Lu Mingshi had never had such pain in his life. He was still working hard in the morning, and he was so painful that he went to the hospital in the afternoon.

Fortunately, Anqiao arrived quickly.

The pain was relieved in the ambulance first, and Lu Mingshi only had a little strength.

The pale man, soaked with sweat, glanced at Ancho and said something weakly.

Ancho did not hear.

Anqiao approached worriedly: "Boss, what do you want to say?"

Lu Mingshi saved his strength for a while before opening his mouth again, but still couldn't make a sound.

When Anqiao looked at Lu Ming solemnly, the boss couldn't hear the voice at all, so he could only rely on guessing.

When I saw Lu Ming, his face was as gold and paper, and his breath was like hairspring, and he looked pitifully out of breath.

Usually a big boss with a strong aura is easy to handle, but suddenly so small and pitiful.

Ancho couldn't help his nose sore.

He held Lu Mingshi's hand, tears filled his eyes and said, "Boss, your lucky person has a natural state, there will be nothing wrong, no last words!"

Lu Mingshi closed his mouth and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

An Qiao felt that he might have guessed wrong, and after thinking about it, he said, "Don't worry, when you just passed away, Gu Shao had already talked to me on the phone, and he is on his way back. He will definitely be able to catch up to see you last— —"

An Qiao looked at the boss sincerely, was glared fiercely, and immediately realized that he had said something wrong, and changed his words:

"Ahhh! It must be too late to see the first side of the cub's birth!"

Lu Mingshi saved up his energy for a long time and finally said one sentence intermittently:

"Don't you... did you say... completely... won't... hurt?!"

If it doesn't hurt like this, how does it really hurt?

Ancho explained: "I mean there will be no pain during the operation, but the prenatal labor pain and postpartum wound pain are still inevitable. But boss, if I say that, you will definitely feel nervous. When you feel nervous, I am afraid It hurts more easily..."

Lu Mingshi wanted his life to be in danger. Perhaps half of the belief that supported him to survive was to save his life and beat An Joe's tease.

Seeing Lu Ming's expression was wrong, An Qiao quickly calmed down: "Boss, you still try to talk as little as possible at this time. Talking is very laborious...

Lu Mingshi took a breath and closed his mouth.

While waiting for the ambulance at home just now, for a moment he really thought he was going to die of pain.

When the pain is extreme, all kinds of hallucinations begin to occur.

Lu Mingshi even took the time to think about it. If he becomes the first man to die alive due to prenatal labor, he will have a high chance of becoming an object of medical research, and he will be able to make outstanding contributions to science after death.

Lu Mingshi stared at the ceiling of the carriage.

Fortunately, the analgesic effect took effect quickly. Now he only felt the lower abdomen twitching, which was a strange and indescribable feeling.

After forgetting the pain of the body, this wonderful connection becomes clearer and clearer.

Will he be able to meet his children in a few hours?


After Gu Yixin said that sentence, there was silence for a second in the stadium, and then it entered a frenetic atmosphere of discussion!

"My construction site male model is actually married??"

"The word lover is so old-fashioned, Gu Gu deserves to be a graduate of the Cadre Academy!"

"Who is this lover? Is it a man or a woman? Does our rich love story finally have a big ending?"

"He is so anxious, maybe he is seriously ill, lying in the hospital, so pitiful."

The audience talked a lot, and the reporters looked dumbfounded.

They wanted to make big news, but they didn't expect this to be the direction at all.

Now the master is gone, their material is only one sentence, eight words.

"My love is lying in the hospital."

The reporters looked at their cameras one after another. The content of the pictures was very simple, that is, Gu Yixin, who was surrounded by people and looked nervous.

It seems that today I can only go back to look at the pictures and talk, each showing his magical powers?

An older reporter who seemed to slapped his thigh.

"As the saying goes, three heads are worthy of Zhuge Liang. Since everyone doesn't know what to write, it is better for us to brainstorm and use our imagination to synthesize everything we can think of now, and a news will come out. ."

This proposal has been widely approved by everyone.

