The two novice fathers looked excitedly at the car that was being pushed over.

Although I took a look when I was born.

After all, there is no seriousness, three hundred and sixty degrees to look good in all directions.

Ancho announced loudly: "The baby is very healthy! There is no problem!"

Lu Mingshi curled his lips and smiled.

"Of course, it doesn't depend on whose son it is."

The cart was pushed to the bed, right beside Lu Mingshi.

He stared at his cub without blinking.

Ouch, it's a cub born to me.

In fact, many novice parents will be a little disillusioned when they see their newly born cubs.

Because of the possibility that a newborn baby looks good, it is probably one in a million.

Lu Mingshi learned a lot of related knowledge during pregnancy, so he had enough psychological preparation.

But to be honest, this cub is absolutely beautiful among newborns.

Probably inherited Gu Yixin's white skin, the newborn's flushing faded away most of the time. It took less than two hours to come out, and it has evolved from a red-puffed ugly monkey to a puff-puffed little monkey.

Lu Mingshi, who was originally wearing a ten-level beauty filter, quickly evolved from a real father who could objectively recognize that the little monkey is still ugly, to a silly father who "how can knock so much love".

Lu Mingshi looked at the child and sighed enthusiastically: "My son is really handsome."

No one commented on this.

But there was a barrage inside.

Mr. Lu, you are afraid that this filter comes with the Meitu camera, but you can see the handsomeness on the face of a two-hour-old monkey.

Anqiao's heart was pumping, and he saw Gu Yixin lying on the side of the trolley, staring at him with big eyes.

Gu Yixin looked at the little thing, not even daring to breathe out, for fear that he would blow him away in one breath.

How could there be such a magical creature in the world!

Such a small group-although 9 kg is really big in a newborn-it is still too small.

Few hairs are soft, and the longer the skin is exposed to the air, the whiter the skin becomes.

He was wrapped in a baby swaddling uniform in the hospital, with his eyes closed and resting, with a small pacifier in his mouth, and he shrank there to be a quiet baby.

Gu Yixin saw that he hadn't moved, a little worried, and turned his head to look at Anqiao in confusion.

"Is he asleep?"

Two people who don't have the slightest parenting experience are really at a loss. They have to ask people carefully for every point.

Sometimes An Qiao is not only lost in thought, but I am a medical expert who has published more than 20 top-level papers, how can I become an obstetrics and gynecology doctor fighting on the front line of production?

Oh no, it's husband and obstetrics.

In general, it can be regarded as the frontier classification of medicine. An Qiao figured out this joint and comforted herself, feeling a little wider.

An Qiao smiled and nodded in the face of Gu Yixin who was full of humility.

There will be enough for you to toss when he wakes up.

Generally, babies are tossing, and many families use breast milk to comfort them.

But these two are a bit special.

The baby cannot get the antibodies contained in colostrum. Fortunately, the nutrition he received in the embryo was very sufficient, he was extremely healthy, and had good physique.

So Ancho put a pacifier on him when he was born to let the baby get used to it.

Gu Yixin got the approval, and went back to continue to unilaterally stare at him.

He waited eagerly for the cub to wake up.

Wait and wait, waited ten minutes.

The little thing finally opened his mouth, then opened his eyes.

His wet black eyes were bright enough to illuminate the dust, and he blinked.

The baby's eyesight can only see things very close and very close. He can't see the faces of people in front of him, but he can feel the shadows and breath.

This is his familiar breath, familiar magnetic field, and familiar energy source.

Like it.

So comfort appeared in the misty dark eyes.

Can a little baby express emotions?

Of course it can, because his father and mother, or father and father, are the people he is closest to and love him the most.

Gu Yixin covered his heart.

Terrible. Hit hard.

It's so cute.

Although Gu Yixin didn't speak, his expression could explain too much.

Gu Yixin looked at it for a long time, reluctant to move his eyes away, and then slowly moved away, making sure that the breath that came out would not spray on the little baby, and then slowly said:

"This is too cute!"

Everyone nodded.

Lu Mingshi still had a pleasant and dreamy tone: "Of course, it doesn't depend on whose son it is!"

In just two hours, he said this sentence no fewer than five times.

Everyone is silent.

No one will sweep Lu Ming's happiness.

As a result, everyone applauded under the leadership of Ancho and exclaimed in the most popular tone of the universe:

"Of course, this is Mr. Lu's son!"

