The gambling king finally left. Lu Mingshi was very happy. He felt that his decision to let Gu Yixin play cards with the gambling king was really correct.

However, Lu Mingshi didn't know that his decision had far more impact than these.

After Comrade Gambling King went back, he was depressed for a few days. He refused the hospital and the doctor, and kept himself in the house for many days.

An Luoyu and the wife of the Eighteenth Room of the King of Gambling stood at the door.

Everyone is anxious.

The eldest wife has no love for her husband for a long time, but there is still a little affection in these years, and she also recites a few Buddhas for him.

The Seventh Tai and the Eighth Tai have a very good relationship. This will be secretly hiding and discussing how to cooperate to win more inheritance, and then elope to the moon hand in hand.

As for the young wife of seventeen and eighteen, one had tears in his eyes, and the other almost wrote Xi Da Pu Ben on his face, wishing to immediately divide the family property and return to Gao Laozhuang.

At this time, Comrade Gambling King was actually at a crossroads in his life.

The appearance of Gu Yixin overturned his belief that he had lived for so many years and made him restless.

Is there any way to change this situation?

As the saying goes, you either change the world or change yourself.

And the gambler is obviously not the kind of person who changes himself.

So after sitting still for three days, he chose the most tragic path.

He wants to eliminate Gu Yixin's unstable factor and make the world return to what he is familiar with.


The full moon banquet is over, and you are sent away.

Lin Rui and Wei Junshan walked out of the gate of Lu's house. Lin Rui thought inwardly, did I forget something?

But what did you forget?

He really can't remember.

Lin Rui shook his head and got into his own luxury car worth 30 million.

Wei Junshan leaned on his 80 million luxury car, and when he looked at Lu Ming from a distance, he greeted the departing guests.

At this time, Gu Yixin was passing by with the cub, and saw that only Wei Junshan was still standing here in a daze, and said hello politely: "Mr. Wei."

Wei Junshan looked at Gu Yixin holding the child in a mixed mood.

When Lu Ming was a man I couldn't love, you let him be someone else's child as a stepfather!

Wei Junshan looked at Gu Yixin and thought sadly, you are not really happy.

Once emotionally excited, President Wei Da couldn't help but said in a hoarse voice: "When you love Lu Ming so much, you love him so much that you have to recognize the children he and others have?"

What is he better than me?

Gu Yixin glanced at Jiu Jin and wondered: "Mr. Wei, this is my son."

Wei Junshan refused to believe: "How could it be possible that this child looks exactly like Lu Mingshi, he is his son, how can he be your son!"

Gu Yixin decided to resolutely defend his relationship with the cub. He lifted the cub high, against his face.

"Look, it clearly looks like me."

Wei Junshan initially settled on the idea that "this child was born secretly by Lu Mingshi and someone who didn't know him", so naturally he didn't pay attention to the similarities between the little guy's face and Gu Yixin.

Now what he said...

Wei Junshan's eyes widened in horror.

"This is impossible. How can there be a child who looks like Lu Mingshi and you?"

Gu Yixin raised his eyebrows.

"Because this is both his son and my son."

Wei Junshan once again fell into a deep trance.

"But... it's impossible..."

In Wei Junshan's mind, Gu Yixin could not visually detect that **** of the model size and **** of Lu Mingshi's size were flashing alternately.

Both of these men took off their pants in front of him, which can completely rule out the possibility of women and men!

In a short time, a thought of blessing to the soul appeared in Wei Junshan's mind.

Could it be... Gu Yixin... is actually... intersex person!

The child... actually... he personally... gave birth!

Then... it can explain why Lu Mingshi's son can be so cute.

He must be very hard.

Wei Junshan looked at Gu Yixin tenderly, his eyes full of regret.

"You actually sacrificed this for him." Wei Junshan felt that he had lost too thoroughly. "When he was Lu Ming, what point was better than me?

Is he taller and handsomer than me, or is **** older than me and takes longer than me?

Lu Mingshi just happened to send away the last one and walked over here.

After hearing Wei Junshan's question clearly, Lu Mingshi couldn't help but snorted.

"I gave birth to this child." Lu Mingshi saw that there were no other people on his left or right. He simply chua opened the hem of his shirt to reveal his proud lower abdomen, which had recovered eight pack abs, and showed Wei Junshan that only a pale white scar was left.

