What is the length of your xx?

This is really a profound philosophical question.

When this question came out on the phone, even the driver who had been concentrating on driving couldn't help but look at the strange little brother from the rearview mirror to see how sacred he was.

Only then can there be a lover who is so upright and generous.

Gu Yixin held the microphone and was silent for two seconds.

"It was hands-free just now." He said softly.


Lu Mingshi opened his mouth and tried to close it again.

The coach patted his hand and said kindly: "Xiao Gu, don't worry, we didn't hear anything."

This sentence reached the ears of distant Lu Mingshi.

Lu Ming, who was calling on the hospital rooftop, fell into a dead silence.

He hung up the phone silently and contacted by SMS instead.

While Gu Yixin was typing and communicating with Lu Mingshi silently.

The other three people in the carriage exchanged mysterious glances with each other.

Under what circumstances would Xiao Gu's object raise this question?

Detailed dimensions are required.

In a hurry.

When is this information needed?

If you are buying TT, just roughly judge the size.

Then there is only one possibility.

Xiao Gu's lover must be customizing **** according to someone's size!

Several onlookers coughed, touched their noses and wiped sweat tacitly.

The eyes looking at this player became more and more weird.

Young people now can really play...

Gu Yixin put away his mobile phone and arrived at the guest house with his car without changing his face.

After getting out of the car and arranging everyone to stay, after explaining the arrangements for the past few days, everyone went back to their respective residences.

The eldest nephew was ordered by the principal to take care of Gu Yixin.

So, he and Gu Yixin lived in the same room.

this is nothing.

The problem is that as soon as I put my luggage, my eldest nephew heard Gu Yixin open the door and politely asked the cleaning aunt passing by:

"Hello, is there a tape measure in your store?"

The big nephew looked faintly.

There are stories.

This buddy definitely has a story.

Gu Yixin took the tape that his aunt found out from the warehouse and walked into the bathroom.

The eldest nephew was sitting on the head of the bed, thoughtful.

He is two years old and has not yet been married. He is a real bachelor.

In the past, the hair was thick, which was a bonus item at any rate, but now it’s bald, and there is no hope.

The blind date girl arranged last week took a look at him and left.

So after knowing that Gu Yixin had an object, I was very envious.

Today I heard the voice of the other's lover, and my eldest nephew was even more severely abused by the dog.

Such a passionate and unrestrained object, he really wants to have...

The older nephew who was in meditation didn't realize it.

Gu Yixin is in the bathroom.

Also stayed for too long.


What is Gu Yixin doing in the bathroom?

He took a tape measure and gestured vigorously to his little brother.

The whole person is in a state of infinite bewilderment.

When he picked up the tape measure and approached his xx, there was indeed no ambiguity like the numbers Lu Ming saw.

But it has created another, more confusing situation.

The tape measure began to tremble.

The tape trembles spontaneously.

The measuring tape trembled and trembled, as if a fierce ideological struggle was being carried out, and even the scale on it shook like water, making it unrealistic.

Finally, when the tape measure finally stood still, all other numbers and scales disappeared.

There is only a deep scale left, pointing to the front without hesitation.

Because the tape measure is very narrow, there is only a small space left to display the last characters.

Gu Yixin stared at the character solemnly and took a deep breath.

Brain full of black question marks.

He removed the tape measure, and the scale returned to its original appearance.

And as long as it gets closer, it will show up like that strange flower.

So, this is the exact length of **** set for him? ?

Gu Yixin lost all the power to think. He choked silently and took a photo and sent it to Lu Mingshi.

"Ding Dong."

Lu Mingshi's cell phone rang a warning tone.

Lu Mingshi quickly opened the new information.

"[Photo] I don't know what it is, I measured it like this, I hope it can help you."

Lu Mingshi first saw a large mosaic.

Realizing what was being coded, Lu Mingshi moved his thigh uncomfortably.

Then he zoomed in to see the scale on the tape measure.


Lu Mingshi stared at the character and took a deep breath.

It seems to emit a deep light on the phone screen.

A mathematical symbol that has far-reaching meaning but should not appear on the tape measure.


? ? ?

Is this x?


Lu Mingshi returned to the ward in despair.

Ancho still holds the whiteboard, smiling and waiting in front of the bed.

Lu Mingshi sat down without much energy and looked at the formula written by Anqiao on the whiteboard.


Lu Mingshi was unable to ask: "What will happen if the divisor is positive infinity?"

An Qiao looked at you as a kid.

"No matter what the dividend is, it is infinitely small before positive infinity, so..."

After Ancho habitually explained, he thought a little about the meaning of the words the boss asked, and instantly the whole person was bad.

"...So you mean, Gu Shao's **** length...is positive infinity?"


This time the problem is a bit serious.

An Qiao had never encountered this kind of situation before, and he was a bit square for a while.

The elegant Anqiao and the elegant President Lu sat face to face, and the atmosphere in the ward was quite solemn.

"Today's plan." An Qiao said, "You and Gu Shao can't meet again until the child is born."

Lu Mingshi nodded.

"anything else?"

Anqiao said: "Your cubs have a strong absorption capacity, so they can survive this period of time. Now it seems that due to the catalytic effect of energy, the cubs are likely to be born early, and they will be very healthy when they are born. ."

Lu Mingshi felt relieved and muttered: "That's good..."

Lu Mingshi: "Seeing that your expression was so scary just now, I thought something would happen."

An Qiao said with a face: "If you keep in contact like this, it will really happen."

