Gu Yixin said that he went to the city sports school to save the country for a certain elementary school entrance qualification curve.

Lu Ming was delighted to hear this.

What kind of fairy object is this.

Lu Mingshi decided to continue to support his career.

But he still wanted to ask a question.

"Do you still move your bricks?"

Gu Yixin nodded affirmatively.


Anyway, you only need to train for two hours a day.

How to train slower.

The rest of the time, he can still do his own thing.

But Gu Yixin remembered An Qiao's doctor's order.

Lu Mingshi and Zai Zai still need his company, so...

"I can't go now."

Lu Mingshi followed his eyes and looked at his stomach, so he understood what he meant.

"No problem." Lu Mingshi explained, "An Qiao asked us to stay together every day, based on his presupposition that we would not do anything except touch and touch..."

Mr. Lu's face was slightly red that was not easily noticeable.

"So actually."

"You know."

Gu Yixin suddenly realized.

Maybe it just means doing it a few more times?

How difficult is this.


From this day on, Gu Yixin trains every morning and moves bricks in the fourth phase of the new construction in the afternoon. He is full of energy every day.

So energetic, you can naturally get home in the evening.

Until a week later, Gu Yixin was going to the province to participate in the Provincial Games.

This trip requires training for three days, then seven competition days, and then the provincial physical examination registration. It takes nearly two weeks to go back and forth.

Hearing this news, Lu Mingshi didn't seem to care.

"Go ahead."

"It will be the end of March when I come back." Gu Yixin said.

"It's okay."

Lu Mingshi thought for a while and said: "Theoretically, athletes should be completely abstinent during the game, so it's just right that you are not at home during this period, which is more beneficial to your state."

Gu Yixin paused, unexpectedly Yu Lu Mingshi was so free and easy.

"Actually, it's not necessary," Gu Yixin tentatively said. "The coach has always asked me to run as slow as possible during the game."

Gu Yixin has suspected that there is a problem with the sports school's tester.

He has always felt that the most suitable project for him is weightlifting.

But I don't know why he performed so prominently in track and field.

But the coach told him that the weightlifters in our country are already good enough.

"The track and field events need talents like you the most!"

The coach is full of affection.

When Lu Ming heard the words, he thought about it.

"In other words, you don't need abstinence?"

Gu Yixin nodded.

Lu Mingshi patted the bed aggressively.

"Then let's make up for two weeks."

So they fought for three hundred rounds.

That guy, that battle.

It wasn't until the fourth clock that the soldiers retreated slightly.

This time the battle was too fierce.

Both of them were sweating and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Lu Mingshi's legs were soft, he couldn't stand but sat on the toilet, and his whole body was dizzy.

Gu Yixin didn't get any better. In the end, the mood really excited him. Now the pituitary gland is still secreting hormones.

Finally, Gu Yixin returned to the room with Lu Mingshi shaking his calf.

The two fell silent facing the bed that couldn't bear to look directly.

At this point, you can only change the sheets yourself.

Gu Yixin rummaged through the boxes and did not find a place to put the sheets.

Finally, he wrapped his coat and went to the top floor to remove the sheets that were still hanging out in the wind.

Fortunately, it has already been done.

Gu Yixin shook the bed sheet, and the two people held the four corners to make the bed together.

Then sit side by side on the head of the bed and pull up the quilt.

Talk about time afterwards.

Gu Yixin spoke first.

"Speaking of which, I often hear Chen's mother talking to herself recently."

"Mum Chen said that the young master has changed the sheets too often recently, and sweats so much every day, is it really okay?"

Lu Mingshi thought to himself, it's no wonder that Chen's mother has always been on the sidelines recently asking him if he wants to go to the hospital for examination.

Thinking of the reason for sweating, both of them felt weak.

Lu Mingshi murmured: "Although my parents returned to live in China this time, they refused to live at home, probably..."

The two looked at each other, and Qi Qi had an idea.

Are we?

A bit annoying?

