The sunset on the construction site sprinkled with boundless warmth.

When Gu Yixin took the picture with satisfaction and sent it to Lu Ming, he also included an excellent line of his own consideration.

Did you see the foundation your husband laid for you?

Super durable, super sturdy, ranking first in competitiveness among similar products.

Gu Yixin jumped from the top of the excavator neatly, full of pride.

In the office, everyone except Lu Mingshi seemed to have seen a ghost.

God, just now the boss actually looked at his phone during a meeting, not only did he not turn off the phone, but he also laughed!

The beautiful secretary was also a little dumbfounded.

Since our boss has a baby, he really has become more like a person.

She's not saying that the boss was not a human before, really not.

The most uncomfortable, of course, was Chen Zhiang, who was still standing in front of the PPT and could not wait for the boss to reply.

This classmate has repeatedly neglected himself for the boss, and he has already had some signs of blackening.


Chen Zhiang smiled stiffly and called Lu Mingshi again.

Lu Mingshi raised his head: "I heard your report, so I don't need to repeat it."

Chen Zhiang squeezed the report nervously.

"I have the latest data, boss..."

Lu Mingshi said, "I've seen the ones you hold in your hand. You know what I mean."

Chen Zhiang gritted his teeth, his unhappiness almost overflowed from his eyes.

In the past few months, Mr. Lu took over the company. While Lu Ming was away, the Lu family trusted him very much, and Chen Zhiang moved a little bit.

In the original book, the key man who helped Wei Junshan grasp Lu Mingshi's criminal evidence, even if the world line changes and no longer intersects with Wei Junshan, he still has the idea of ​​revenge.

Lu Mingshi flattened the documents on the table.

"What you are quoting is the most recent year and a half of data. From your data, it is true that finance has surpassed industry in the proportion of our profits."

His calm voice, his calm appearance set off Chen Zhiang, who was blushing with a thick neck and bowed his head slightly.

"But you only quoted earnings data for one and a half years, but skipped the analysis of the periodicity of economic fluctuations and policy news. IMHO, this analysis method is too simple and rude, and the results are very inductive. It cannot be used as a sufficient example."

Although Lu Mingshi's voice did not change at all and his expression was very calm, everyone present couldn't help but hold their breath lightly.

Lu Mingshi could feel angry.

In the office, I can hear even a needle dropped on the ground.

People are afraid to speak, waiting for the boss to finish his words.

Chen Zhiang's heartbeat was so loud.

Lu Mingshi's gaze stayed on the face of his young subordinate. The other party tried his best not to look away, but his eyes still showed lack of confidence.

"Zhiang." Lu Mingshi said, "I am very disappointed with your proposal this time. This is not your previous level."

After the clock struck five o'clock, Lu Mingshi stood up, a tall figure blocking the setting sun, and a long shadow dragged on the wall of the office.

"The meeting is over."

He threw the documents on the black ebony desk and walked out of the meeting room first.


Gu Yixin went home from the construction site contentedly, sweating all over.

Chen's mother went home again these two days.

Lu Mingshi didn't like strangers at home, so if Chen's mother asked for leave, there would be no other people in the villa.

So Lu Mingshi felt relieved and boldly played cubs humming on the sofa in the living room.

"Zubzai, go forward boldly~ go forward, don't look back~ don't look back~!"


Gu Yixin thought that Lu Mingshi, the president, was completely crooked.

The former president who listened to Bach and Beethoven can no longer return. His current playlist is full of echoes from the 1980s and 1990s, as well as compilations of the top 100 golden songs of the Spring Festival Gala.

Lu Mingshi was holding documents in one hand and tea in the other. Comrade Lu Jiujin was placed on a thick and soft climbing mat, lying on his four feet upright.

The cub was wronged.

Dad, you used to take care of me. In less than two months, I became a toy.

When you get tired of playing, am I not as good as toys?

When Lu Ming was born, he turned two pages of documents and sang two songs. After a while, he would stop, look at his son tenderly, and confessed: "Baby, Dad loves you."

The cub looked at the sky blankly.

He kicked his calves vigorously, as if he wanted to roll over, but he was too young to have this function.

When Lu Mingshi heard Gu Yixin's footsteps, he put down the file and turned his head, his eyes couldn't move away.

It was already very hot in May, and Gu Yixin was taking off his camouflage jacket, revealing a short shot inside. His sweat, his muscle lines, his smiley expression.

Lu Mingshi was full of the phrase "your husband xxxxxx" in his message.

The following content is not important, the important thing is this rise.

When Gu Yixin's eyes crossed Lu Ming, he stared at the paralyzed cub.

His beautiful lips opened and closed, and he said hello: "Little pig~"

Lu Mingshi asked him to come over, Gu Yixin shook his head: "I have to take a bath first."

Wash the baby first before holding the baby, even if Anqiao said that this baby is the healthiest and most resistant baby he has ever seen, their parents still can't just feed it like this.

But Lu Mingshi's eyes were hot, and he kept staring at him without saying anything.

How could Gu Yixin's eyes not understand.

Well, you can't hug your baby, but you can hug your wife.

So Gu Yixin hooked his finger while rushing to Lu Ming.

Lu Mingshi crossed the sofa with his long legs handsomely, and unbuttoned his shirt as he walked. As we all know, the buttons of shirts are the most difficult to solve, because there are really a lot of them, not to mention that the buttons of Lu Mingshi are still specially made.

When he walked in front of Gu Yixin, the buttons still didn't finish. Gu Yixin stopped him and put his hand on the skin of the man's twentieth spine, helping to lift the shirt from below like a pullover.

There was dust on his hands and sweat on his body, but Lu Mingshi didn't mind.

