Father Lu looked at the red stock index, very confused.

Why did a bad rumor make their stocks limit up?

In the hospital, Lu Mingshi was also puzzled.

The stock price of Lu's Group is quite high and it has been performing steadily for many years, but because the plate is too large, such things as the daily limit are really rare.

In the past ten years, there have been more than 20 times, each time under the circumstances of major favorable policies, and the adjustments were quickly adjusted.


After the market value has expanded by 10%,

Lu Mingshi is not only the country's richest man under 30.

He has become the richest man in the country under 35.

If this situation continues for two more days, it might be possible to extend to under fifty.


Lu Mingshi was happy in his heart. In a blink of an eye, he saw Gu Yixin rubbing his eyes and supporting his waist to get up from the bed.

"I didn't sleep well." Gu Yixin said sadly.

"The money you lost yesterday, we have already made it back."

Lu Mingshi pointed to the TV screen and said calmly.

Although Gu Yixin can't understand the candlestick, the red represents the rise and the green represents the fall. He still knows a little bit.

More than earning it back.

This is a profit.

When Gu Yixin looked at the stock index and then at Lu Ming, he was sincerely admired.

Lu Mingshi was still lying down, with his upper body elevated, holding his mobile phone to handle some company affairs remotely.

Gu Yixin washed his face and returned to look at the little baby.

The little thing was soft, and his small chest rose and fell slightly with his breathing. After a night, the whole face became more and more creamy.

He really looks like him.

Gu Yixin moved a small bench and held his face to look at the cub.

When he had a convulsion in his sleep, he touched his small chest; when he sneezed, he softly coaxed him.

Lu Mingshi finished handling the matter and prepared to put down his phone. After seeing this scene, he turned on the camera and took pictures from various angles.

An Qiao opened the door and came in, watching Lu Ming take this shot, naturally said: "I'll take the two of you."

Lu Mingshi corrected and said, "It's us three."

So there was a cub sandwiched between the two big men.

The two laughed stupidly, stupid than on the marriage certificate.

Lu Mingshi didn't want to fake any work of the cub, and he had to do everything he could.

An Qiao looked at Lu Ming, who was adept at changing diapers overnight, and said with emotion, "Gu Shao, don't you think that the boss is shrouded in maternal glory now?"

Gu Yixin nodded naturally: "Actually, I always think so."

Lu Mingshi hummed: "That means you haven't given birth to a child."

Lu Mingshi didn't want to stay in the hospital for a long time. How could the hospital compare to home? He wanted to go home earlier.

People lying in the hospital always have the illusion that they are very weak.

This is definitely not conducive to recovery.

Lu Mingshi announced his fallacies to An Qiao, but An Qiao couldn't, so he had to leave the hospital early.

"But boss, you can't walk on your own within ten days. You have to let someone help you recover slowly."

Lu Mingshi looked at the wound on his belly. It was mostly healed, only a shallow scar was there.

"Isn't this good."

But he couldn't screw his family and was eventually forced to sit in a wheelchair.


There is no impermeable wall in the world.

The news that Lu Mingshi will be discharged from the hospital on April 3 is not known how it was spread.

So when Gu Yixin was pushing the wheelchair and Lu's father and mother were cautiously pushing the cart with cubs from the front entrance of the hospital, he raised his eyes and saw the bustling crowd.

"Huh? Is anyone going to be discharged from the hospital?"

Lu Mingshi thought.

Ancho looked puzzled.

The last time he saw this spectacular sight was when news of a certain popular star visiting their hospital was accidentally leaked.

However, even if the star was discharged from the hospital, there were not so many people.

After a change of usual, someone as big as Gu Yixin would not feel anything at all.

Now that he had a cub, he suddenly became particularly prepared for danger.

What if someone steals a child?

Ah, our cubs are so cute. It's easy to be remembered.

"Let's go through the back door." Gu Yixin suggested.

Lu Mingshi also felt that there were too many people.

They glanced at each other and reached a consensus.

But sharp-eyed people have seen them through the glass of the front door.

