Show it, just show it.

Wei Junshan numbly lifted his teacup and drank it.

But he really blamed the wrong person.

After all, it was not Lu Mingshi who took the initiative to launch this performance on stage today, but his predecessor.

Of course Gu Yixin was good at kissing. Lu Mingshi had to respond enthusiastically to him, and then he kept using his eyes to suggest that he should pay attention to the situation.

Flashing openly, it is easy to pull hatred.

Who knows how many potential rivals are there, and it doesn't matter whether you are or mine.

Gu Yixin obviously couldn't understand Lu Mingshi's suggestive look, only when his eyelids were twitching.

Wei Junshan really couldn't stand it anymore.

I saw him struck his neck and raised his hands with solemn and solemn expression.

Mr. Wei took the lead and applauded!

Don’t you just want applause? Don’t you just want to bless? I have taken it, but I have taken it but still not it? I applaud you, please stop, my eyes are really going to be blind.

As we all know, when you want to prevent others from making love in front of you, you need to applaud them.

Not only make them aware of your existence, but also show their open-mindedness, and remind them to pay attention to the scale.

And when a person of great status suddenly began to applaud, the venue often quickly thunderous applause.

So, in this festive atmosphere, Gu Yixin finally realized something was wrong.

He whispered to Lu Mingshi.

"We seem to have grabbed the limelight from Jiujin, which is not good."

Today is Comrade Lu Jiujin's big day after all, so the focus should be on the cub.

No, Xiao Lu was lying in the middle of the cushion and waved his paw resentfully.

When Wei Junshan crackled and gave himself up to applaud, An Luoyu couldn't help applauding the beautiful love in front of him.

Then he found that his new father did not applaud, so he stopped wittily.

What about the little love that the gambling king wants to say? Is Lu Mingshi really planning to marry this guy?

The gambler is in a very bad mood and has no appetite.

But he can't skip eating, because the gambling king has a bad stomach. If he doesn't eat on time, his stomach will get sick.

When most people have no appetite and have to eat, they will get themselves two plates of pickles.

Tofu Laoganma spicy cabbage bibimbap sauce or something.

But the reason why the gambler is the gambler is naturally because he is the best gambler.

So when he has a bad appetite, he needs to bet a game to help him.

The gambling king looked at the guests at his table and naturally smiled: "The food is not finished yet, how about we gamble for a game as a pastime?"

The guests hesitated when they knew that the gambling king was addicted. Since the gambling king has come to the Lu family's full moon banquet, it can be seen that the gambling king and the Lu family have some friendship.

The representatives of the family at the same table were jealous of the gambling king, or in awe, or wanted to make friends, so naturally they were unwilling to stir his interest.

Seeing that everyone had no objections, the gambling king asked his entourage to clear the table.

A young friend boldly pointed out: "Mr. Gambling King, but we have no gambling equipment."

At this time, Lu Mingshi walked down to Xi and passed by the gambling king.

The gambling king immediately grabbed Lu Mingshi's wrist.

"Brother Lu..." He smiled, "Can you give us a pack of poker as a pastime?"

Lu Mingshi's face was a little stiff, he thought to himself, don't you know that Lao Tzu hates gambling, and he still has my son full moon wine.

However, the other party's request was clearly just a pair of poker, he could not rise from a pair of poker to gambling, and refuted the guest's face.

He also has to carefully consider the weight of the gambler.

Lu Mingshi thought about this incident and politely said that he would get a pair soon.

Lu Mingshi asked smoothly: "Does Mr. Gambling King have any other requirements?"

The conscience of heaven and earth, he was just polite.

The gambler immediately stated that he really had another request.

"Mr. Lu sit down and play one round, just one round."

Lu Mingshi was very moved.

Then rejected him.

"I don't know how to play cards, Mr. Wang," Lu Mingshi said.

The gambling king was full of disbelief.

Gu Yixin also happened to pass by here at this time. Lu Mingshi had an idea and grabbed Gu Yixin's hand.

"Mr. Wang, I really don't, and I am very busy now." Lu Mingshi politely said, "But if you must, I can let my lover play a game with you." He pushed behind Gu Yixin. A handful.

