out the main point.

"Because the Olympics is next year."

The principal opened his mouth before he realized this serious problem.

The principal touched the top of his shiny head and smiled.

"Look at how I forgot. I didn't have it this year. It doesn't matter. It just so happens that you will practice at the National Games first and make a name for yourself before going to the Olympics next year."

Gu Yixin nodded.

"Principal, is it necessary to win the Olympic gold medal to become a national super athlete?"

Hearing him say "superior", Dadong almost didn't spray out.

Is this goal a bit high?

The principal explained: “Become a first-class athlete first, and then be certified to make outstanding contributions to the country, and vote on it.”

"The Olympic champion is the most direct way, but it's not a hard condition."

"National first-level athletes, as long as they measure up to the standard data in the provincial games and above."

Da Dong's mouth twitched, thinking that you also said it too simple.

This standard data is just practiced from a young age, and few people can achieve this goal.

Our sports school hasn't cultivated one yet.

Eight second-levels have been cultivated in 20 years. The photos are still hanging in the window, and even Jiugongge is dissatisfied. Your old man goes to clean the glass every morning, sighing while wiping.

This sounds like buying cabbage.

Gu Yixin asked: "Then when do you think I can participate in the competition?"

The principal waved his hand: "Next week!"

Gu Yixin: "Okay."

Dadong:? ? ?

The big nephew is full of question marks.

But what he doesn't know yet is.

I was about to kneel down in the vast sea of ​​question marks.


Start the physical fitness test after registration.

The first item is track and field.

"First measure 100 meters, 200 meters, 400 meters."

The principal and nephew are also standing next to the coach in charge of the test. Their venue is fully automated. The test coach only needs to hold a result receiver in his hand.

Gu Yixin has changed into a short hit. Time is in a hurry and didn't buy sportswear specially. This set is still his 9.9-pack shirt and pants. The sports shoes are newly bought on the way out. They are brand new and shiny.

At this moment, he was standing in front of the starting line, thinking for a moment, and leaning over into a starting position.

I have never been a professional athlete, but I have seen professional athletes running.

When the starting gun fired, Gu Yixin hesitated for a while before moving.

The coach shook his head slightly.

This reaction is a bit slow, and it loses too much in 100 meters.

He was stunned after a few seconds.

The coach stared at the result receiver, doubting life.

The principal and elder nephew, who curiously leaned their heads to see the results, were also stunned.

The three of them looked at each other, and the same thought came to them.

"The instrument is aging."

"The equipment should be replaced."

"Hurry up and find someone to overhaul it."

Gu Yixin trot over curiously and stood at attention.

"Have I met the coach?"

The coach was sweating profusely: "Wait...wait a minute."

They found someone to check the equipment.

"No problem." The master who was suddenly called over during the holiday was inexplicable, "Isn't this just changed a year ago, especially no problem. Rest assured."

The master carried the toolbox and left.

The three of the sports school watched the master leaving behind, with solemn expressions.

Then Qi Qi turned around and looked at Gu Yixin, who was even more confused.

Tears filled the headmaster's eyes.

A miracle, a miracle really happened.

"Big Brother."

The principal shook Gu Yixin's hand.

"I waited for twenty years, for twenty years, the man of destiny finally appeared."

The coach patted Gu Yixin on the shoulder, his eyes admiring.

"There are talented people coming out from generation to generation, and they have led the way for hundreds of years. You are the future of our country's track and field!"

The eldest nephew was speechless, and his brain was smoking with the detector under the intense stimulation.

Gu Yixin: "That...what's the result?"

The trainer silently raised the receiver in his hand.

It reads impressively on the display.


Gu Yixin:...

Gu Yixin tentatively asked: "I'm afraid the equipment is wrong, right?"

When can I run like this?

I do not know how.

He still vaguely remembered that in the real world before he walked in, the world record was still 9.58 for a Jamaican.

Although the prices in this world are a bit strange, most of them are similar to the original world.

I haven't heard that the human limit has also changed.

The coach patted Gu Yixin's shoulder solemnly: "Brother, next week's Provincial Games, we will fight for you to compete as a wild card. At your current speed, I don't think you need to practice anymore."

"Just remember a little bit."

Gu Yixin would like to hear the details and listen to them.

The coach clasped his shoulders with both hands and said sincerely.

"Please run slowly."

Gu Yixin:...