"Then let me talk first." The reporter said, "First, we must start with the past of the focal person. We can first raise the public's curiosity in the form of questions, so that Gu Shao first appeared in the eyes of the public. The image of an inexperienced dude, the first actor in the 300 episodes of rich love, hatred, love and hatred, the first actor in the 300 episodes, the later model worker who talks about harmony and the new style, and now the talented track athlete who loves to ride thousands of miles alone. , We can write a series of columns around Gu Shao..."

When the reporters heard it was reasonable, they nodded and said yes, and then quickly recorded inspiration in their notebooks.

"Episode 1: The wealthy dude has become a tycoon."

"Episode 2: The counterattack starts with moving bricks."

"Episode 3: The contemporary teenage role model who has acted bravely becomes a new generation of internet celebrities."

"Episode 4: Fifty-five Mao is really not your brother?"

"Episode 5: Cross-border male model on the construction site again, proud of the future of track and field?"

"Episode Six: Surprise! The new generation of high-quality idols revealed that they were married, but the identity of their lover was not revealed, but only revealed that they were sick in bed!

"Episode Seven: What is the identity of the lover? Is the condition under control? Why did the two love each other? To be continued"

The reporters stopped writing with satisfaction.

Then they began to think deeply.

Who is Gu Yixin's target?

Will it be one of his many scandals?

Gu Yixin's wider exposure is related to his heroic deeds, but in Yan City, the situation is different.

The people of Yan City understand his past and present life, the ins and outs, and all kinds of gossip about him.

From the time Lu Mingshi put Gu Yixin's photos on the billboard, Gu Yixin and the names of several bigwigs became closely linked.

Therefore, when the people of Yan City saw the news that Gu Yixin had a lover, their first reaction was to search for the current trends of several bigwigs.

Because they are all key suspects!

Then people found out--

Wei Junshan honestly works in his own company, and has just held a full staff meeting for employees.

He is in good health with a ruddy complexion. It is unlikely that he has been lingering and sick. He has an acne on his neck, and may be a little angry at best.

Lin Rui was photographed at a new product launch of a fashion brand, buying clothes with his new little love.

Lin Shao looked alive and well, obviously he had completely come out of his emotional injury, but when the people around him tentatively asked about Gu Shao's latest trend, he showed a very complicated expression.

Hei Che is also working hard to collect protection fees today.

All the chess and card room owners in Erdao Alley saw him, and he was as good as usual, and he was absolutely impossible to lie in the ward or something.

So people's eyes turned to the last one.

Where is Lu Mingshi today?

What happened to Mr. Lu recently?

This concern.

Be good, it's incredible.

People discovered that their President Lu, the richest man in the country under the age of 30, the king of the province, the man with the supreme wealth, the idol of millions of boys and girls, has faded out of public view for more than half a year!

This is really shocking news.

Eliminating all impossible, no matter how unbelievable the rest is, it must be the truth.

Combine all currently known conditions.

The truth is that Lu Mingshi is Gu Yixin's lover, and he is already seriously ill, dying of illness, bedridden for half a year, and he will die when he sees it.

The people of Yan City fell into grief.

You know, it's not someone else, it's Lu Mingshi, who built free roads and bridges for the people of this city, built buildings for provincial universities, sent books to Hope Primary School, and made the material in the composition of countless Yan City primary school students!

Moreover, he is also a very popular and courageous Gu Yixin lover!


The people of Yan City developed this kind of thinking.

Lu Mingshi was sick.

According to common sense, if the big boss of a large group is diagnosed with a serious illness, the stock price of the company will definitely go down if there is no more powerful manager in his family.

So many bankrupt families are a precedent.

Therefore, after the news of Lu Mingshi's illness spreads, the Lu Group will encounter more than ten consecutive down limits, then the trading will be suspended for rectification, and the trading will continue to fall after the reopening, until the bankruptcy reorganization.

The people of Yan City have sketched in their minds the tragic scene of Lu Ming lying dying on the sickbed while Gu Yixin wiped his tears and asked him how to fill in the bankruptcy information registration form.

Do not!

We must not let this happen!

Watching Lu Mingshi and Gu Yixin grow up, the fathers and villagers who were deeply moved by their deeds made up their minds.

The people of Yan City began to collectively buy shares of Lu's Group.

As a result, Lu's stock had twelve daily limit on Cengcengceng from the next day!