Like a clam, he opened his soft parts without hesitation and gave them all to the control of his beloved.

Then they【】【】【】

After it was over, Gu Yixin went to take a bath first, and Lu Mingshi lazily put on his robe and sat down on the sofa again.

Zai Zai waved his claws angrily in front of him.

Lu Mingshi said helplessly: "It's alright...the milk is ready for you."

He lifted the baby bottle and focused on feeding the cubs.

There are still traces of enthusiasm on his body, and there is a whole body of sweat.

Also rubbed the smell of a husband.

There seems to be some other flavor.

Lu Mingshi sniffed suspiciously, and finally lowered his head in disbelief and looked at his chest.

Both sides were winding down this time, dripping out traces of unknown liquid.


Zai Zai seemed to have a reaction, and stopped sucking the pacifier.

"No, no." Lu Mingshi reflexively put on his clothes and resolutely said, "No, it hurts, cub, it really hurts."

But Zai Zai firmly refused to **** on the bottle anymore.

Looking at the motionless white liquid in the bottle, Lu Ming felt his scalp numb.

Is it possible that he really wants to use that

No, he never does.


The power of paternal love is great.

Half an hour later, when Lu Ming came out of the shower, he strode over, took the cub from Gu Yixin's arms, and lifted the bathrobe blankly.


After a while, Lu Mingshi flushed.

"Can you..." He bit a word between his teeth, "Can you not watch it here?"

Gu Yixin wondered: "Why?"

"Affect my performance."

Gu Yixin said: "But I'm very interested...what will it taste like."

He seriously said, "Aren't you interested?"

Lu Mingshi: "..."


"What's the smell?"


But Gu Yixin could no longer answer.


Life will not be calm forever.

While Chen Zhiang was planning how to disrupt the company's capital chain and put money into his pocket, the gambling king also came out of the retreat.

The first action of the gambling king was to find a receiver from the world's number one killer organization.

The gambling king is a 5S-level client because he has good credit and money. In other words, he can get a 5% discount for any killer.

If you upgrade one more level, you can get a 10% discount.

The orderer politely asked: "Hello client, can I help you?"

The gambling king said: "I want to kill someone."

He passed a photo.

The person who received the order thought it would be a political or business celebrity, a government official, but he did not expect to see a beautiful boy with a very beautiful appearance.

"Is this a star?"

Ask the orderer carefully.

You should know that customers at the level of the king of gambling will not show up in person when they issue orders.

If he can work, he must be a very high-level task target.

Even if he is really a big star, he won't be treated like this.

The receiver was very curious.

The Gambler snorted.

Celebrity? Can celebrities work if I come to place orders in person?

The gambler looked solemn.

"He is a migrant worker."


The receiver took the photo and didn't know what to say.

But he is still very professional.

The orderer thought for a while, and said: "Let killer A go."

Assassin A is their new assassin. He had only had one mission before, but the mission was completed quite well.

Killer A's usual weapon is a knife.

In this era of hot weapons, he still insists on using cold weapons, so naturally he has a good set.

It is not more than enough to deal with a migrant worker.

The gambler feels ok.


That afternoon, Gu Yixin was walking on the way home, and suddenly wanted to take the bus, so he picked a small road and started walking enthusiastically.

He was scattered, walking into the middle of the alley, not leading to the exit and then not seeing the entrance, the sun was slanting west, and there was no one on the cold path.

I might be really scared to change someone else.

Gu Yixin held an orange given by a coworker, and because he didn't want to eat it, he threw it away.

And he dropped it, and let it go.

Oops, who hasn't gotten away yet.

Gu Yixin thought.

The orange was rolling on the ground, rolling, rolling all the way.

Then the orange hit the foot of a shoe covered in mud.

Yes, maybe every killer has his own special hobby, as a unique expression of his heart.

Killer A's hobby is to wear a pair of muddy shoes.

Killer A stopped the orange with his feet, then bent down and picked up the orange with his long, pale hands.

It was a pair of callous hands.

Gu Yixin walked over without any fear, and smiled: "Hello, thank you for helping me pick it up. This orange belongs to me."

Killer A doesn't move.

Gu Yixin thought for a while and said sincerely: "If you return the oranges to me, we can be one and half of them."

At this time, Killer A had already had a preliminary idea of ​​"I am afraid that this person is not a brain-dead".

Gu Yixin looked at him with a smile.

"I really like to eat tangerine..."

Assassin A didn't have much patience. He handed out the orange in his left hand, and his big knife with a length of 40 meters in his right hand.

"... son." Gu Yixin finished speaking.

Killer A looked at him kindly.

"Eat." The killer forced the orange into Gu Yixin's hands, "After eating, I will send you on the road. There is no starving ghost under my knife."

Gu Yixin wanted to eat some oranges, so he turned and ran.

But this small alley is easy to get lost, so he got lost.

Gu Yixin was forced into the alley by the killer A with a knife. He turned his head and tried to reason with the killer.

"I have something to discuss." Gu Yixin smiled. "Aren't you going to kill the starving ghosts?"

Killer A has never seen so many people who are still talking about death.

"Didn't I let you eat oranges?"

Gu Yixin said sternly: "You are too underestimating my stomach. How can an orange be full?"

The killer frowned.

The killer thought he couldn't run away anyway.

"Then what else do you want to eat?"

A shy smile appeared on Gu Yixin's face.



I just copied today's point to the background, and I heard the computer make a sizzling sound and then it stuck.

Then I forcibly shut down the computer and turned it back on, only NoBootableDevice is displayed

I am very afraid that all of my manuscripts will be lost, so I won’t say more. I will search for solutions with tears and go to π_π