Half an hour later, Gu Yixin returned home nervously.

Lu Mingshi held a cup of XX brand cold medicine and came over to open the door for him.

Gu Yixin looked at the cup in Lu Ming's hand: "Why did you catch a cold?"

"I don't know." Lu Mingshi wondered, "I sneeze hard from the beginning."

The two went upstairs. Gu Yixin wanted to play with the cubs, but Comrade Jiujin slept very honestly, so his father let him go and turned to the other father.

"Mr. Lu..."

Gu Yixin added some boiled water to Lu Mingshi's cold granules, and he showed a very rare embarrassed expression, which made Lu Mingshi feel suspicious.

"What's wrong?" Lu Ming Shiqi asked.

Gu Yixin scratched his head embarrassedly.

"I have something to ask you."

Lu Mingshi nodded: "You speak."

Gu Yixin said: "I'm afraid you won't agree."

Lu Mingshi solemnly said, "I can accept it if I don't break the law or divorce."

Gu Yixin and him looked at each other for ten seconds, stepping forward and sincerely holding his hand.

"Don't break the law, don't divorce."

Lu Mingshi: "Oh."

Lu Mingshi thought for a while, as if he couldn't imagine Gu Yixin making outrageous demands that he couldn't accept.

With absolute trust in Gu Yi's new character, Lu Mingshi accepted this request.

"You said."

Gu Yixin was a little nervous.

"Can you guarantee that you still love me after seeing something like this?"

Lu Mingshi was shocked when he heard the words: "You... have you done something sorry for me?"

Gu Yixin looked at Lu Mingshi's eyes painfully, not to say that it was or to explain.

Lu Mingshi instantly felt green on the top of his head, and he could smell the fragrance of the grass.

No matter what he faced, Lu Mingshi took a deep breath. No matter what he faced, he couldn't escape.

"Let's talk about it," Lu Mingshi said in a low voice, "After speaking, I can decide whether to forgive you."

Gu Yixin squeezed his knuckles nervously, anxiously.

"You close your eyes."

Lu Mingshi said with a heartache, "I have already reached this point. How much influence can I have with my eyes open or closed?"

Having said that, he sighed and closed his eyes.

Lu Mingshi only felt that something was blowing the air over his face. After a slight cooling, Gu Yixin carefully asked Lu Mingshi to open his eyes.

Lu Mingshi guessed and couldn't guess what it might be. He gritted his teeth and cruelly, and stared at Gu Yixin with wide eyes.

He looked left and right in confusion.

"Nothing." Lu Mingshi said to himself.

Gu Yixin took a step forward, holding Lu Mingshi's ears with both hands, and gently breaking his head toward the bed.

"this is……"

Lu Mingshi came closer.

Lu Mingshi clearly saw what was on the bed.

Lu Mingshi's fingers began to tremble.

"This... what is this?"

Gu Yixin's head protruded from Lu Mingshi's shoulder, and he carefully glanced at the cloth that was spread on the bed.

"It's a beautiful little skirt, Mr. Lu."

Poor President Lu's voice became stammered.

"I mean, why do you want to show me a...skirt?"

Lu Mingshi had a bad feeling.

Lu Mingshi looked sideways at Gu Yixin, who put his chin on his shoulder, and saw that his expression on his face was a bit shy, rather embarrassed.

"Because of me, I want you to put it on and see, does it fit?"

Lu Mingshi: "..."

Lu Mingshi's heart was beating very fast right now.

But it was all out of horror.

"You must be kidding?" Lu Mingshi said uncertainly, "I am 1.9 meters tall and weigh 149 meters..."

"It's 187.8, which is far from one meter nine."

Gu Yixin added immediately.

"And you have to firmly believe that for your height, this tonnage is really very light."

Gu Yixin led Lu Mingshi to the bed for him to sit down, put Lu Mingshi's hand on the silky silk fabric, and said with a strong voice: "Dear Mr. Lu, you see this fabric has a history of thousands of years... oh No, its weaving has a long history of thousands of years, and its style combines high-pressure models of modern new trends. It is made by the godfather and queen tailor of the Gaul fashion circle..."

Lu Mingshi collapsed: "Speaking of people."

Gu Yixin asked nicely: "Do you feel slippery?"

Lu Mingshi couldn't help but flicked twice, and he nodded and admitted, "It's pretty slippery."

Gu Yixin asked again: "Do you like it?"

Lu Mingshi looked at Gu Yixin and swallowed, with a voice like a mosquito: "If you wear it..."

Gu Yixin didn't hear it at all.

He stretched out his hand and picked up the sleeve of this skirt, compared it to Lu Mingshi's arm, and sighed, "God, it's tailor-made for you. Mr. Lu, we..."