Gu Yixin was very panicked: "I really don't know how to play cards..."

Lu Mingshi said gently: "It doesn't matter if you lose. It is normal to play cards with Mr. Gambling King and lose."

Gu Yixin was even more flustered. "but……"

Lu Mingshi loudly encouraged: "Go, dear!"

The gambling king glanced at Gu Yixin calmly, smiling like a fox: "It's just a game. Don't take it to heart."

Lu Mingshi ruthlessly seated the crying Gu Yixin on the opposite side of the gambling king.

The miscellaneous people at this table wisely left the table with excuses. At this moment, the gambling king, Gu Yixin and two other passers-by were left.

Passer-by and passer-by B.

An Luoyu watched the battle obediently.

Wei Linhei and the others also noticed the situation here.

"Isn't it." Lin Rui said unexpectedly, "Mr. Lu asked Shao Gu to play cards with the gambling king?"

This is not in line with Lu Mingshi's personality.

Playing cards with the king of gambling is sure to lose.

Lu Mingshi didn't want to lose, because he was afraid of losing face, so he let Gu Yixin lose?

Hei Che looked at An Luoyu, his eyes full of tenderness: "An An is there, should I go over to say hello?"

Lin Rui has been very familiar with Hei Che in the past two months. He has known his careful thinking a long time ago, and immediately attacked: "When I was a little star, I didn't like you. Now I have a cheap dad like the king of gambling. Will care about you?"

Hei Che's eyes flushed silently as if being hit hard.

"An An, An An is not such a person..."

Lin Rui poured Hei Che a glass of wine comfortingly: "After you finish this glass, any An Luoyu, who endangers the cloud, will bow down under your suit and pants."

Hei Che took the wine and said suspiciously, "Really?"

"Really." Lin Rui was very sincere.

Hei Che gave a wry smile and drank the wine.

Then he fell on the dining table with a bang, and brought a plate down.

Lin Rui told the service staff that Hei Che was drunk, so take him to rest.

Wei Junshan snorted, uncomfortable with Lin Rui's habit of pranking.

"You always make fun of others."

Lin Rui shrugged: "I didn't lie to him, he will naturally be accompanied by beauty when he falls asleep."

He patted Hei Che, who was snoring loudly.

Hei Che stopped snoring by this shot and began to giggle.

"An An, hehehe..."

Lin Rui spread his hands: "Look."

Wei Junshan:...


Here Gu Yixin and the gambling king have already started the first game.

Faced with Gu Yixin, who knows nothing, it is naturally impossible for the gambling king to play advanced projects with him.

Just talking about the rules can exhaust him.

So the dignified gambling king played Doudizhu.

This is why they need passerby A and passerby B to exist.

The card was issued by a service staff of the Lu family, and the gambling king had no objection.

When he got the card in his hand, his expression was a bit wrong.

His luck is indeed bad today.

The gambler calmly raised his eyes and glanced at Gu Yixin.

I saw the kid scratching his head, looking confused, completely at a loss as to how to start.


The gambling king suddenly felt that Lu Mingshi was quite cruel.

After all, even if you win this kid, you won't get any pleasure.

He dignified the king of gambling and played with a kid who couldn't even play cards. Even if he won, he didn't feel any sense of accomplishment.

The gambling king happily played a card.

Passerby pressed a hand, and it was Gu Yixin's turn.

Gu Yixin was helpless, so he had to flip over the cards in his hand and throw them all on the table.

"Stop fighting." Gu Yixin said in frustration.

He can't play cards at all.

An Luoyu's eyes widened in shock.

At the same time, Wei Junshan and Lin Rui who were walking nearby were also staring.

As for Comrade Gambling King, he took a deep breath and stared at Gu Yixin's hand in silence for a long time.

Gu Yixin stood up and said in mourning, "Stop fighting."

The gambler's forehead jumped with blue veins.

The gambling king's entourage immediately stepped forward and forcibly held Gu Yixin to prevent him from leaving.

"Want to leave if you win?"

No way! This must be done by the Lu family! How can our boss lose!

The gambler is impossible to lose.

If you lose, you must win it back.

Otherwise, how can you be called the king of gambling?