Wei Junshan:? ? ?

Wei Junshan: ""

"I am better than you." Lu Mingshi smiled, "I can have children, will you?"

Lu Ming looked at Wei Junshan while holding the winning ticket.

Wei Junshan landed Mingshi shaking his fingers.

"you you……"

Wei Junshan finally did not hesitate to say: " wait."

As he got into the car, he ran away.

The cold wind blew the faces of the family of three, Lu Mingshi's expression was a little dazed.

"What does he let me wait for?"

Lu Mingshi asked Gu Yixin uncertainly.


Gu Yixin was also messed up.

"Have... have a baby?"



What did Lin Rui forget?

He forgot about classmate Hei Che who couldn't wake up after being drunk.

Classmate Hei Che was originally lying on the bed in the guest room. He fell off the bed midway, and then rolled into the bed underneath.

When he finally woke up at night, he tried to sit up, so his forehead hit the floor of the bed hard.

He fainted without burden.

In the end, Hei Che was discovered by the sweeping robot.

The next morning, the hard-working sweeping robot happily got under the bed and never came out.

And keep making struggling sounds.

Aunt Cleaning took a mop stick to reach the sweeper, trying to poke it out from the other end.

Poke and poke and stoke a soft thing.

In an instant, countless legends of horror stories flashed in Aunt Clean's mind.

She boldly picked up the phone, turned on the flashlight, and took a look at the bed.


The scream resounded across the sky.

The aunty cleaner called the security guard, and the people moved the bed together, only to see Hei Che who was covered in dust under the bed, bumped on the top of his head, and still in a coma.

An hour later, Hei Che woke up in the hospital.

He opened his eyes, and there was an enlarged face in front of him.

An Qiao was holding a small flashlight to check Hei Che's eyes.

"The situation is not bad, it should be just a coma caused by trauma, boss, don't worry too much, I think it will be time to wake up."

Then Anqiao saw Hei Che blink.

An Qiao breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said, "Boss, look, people are already awake--"

Hei Che looked at the man in front of him. He was dressed in white, just like an angel in white.

Hei Che blinked, his brain was blank, and he couldn't remember anything.

"Doctor." Hei Che said sincerely, "I have amnesia."

Lu Mingshi was shocked when he heard this, he approached and asked Hei Che, "Who am I?"

Hei Che was at a loss.

Gu Yixin also came closer and asked Hei Che, "Who am I?"

Hei Che was confused.

Gu Yixin took out his mobile phone, searched for An Luoyu, turned out the big-head formula photo of the current star, and zoomed it in before Hei Che's eyes: "Who is this?"

Hei Che stared at the photo for five seconds.

"do not know."

He said honestly.

Everyone took a breath.

This matter may, really, be a big deal.

Lu Mingshi's expression was serious: "An Qiao, when will he recover?"

Ancho: "This, I too..."


Hei Che only caught this keyword.

Hei Che grabbed An Joe's hand.

"An An!" Hei Che said affectionately.

Ancho: "???"

Lu Mingshi and Gu Yixin looked at each other.

Lu Mingshi patted An Qiao on the shoulder and put on his sunglasses again.

"I will leave it to you, Young Black. Before he recovers his memory, please take good care of him."

Anqiao cried anxiously: "Boss, no, wait a minute, I, I, I..."

An Qiao turned his head, met Hei Che's affectionate gaze, and fell into deep autism.


Walking out of the hospital, Gu Yixin whispered: "Is this really good?"

Lu Mingshi said, "Young Hei's life is almost for An Luoyu alone, and this person doesn't care about him. Now that Hei has forgotten An Luoyu, he is finally willing to give himself a chance to come out. That being the case, it's better to go with the flow."

"I mean..." Gu Yixin glanced back again, and An Qiao could be seen in the ward window who was almost mad.

"Is this good for Doctor Ann?"

Lu Mingshi remembered the text message that Anqiao had instructed Gu Yixin to run.

A gentle smile appeared on his handsome face.

"An Qiao is obsessed with fighting for science, and has no time to take care of his lifelong events. As the boss, I see it in my eyes and worry in my heart."