When Lu Mingshi heard this, his expression was a little strange.

Gu Yixin glanced at him and said concerned: "Is it painful?"

Lu Mingshi shook his head. The comfort of Anqiao's operation was good anyway, and he has not felt any pain until now.

This is of course his son.

However, it is also Gu Yixin's child.

It's real, blood relatives, real cubs.

Seriously, they are also considered to raise cubs together before they are born.

However, this matter is only known to a few people around him at his own hospital, and has been kept hidden from the outside world.

If you keep silent, even if the matter about him and Gu Yixin are already legal partners is made public, the world still knows only one, not the other.

He would feel a bit regretful.

What about Gu Yixin, would he want to announce this matter himself?

Lu Mingshi was thinking about this. The door was pushed open, and it was his parents who came in.

"Ah ah ah baby! Ah ah ah baby! Ah ah ah baby!"

Mother Lu's expression was unspeakable, and her face was full of joy, and she opened her mouth as Baby Sanlian.

In Lu's dictionary:

Baby → Lu Mingshi.

Little baby → Gu Yixin.

Little baby → cub.

Sort by age from oldest to youngest.

The two of them were on a business trip at this juncture because they didn't think that the expected date of delivery was so much ahead of schedule, and the company's recent incident was a bit difficult.

As a result, the birth of cubs was missed.

On the way back, Mother Lu kept regretting.

"At this time, let Mingming be baby!"

Fortunately, they are all in peace.

Mother Lu's eyes were still red, and she had cried. She was so worried that the treasure that came out of her belly would have another baby with a knife on her belly.

Being a mother hurts the most.

But as soon as I entered the door, this distress was completely hidden, leaving only a deep joy.


"Uncle and Auntie."

Lu Mingshi was still lying flat, with his head and neck padded, and a needle in his hand, looking weak anyway.

Mother Lu came over, first took a good look at her son, held hands and told him for a while, then went to see the newborn baby.

Father Lu and Mother Lu surrounded the cubs, just like Gu Yixin, with big eyes and small eyes.

OMG, what kind of Pokémon is this pink and tender!

We, Mingming, were not so good-looking when they were born!

Mother Lu immediately put her son behind temporarily.

Mother Lu glanced at the cub, then raised her head and glanced at Lu Ming, she said sincerely: "Ming Ming, you are really mom's pride, you have been mom's pride since you were a child."

Since we were young, we have always been better than others. We can read and count, recite poems and sing, exercise health, and enter school management. We are always the best among our peers and a proud little genius.

She once lamented that her son can do everything except having children.

Unexpectedly, even this vacancy would be filled.

Sure enough, there are miracles everywhere in life.

Lu Mingshi:...

Although it is praise.

But at this time, it was a bit unexpected to suddenly praise him in this situation.

Lu's father and Lu's mother looked at the cub happily.

Zai opened his closed eyes slightly and took a look.

My heart is softened.

The joy value in Mother Lu's heart was already about to break the table, but this time it can still increase.

"Little baby~~Little boy~~"

Then the pacifier fell out.

The little guy opened his mouth and howled.

It was called a loud echo, shocking Siye.



What should I do if the baby cries?


Lu Mingshi's expression was not very good looking at the cub who had only been advancing for half an hour and was pushed away again. The hospital has its own professional system to take care of newborns who lack colostrum.

However, this kind of melancholy, new mothers, bah, new fathers will... it seems wrong.

In short, people who give birth to their own children will understand the anxiety that the flesh is not in front of them.

Once a part of the body, it has just been separated, and it always takes time to adapt.

Lu Mingshi was very upset.

He even began to think, if I could feed the cub myself, I wouldn’t...

I knock, this idea is a bit weird.

Lu Mingshi is alert to himself.

You cannot go further and further along the route of marginalization.

He also shoulders the future of the entire Lu family and is the pillar of the company!

It's naturally impossible to take care of everything by yourself for nursing babies or something.

Father and Mother Lu followed to see the baby.

Gu Yixin took a handful of Lu Mingshi's hair comfortingly.

Lu Mingshi frowned.

"Don't touch it, sweating too much, dirty."

Gu Yixin wiped him with a wet wipe, then looked down at the stitched wound on his abdomen.

Gu Yixin looked at him quietly for a while, holding his hand: "It hurts, right?"

Lu Mingshi didn't care: "There will always be pain."