Lu Mingshi said in horror: "No, it doesn't suit me... It's really not suitable."

Gu Yixin lowered his head.

Lu Mingshi stroked the strands of hair hanging down from his forehead, and tried to refuse with the harshest words.

"It's not good, I don't have a habit in this area."

Gu Yixin raised his light-colored eyes and blinked his eyelashes. There seemed to be some grievances, unwillingness and sadness in his eyes, like a child who could not get his favorite toy.

Seeing him show such eyes, it really broke Lu Mingshi's heart.

Lu Mingshi gave in a little.

"If only this time..."


Lu Mingshi went into the cloakroom to change clothes.

Gu Yixin suggested that he would just change at the bedside, but Zai fell asleep anyway.

And even if the cub is not asleep, he will only be more than two months old, no matter how big his eyes are, he can't see.

However, after careful consideration, Lu Mingshi thought that he had not always had such a thick skin, and put on a small skirt in front of Gu Yixin with burning eyes.

Lu Mingshi took the skirt and entered the cloakroom.

He was also wearing a custom handmade shirt that he didn't have time to change when he came home, and his lower body was changed into loose trousers, but it was also more formal.

Lu Mingshi looked at this very normal self in the mirror and sighed secretly.

Using his index finger, he hooked the red non-slip tape in the skirt, Lu Mingshi looked at the skirt sadly and then at the mirror.


Gu Yixin was also very nervous at this time. He took a deep breath and sat on the edge of the bed, as if he had returned to the moment of waiting for the birth of the cub.

Unable to sit still, Gu Yixin stood up and walked around the room twice, walked to the side of the small cradle, and stopped to look at his baby.

He poked the cub's soft feet and touched his evenly undulating chest.

"Ding Dong"

The phone rang.

Gu Yixin took a look at the text message sent by Director Wang.

"The wig, you forgot to take the wig, and your own clothes! I have asked them to send them to you, and there are some other things. People have already arrived downstairs."

Yes, Gu Yixin just remembered now.

They want to enter the play, the equipment is full.

Gu Yixin thanked Director Wang and went downstairs to retrieve the full set of equipment from the driver of Director Wang's house.

Back in the room, he dumped everything on the bed and put on his suit first.

There is also a dark brown shoulder-length wig on the bed, with the tail curled slightly outward; a pair of scissors; a delicate razor; a pair of large black stilettos.

Gu Yixin: "?"

He picked up a note left by Director Wang from the pile.

"If it is worn by Mr. Lu, the slits of the skirt will have to be cut up three more points. Remember to remove the extra stuff."

Extra stuff?

Gu Yixin suddenly realized that a light bulb lit up above his head.

At this time, Lu Mingshi in the cloakroom was looking at the zipper behind him at a loss.

Gu Yixin took the wig and razor, walked over with stiletto heels, and knocked on the door.

Lu Mingshi struggled to fight the zipper, sweating like rain.

"I'm busy!" Lu Mingshi roared, losing her image as a lady.

Gu Yixin: "..."

Gu Yixin tested: "May I help you?"


Thirty seconds later, sweating Lu Mingshi opened the door.

His face was flushed and he stared at Gu Yixin blankly.

Gu Yixin opened his mouth wide, looking back at Lu Mingshi innocently.

at this time.

In Lu Mingshi's eyes, Gu Yixin's appearance was clearly reflected.

His husband was wearing a standard four-piece suit like never before.

The tailored width and narrowness accentuate the perfect figure. Dark gray suit vest, white shirt, jacket with only one button, straight legs wrapped under the trousers.

Only the light gray rhombus tie seemed to be tied with a slipknot indiscriminately because the owner could not tie it, but it made the temperament more free and unrestrained, and the whole person became lively.

Lu Mingshi swallowed, his anger disappeared.

In Gu Yixin's eyes, he didn't know what kind of volcanic eruption took place.

The tall beauty in front of her was perfectly wrapped in the crimson lace dress.

From bottom to top, the hem of the red skirt hangs down to the ankles, and the calf that is slightly lighter than the wheat on the neck of the hand can be vaguely seen due to the long absence of the sky. The model's legs are very straight, so the visual effect is surprisingly thin.

The waist-to-hip ratio makes people want to whistle. The layered lace and flower feathers on the narrow waist embellish the chest in a subtle way, and up there is a more fascinating translucent fabric, which fits the shoulders and necks and opens slightly.

Above is a face with an indescribable expression. Even if the face is stinky, you have to admit that he is terribly handsome.

Of course there will be a trace of disobedience to such a dress and such a face.