Lu Mingshi said angrily: "I will follow—"

An Qiao complied with kindness, doglegs said: "It's all my fault, it's all my fault, I didn't make it clear. You must not be angry now, keep your mood happy, so that the baby's skin will be better after birth."

This statement is simply too effective.

Lu Mingshi immediately calmly said: "Doctor An doesn't have to blame ourselves, we are also at fault."

An Qiao smiled like a flower: "Young people must know how to control."

Lu Mingshi kept smiling.

I want to settle accounts with you after I give birth.


The original due date was in early May, and after this overnutrition incident, the time was advanced a full month.

"March 30 or April 1?"

Lu Mingshi looked at the estimated result. Gu Yixin might still be in the provincial capital at that time.

Lu Mingshi didn't want to disturb him in the game, but it was impossible not to mention the birth of such a big child.

Or wait until the day he finishes the match...Is it on the 27th or the 28th?

When the time comes, the private jet will directly pull it back.

President Lu waved his hand domineeringly, there was no time for anything, it didn't exist!

When An Qiao looked at Lu Ming, she thought he was worried about the pain of giving birth.

Anqiao comforted: "Don't worry, we can definitely do it without pain."

Lu Mingshi: "Um." Still flying away.

Anqiao added: "The pain does not hurt. We use the best technology to sew you up and cooperate with the newly developed scar dressing to ensure that you will not even leave scars!"

Lu Mingshi finally turned his attention back, he said lightly: "These are not important."

"The kid is good, that's it."

When he said this, his lips curled in the most sincere arc.


The employees of the Lu family all said that the company's welfare has been too good recently, and the boss is beaming every day, as if to hold his grandson.

But don't talk about grandsons, the boss doesn't even have a son and a half.

He didn't even get a wife, so maybe he couldn't be humane at all.

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt sorry and sympathy.

With so much money, but not being able to enjoy the love of the world, and not having offspring, is also quite regrettable.

However, no one knows that their boss recently climbed 20 flights of stairs every day and insisted on exercising, in fact, in order to--



provincial capital.

Gu Yixin reported a total of four projects, 100 meters, 200 meters, 400 meters and 4x100 meters.

There are a lot of athletes participating in the preliminaries of the Provincial Games track and field events. Most of these people have taken the path of sports specialties from an early age to go to school, and begin systematic exercise from elementary school or even younger.

Compared with these people, Gu Yixin, who was a monk, really didn't understand anything.

Fortunately, the advantage of track and field events is that the rules are very simple.

As long as you don't run away, it's OK.

Before the 100-meter preliminaries, the coach told Gu Yixin again and again that he must run slowly!

"If you can't manage the time well, listen to me, the starting gun fires and you count 123 in your heart, and then start running after counting!"

Gu Yixinzheng nodded and said yes.

So after the starting gun was fired, everyone could not wait to rush forward in the posture of tiger descending.

However, the audience's gaze was deeply attracted by the warrior standing behind the starting line.

There are many runners who start slowly.

But so much slower...

This is not a slow start, but the reflection arc is too long!

However, after a second.

Gu Yixin suddenly ran away, and he caught up with the big group in two steps!

The audience rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

Gu Yixin's preliminaries score is 10.5.

This is an unobtrusive, but steady progress to the finals.

A pleased smile appeared on the coach's face.

In the 200 meters and 400 meters, Gu Yixin also succeeded in reaching the finals in this way.

4x100 was eliminated because his teammates were too weak.


Five days later, the 400-meter track and field finals were played first.

400 meters is relatively easy to handle.

Long distance, easy to control speed.

There are always more spectators in the finals.

So this time, as soon as Gu Yixin stood in front of the starting line, he was spotted by the sharp-eyed audience!

"Look! A male model on site!"

"?? Are you sure? This looks like my little brother!"

"It's my male model on the construction site!"

"It's my 50s!"

The two spectators even fought for this.

In the end, fans of male models won the competition.

"There are names on the back of the sportswear, are you stupid?"

In the finals, Gu Yixin was drowsy at the starting line and was quickly recorded by the camera.

Gu Yixin counted down five, and then chased it out quickly.

More than one...

The coach clapped his hands: "Good job!"

More than two...

Coach: "Come on!"

More than three...

Coach: "Just this speed is very good, it will definitely pass!"

More than four...

Coach: "Yes..."

More than five...

Coach: "I can't speed up anymore..."

Gu Yixin couldn't stop at this time.

The huge inertia held his body, and he surpassed the remaining two players and rushed to the first place.

Audience: "Wow!!! It's so burning!!! I like this kind of counterattack feeling the most!!!!!! Construction site male model cheering duck!!!"

Opponent: "Crazy...Did he deliberately? It's very happy to abuse us?"

Sports brand manufacturers such as x Ning, x tread, **** bird:

"Smelt the business opportunity!!! Hurry up and don't be snatched by your competitors!!!"

They glanced at each other warily.

The coach has a crazy output on the side of the track.

"Stop it!!! You're about to break the record!!! If you break the record, you will be arrested for closed training!!!"

The coach used his ancestral martial arts skills: the transmission of sound into the secret.

Therefore, only Gu Yixin heard him.

Gu Yixin gave a wink.

Gu Yixin said in his heart: "Ahhhhh! I want to stop too!!! But I'm sorry!!! I can't stop at all!!!"

Gu Yixin: "QAQ!"


Thank you Lazy Blue x2, lights, lights, lights, wicks, Sonic, poetry, my mine called Xiaomomo!

Thanks yellvalley for the grenade!

Thank you for your collection of Huahua Nutrient Liquid, and grateful heart!