Of course, these are all things to follow.

Our client knows nothing about the huge chain reaction caused by a single sentence of his own.

Gu Yixinsai gave five hundred yuan to the reporter who lent his car, left his mobile phone number, and guided the navigation with his mobile phone.

The road was very bumpy.

He first staged speed and passion on the 106 National Road, and then ran into an ox cart in his passion.

Fortunately, the owners on both sides did not suffer any damage.

But the bull is miserable.

The owner of the bullock cart prevented Gu Yixin from leaving, and Gu Yixin took out all the money in his wallet and gave him.

"Old man, I will not rely on your account, but I really have very important things now. You let me leave first, if the money is not enough, you will contact me tomorrow."

Bullock cart owner: "Young man, what are you so worried about?"

"Actually, my wife is about to give birth in the hospital. I have to rush back to see him, otherwise how sad he is alone."

Gu Yixin's eye circles are red.

Upon seeing this, the owner of the bullock cart returned half of the money to Gu Yixin.

"Go boy, let's talk about the loss of money later. I think you may still have money on the road. Be careful not to have any trouble on the road. Do you know if you are so reckless?"

Gu Yixin thankfully continued to drive the small broken car that crashed into a bull's head pit and got onto the highway. Speed ​​and passion were staged on the high speed again, and then he went down the high speed safely in the passion.

At this time, two and a half hours have passed, and there is another section of national highway below.

There are two ways to go, one side is the national road, the other is the small road.

The sun has set, and the sky is already dark.

The sparse street lights were lit on the national highway, and the small road was dark, and you could not see your fingers.

Gu Yixin looked at the national road pointed by the navigation and drove the car on the side road.

The road was empty, and Gu Yi turned on his headlights.

At this speed, he took a shortcut, and he could enter the city directly from the southern entrance of the city, which was the nearest to Anqiao's hospital, and could avoid the evening rush hour in the city.

He knows that driving like this is unsafe, but at this time he can only believe in his luck.

For ten minutes, nothing happened. Except for the uneven road, it was very smooth.

But Gu Yixin forgot one thing.

It's out of gas.


With 20 kilometers left from the exit of the small road and only half an hour's drive from the hospital, the car was completely dead.

Gu Yixin looked at the fuel gauge pointing to zero, grabbed the phone and got out of the car.

Standing by the car, he looked up at today's night sky.

The sky full of stars.

The moonlight is dim.

The air on the outskirts of the city has a faint smell of grass and earthy smell.

Gu Yixin took a deep breath, looked at the bright lights of the city in the distance, turned his head and kicked the front wheel viciously.

Then turned to the direction of the light-

Run wildly!


Yes, this is a very burning and beautiful scene. It is easy for people to think of many classic scenes of an island country TV series that will surely run together.


But this runner is not someone else, it is Gu Yixin.

So the speed he ran out was not the speed of ordinary people, but the speed of human limit.

When he no longer thinks about how to slow down, when he concentrates on running on the road, no one in this world can be his opponent.

So Gu Yixin ran faster and faster, silent acceleration was his footsteps.

An afterimage even appeared behind him.

Faster, faster, faster.

So in the end, he surpassed the wild dog, the wildebeest, and the cheetah.

Successfully surpassed the speed of the car and successfully dropped the sneakers.

The quality of this shoe is not good, Gu Yixin thought with annoyance.


In short, when Gu Yixin finally ran to the hospital on foot, everyone was stunned by his appearance that suddenly appeared.

Gu Yixin lost his shoes, worn out socks, and stepped barefoot on the ground.

His head and body were covered with straw and soil from the suburbs, and the white sportswear was dirty and gray, and the whole person looked like he had been picked up from the shooting studio.

Don't mention how miserable it is.

Fortunately, An Qiao had greeted everyone in advance, and when he saw Gu Yixin, he took him to the door of the ward on the 12th floor.

So Gu Yixin, who seemed to be in urgent need of cleaning, was led by the head nurse and went upstairs properly.

Gu Yixin's heart was pounding, but he felt that it had nothing to do with the speed of life and death just now. His heartbeat was very steady when he was running.

Gu Yixin asked the head nurse quietly: "Hello, is Mr. Lu okay?"

