If workers were asked to move books, it would take time and effort to speak, and it would make the house very noisy.

But using Gu Yixin is different. He can carry all the books in the box downstairs at once, and the whole journey will not exceed five minutes.

Therefore, Lu Mingshi's compliment is out of sincerity, which is very pleasant.

Gu Yixin was very moved by Lu Mingshi's encouragement, so he volunteered to go upstairs and took down many books.


Why do they have to move the book from upstairs to downstairs to read?

This is about the structure of the Lu family study.

For a rich family like the Lu family, the study is naturally not an ordinary study.

Wang Yuyan's family has Langhuan Blessed Land, Murong Fu's family also has Shishui Pavilion, and Lu Mingshi's family has a self-built library.

The library of the Lu family is larger than the average municipal library. The collection of books is rich in content and wide in scope. They are coded and stored neatly.

Like many university libraries, there are regular and dense stacks.

Commonly used books are placed in the general library for reading at any time.

The infrequent and obscure ancient books are stored in the dense library in order to save space and facilitate the organization.

There is no gap between the rows of bookshelves here for anyone to read. You must take out the books before you can read them.

This time, in order to give the cub a good name that is loud and elegant, original and full of meaning, they can't wait to turn out all their ancient books.

Gu Yixin, who didn't like to read, saw the regular script and cursive script in official script and running script.

It's really blind.

Lu Mingshi closed the Western sonnet, pressed his eyebrows, and said tiredly: "I wrote more than 20 names, but I am not satisfied. It is either too obscure and not catchy, or it is difficult to write and remember."

Gu Yixin said immediately: "It's hard to write and remember, but it's not enough."

Not catching the name may also reduce the probability that the teacher will answer questions by name in class.

But it's hard to write. What if the child is punished for copying his name 500 times?

Gu Yixin, who has a heavy shadow on his elementary school teacher, is determined not to give children difficult names.

The hardships I have experienced, must not be added to my children!

Lu Mingshi nodded and agreed: "I think it is not good to blindly pursue meaning. The key to a good name is to suit our cubs."

Be unique and related to the cub.

The two looked at each other.

"It's better to call..."

"I can't compare..."

The two finally reached an agreement.


In the afternoon, the two went to the account with the cubs.

When Lu Mingshi cautiously hugged the cubs from the back seat of the car, countless citizens who also came to do various registration tasks were boiling.

"Oh my God! Isn't that Mr. Lu? Is he completely healthy? I thought he would be in a wheelchair all the time. It's great to recover!"

"Yes, the stock price of Lu's Group has nearly doubled this month. If I were him, I would stand up happy even if I had a stroke."

"Oh my God, whose child is the little baby he is holding? Is it true that the rumor is true that the child was born by Mr. Lu himself. He retired for half a year to go home and have a child?"

"Impossible, you see that this kid should be three months old! It's not the right amount of time!"

Everyone was talking about it. Gu Yixin also got out of the car, carrying the baby's small package, feeding bottle, diaper, milk powder, constant temperature water saliva towel and other things.

The crowd was silent for a moment.

Then it boils again!

This time it boiled even harder than the last time.

what is this?

This is love!

The two inseparable in the legend, and the old lovers who took each other together, finally appeared side by side in the public's sight again!

And the crystallization of their love.

At this moment, everyone who was deeply moved had no time to think about who gave birth to the child.

The picture is so harmonious, does it matter who is born?

The crowd watched the two walk into the hall with their children.

The staff who received them turned out to be the one who helped them register their marriage last time.

Gu Yixin thought, this is mainly because the author is too lazy.

Too lazy, really.

The tall man held the cub and sat on the stool in front of the window with imposing manner.

The cub spit out another saliva bubble involuntarily.

The registration brother's eyes were deeply attracted by the cub, and he stared at the little babe unwillingly.

"Hello, what you need is..."

Lu Mingshi subconsciously hugged the cub tighter, a cold expression in his eyes.

And Gu Yixin looked at his eyes and immediately took the cub from Lu Mingshi's arms with full alertness.

Gu Yixin has a very deceptive face.

Compared with Lu Mingshi, although Gu Yixin's posture of holding the cub is not so skilled, the soft cub with his extremely beautiful face can basically make people sing the Virgin Mary at a glance.

However, the look in this Maria's eyes was too malicious, so cruel that she was saying, "Just look at it and you will be killed."

Comparing the two, Lu Mingshi is very kind.

Recalling the last time, the beautiful boy in front of him raised the prize cradle with one hand, and the little brother shrank his neck tremblingly. He and another little brother both lifted up panting, but Gu Yixin didn't even shed a drop of sweat...

Lu Mingshi pressed his big palm on the edge of the table threateningly.

"Go to the account."

"Ok, yes..."

After receiving the materials, the little brother quickly entered it.

When he had registered all the other information, and when it was his turn to enter the baby's name, the little brother was confused when he faced the piece of paper with at least 25 names written on it.

Paper is good paper.

Words are good words.

Lu Mingshi's handwritten handwriting, how could it be bad.

He knows every word.

The issue is……

"Two, two gentlemen." The little brother asked tremblingly when he spread the piece of paper to Gu Yixin and Lu Ming, "Which one is your baby's name?"

Lu Mingshi glanced at it and said affirmatively, "I'm sorry, this page is all his nickname, and his name is written on the back."


Twenty-five nicknames?

Gu Yixin explained: "These are the names we collected from netizens. They are a part of the wishes of netizens. Although they did not adopt them, we decided to use them as children's nicknames to thank them."

The little brother was a little touched: "It's so sweet."