They held up the banner aloft.

The reporter set up the camera in a hurry.

Gu Yixin immediately stood in front of Zai Zai.

He leaned down and firmly covered the cub's eyes with his sleeve.

Can not be flashed by the flash.

Lu Mingshi saw people holding up the banner at first glance, and his first reaction was to collect debts.

Something like "The black-hearted boss has been running for thirteen years, and **** will return my hard-earned money!"

He immediately reflected on whether he had done anything that hurts the truth.

No results.

So Lu Mingshi felt more at ease and took a closer look. The banner read:

"President Lu is discharged from the hospital after recovery, a good man will live a safe life!"

"The Yi family wishes Mr. Lu safe and smooth!"

Lu Ming was shocked when he almost regarded smooth delivery as a normal delivery.

In short, there is no danger.

They returned home smoothly.

The reporter also successfully captured first-hand information.

The distance was a bit far away. After returning, the reporters zoomed in and zoomed in on the photo. The most obvious one was of course Lu Mingshi.

When I saw Lu Ming in a wheelchair, everyone present sighed.

It seems that Mr. Lu’s sequelae are bad and behavior.

"Heaven is jealous of talents, he is really jealous of talents."

Then everyone noticed Gu Yixin's back.

It seems that everyone's guess is completely correct, and the controversial topic has been concluded.

Lu Mingshi is the love Gu Yixin announced to the public.

The reporters were almost moved to tears.

How precious it is to have true love in such an era of poor emotions!

A reporter has opened a small book and wrote affectionately: "For Gu Shao, President Lu is both the beginning and the end. Such a bumpy relationship finally blossomed under such a special situation..."


A reporter turned up the original first photo.

The photo is a bit blurry.

To be precise, Gu Yixin's figure in the photo is a bit blurry.

"Why did Gu Shao fly over to block this stroller?"

Everyone took a breath.

"These two people pushing the stroller are so familiar..."

Isn't that Lu Mingshi's parents? !

So on this stroller,...? ?

Known: The baby in this car is closely related to Lu Mingshi, Gu Yixin and the Lu family.

It is reasonable to speculate that the baby is Lu Mingshi's child.

And: Lu Mingshi has disappeared for more than half a year, and a few private photos showed signs of blessing. Lu Mingshi was discharged from the hospital today, and the baby was just born.

Solution: The baby was born in Lu Mingshi.

The young reporter made this conjecture, and the air was dead.

People looked at him with a look of mental retardation.

"As everyone knows, Lu is always a man, how can a man have children?"

The young reporter blushed and argued.

"That can't, maybe President Lu, he, he is a woman?"


This guess is strange enough, scary enough, full of strong imagination, and cold humor of reverse thinking.

Everyone fell silent, as if opening the door to a new world.


Lu Mingshi rested at home for several days.

For unknown reasons, his body recovered extremely quickly, and the stitched thread soon disappeared automatically, except for a shallow scar, nothing could be seen.

Newborns have to sleep for 20 hours a day, wake up once every two or three hours, and then have to breastfeed when they wake up. Lu Ming feels a bit resentful every time like this.

My cubs have everything when they are born.

Except breast milk.

Gu Yixin took the small baby bottle and fed it intently. After the feeding, he wiped his mouth. The little cub chased after the touch of his mouth for a while with confused eyes.

A bubble of milk came out.


Gu Yixin petrochemical.

He held the milk bottle motionless, watching his son, his whole heart sank into the honey.

"Lu, President Lu." Gu Yixin turned his head tremblingly, and asked him for affirmation with his eyes. Is this cub of ours real?

Lu Mingshi patted him comfortingly on the shoulder, and affirmed: "You will feel at ease when he cries."

However, Zai Zai seldom cries, because his father takes care of him so carefully.

The mouth is for breastfeeding, the diaper is changed as soon as the leg is kicked, and his dad rolls his eyes and shook it carefully.

And because he was afraid of falling him, he still sat on the bed and swayed.