After a long while, Gu Yixin pulled the quilt up, covering Lu Mingshi's chest.

"Although it's March, the room is not too cold, but you still have to keep warm."

Then he paused.

Gu Yixin lost his thought to Lu Mingshi's stomach.

"That." Gu Yixin said suddenly, "how do I feel..."

"I have grown up a lot recently."

Lu Mingshi didn't care at first. Hearing what he said, he looked down and thought it was true.

"It seems to be a little bit, I will see Ancho tomorrow."


Gu Yixin sleeps for three or four hours, and wakes up at nine o'clock in the morning.

He is leaving today.

Gu Yixin slowly sat up, and the thin quilt slipped from his body, revealing his naked upper body.

He shook his head to wake himself completely from his sleep.

There was still a little bit of last night's madness in the air.

Next to him, Lu Mingshi lay on his side with his back facing him.

The man's tall body is curled up in the posture of a newborn baby, which is a self-protective posture, and it seems to be protecting the fetus in the abdomen.

Gu Yixin's gaze fell on Lu Mingshi, and he spent five minutes staring at the man's back, squinting his eyes as if he was thinking, and as if thinking nothing.

The pointer points to nine ten ten.

Gu Yixin jumped out of bed quietly, washed and dressed. The suitcase was ready to be placed downstairs yesterday.

Before leaving, he turned back, squatted down on the edge of the bed, and stared at Lu Mingshi's face with bated breath.

Are you still awake?

Gu Yixin whispered: "I'm leaving now."

Lu Mingshi didn't open his eyes, and he made a low "um", indicating that he knew.

Looks tired.

It wasn't like this before.

Gu Yixin was puzzled, and his eyes naturally shifted to the hidden lower abdomen.

I wanted to touch it again, but still held back.

"You have to be good too."

Gu Yixin said to the cub.

Then he took a **** of Lu Mingshi's stubble, turned and went downstairs.


When Lu Mingshi woke up, Gu Yixin was gone again.

This time I actually said goodbye.

But he still didn't know the duck.

Fortunately, Cub Cub has not made much noise recently, and it should have entered a stable period.

Lu Mingshi took a look at his waist, and he felt that he should have An Qiao checked.

It doesn't make sense, why is he so tired after rolling the sheets this time?

Lu Mingshi went to the hospital.

When An Qiao had offended Lu Ming for instigating Gu Yixin to run away, for a long time he was a man with his tail in front of him.

Seeing the boss, it was all sorts of flattery, and what Lu Mingshi said was that there was nothing in the sky and nothing in the ground.

Lu Mingshi ignored him and directly stated his intentions.

Ancho stared at the results of the examination.

"Old, boss."

Ancho stammered again.

Lu Mingshi had an ominous premonition to see him like this.

No cub, what's the problem?

Just thinking about it, he's not good.

Lu Mingshi was a little uneasy.

"Say it, I can accept it."

An Qiao was cautious: "Boss, it's actually your cub..."

Just hearing this, Lu Mingshi could no longer hear An Qiao's next words.

It turns out that the cub really has a problem?

Lu Mingshi's heart ached.

My cub, the little one who accompanied me for eight months.

He pressed his hands on his abdomen, looking in a trance.

No matter how much money or the price paid, I will keep my cubs!

"Anqiao." Lu Mingshi interrupted him, "Just tell me how to solve the problem."

Ancho pumped his face.

Why is the boss suddenly so serious and the atmosphere suddenly so solemn.

It's like parting life and death.


When An Qiao looked at Lu Ming, he didn't dare to vent his breath and repeated it.

"Boss, your cub is... overnutrition."


Lu Mingshi:? ? ?

"Didn't you always say that you want to supplement nutrition." He asked incredulously, "How could"

An Qiao: "Excuse me, have you and Gu Shao recently been in close contact?"

Nonsense, it is more than frequent, it is simply day and night.

Lu Mingshi stared at An Qiao, and said slowly for a while: "...I will follow the doctor's advice."

The boss is going to push the pot.