It's just that the kind of violation is within the scope of human aesthetics, but like a wild and unruly handsome boy, he is forced to put on a dress skirt by his twin sister who does not want to appear at the ball.

Gu Yixin looked at him with undisguised enthusiasm in his eyes, raised his hand against the door, and squeezed in.

As soon as he squeezed in, the large cloakroom instantly became a little hard to breathe.

Lu Mingshi raised his hand to wipe off his sweat and turned around: "Help me close the zipper."

Perfect, President Lu, once something is started, must be completed perfectly.

While holding on to the shelf, Lu Mingshi asked Gu Yixin to help him pull the zipper, and while flying on the high heels, he frowned in the mirror to study how to fix the wig.

In the full-length mirror on the floor, the characteristics of men are slightly reduced. Gu Yixin embraced his waist from behind, fiddled with the dark brown hair curls scattered around his neck, and laughed in a low voice: "For the first time I think a lady is so charming."

Lu Mingshi: "..."

He looked at himself in the mirror, there was a dizziness in his mind, and his soul was almost confused.

this is me……

who am I?


Gu Yixin raised the razor.

Lu Mingshi instantly returned to his senses: "...I will do it myself!"

When they returned to the bed, Lu Mingshi put his long legs on the beauty couch, took the razor from Gu Yi's newbie, and lashed out his hand to lift the skirt up, revealing his entire leg.

After the solution was completed, Lu Mingshishu glanced at Gu Yixin with a sigh of relief, suddenly horrified.

"You... what do you want?"

Gu Yixin was holding a pair of huge blunt-ended tailor's scissors, looking at Lu Mingshi hesitantly.

Lu Mingshi's voice trembled: "Old husband, what can I say..."

Gu Yixin gritted his teeth and cruelly, threw Lu Mingshi onto the bed with a tiger descending the mountain.

Lu Mingshi looked at the ceiling dumbfounded.

I only felt one hand holding the ankle up to the knee, and the slightly cool metal also swept across the surface of the skin, lifting the silk on the side to the center of the thigh.

Gu Yixin stopped.

According to Director Wang, it was to drive to a higher position.

But if that were the case, Lu Mingshi would show his thighs with a slight movement.

So many people saw it.

He was a little upset.

Lu Mingshi seriously said, "I think it's okay."

Gu Yixin nodded solemnly: "I feel so too."

As he put away the scissors and threw them aside, the two got up together.

Unexpectedly, he just half-kneeled on the bed with his knees pressed against the skirt.

This is all together.


The five centimeters that made him hesitate completed the scale upgrade without warning.


Five days later.

The "Golden Cancan" gambling ship is anchored in Dayan Port, the easternmost tip of Yan City, ready to head to the open sea.

Lu Zhai.

Gu Yixin is making final preparations for the actors.

Lu Ming reluctantly looked at the little baby Chen Ma was holding, glance at it, as if he was going to leave for a long time.

Gu Yixin kissed the cub's soft claws: "I can come back the day after tomorrow, love you."

Assassin A and Assassin L became entourages and bodyguards. Lu Mingshi decided to change his clothes when he arrived in the car.

Gu Yixin took out a can of black ash dug from the construction site, mixed it with liquid foundation, shook it evenly, and poured it into the spray gun for use.

Of course, after using the buff, he also considered the problem that he didn't even know who he was, so he prepared a secret code in advance to confirm his identity.

The curtain wall was raised in the middle of the lengthened luxury car, and Lu Mingshi struggled to change in the back seat.

Gu Yixin covered his eyes and recited the Qingxin Mantra silently.

Before getting off the car, he sprayed foundation on both of them.

Lu Mingshi looked at Gu Yixin, very surprised.

Gu Yi said: "@#¥#¥%@¥@."

Lu Mingshi: "&……*%&%&¥……!"

Killer B and Killer L: "@#!&*#@!"

The identity is confirmed.

Lu Mingshi exhaled and took Gu Yixin's arm awkwardly.

Entourage and bodyguards followed, and a group of people slowly boarded the Golden Cancan along with the turbulent flow of people in the port.


Thank rock seaweed, dye spring, Sonicx2, lamp lamp lamp wick x3, jasmyn, yellvalley, 9 please follow x2, mushroom? Jun Yu x2, Mea Michiko, Qianshou's mine!

Thank you Yaomu and Mea Michiko for their grenade!

Thanks yellvalley for the rocket launcher!

Thanks for the comments and nutrient solution!

This article currently does not participate in the "I have a date with Jinjiang" contest, so there is no special request for nutrient solution, but I really appreciate every friend who took the initiative to water the nutrient solution!

By the way, if I participate in the competition, the reason I can think of is probably "the cover of this article is as green as Jinjiang"