"Golden Cancan" is a veritable maritime city with a length of 298 meters, a width of 43 meters and a deck height of 12 floors.

When Lu Mingshi climbed the ladder, he was shocked like never before. He has been working **** stiletto heels these days, but the feeling of walking on flat ground and climbing a ladder is still different.

Gu Yixin stood behind him to prevent him from falling, his ears moved, and he heard a lot of discussion around him.

"It looks very beautiful, and it looks slender and uneven from a distance, but this body shape is a bit exaggerated."

"The one behind him should be the boyfriend. The boyfriend is already very tall, but he is even taller."

"Also, this skin tone is too dark. Is there any new trend in aesthetics?"

"Cut, you don't understand it at all. This is a kind of beauty that belongs to a professional supermodel, how stylish, how elegant, high-end, big-gas, up-grade..."

Gu Yixin accepted it well. Anyway, he was a little shorter than Lu Mingshi. As for these high heels, they are actually not very tall, just very thin.

It goes well with this long skirt.

Lu Mingshi calmly climbed onto the deck with the armrest, and with a noble and glamorous gesture, he swung the bangs on the left to the other side. He flung the wig to the wind, two long legs and stiletto heels. Mi, Gu Yixin had to step forward to hold his waist.

"You went too fast, dear." Gu Yixin said in a gentleman's tone.

The tentacles of the thin clothes are warm, and you can feel the power hidden under the muscles of the waist. Outsiders seem to be nothing more than Qianqian's beautiful waist, who can see that there is something else here?

"Oh, see who is here?"

Gu Yixin looked up vigilantly, far away in front of the horizon, their target gambling king comrade has appeared.

The gambler is standing on the deck welcoming his vvvvvip friends, who spent five million to purchase boarding qualifications. The first batch of friends to board the ship will all live in the most luxurious presidential suite.

The gambling king greeted these super wealthy people cordially, until a very familiar but completely unknown man appeared in front of him, his tall female companion, and the unreliable entourage and bodyguard.

The gambler’s memory is very good. The vvvvvips who boarded the ship are all in the top 100 on the national rich list. He can search for everyone’s name in his brain and rank them one by one.

But the man in front of him looked very familiar, especially like...like...yes, like the dying bug Gu Yixin who was lying on the hospital bed with a broken hand and foot at the moment.

But this is definitely not Gu Yixin, in short it is impossible.

The gambler's heart is extremely determined.

He kindly took out a special business card and walked forward to hold Gu Yixin...the hand of Lu Mingshi next to him, and the gentleman bowed in order to kiss his hand.

Since the gambling king is 1.6 meters tall, and Lu Mingshi is 1.92 meters tall at this time, the gambling king bows very casually, and there is almost no room to bend over.

As soon as the gambling king held Lu Mingshi's hand, he fell into deep thought.

This glamorous beauty should have a pair of soft and smooth slender jade hands.

Why is this hand feel so rough, and he can't hold three-quarters of the opponent's palm with one hand?

Lu Mingshi looked at the face of the gambling king trying to move towards the back of his hand. He fell into a panic, his fingers trembled, trying to control himself not to slap him backhand.

Hey, speaking of slap.

Lu Mingshi and Gu Yixin stared at the face of the gambling king.

When did the gambler become a pig?

Normal appearance and a disaster are two concepts.

After the gambling king held the palm, he was rather dull, and he touched it regretfully and lifted it up.

Lu Mingshi chua retracted his hand and put his back behind him, rubbing vigorously with cloth in a corner invisible to the gambling king.

The gambler politely exchanged business cards with Gu Yixin.

"Mr. Buffett Rothschild." The gambling king looked at the title on the card and exclaimed, "Are you a member of the Rothschild family?"

Gu Yixin recalled the indoctrination of Director Wang, showing a noncommittal, lofty expression, touching the facial muscles, and snorted disdainfully.

Gambler: "!!!"

Gambler uneasy: "I wonder if you and Mr. Buffett are..."

Gu Yixin sighed, and Gu talked about him.

"I'm so fed up with everyone asking about the relationship between my cousin and me. My cousin is my cousin, and I am me. Even if I am richer than my cousin, it does not mean I can be happier than him. ."

The gambling king immediately said: "Welcome to the Golden Cancan, where you will feel like you are in heaven. Sir, this lady by your side is really good for you."

Gu Yixin said kindly: "Yes, you are the first person to say that. Many people say that he is too high for me."

Speaking of grievances, he glanced at Lu Mingshi.

Lu Mingshi immediately snorted at the right time, and turned his head artificially.

The gambling king touched his black wig and eagerly led Gu Yixin and his party into the hall, where there was already a rush of people and it was very lively.

"Please walk around freely, you are vvvvvip customers, and every part of this ship is open to you."

Gu Yixin went to change the bargaining chips, and handed them to the entourage and the bodyguard, 50,000 each.

"Your mission is over here." Gu Yixin said, "Go and play by yourself."

When the two of them walked away, Lu Mingshi asked sideways, "Where is mine?"

"Aren't you not betting?"