When Lu Ming looked at him, he raised his eyebrows slightly: "I really want to know, would you try it yourself?"

Gu Yixin: "It looks so skinny, it seems to get better quickly."

The two of them sat one by one and the other lying down, silent for a while.

There seems to be something to say, but I don't know where to start.

Gu Yixin held Lu Mingshi's hand in one hand, and took out the phone with the other.

He hadn't looked at it ever since he came to the hospital. Sure enough, there were many missed calls and text messages.

The old man in the bullock cart and the reporter who borrowed the car sent condolences one after another. One quietly asked his spouse how he was doing and when he could recover. One asked him if he succeeded in seeing his wife and whether he was safe.

Gu Yixin thought with emotion, there are still many good people in the world.

He sent a message back to each of them.

Gu Yixin's typing was slow at first, but now it is even slower with one hand.

He sat there while Lu Ming was lying down, naturally unable to see his mobile phone screen.

Who is this chatting for?

Lu Mingshi thought to himself.

When Gu Yixin finished replying to the message, Lu Mingshi had already closed his eyes when he came back, looking like he needed to recharge his energy.

Gu Yixin led him by the quilt and fell asleep on the bed without knowing it.

The consumption of these two people is too great today.

Father Lu and Mother Lu loaded the cubs into their own carts, wrapped them in the baby swaddlings Mingming had selected, awake and no longer noisy, occasionally opened his eyes and glanced left and right, which was the cutest one. appearance.

This group of small powdered meat is a circle larger than the average size of a newborn. It looks like a full moon baby. If he stays in Mr. Lu's stomach for ten and a half months, he still doesn't know how old he will grow.

On the way back upstairs, Lu's father and Lu's mother had a fierce dispute over who the cub looked like.

"The little baby looks a little more like Yiyi." Mother Lu affirmed. "The baby is born more like a father. This is to confirm the parent-child relationship."

There is another sentence after this sentence.

Then he grew more and more like a mother, because he found that his father was useless.

Father Lu said: "The skin color is like Yiyi, and the facial features are still like Mingming, especially the eyes, which are exactly the same as Mingming when he was a child."

Saying that Lu father took out his phone and searched his **** space twenty or thirty years ago.

When they said that, they came to the door of the ward, and when they pushed the door, Lu Ming opened his eyes.

Lu Mingshi looked at his cub with soft eyes, and his desire to touch him was so strong, so he patted the place beside him and motioned to Father and Mother Lu to help carry the baby to the bed.

This is a big project. Except for skilled doctors and nurses, there are really few people who dare to move newborns easily. The newborn human cubs are all soft and boneless, like beach water, for fear of slipping between their fingers.

Father and Mother Lu joined hands and lowered the height of the car to be completely flush with the bed, and then the two of them worked together and carefully moved the baby to Lu Mingshi's side with the swaddling blanket.

Lu Mingshi's hospital bed was specially customized for him, otherwise, a man with a height of nearly 1.9 meters would be very awkward lying on an ordinary hospital bed.

Compared with a man of 1.9 meters, how much space can this cub occupy? However, Lu Mingshi still moved to the right, for fear that it would crush him a little bit.

So after lying down for so long, he felt a faint pain in the wound for the first time, although it was not strong, it made him hiss.

Gu Yixin woke up immediately. He rubbed his eyes and found that when Lu Ming had his head and neck turned to his back, the car with the cubs had been pushed back, and it was empty.

Lu Mingshi stared at the noodle dumpling, his eyes narrowed, and there was a little dried milk foam stain on the corner of his mouth and the smell of milk on his body.

Lu Mingshi watched for a long time, and finally couldn't help but stretch out his hand and gently rubbed the baby's soft lanugo.


The company's affairs still need to be handled. Father Lu left first that night. Mother Lu wanted to stay and take care of Lu Ming, but Lu Mingshi insisted that she go back to rest.

"There are doctors and..."

"And me." Gu Yixin volunteered.

Mother Lu turned her head reluctantly one step at a time: "Mom will come back tomorrow."

Gu Yixin pulled a bed in the hospital for the whole night.

Lu Mingshi's bed is custom-made, not his. Young people are not short in the first place, but during this period of time they sprinted so hard, lying in a narrow bed, watching strange grievances.

Their cubs are quite worry-free and very healthy. They can be discharged from the hospital the next day as soon as possible.

But Lu Mingshi had undergone surgery after all, and no matter how careful the care was, it would take some time to heal.