Gu Yixin carefully held his son with eyes full of eyes, how could he not understand how Liu Bei could throw his son down.

"OK OK."

Lu Mingshi took the cub out of Gu Yixin's hands. The little man was small but weighed, and he held it in a thick mass of flesh in his palm.

The little hand swayed in the air without a purpose, and a small pink fist hit Gu Yixin's face.

It may be that the nutrients absorbed in the stomach are too much, and this punch is really a bit strong.

Gu Yixin actually encouraged loudly.

"Awesome! Really powerful!"

Lu Mingshi was speechless.

"You can't praise it blindly. Violent behavior like this is not worth promoting."

Lu Mingshi turned to the baby, looked at the baby's innocent eyes, and said seriously:

"Baby, how can you beat Dad? Dad takes good care of you every day. Do you hear Babies?"

Zai removed his eyes innocently.

Lu Mingshi hugged him, and Gu Yixin squeezed this little hand with his index finger and thumb. The flesh was thick and soft, and the hand felt super good.

The baby is a little golden pig born in the year of the pig.

Gu Yixin pinched the little paw and studied it: "The nails of this little pig's hoof are growing again..."

Then the soft and thin little hoofs grabbed and grabbed Gu Yixin's thumb.


A knowing blow.

The expressions on the faces of the two fathers of the cub were blank and blank for a moment.

It was cut into pieces.

After a while.

Gu Yixin couldn't breathe: "What should I do, I really want to kiss him..."

Lu Mingshi held the cub in his arms, eyes unblinking, and said intermittently with difficulty:

"me too……"

But they can't kiss, the baby's resistance is not good, and he hasn't even eaten colostrum, and he is still very fragile.

Even if he is big and stronger than other babies, that won't work.

The two adults fell into the torture and struggle of their souls.

After a long while, they looked at each other.

Gu Yixin leaned over, protected the cub with Lu Mingshi with one hand, and held the back of his head with the other. After looking at it, he slapped Mr. Lu on his lips.

Since we all want to kiss him.

But neither can kiss him.

Then just reluctantly solve each other.

What a perfect logic.

For the first time Lu Mingshi kissed so inattentively, he stared nervously at the little man in his palm.

The villain tilted his head curiously.

He can't see the people and things around him clearly, but when two familiar adults do something familiar, they always remind him of the warmth of being soaked in amniotic fluid.

So he waved his hand happily.

"..." Lu Mingshi widened his eyes in surprise, "My dear, look at him!"

The cub, who was very quiet no matter how teased, threw his own radio exercise in his palm.

Gu Yixin turned his head.

But as soon as the two people separated their lips, the breath of the cub's fast falling disappeared.

The little man's hands stayed in the air.

The whole cub was at a loss.

Gu Yixin looked at the quiet cub, wondering.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Mingshi pondered: "He moved a lot just now."

What is the difference between just now and now?

Lu Mingshi has a clever mind that belongs exclusively to the chief executive, and of course he immediately found the answer using the controlled variable method mentioned in junior high school physics.

Lu Mingshi turned to Gu Yixin with a deep tone.

"You kiss me."

Gu Yixin:? ? ?

Lu Ming said it so solemnly.

He was a little embarrassed.

Old husband and wife...

Lu Mingshi urged, "Quick kiss."

Gu Yixin had to squeeze in as if he had completed the task.



The two seemed to have discovered the New World, looking at their cubs who would dance with each other as soon as they saw a kiss.

Being held by Lu Mingshi in the palm of his hand, as if struggling.

Gu Yixin thought, what a magical dance.

But I like it.

So the two of them were like playing games, kissed for a while, let go, and played like this for an hour.


Lu Mingshi took maternity leave at home with peace of mind.

Gu Yixin has a lot of harassment calls.

Director Wang called and said that he needed to dub in the later stage, and the coach also called and asked him when he had time to go to the provincial capital to complete the athlete registration.

Gu Yixin said sincerely: "Something happened recently, I really can't get out of it..."

He was holding the phone in one hand and the baby's baby bottle in the other.

