After Gu Yixin left, Director Wang couldn't help asking Director Li again and again, is he really planning to let Brother Wu Mao be the actor of his new film?


Director Li looked regretfully at the back of Gu Yixin who walked out of the studio door.

"It has been two years since this script was handed over to me. Until today, I did not find the most suitable person to perform it. Let me tell you, I had thoughts a few days ago. Please Gu Yixin, a construction site male model who has been buzzing on the Internet recently, will play this. Role, but I didn’t expect to find a more suitable candidate so quickly."

The newcomer has just acted in a play, and everything is still at the stage of a blank paper. It is simply the most suitable material.

Director Li said with a dreamy expression: "I have a hunch that he will definitely be able to rely on this drama to win the three gold actor!"

Director Wang was silent for a while, hesitating whether to tell the old man that Gu Wumao and Gu Yixin were the same person.

Director Wang poured a cup of tea for Director Li, and couldn't help thinking.

The person who called Xiao Gu just now is probably Lu Shinephew.

Suddenly calling home at this time, what will happen?


Gu Yixin is also constantly guessing on the road.

He took a taxi and hurried home, rehearsing many terrible scenes in his head on the way.

After thinking about it, some shivering.

When Gu Yixin finally came to the house, he opened the bedroom door.

The first thing that catches the eye is a body as graceful as an ancient Greek god.

During this period, Lu Mingshi needed to be exposed to as much air as possible in order to promote wound healing.

There should be no clothing restraints near the wound, so he probably only wore a robe of soft cloth loosely, without any buttons, and he looked like a turbulent and wandering robe.

Lu Mingshi was not used to it at first. Even when there were no outsiders, he couldn't help but stretch out his hand to pull the front of his clothes and put the two pieces of fabric together.

Later, taking care of the little baby didn't need this little thought, and it was really comfortable to wear this way.

Lu Mingshi was completely accustomed to this unpretentious way of dressing, and even encouraged Gu Yixin to follow suit.

"Look, when you don't need to go out, it saves time."

At that time, Gu Yixin's answer was: "President Lu, you are a boss, not an otaku."

Lu Mingshi calmly replied, "Everything is for the children."

So Gu Yixin had to endure Lu Mingshi's violent display of visual stimulation in front of him every day.

Lu Mingshi's physique is really very good, and his wounds healed quickly. After a simple exercise and recovery, even his body is quickly approaching the size of a year ago.

What Gu Yixin came in to see was such a back figure full of power and beauty.

Lu Mingshi bent down and patiently coaxed the little guy in the crib, his buttocks just turned up to face the uninvited guest entering the door, and there was nothing covering the two straight long legs.

Because the man hasn't been in the sun for a long time, the muscles of his back are whiter, but the lines are just right and smooth.

I don’t know when I took off the clothes I usually wear, and I just throw them on the edge of the bed, half mopping the floor.


Gu Yixin felt that the way he entered the door was a bit wrong.

What is Mr. Lu doing? Calling him back, the house did not blow up, the baby did not cry, and the people were fine.

Looking at this picture full of spring, recalling Lu Mingshi's slightly unbearable voice on the phone—Is it possible...Is it possible? Is it really what he meant?

Does a man recover from childbirth so quickly?

Gu Yixin was dumbfounded.

He walked over suspiciously, and Zai Zai was lying in that beautiful small white wind wood cradle, sleeping soundly, his quiet face seemed to be dreaming.

When Gu Yixin looked at Lu Ming, who had just straightened up, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot at this time, and his jaw line was tight and very serious. But his empty eyes met him with four big characters:

Doubt about life.

Gu Yi asked, "What's wrong?"

Gu Yixin hasn't received an answer yet, and his gaze has moved down a bit naturally.

Then he paused obviously.

Somewhere on Lu Mingshi's chest, two band-aids were cross-applied.

The pink veneer with HelloKitty pattern appeared in that position, which was obvious and funny.

The muscles on Gu Yixin's face twitched, and he could understand Lu Ming's mood at the moment.

But the question is... why...

This position...will hurt...

Gu Yixin tried to get his eyes away from there.

"Mr. Lu." He took a deep breath, "You called me back...not because..."

Can't find the Band-Aid?


Lu Mingshi's expression showed his extreme shock.

"Let me tell you the ins and outs of the whole incident."

His face was numb, and he had obviously given up treatment.

"After I finished feeding the cubs," Lu Mingshi absently picked up the robe and put it on him casually. "He obviously hasn't eaten enough yet, but Anqiao told me that he was obviously too big to feed him too much. So. I played with him to attract his attention..."


"Then." Lu Mingshi looked very messy, and did not say anything for a long time. "Then..."

Gu Yixin looked at him, had an idea, and tentatively reasoned:

"...Then the nature of human cubs dictates that they spontaneously found their own rations while playing with you."

"You see that the cub is very energetic and happy, so you go out and use this method to coax him to be quiet. As a result, you didn't expect that the cub was too strong. After a long time, you felt pain. So you tried to put the cub to sleep and then sucked backwards. Take a breath and find two band-aids..."

Lu Ming did not speak.

He stretched out a big palm to cover his slightly flushed face.

After a long while, Lu Mingshi let out a sigh of relief after he recovered a little.

"Most of it is true."

Gu Yixin is proud of his reasoning ability.

But he still felt something was wrong with Wei Wei.

It's just such a thing, why is Lu Mingshi so flustered on the phone?

Gu Yixin's gaze fell on Lu Mingshi's chest again.