The little brother turned the paper over naturally.

Then his expression collapsed again.

"Two, two gentlemen." The little brother repeated the action just now melancholy, and asked, "Do you have two children's names?"

There are six big characters written in black and white.


Lu Jiujin,

Gu Zhangting.


Lu Mingshi looked calm.

"Yes," he said.

The little brother struggled to explain: "But, uh, there can only be one big name in the system, or you should discuss it again..."

Lu Mingshi resolutely said: "No, neither of these two names can be given up. They are so nice."


Gu Yixin thought for a while and said: "Actually I think..."

The younger brother also said sincerely: "Actually, I think it's better for the two to have another child, so that both names can be used."

Lu Mingshi stiffened.

He almost grabbed the collar of the registered brother and shouted: "Do you know how difficult it is to have a baby???"

But that exposed the fact that the child was born to him.

So he held back.

Lu Mingshi took a deep breath, keeping his face kind: "We'll think about it."

The little brother was relieved and continued to serve with a smile.

Finally finalized the baby's name: Lu Jiujin.

Lu Mingshi looked a little dazed.

Gu Yixin held the freshly baked Xiao Jiu Jin and asked him what's wrong.

Lu Mingshi said, "I thought I had completed the task."

Gu Yixin raised his eyebrows: "Isn't this the task already completed?"

Lu Mingshi said in a deep voice, "You don't understand."

There must be a beginning and an end to a thing, and the child’s name is given, but there is no child to call it. How can it be done?

Lu Mingshi made a decision in his heart.

At this time, Gu Yixin coaxed the cub with a soft voice, ignorant of Lu Mingshi's inner world.


Two people came out of the hall and another reporter was onlookers.

Gu Yixin reflexes to block the baby's eyes.

But he soon discovered that this time all the reporters had turned off the flashlight tacitly.

Lu Mingshi was very angry at this assault, but he still couldn't lose his temper.

Taking into account the public image and the impact of this image on the company and their careers, he just stepped forward and faintly blocked the husband holding the cub behind him.

The reporters were all frightened by his aura, and the eager crowd paused slightly, not daring to move forward.

Lu Mingshi looked around and pointed at a reporter who was familiar with him. The other party immediately stepped forward knowingly.

That reporter had interviewed Lu Mingshi once or twice, and Lu Mingshi recognized him.

Lu Mingshi did not wait for him to ask a question, and stretched out his hand, which was an undoubted gesture.

The reporter had to hand him the microphone.

Lu Mingshi held the microphone in his left hand, stretched his right hand back, trying to hold Gu Yixin's hand, and then quickly realized that he was holding the cub with both hands.

So he had to put his nowhere right hand into the pocket of the windbreaker.

Then there was Lu Mingshi's speech by President Lu.

"Thanks to everyone, my body is now very healthy. Thank you for your concern."

He paused and adjusted his voice, his low voice revealed hoarseness, showing his apology and exhaustion.

"As for the many rumors on the Internet, I hope that everyone can look at them with a rational eye. The rumors are often true and false, and the false ones are true and true, which attract people's imagination."

"What I can reveal here is that, yes, the Lu family has indeed ushered in a new member. I will officially announce this in a few days later..."

His voice paused slightly, and at the time of this pause, Zai Zai squashed his mouth and started crying loudly.


His voice was crisp and loud, amplified by a nearby microphone, and accurately recorded by all reporters.

"……good news."

Lu Ming had a pain in his head, the blue veins on his forehead jumped twice, and he handed the microphone back to someone else, regardless of whether he was the reporter or not, he turned his head to coax the child.

President Lu Da, who was just still unleashing his majesty, turned into an expert at coaxing children, and his proficiency was comparable to that of a parenting wife.

I saw him take the child from Gu Yixin's arms without anyone else, gently patted the baby's back with his hand, and slapped the baby's head on the baby's head while worriedly asking Gu Yixin:

"Is it scared to lift him too high?"

The appearance of such an overwhelming motherhood is really shocking to everyone.

Fortunately, just as the crowds were overwhelmed.

The driver of the Lu family finally drove the car to the door after eight sturdy bodyguards cleared the way.

There were just a lot of people, and there was no need for the driver to open the door. One of the two bodyguards opened the door, and the other held his chest with both hands, staring at the crowd.

At this moment, Lu Mingshi, who was relaxed, had a kind tone.

"Don't be so fierce, keep smiling."

Brother Bodyguard has never heard such an order.

But they took a lot of money from the boss, enough for them to stand up and block the bullet.

Under the charm of money, all the boss' orders, they must resolutely complete.

As a result, the people saw that the evil eight bodyguard eldest brothers were facing all directions, and they all showed a cramped beautiful smile.

The shock of this smile is extremely strong. On the spot, a child was scared and cried and plunged into his mother's arms.

Lu Mingshi hugged the child and was about to get in the car.

At this time, a very brave reporter, with the fierce smile of the bodyguards, asked the question that everyone wanted to ask:

"Mr. Lu, we all want to know, if we can't reveal who the child's biological mother is, can you explain the relationship between Shao Gu and this child!"


Here are statistics of Lu Jiujin’s nickname provided by enthusiastic netizens:

Including but not limited to: five points, two yuan, one ton, three tons, Lili, Dali, 25, Liumao, Maomao, Zhuan (brick) Xu (required), Gulu, Gu Wuming, Gu move, Brick and Brick , Move, move bricks, Yi Shi, Gu Qing, Gu Jiujin, Lu Jiujin, Lu Xiaopang, Gu Yiming, Lu Yixin, Gu Zhuan, andsoon

There are two more!