The head nurse said with relief: "Don't worry, Mr. Lu is in very good condition and very stable."

The older lady led Gu Yixin to the door.

"You can't go in yet, but you can watch it here... In addition, there are toilets and bathrooms next to it, if you need it..."

Gu Yixin did not hear her, his mind was completely attracted by the people in the house.

The hospital bed inside the house.

Lu Mingshi lay quietly, under the cover that he couldn't see his lower body. He didn't feel any pain under the effect of the anesthetic, but the fear engraved into his bones still swept him at a certain moment.

A figure flashed past the door, and Lu Mingshi glanced at him, telling him intuitively that it was the person he was waiting for.

Sure enough, after a while, Gu Yixin pressed his dirty face with a few straws on the glass.

They looked at each other from a distance.

When Gu Yixin looked at Lu Ming, he was wearing a hospital gown and lying on the hospital bed.

What do you need me to do?

What can I do for you?

Gu Yixin held his breath, raised his arms above his head, and through the glass, gave Lu Mingshi a big heart.

Lu Mingshi couldn't help but raise his mouth slightly.

at this time……

Just when Gu Yixin was silly and gesticulating,


A loud cry crossed everyone's eardrums.

Lu Mingshi was stunned, and turned his head silly, staring at the villain who was held in his palm by the doctor without daring to blink.

A mass of flesh and blood peeled from him.

The little red monkey-like ugly villain struggled and screamed fiercely, and the extremely vigorous howling sounded through the entire space, crying so hard and unwillingly, as if complaining about these abruptly taking him out of his mother. The bad guy out.

So comfortable and warm, I don’t want to come out!

Lu Mingshi stared at him almost dreaming, his eyes were dry and painful, and he didn't remember to blink.

Ancho happily cleaned up the little cub, put it on the tray and weighed it.

"Nine pounds, boss! You are really good at giving birth!"

An Qiao praised from the heart.

Lu Mingshi's mouth twitched.

This compliment is as weird as always.

Gu Yixin, who looked through the glass door, was almost completely stupid like Lu Mingshi.

He saw that group of newborn little guys, how vigorously he waved his hands and feet!

It's just a little ugly, it's okay, just healthy...

The cry came out vaguely, and it hit Gu Yixin's heart with a bang.

Gu Yixin's heart beats fiercely and his mouth is dry.

A strange sense of happiness fell from the sky and hit him.

Fresh, soft, and sweet.

Since then, there has been a little baby who is connected with him, his family.

I never expected to have it, but suddenly I have it.

He doesn't know what to do?

He can't go in now...what about after the operation?

Ah, he has to clean himself before he can get close to them...

Gu Yixin wouldn't notice Lu Ming at all when he knew Lu Ming, and it was useless to say hello.

He glanced reluctantly, turned his head and went into the bathroom.

When Gu Yixin cleaned himself out, the words "in operation" had gone dark, the lights were on in the ward, and only Lu Mingshi and An Qiao were inside.

Gu Yixin knocked on the door.

Ancho motioned for him to come in.

"Zizai went for a checkup. You will be back in about two hours. Don't worry."

An Qiao explained to Gu Yixin.

Lu Mingshi was wearing a hospital gown, lying there quietly, and had to add the longest hospital bed to fit him.

But strangely, this scene still looks very harmonious.

The cold light from the ward hit Lu Mingshi's face, coating him with silver.

Gu Yixin looked at him seriously, and when he saw Lu Ming, his face was not suddenly sunken by two pieces, nor was he pale as a piece of paper, and he was slightly relieved.

But thinking of him on the phone, I still feel distressed.

Lu Mingshi had closed his eyes and said nothing since he came in, as if thinking about something.

It is rare for him to be like that. At least in the past six months, Gu Yixin had never seen Lu Mingshi, but he had not given him a look when he knew he was there.

Gu Yixin approached and sat down on the edge of the bed.

His weight caused Lu Mingshi to move slightly. Lu Mingshi opened his eyes and was taken aback when he saw Gu Yixin who was close at hand.

Gu Yixin rubbed his finger against the sweat on his forehead.

"You didn't see me here just now, why did you seem surprised?"

Lu Mingshi smiled and said tiredly, "I thought you would go downstairs to see your son first..."