"For them, this one more opportunity can make their life more exciting. For us, it's just a matter of effort, right?"

Lu Mingshi's theory successfully convinced Gu Yixin.

Lu Mingshi pushed his sunglasses.

Hold grudges.

Super revenge.

President Lu takes revenge, it is not late in October.


After Zai Zai's full moon, the two adults began to continue to develop their own business territory.

When Gu Yixin returned to the construction site again, tears really came down.

"It's like a lifetime, it's like a lifetime."

He held the hand of the bald manager, and the two of them held hands and looked at their tears. Together, they turned their eyes to the bare wilderness of Lujia Phase IV.

Tears filled their eyes and choked silently, as if they had seen the future of this land.

Countless high-rise buildings have risen from here, and they will build this wasteland into the most prosperous new district in Yan City!

On the day of construction, Gu Yixin held the microphone and stood on the rostrum with unprecedented enthusiasm.

"The construction site is my home, and the construction depends on everyone! Our enthusiasm is like a fire, burning the entire desert!"

Encouraged by this, the construction efficiency of Phase 4 has surpassed all construction sites in the country from the first day of construction!

Five days later, Gu Yixin was standing on the top of the excavator holding a mobile phone and photographed the bumpy construction site.

At the same time, Lu Mingshi, who was having a meeting in the office, received a message.

Chen Zhiang is making a generous speech to the PPT, trying to let the boss see that his plan is the most correct.

Chen Zhiang waved his hands and knocked **** the screen.

"...To sum up, the focus of our company should be shifted from industry to finance."

His PPT showed the comprehensive report for the whole year of last year and the first quarter of this year, trying to prove that Lu’s current profit is already the financial sector he is responsible for, while the traditional construction and real estate industries have been declining and cannot keep up with the financial growth. Speed ​​up.

In the first seat, Lu Mingshi's expression was faint and noncommittal. He seemed to be listening very seriously, but he did not express his opinion.

Seeing that he hadn't said a word, Chen Zhiang's forehead was gradually filled with sweat. He took out a handkerchief from his suit pocket and nodded his forehead, once again turning his expectant and exploring eyes to the boss.

At this time, Lu Mingshi's cell phone rang.

Generally speaking, Lu Mingshi always shuts down or mute the phone, and occasionally forgets once or twice.

But this time, he took out the phone, held it in his hand, and clicked on the message.

When Lu Mingshi saw a photo, the way he took the photo was quite disdainful. He could see that the person who took the photo had thought of many ways to fit the entire construction site.

The distant eyes are silent, and many machines on the wilderness have quietly ended most of the work, but there is still a lot of heat under the sun slanting at three or four o'clock, and the warmth is shining on the ground, and the world made up of mixers, concrete, this giant reinforced concrete beast It shines brightly.

The exposed steel bars seemed to melt at this temperature.

A photo full of volume.

Lu Mingshi suddenly seemed to see himself as a child, crying and asking his father to take him to the playground.

Dad had a job that day and had to visit the construction site.

So he strongly demanded that his father take him to the construction site.

"Daddy goes every day, it must be fun, I want to go too."

Father Lu, who was stunned by his son and full of guilt, could only take his son who was in elementary school to the construction site. Of course, he was told not to run around, put on a helmet and clothes, and several people watched.

Lu Mingshi hadn't started to grow at that time, he was only about one meter two or three meters tall, which was very conspicuous among the workers.

The little boy tried to lift his neck, unable to see the tops of the steel forest.

The hundreds of meters high tower cranes lined up in a cross, and in his eyes, it is tantamount to weighing the sky.

Lu Mingshi looked at the photo and rubbed his finger on the phone case.

Another text message pops up in the prompt bar above the phone.

It was sent by Gu Yixin.

"The foundation your husband laid for you."

Lu Mingshi finally laughed.


Thank you Doudou, Zhu Yingqing breeze shines on the moon night, yellvalley, sunshine, Shangchuan, Mu Yunzi, so hungry, so hungry, so hungry, lights, lights, wicks, Mo Yan x2, Bai Mu Min only loves the mines of the legend of Qianyu~

Thanks for mushrooms? Jun Yu's grenade~

Thanks for mushrooms? Jun Yu's rocket launcher~

Little cuties, I'm late!