Ancho thought.

He can only take this pot.


Ancho was a little excited when his face became more facial paralyzed, but the nervous boss was revealed in the facial paralysis.

His side as a teacher was thoroughly exposed.

Anqiao turned into a white board from behind and wrote a few simple calculations to the boss.

"As we all know, the amount of energy supplement is inversely proportional to the contact distance and directly proportional to the contact time."

"Therefore, suppose that when the contact distance is 0, the supplementary unit energy is X and the duration is a. The contact distance is further shortened, that is, when the contact distance is negative, the unit energy is Y and the duration is b."

"Assume that the energy value required by the fetus is δ."

"It is known that δ=aX, Y=absolute value of negative contact distance*X."

"If δ=bY, then b=δ/Y, get b=aX/(absolute value of negative contact distance*X)=a/absolute value of negative contact distance."

Lu Mingshi understood something.

Ancho went on to say: "My doctor’s order gives 24h*10, which is 240 hours, which is the length of zero-distance contact. If you convert it to the length of negative-distance contact, you must divide this value by the “negative contact distance”. Absolute value'."

Having said that, Ancho, who was so thick-skinned, couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

But he is a doctor, and it is the responsibility of the doctor to explain to the patient the condition.

So Anqiao had to ask the next question, which is also necessary to solve the treatment effect.

"So boss, you and Gu Shao's'absolute value of negative distance contact', the specific number is..."


For the first time in his life, Lu Mingshi felt flustered in front of An Qiao.

What to do, he is very generous.

Lu Mingshi's voice trembled a little.

"Must... must be precise."

Ancho patted his shoulder with understanding.

"Boss, I know that speaking directly may impose a certain psychological burden on you. In this way, you can pick up a calculator and convert yourself to the time of negative contact."

Lu Mingshi said in a daze, "No, you don't understand."

This is not a psychological problem, it is a purely mathematical and physical problem.

Anqiao looked puzzled.

The boss is not such a twitchy person, how can he be so nervous?


In fact.

Lu Mingshi's deeply shocked expression, only Wei Junshan in this world can understand.

At the beginning, Wei Junshan, who had the function of digitizing at a glance, could not recognize the model of Gu Yixin xx!

Later, on a whim, Lu Mingshi took out a soft ruler and tried to measure the length of Gu Yixin xx.

But as long as the tape is close to xx, the numbers on it will all become blurred!

Lu Mingshi was unwilling to reconcile, and tried all the tape and rulers and even the vernier calipers.

However, none of them succeeded.

In the end he had to give up the job.

Until today, when An Qiao asked, Lu Mingshi didn't think of this earth-shattering bug.

How to do?

Lu Mingshi had no choice but to shake his hands and pick up the phone to dial Gu Yixin's number.


At this time, Gu Yixin just got off the plane to the provincial capital.

Yes, the sports school is still very rich and bought economy class tickets for the athletes.

Gu Yixin is very satisfied.

The principal's eldest nephew and the coach accompanied him. The three of them got into the car where the organizer came to pick up people. Just after a few words of greeting, Gu Yixin's phone rang.

The coach and the big nephew thought at the same time that it must be Xiao Gu's clingy little lover.

Gu Yixin said sorry and answered the phone.

He forgot when he opened it.

In short, as soon as the call was answered, Lu Mingshi's urgent voice rang through the carriage.

"Husband, I can only ask you something directly. Tell me how long is your **** length? I want precise numbers. I'm very urgent!

Gu Yixin held the microphone, dumb.

There was no sound in the carriage for a while, only the sound of the air conditioner was particularly clear.

The elder nephew opened his mouth.

"Sister, this is..."


The faces of everyone were surprised, admired, clear, envy and other extremely complicated expressions.


Thanks to Chen Han Yanran, Lazy Blue, Ceramic Law, Lamp Lamp Lamp Wick, Melon Juice, Yangui Landmine!

Thanks YeolWhite for the grenade!

Thanks for your collection and comments, Bo