What the coach said is very reasonable.

Many people have been staring at the Provincial Games. The average result of the Provincial Games is generally 10.8, and the National Games is around 10.5.

If Gu Yixin went up and ran a 7.5, he probably didn't have to do anything, and he would be pulled directly to the capital for closed training, waiting to break the world record.

And the coach clearly remembered that Gu Yixin was a beat slower when he started.

This shows that his limit can be even higher.

Gu Yixin touched his head: "I, I try to...?"

Coach: "If you are not in control, we can come and train for two hours every morning, how to slow down."

Gu Yixinzheng nodded.

Listening to this conversation, why does my eldest nephew feel that something is wrong?


After confirming the track and field events, they also tested other special events.

high jump.

Record 2.45, he 2.67.

Pole vault.

Men's World Record 6.16...

However, Gu Yixin is a man who can pole vault with an iron rod.

So after he picked up the professional fiberglass brace,

Flew up on the playground.

Long jump, triple jump,

Gu Yixin, who often parkour in the sky above the city, said that he was totally indifferent.

Shot put, discus, almost smashed through the stadium.

When Gu Yixin picked up the javelin, the coach frantically rushed to stop him.

"We can no longer test on the edge of danger."

The automatic monitor of the stadium has been sparking since Gu Yixin took the pole to fly.

By the time the discus smashed into the empty auditorium, smoke had already begun to rise.

The principal and the coach looked at each other and reached a consensus.

He must not be allowed to choose these terrible items. If one is not paying attention during the game, it will kill people! !

Gu Yixin glanced at Da Dong, who looked dull and stunned.

"Why is there smoke from your head?"

The older nephew touched the top of his head slumpedly.

Black and gray in one hand.

"The brain is overloaded and spontaneously ignited."

His black hair has since burned bald.


Gu Yixin answered Lu Mingshi's call.


"Where have you been?" Lu Mingshi's voice was a little anxious.

"City Sports School, I told you in bed this morning."

Gu Yixin answered naturally.

"I'm over, I'll go home soon."

He hung up the phone, no doubt there was him.

Three people around him cast gossip eyes.

Coach: "Xiao Gu's girlfriend is staring very closely."

Gu Yixin explained: "I don't have a girlfriend."

The recovered elder nephew answered, "Maybe it's a boyfriend."

Gu Yixin glanced at him, shook his head and said, "Not a boyfriend either."

The principal laughed: "It's not important, it's not important, there is nothing to ask about people's private matters."


Gu Yi is back home.

Lu Mingshi stood eagerly at the door waiting.

Gu Yixin walked back slowly from the bus stop, and saw a figure standing in front of his house from afar.

Lu Mingshi's clothes are made of special self-heating materials. Even in winter, they don't need to be too heavy. They used to wear more to cover up the bulging belly.

Now standing at the gate of the suburban villa's own courtyard, naturally there is no need to hide.

So the most conspicuous thing is the pair of long legs.

Upwards is a brown leather jacket with a shorter design that can be caught on the waist.

When Gu Yixin saw the figure clearly, Lu Mingshi lowered his head to sort out a wrinkle in his coat.

Gu Yixin yelled from a distance: "Go back, and what to do while standing in the wind!"

Lu Mingshi raised his head and saw the guy coming from far and near.

It was probably because of fever after exercise. The wind in the early spring was still cold, but Gu Yixin took off his jacket and tied it around his waist. He wore a sweater outside the sweatshirt.

The bottom of the sweatpants is loose, dangling in the wind, and it feels cold to look at.

Full of the breath of young people.

"I will come out and let the wind go."

Lu Mingshi put his hands in his jacket pockets and said coolly.

Gu Yixin has already walked to the front.

"I thought you were waiting for me." He raised his eyebrows.

The enthusiasm after exercise still remains in the teenager, and the air is heating up at half a meter away.

Lu Mingshi stretched out his hand.

"Just waiting for you."

Lu Mingshi grabbed Gu Yixin's hand, the tentacles were cold.

So easily put it into his pocket.

Lu Mingshi took Gu Yixin by the hand and led him home.


Thanks endless, kin, the chestnut next door neighbor, Sonic, and Mo Yan's mines~

Thanks to Yellvalley's rocket launcher~

Thank you for your favorites and comments~

Thank you everyone for helping me respond and report some excessive comments. Love it! =3=