The arms stretched far, for fear of radiation.

Dao Wang felt a bit in his heart, remembering the rumors in the group today.

He couldn't help asking: "No problem, Xiao Gu, how is Lu Shinephew's recovery after being discharged from the hospital? I will visit the house in two days—"

"No, no need." Gu Yixin said hurriedly, "I have recovered very well, I am sorry. He is busier than me now, I might not entertain him well, so it is better to come later.

Dao Wang's heart became more turbulent.

He knew that these two people were married, so when the love story broke out, he had the pleasure of predicting the hot news in advance.

But some other rumors he heard recently shocked him. Although he didn't believe it at all, they left indelible memories.

The milk bottle in Gu Yixin's hand came out and dripped along the soft skin into the cub's neck. The squeamish villain let out a "howl".

Gu Yixin hurriedly said goodbye to Director Wang and hung up the phone.

Director Wang who was hung up was dumbfounded.

Wait a minute, what did he just hear?

The sound of babies crying.

Director Wang slid his trembling fingers away from the phone screen, and reconfirmed the message in the group.

"——A journalist friend of mine insisted that Mr. Lu in Yan City is very likely to be a female. The purpose of returning to hiding for the past six months was to hide and give birth to a child. A few days ago he was discharged from the hospital just after giving birth. How could this be possible hahahahahaha"

What an unbelievable guess.

With this cry of the baby, Director Wang fell into a deep mystery.


Speaking of which, Gu Yi’s new play has almost been produced, and it will be broadcast in June.

In order not to delay the crew's progress, Lu Mingshi recovered completely a week later, and Gu Yixin came to the studio to finish the dubbing work.

Director Wang's studio is always full of great gods. The little stars who have come to the past are not longing for them. They respectfully say hello one by one, hoping to be seen by which great **** and take the Avenue of Stars. From then on, life will be bright.

Today, I was drinking tea with Director Wang, a long-bearded uncle in his fifties. Gu Yixin dubbed the voice in the opposite studio. There was a large glass in between. The voice was inaudible, but he could see clearly.

Uncle Beard noticed Gu Yixin at work, was attracted by the special temperament of this young man, and asked Director Wang who it was.

"Oh, little Gu." Director Wang introduced with a smile, "My new male number one, newcomer, stage name is Gu Wumao, I don't know if you have heard of it."

Uncle Beard suddenly realized: "It turns out that fifty cents are him."

After dubbing, Gu Yixin planned to say hello to Director Wang before leaving. As soon as he entered the door, he saw that he had guests, so Director Wang introduced them.

Gu Yixin said politely: "Hello, Director Li."

Uncle Beard couldn't help taking off his glasses and wiping them. He glanced at Director Wang in surprise and shock.

This newcomer doesn't even know who I am? ?

Director Wang knew that Gu Yixin had no idea of ​​the entertainment circle, and smiled bitterly and told him to sit down and talk for a while.

Gu Yixin only wanted to go back to watch his son dance, so this tea was rather unpleasant.

Director Li saw that he was absent-minded, so he decided to throw a blockbuster to attract attention.

"Xiao Gu, I have a play here that fits your style. Would you like to try it?"

When these words came out, even Director Wang was taken aback.

Unlike Director Wang, Director Li has been making movies, and he is forced to hang up with awards.

He has always preferred to use migrant workers instead of small fresh meat.

It can be seen that I am extremely satisfied with Gu Yixin's appearance.

Gu Yixin later realized that he and Director Li looked at each other and found that he was serious, embarrassed: "Thank you for your kindness..."

Gu Yixin said firmly.

"But I don't plan to continue filming."

I go.

Director Li almost missed it.

You know, usually when he proactively asks this sentence, "Should I come to act in my play", even the actor on the other side can be so excited that he can't speak clearly.

He is a man who has won eight international director awards!

It's really shameful to be rejected by a newcomer!

Seeing Director Li's online autism, Director Wang quickly helped persuade Gu Yixin and expressed to him how precious this opportunity is to be able to film Director Li's scene.