He stared at the two HelloKitty and persuaded, "Mr. Lu, if you paste it like this, it will be more painful when you tear it off. Why not just leave it open, I'll buy you some ointment and rub it..."

"no need."

Lu Mingshi categorically cut the railway.

He looked down at his chest with a complicated expression.

Silently muttered.

"——Anyway, it's not waterproof, and it won't take long to fall by itself."


Gu Yixin caught the key words sensitively.

The air froze for a moment, and the two people realized something at the same time, silently looking at Lu Ming's chest.

As if something big will happen.

What's going on?

After a long while, when Gu Yixin finally blinked, something big finally happened.

A position firmly kidnapped by band-aids.

The translucent band-aid was slowly dampened, and then meandered down, dripping with an unknown liquid of magical color.

Gu Yixin:...

Lu Mingshi:...

Lu Mingshi calmly looked at Gu Yixin, who was in a trance, pinched his arm to confirm that he was sober.

"Just what you think."


"Lu, President Lu."

Gu Yixin kept turning the copy of Lu Ming on the bedside, but unless An Qiao indicated which page he would look at, he had never turned out the Encyclopedia of Pregnant Women and found that page.

"According to what the book says, you haven't had this situation before because you received insufficient external and psychological stimulation."

So, this situation is completely normal.

Lu Mingshi tore off the twelfth band-aid and threw it aside irritably.

Gu Yixin patted him on the shoulder: "Be safe and not impatient."

Lu Mingshi turned his head in a daze to look at him: "I have to say, I have lived for almost 30 years, and I know for the first time that my functions are so comprehensive."

Gu Yixin comforted: "And it's good. Don't **** the paper, it's wasteful."

Lu Mingshi removed the tissues and silently stared at the unidentified liquid flowing like a spring, thinking in his heart whether his maternity leave would be extended again.

Gu Yixin thought for a while: "Or, let's buy one—"

Lu Mingshi immediately understood what he was going to say, and resolutely: "Don't! Don't do that stuff!"

Gu Yixin thought he hadn't said it yet.

Looking at his flat chest, Lu Mingshi found a little comfort, and took the book from Gu Yi's new hand to check for himself.

"The above said that the first time... after coming out, it will naturally stop within ten hours." Lu Mingshi put a snack, took a wet wipe and wiped it, and breathed, "That's good."

He can't go to the company like this. In any case, he is going to show up at the end of the month to stabilize the military.

Lu Mingshi half-kneeled on the bed, extending his arm to send the book back to the bedside concealed area. He was recently replenished by Chen's mother. Except for the ones that were not allowed by the doctor, he was given almost all the supplements. With a relaxed mood, his complexion was much better than when he was picking up a cub.

The waist snapped back quickly.

As soon as the body fat drops, the contours of the abdominal muscles show up a little, vaguely indistinct, but very attractive.

Gu Yixin's eyes were a bit wrong.

Lu Mingshi naturally found out.

But Gu Yixin is a man.

So he closed his eyes immediately.

The world is so beautiful, but I just want to sleep, it’s not good, it’s not good...

Lu Mingshi touched the scar with only a shallow mark.

I feel very good about myself.

He put down the hand of the book for a while, touched the depths of the secret compartment, and found what he needed.

So they【】


At last【】

The world ushered in a day full of harmony.


The security level of Lujia Villa has been raised repeatedly, on the one hand for the owner’s safety, on the other hand for the owner’s privacy.

Lu Mingshi can now nurse his children blankly while observing economic trends.

At first he thought he would get tired of this life soon, but he didn't. He enjoys watching the little bit of life and growth of cubs so much. This kind of happiness is completely different from the crusade in the business field.

It wasn't until the end of the month that the Lu family's parents mentioned that they would have a full moon drink the day after tomorrow, and the two fathers suddenly remembered something.

The baby doesn't even have a name.

This is a very serious problem.

Why haven't they thought of naming the cub?

Because time is so happy and busy.

Gu Yixin ran to the provincial capital halfway through. As his results in the Provincial Games all met the standards, he was directly registered as a national first-level athlete, one step away from the special level; however, according to the principal's intention, now the opening is tightened, Gu Yixinzhen You must wait until next year to go to the Olympics and get a gold medal.

On Lu Mingshi's side, besides nursing the baby, he also had to worry about the company.

After all, Lu's father and Lu's mother have been out of the front for a long time, and they are not as familiar with the company's current operations and decision-making as Lu Mingshi. During a video conference, Lu Mingshi sensed that his decision was wrong, and temporarily halted a major cooperation project with Southeast Asia. Everything was disrupted and it was quite tricky.

The two were sitting in the living room. Lu Mingshi was sitting on the sofa with four or five Western classics stacked on his spectacle frame and on his knees.

Gu Yixin was pacing back and forth with the "Book of Songs", and the whole person looked more anxious than ever.

I don’t know how many books have been thrown on the sofa, such as "Cihai", "Book of Changes", "Chu Ci", "Zuo Zhuan"... Needless to say, all kinds of Tang poems and Song Ci, most of them are in a state of openness.

These two people have not stopped for ten hours.

Gu Yixin dropped the book, sighed, and said in sorrow: "I feel sad for the first time that I read less."

Lu Mingshi comforted him: "It doesn't matter, you have your strengths. For example, these books weighing one ton, you moved down from the third floor."


Thanks to Sonic, Jiang Wanyin, Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng, the exclusive mine!

Thanks yellvalley for the grenade!

Thanks for collecting and posting~~

I will work hard tomorrow and work hard every day. People are to constantly challenge themselves