The gambling king looked at the cards that Gu Yixin had turned over. He felt like he was choking with two tablespoons of sesame powder after eating a big mouthful of sweet potato powder.

You know, at the level of Gu Yixin and the king of gambling, even if Gu Yixin holds a two-level good card, it is difficult to win.

But is he good at two levels?

This is cheating at all!

Gu Yixin was pressed by the gambling king's entourage, and due to excessive shock, he even forgot to overturn them.

"I won?"

Gu Yixin said in shock.

The gambling king's entourage became even more angry: "How can you be like this? If you win, you will win, and you are playing stupid!"

Lin Rui thought to herself, Gu Shao wasn't pretending to be stupid, 80% of him was really stupid.

But even if he is really stupid, he can still torture people to death, so it's better not to confront this warrior named Gu.

After all, Lin Shao had rich experience in being tortured to death by Gu Yixin, and he should believe what he said.

The gambler's entourage was really angry, so he pointed to the card that Gu Yixin flipped on the table.

"Four ghosts, four and two straight flush. Your housekeeper has no experience in dealing with a thousand cards. How can this probability be drawn!"

Gu Yixin took a closer look and said sadly: "I really don't know how to play cards."

But when he heard the king's entourage accusing him of paying a thousand, he was unhappy: "There is no cheating, if you don't believe it, you can deal with your card."

The gambling king pointed to An Luoyu.

"You come to deal the cards."

So An Luoyu tremblingly shuffled the cards thirty times in accordance with the gambling king's will, until An Luoyu's fingertips hurt, and then dealt out the cards one by one under the close stare of the eight followers.

To be honest, Gu Yixin never prayed for good luck, especially when playing cards.

He just wants to do what he likes to do.

As long as you work hard, good luck will naturally follow him.

But today, he was really angry.

So he not only yelled "Give me a good card!" in his heart, he also yelled "Give him a bad card!"

After all the cards were dealt, the four talents picked up the cards and looked at them at the same time.

In the process of dealing cards, the gambler used his sharp eyes to ensure that the probability has not been artificially changed.

He picked up his card slightly relieved, and then his face became stiff.

This can be said to be the worst card he has ever gotten since gambling for forty years.

He can't imagine that the world can really arrange and combine such a set of cards that can never be won...

He stared at the straight flush that Gu Yixin turned over again, and remained silent for a long time.

Lu Mingshi toasted a drink, then went to recount the old story with his friend, and when he returned to the lobby, he was taken aback when he saw Gu Yixin and the gambling king still confronting each other.

I saw the gambling king's face gray and blue, and even a few strands of death.

"In the world...there is such a lucky person..."

The gambling king muttered to himself, the feeling of the entire worldview collapsed and rebuilt, as if his whole life thoughts were completely destroyed.

He has worked hard to practice gambling skills for a lifetime, but in front of this young man, he has no power to resist.

The gambling king was disheartened, he no longer had the thought of attending the banquet, waved his sleeves and turned away.

Lu Mingshi said inexplicably, "Mr. Gambling King, why are you going back now?"

He glanced at the scattered cards on the table and roughly estimated the result.

It seems that my husband has won again and again, which is great.

The gambling king looked ashamed and waved his hand: "I'll visit another day."

Lu Mingshi wanted to say something, but Gu Yixin spoke first.

He smiled and got up to send the gambling king away, and politely said to the gambling king:

"It's just a game. Don't take it to heart."


Thank you Doudou, the flowers on Moshang are slowly returning, my name is Xiaomomo, Ranchen, yellvalleyx2, Ling Yuxin, Sonic, Lazy Blue, Sleeping on Pillow Moon Today, Light Light Light Wick, Uncle I am your son My boyfriend, serryu, mwiyuan, hdhnfd, Mingyueyijiangqiu, endless, sunshine, mint girl, melon juice, Hanshan Temple outside Gusu city, Erye’s alpaca mine!

Thanks yellvalley, serryu, mushrooms? Jun Yu, Xiao Ting, professional car rubbing grenades for twenty years!

Thanks to YeolWhite and Rock Nori for the rocket launchers!

Thanks for collecting Fafa nutrient solution~

I was stunned by so many thunders. Is this the power of Riwan? Can't help but fall into contemplation...