The next day, Gu Yixin was still in the hospital. During the period, he asked someone to help drive the small broken car that hit the Niutou Keng and abandoned it on the side of the road back to the provincial capital and handed it back to the reporter. He compensated for the money for the whole car and transferred it to the old man Uncle has a lot of money.

After spending so much money, he would usually be silent and quietly depressed.

But this time it was a bit strange.

When Lu Mingshi watched him happily contacting people, he couldn't help but ask.

"what are you doing?"

Gu Yixin replied casually: "Give people money."

Lu Mingshi:?

Gu Yixin just remembered that he hadn't told him about this, so he told him how he drove back from the provincial capital.

Lu Mingshi felt even more weird, why did he laugh so happily when he lost money.

Lu Mingshi looked at Gu Yixin worriedly, reaching out to test the temperature of his forehead.

No fever.

Could it be...

Are you happy to be silly with cubs?

Gu Yixin explained: "The pain of losing money does not cover the joy of welcoming a little baby."

Lu Mingshi looked at him,

The silly boy was so happy that he didn't even care about the money.

"Actually..." Lu Mingshi said, "It doesn't matter if you don't have to rush back." Oh my god, I ran 25 kilometers.

Gu Yixin said seriously: "I want it." How many times can there be such a moment in life?

Zai Zai sneezed next to him.

Gu Yixin quickly touched the baby's chest lightly.

He dared not even shoot, for fear of breaking this fragile thing.

Fortunately, Zai'er was very close to him, because when he was in his stomach, he was used to such a breath.

Soothed quickly.


They are here for a quiet time.

The outside network was paralyzed several times.

News about Gu Yixin was exposed one after another. During the period, the "look-like" male gods and five hairs were also taken out to rub each other's heat.

Those old things such as the grievances of giants and heroes of model workers, coupled with Gu Yixin's attention at the Provincial Games, have aroused heated discussion among the people under the hype of the major media.

Especially after the various discussions of the people of Yan City in their own forums were screened and made hot searches.

Regarding the past and present life of a genius athlete, and who is his tragic lover of his lingering illness, there seems to be a firm answer!

And when someone secretly posted a gymnasium, after Gu Yixin got into the ambulance while holding Lu Ming...

The complicated relationship between the two and the news of Lu Mingshi's serious illness spread immediately.

Lu Mingshi is also a celebrity!

The richest man in the country under the age of 30, a man who can lead the fashion vane of business elites without shaving.

At 8:50 in the morning, before the stock market opened, Lu Mingshi habitually turned on the TV on the wall of the ward and watched the financial channel.

Then he saw himself.

"Major bad news, President Lu suffers from an incurable disease"

"Crazy selling, the stock market may usher in Black Friday"

"It is predicted that the Lu's Group stocks will usher in a continuous down limit, which will cause the market to continue to decline in April. It is recommended that stockholders choose stocks carefully..."


Lu Mingshi:? ? ?

He looked at his cub who was sleeping peacefully and soundly.

Take a look at the husband who was wronged on the side of the cot who didn't sleep and picked up the sheets.

Then I took out the mirror and looked at my ruddy and shiny face.

Shentemo suffers from an incurable disease.

Lu Mingshi felt that he had to dispel the rumor immediately, otherwise the limit would not be worth it. With the scale of their plate, a single spot can bring countless blood and blood.

So Lu Mingshi picked up his mobile phone and was about to do a major event when the phone rang.

It's his father.


His father's slightly confused voice came from the phone.

"Mingming, your mother and I are already working to refute the rumors, but before our news was released, we found that countless hot money was crazy buying our stock..."

The clock on the wall points to nine o'clock.

Stocks are open for trading.

Lu Mingshi watched TV and the stock indexes were all red.

Five seconds later, the Lu's Group stock with the code 16899168 reached its daily limit.


Thank you Wuli, the greedy meow, the baby, the ink dyed clothes, the dove, the pillow moon, sleep today, poetry, uncle Zhi, hegu, melon juice, Oreo, Mingyue Yijiangqiu, rock seaweed, zz list x2, Sonic, Mao Nuo, Moshang flowers blooming slowly, Sanshui water x2, endless, childishness, branches and branches, anmi mine!

Thanks yellvalley, 31347334 for the grenade!

Thank you 31347334, YeolWhitex2's rocket launcher!

Zai Zai received the thoughts of the presidents.