Gu Yixin understands.

Out of respect for the outstanding elders, he sat in distress, sorted out the round neck of the pullover T-shirt, and carefully explained his career plan to the two of them.

"To tell you the truth, I took the liberty to reject your invitation because I made a choice from the level of my career planning."

"I love moving bricks, and moving bricks makes me happy—"

The corner of Wang's mouth twitched.

I knew it.

"——So although I am short of money, love money, and am willing to earn more, these part-time jobs cannot shake my insistence on moving bricks as my main business."

Gu Yixin paused, shaking:

"Because of happiness, you can't buy it for much money!"

Yes, money cannot buy happiness.

Now he sacrificed the time to move bricks and indulged in playing with cubs, because cubs can bring him more joy than moving bricks.

But filming obviously only made him painful.

So, why should he sacrifice happiness and choose pain?

Gu Yixin is very smart, of course he would not make this choice.

Therefore, he rejected this honorable offer.

Director Li was deeply attracted by his relaxed attitude, detached temperament, and logically rigorous reasoning.

Director Li patted his thigh.

Excited: "You are the male number I have been looking for!"

? ? ?

Gu Yixin was a little sluggish: "You may not hear clearly, I don't plan to make a movie."

"I know, you like to move bricks." Director Li was a little excited and unable to hold on to himself, "This is simply great. The movie we are going to shoot is--"

Director Li drew a thick stack of paper from his bag, which was his new script.

Both Dao Wang and Gu Yixin couldn't help but leaned over and saw the four characters written on the cover clearly.

"You Who Move Bricks"


The room was silent.

Director Li talked hard about his idea, while Gu Yixin looked through the script rarely.

"...In short, this is a thought-provoking story with smiles and tears. It tells the story from the perspective of a brick mover and pays attention to the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of the little people."

Director Li watched Gu Yixin’s expression consciously, and struck while the iron was hot: “Look, if you are engaged in moving bricks, don’t you have a professional ceiling? If you want to expand this ceiling, you must break the constraints and start directly from the perspective of changing an industry Career!"

"Otherwise you think about it."

"If you are a grassroots worker today, a small foreman tomorrow, a big foreman the day after tomorrow, and then a big foreman, you can naturally make a lot of money. But does your life value only lie in making a construction site bigger and stronger? ?"

Director Li generously stated that he has fully followed Gu Yi's new thinking and further expanded this thinking.

"From this point of view, changing the industry can make your career blueprint more brilliant. From the beginning, you have stood on the shoulders of giants."

"When you finish filming this scene, take the Berlin actor, take the x Ska, there will be countless people paying attention to your industry. At that time, countless talents, countless funds, countless resources will flow into In your industry. Although I have never moved bricks, these experiences are universal in any industry!"

Director Li's enthusiasm infected Gu Yixin. Holding the script, he began to imagine that day would come.

It sounds...very good.

Just when Gu Yixin's heart was shaken, he was about to change his decision.

His phone rang.

"Who are you~ for whom~ when will you return my comrade-in-arms~"

"Excuse me to answer the phone."

The two directors kindly asked him to help himself.

When the phone was answered, Lu Mingshi's gasping voice: "You didn't...you didn't put it out, did you?"

Gu Yixin confirmed.

"No." He was keenly aware that Lu Mingshi's voice was not right, "What's wrong with you?"

Lu Mingshi's voice was a little frustrated and intolerable. "Something happened."

"You wait, I'll be back."

Gu Yixin settled down, hung up, and looked at Director Li apologetically.

"Thank you very much for your kindness, but I have been really busy lately and I really don't have time."

He bowed and said goodbye to the two.


Thank you Jiang Wanyin, Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng wick, zz Shan, Mo Yun, Hanshan Temple outside Gusu City, Rrned, Sonic, Flower Thousand Names x2, Greedy Meow, YeolWhite x2 mines!

Thanks Xiaoran for the grenade!

Thank you for collecting Fafa nutrient solution, Bo Bo -3-