This problem can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

On the surface, I was asking about the relationship between Gu Yixin and the new members of the Lu family.

In essence, it is also confirming the relationship between Gu Yixin and Lu Mingshi.

Although their rumors have reached the point where they have been confirmed, after all, the parties have not admitted it.

Everyone lifted up their spirits and cast admiring glances at the warrior.

Lu Mingshi paused.

He had already walked to the door of the car under the **** of the bodyguard, holding the child in both hands, and Gu Yixin followed him.

Lu Mingshi hesitated.

Gu Yixin has come over lazily.

Gu Yixin hooked Lu Mingshi's shoulders, bowed his head and kissed the forehead of the little baby who was hugged by Lu Mingshi on his left chest.

The cub burped a milk.

Gu Yixin took out a small paper towel for babies from the small bag with great skill, wiped off the saliva from the side of her mouth, and poked soft cheeks with great flexibility.


The cub shook his head blankly, leaned into Lu Mingshi's arms, and fell asleep obediently.

This interaction is too eye-catching, except for the sound of inhalation and exclamation, all the sound is the sound of pressing the shutter.

However, they could only take pictures of the bodyguards still holding, fierce and innocent smiles.


Lu Jiujin, a 29-day-old child, fell asleep happily in his seat.

Seeing that he was sleeping quietly, Lu Mingshi took out his notebook and started to work.

But his energy was unable to concentrate, and he always floated to the posture that Gu Yixin had just shown.

There was still some residual touch on his shoulders, which made him slightly soft.

It's strange that everything has been done, but a small contact in front of the public still made him feel confused.

Speaking of it, just now this is a disguised acknowledgment of their relationship.

Lu Mingshi was a little lost.

He originally wanted to wait for the cubs to grow up to weaning, and then hold a real wedding, to put their relationship upright and announce it seriously.

Then, go for a honeymoon or something.

Regardless of the gender of the subject, there must be something that should be there. This is the strict requirement of their Lu family men.

When Lu Ming wanted to take a vacation, he wanted to take a vacation crazy.

But he has been on vacation for more than half a year, and the company has piled up a lot of things and needs him to handle it.

Lu Mingshi sadly touched the cub's little hands for comfort, and then worked hard to get himself into work.


Full moon wine day.

For the first time, Luzhai welcomed so many guests.

This old house has not held such a grand event for a long time, and the last time can even be traced back to when Lu Ming was born.

That was thirty years ago.

Things are emotional.

Gu Yixin got up in the morning and went downstairs for a morning run, and circled the old house, feeling that this house is very happy today.

From nine o'clock in the morning, guests came one after another.

Almost all the people in the city can be said to be defiant and defiant, and many of them have come back from other places or even foreign countries.

Gu Yixin recognized many faces that had only been seen on TV.

Chen Ma accompanied him on the melon seeds and introduced him to him.

This is the actor who has won the Oscar, that is the dean of the fashion circle, this is the steward of the literary and art world, and that is the famous diplomat...

Gu Yixin even saw the suspected governor of the U.S. x state in it, which made him wonder if the Lu family’s parents were on vacation in the U.S.

Lu Mingshi greeted every guest in the lobby one by one.

The owner of Lu's wears the most formal clothes, the arc of the smile is just right, with a bit of humility.

Friendliness, politeness and sense of proportion are just right.

He is already handsome and handsome, and he is the favorite object of countless spring cherries. Today's long body and graceful demeanor are even more fascinating.

Gu Yixin raised his eyebrows and moved his sitting posture.

Gu Yixin has always known that Lu Mingshi is handsome, but this is the first time he has seen this kind of calmness in social situations, and the demeanor of his gestures that he grew up in such an environment.

When Lu Mingshi was pregnant, he changed his way of selling cute every day. He probably finally sold enough and started selling his face.

Gu Yixin sitting on the second floor neatly patted the skin of the melon seeds.

"Mum Chen, I'll change clothes to replace him."

Madam Chen is a little worried: "Yiyi, haven't you always disliked this kind of occasion..."

Gu Yixin said that if he didn't like it, he couldn't do it. Could his son's full moon wine still be there?

"It's okay." Gu Yixin said, "I think the rest are acquaintances, so I don't mind if I make a mistake."

He saw the cars of Lin, Hei, and Wei coming from a distance, oh yes, there was also Director Wang's.

Gu Yixin entered the house and quickly changed into a formal dress very similar to Lu Mingshi.

He straightened his collar in the mirror and stretched his cuffs rather unaccustomed to.

I don't understand why human beings have to design such cumbersome clothes for themselves, is it just to look good?

Gu Yixin missed his camouflage overalls and pullovers.

He walked down the stairs super casually.

Lu Mingshi was talking to his subordinate who had just arrived, and turned around when he heard footsteps.

His subordinate who was talking to him also turned his eyes.

Then both of them stayed for a while.

At this moment, almost the entire hall hundreds of guests cast a silent glance.

Then they, like Lu Mingshi and his subordinate Chen Zhiang who were talking with him, couldn't look away from Gu Yixin.

The person walking down the stairs has a very young face, white skin, light pupils, and a straight nose and back. It is the perfect interpretation of this high-level tailored suit.

There is still a kind of relaxation and laziness in Gu Yixin's eyes that are not part of this occasion, but it only makes people happy.

No one will blame him for being untimely, because he is dazzling enough.

It's so dazzling that it doesn't need to be part of this crown.

He is the diamond in the crown.

Lu Mingshi couldn't move his eyes and was caught in the eyes of all the guests. Some smiled kindly, and some mocked sourly.

It's just that neither love nor jealousy affects the two people.

Lu Mingshi's legs were a little weak, and his breathing was heavy. Chen Zhiang next to him noticed something was wrong, and he subconsciously reached out to help, but he was relieved.