"So you know you were wrong?" Gu Yixin said.

"Of course I came to see you first. I was almost scared to death when I dropped the phone..."

Ancho raised his leg to leave with interest.


Lu Mingshi stopped him.

"Boss, I will check the results of the inspection, and I will come up with your cubs later!"

Lu Mingshi just looked up at An Qiao who was grinning and said quietly.

"Thank you."

Ancho felt embarrassed and touched his head: "Yes, it should..."

He quickly flew out of this door.

He really doesn't want to eat dog food anymore!

In the past, President Lu unilaterally radiated love, and he could barely hold it.

Now these two people, tsk tsk, are so hot-eyed!

An Qiao walked towards the detection layer sadly with his hands behind his back.

I hope the boss will not be pregnant with a second child, otherwise his little heart does not know how much inhuman torment he will endure.


The room was quiet, Lu Mingshi had a dropper in his right hand, which was a little bit cold. He subconsciously covered it with his hand and let it go, and then Gu Yixin grabbed his hand.


Lu Mingshi's hands were very big, and Gu Yixin pressed his hands tightly.

Lu Mingshi was helpless: "I won't be so fragile yet to have a baby..."

Gu Yixin chuckled, jokingly said: "General Lu is good at giving birth to a child. It seems there are more ambitions? For example?"

Gu Yixin lowered his head and kissed Lu Mingshi's forehead, feeling that his temperature was a little low, and then touched the place where he had kissed him.

The two were very close to each other, and Gu Yixin tested his body temperature while casually saying: "For example, have a twin? A dragon and a phoenix? Then President Lu is amazing."

Lu Mingshi suddenly stopped talking.

Gu Yixin still felt his pulse with his left hand, and felt that his heart was beating twice slowly.

Gu Yixin was taken aback, holding Lu Mingshi's face in both hands, holding up the thin layer of flesh on his face and squeezing it into the shape of a cartoon character.

He nervously said: "Are you okay? Why is your face so ugly suddenly? I'll call a doctor—"

Lu Mingshi slowly exhaled in one breath.

"No, no need."

He couldn't believe it.

in fact.

He was frightened by the fear of imagining having another child and experiencing pain again.

Imagining is one thing, real feeling is another.

Just as Gu Yixin said that casually, Lu Mingshi immediately regretted it.

Why do you want to be able to say that having a baby is nothing...

Gu Yixin said nervously, "Is it all right?"

Lu Mingshi was calm: "It's okay."

He paused, feeling that his heartbeat finally returned to normal, and then tried to look at Gu Yixin's eyes, and asked uneasy:

"Do you really want twins, twins?"

Gu Yixin was taken aback for a moment, and shook his head: "No, that is a small probability event, and it will do too much harm to pregnant people."

Having said this, he later understood something: "Are you afraid?"

Lu Mingshi denied: "No."

After thinking about it, he said, "It just hurts."

Actually, the anesthetic hadn't been used yet, he was talking about the prenatal pain.

"But, if you have to endure it, I still think it's worth it."

Lu Mingshi said suddenly.

Everything is worth the moment I see the child.

Gu Yixin grabbed his hand and said with emotion: "Yes."

He also felt it was worth it.

Today is a long, tortuous and beautiful day.

In order to see the birth of the cub and for the silly president lying on the bed, he drove 400 kilometers and ran 25 kilometers on foot.

When he looked at the stars in the sky while running, he felt that their cub's eyes must be brighter and more beautiful than the stars.

He looked at the endless dark blue night, looked at the thousands of lights in the city, looked at the lights on the top of the hospital, looked at the cold glass door of the operating room, and finally saw him.

And he was just born.

"Look, everything will be complete."

Gu Yixin whispered.

When he said this, the door of the delivery room opened again, and a trolley pushed their baby in.


Warm applause! The cub is born!

Thank you for the lights, lights, lights, wicks, RINN, Sonic, Jiang Ziyou, Pei, Lu Chuangmao, lele, Moshang flowers blooming slowly, wuli, so hungry, hungry, hungry, Obama, Jiang Wanyin's mines~

Thanks for the hungry grenades~

Thank you for collecting Huahua Nutrient Liquid, Meme~