Gu Yixin stretched out his hand in time, and Lu Mingshi looked at his inquiring eyes, and took a deep breath.

Lu Mingshi knew that his performance was a bit embarrassing, but it didn't matter, he "healed from a serious illness", everyone would understand.

So Lu Mingshi apologized that he needed to go to rest, and Gu Yixin received the rest of the guests for him, and then went upstairs to see the children.

Gu Yixin looked at the Chen Zhiang in front of him. He always felt a little familiar, but he couldn't tell whether he had seen it or heard it before.

The other party was quite polite, except that his eyes were not right.

After Lu Mingshi went upstairs, Chen Zhiang tried to chat with Gu Yixin.

Tian was chatted to death by Gu Yixin.

Chen Zhiang could only go to one side in a whisper, but his eyes were still rolling here, which made Gu Yixin a little disgusted.

He will not hate anyone because other people are interested in him, or the skin he has now, that is the right of others.

But that has to be without malice.

The look in Chen's eyes made him want to go up and slam his 20 mouths left and right, and slapped him with foam.

But think about it, after all, we cannot always use violence to solve problems.

Gu Yixin thought.

He is also a father, and he will learn to grow up gradually.

You can't scream and kill whenever something happens.

Learn to convince people with virtue.


Just thinking about it, the giant Kuo Shao trio came in.

Lin Rui, who led the head, was still very excited. When he saw Gu Yixin's dressing up, his eyes brightened and he wanted to stick to him.

Gu Yixin nodded politely: "Lin Shao."

Lin Rui said sadly: "You are still so kind to me."

Gu Yixin thought not to.

When have I been polite to you?

Hei Che followed.

Classmate Hei Xiaoche, who hasn't seen him for a long time, looked at Gu Yixin's rare armor, with a very surprised expression, and said in a cramped manner:


Gu Yixin smiled and shook hands: "Little black, tanned again."

Hei Che's simple and honest face revealed a little red: "Benefactor, how are you doing recently?"

Gu Yixin's mouth twitched.

I don't know when it started, Hei Che recognized that he was a great benefactor to cure his hygienic addiction, and he wished to dig out his heart and lungs for him, paying great attention to his physical and mental health.

Using the extremely unprofessional method of "Very good, very good, please inside please" sent away two big bosses who looked back three times.

Gu Yixin turned to meet Wei Junshan.

The last time I met was in the hospital, the former president who had attempted suicide, now his face is as sinking as water, without anger, and his face is unpredictable.

Gu Yixin recalled Lu Ming's laughter, and gave Wei Junshan a standard smile that was ten percent similar and would never be wrong.

"Will Mr. Wei please?"

Wei Junshan twitched his forehead, decisively still unable to hold it back.

This style of welcome...

"Are you the shopkeeper?"

Wei Junshan said.

"President Lu dared to let you come out to pick up guests without training at all. What a laugh..."

He got stuck.

Because he realized that he also used the wrong word.

Gu Yixin twitched his fists and said with restraint: "Mr. Wei, I am welcoming guests, not picking up guests."

Wei Junshan angrily rolled up his sleeves and went in.

To be honest, he really didn't want to come. What's the point of drinking Lu Ming's child's full moon wine?

That guy's child must be as annoying as that guy.

I wouldn’t...I’m...

Damn it?

Wei Junshan was unfamiliar with the structure of the Lu family, and he didn't pay attention to the environment in his anger, so he walked past his head.

Walked through the hall, through the corridor, and walked to the door of an unfamiliar room.

As soon as Wei Junshan raised his eyes, he met a Yuxue's cute little Beibi.

Xiao Beibi is only so big, waving his two small hands with a silly expression, lying on Bai Fengmu's diaper table, waiting for someone to change his clothes.

Wei Junshan swears that he hates children all his life, but why is this child so cute?

Xiao Beibi looked around blankly, and a milk froth came out, and a large elegant palm stretched out next to him, taking a handkerchief to wipe off the overflowing milk from his lips.

Chen's mother quickly changed the little clothes for the child to wear on the full-moon banquet. The big red color made it even more transparent and crystal-like made of white jade.

Lu Mingshi looked more and more in love, and couldn't help but kiss him on his little arm.

Lu Mingshi carefully held up his cub with two big palms and stood up facing the door with the child in his arms, only to meet Wei Junshan with a shocked look.

Lu Mingshi: "..."

Wei Junshan: "!!!"

Lu Mingshi couldn't help but glanced at Wei Junshan's back. No one was there.

It shows that he came here by himself.

The appearance of Wei Junshan who is not guarding the house made Lu Mingshi a little funny. Just about to speak, he only heard Wei Junshan ask:

"This... is this your son?"

Lu Mingshi said strangely: "Yes."

Not my son.

Any questions.

He looked down at his jiujin, puff-puffed little face, he was such a beautiful child.

I can really give birth.

Lu Mingshi fell into a transient, extremely proud and complacent mood.


Just listen to Wei Junshan's assertion, categorically denying it for others.

"How can this be your son!"

Lu Mingshi said inwardly.

"Why, Wei always feels that this kid doesn't look like me?"

He usually puts the cub's face close to his own in the demonstration, and the two faces are put together, which is a very good face because this action is so stupid.

Wei Junshan was speechless.

If he says it doesn't look like it, it's really... it's really like it.

Lu Mingshi has a tough appearance, and this child looks almost like him except for his skin color.

"How, how is it possible."

Wei Junshan seemed to have suffered a major blow. He looked at the cute little baby and the disgusting Lu Mingshi.

How could Lu Mingshi's son be so cute? !


Today I am really tens of thousands, so there is more!

But wait...

The author's sand sculpture power balance is insufficient today! Three-shift painting style is drama warning

"What, there is such a warning?" "Yes!!!"