Gu Yixin put the ten dollars in his pocket, and put his arms around Lu Mingshi's waist particularly smoothly, and walked around in the most crowded hall.

The climax of this "Golden Cancan" gambling trip will be at noon tomorrow. When it reaches the high seas, the jaw-dropping huge gamble will begin.

Before returning home, there will be an annual "Game of Gambling Kings".

"The title of the current gambling king has been guarded for more than 20 years. No one can **** it from him." Lu Mingshi's lips were still, and he whispered in Gu Yixin's ear, "Baby, you may not know how he can How many methods are there. Just relying on gambling skills, who can guarantee that he will never miss his hands for more than 20 years? If he is in a hurry, I am worried that something will go wrong."

Gu Yixin was playing with the coin-sized chips in his hand, and smiled.

"Don't worry, I won't let him bully you."

Lu Mingshi blushed before saying, "I'm afraid you will suffer."

Lu Ming, who was about to wipe his sweat, suddenly remembered that he had been grabbed by the gambling king and had not washed his hands, so he decided to go to the bathroom first.

So he let Gu Yixin play first. He tried his best to step on the temperament model step, stepped on the stilettos, and was a head taller than anyone in the crowd, and left particularly conspicuously.


Gu Yixin walked around, confused.

What sieve cup to guess the points, what blackjack, what poker king, what black jack...

He can't play at all.

Gu Yixin put ten dollars in his pocket, a little melancholy.

Xiao Gu, who is not afraid of traveling all over the world, encountered social obstacles on this gambling boat.

However, he looks very rich in this outfit and looks so outstanding that he soon recruited one tempter after another.

"Sir." A young woman with a scent on her body approached with a smile, and handed Gu Yixin a glass of champagne, "I wonder if I can invite you..."

"I'm sorry." Gu Yixin apologized, "I'm already married." And the child is full moon.

The woman left regretfully and shook her head to her female companion.

For a short while after Lu Mingshi left, there were already four or five people who couldn't resist coming forward to try.

So soon, Gu Yixin had to pick up a can pull ring and transform it into a wedding ring to wear on his hand.


Lu Mingshi was not idle either.

He tremblingly thought about his life for five minutes in front of the bathroom.


in the end.


Which door to enter?

Because he had stood in front of the men’s bathroom for too long, this remote bathroom was greeted by several waves of people. Every man looked up at this big man with eyes that were first amazing, then strange, then conjecture, and finally dodge in terror. beauty.

Lu Mingshi continued to do psychological construction for himself.

He definitely won't step into the women's bathroom.

I hate that there are too many people during this time, and he can't sneak into the men's bathroom without people paying attention.

He never expected that a thing that he usually didn't care about would one day make him so distressed!


Gu Yixin turned the tab of the can, tossed the ten-dollar chip that had been idle, and moved to another hall.

This hall is full of huge modified slot machines.

They are all gambling boat owners who have spent huge sums of money to dig from Goose Country. After modification, the chances are of course black enough.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to achieve 500 million in revenue for one hour of sailing?

This is just a small beginning, the real feast has to wait until after the high seas. When the time comes, the big bosses with huge amounts of money in their hands sit down and play, and that's when the wealth is wiped out in the midst of talking and laughing.

Beginner players will sit down and try their luck, fail a few times, turn their heads away, and never come again.

Infatuated players will guard this machine until the explosion rate.

However, when he was seen that he was infatuated, he would never miss, but after leaving, the next one immediately won the first prize.

Players who are hooked will go bankrupt after sitting in front of this machine after a bit of sweetness.

A savvy player will observe the law, choose the right time and machine, and look for opportunities like a doll.

It's just ten bets and nine loses.

Gu Yixin looked at the young man who had been on the boat for an hour, had lost all his 5 million chips and had a trembling shoulder, and felt a bit familiar.

After searching carefully in my mind, I remembered.

Isn't this Chen Zhiang?


Chen Zhiang took a deep breath, shaking his hands and groping for the gold watch from his wrist, then turned to the entrance to change the chips.

It's just that he froze completely within two steps of turning around.

In the magnificent hall behind him, there was a sudden and agitated synthetic sound of electronic music.

That's the winning music with a huge first prize.

Accompanied by the music penetrating the ten-layer wooden board, the gambling king who happily greeted the noon sun smoking a big pipe was stunned.

He grabbed his high-tech and sophisticated technicians, and snarled out of reason: "Didn't you say that the winning rate of this prize is 0.00000000000000000000000000001%!!!"

All the gamblers in the lobby who were sweating in front of the slot machines were also stunned.

"Fuck, can this prize be given out?"

"I always thought it was a gimmick!"

"I suddenly don't want to play..."

"I don't want to play +1."

Gu Yixin makes people quit gambling, not just a legend.

Chen Zhiang, who was expecting a gold watch to change his chips for the last fight, turned his head stiffly, and saw the familiar stranger sitting in the slot machine where he sat for an hour and ten minutes and lost 5 million chips. Before, he leaned his ears blankly and looked at the name of the grand prize displayed on the screen.

"Congratulations to the players for getting: 50% of the total revenue of the "Golden Cancan" trip on the high seas!"


Looking at the deep blue sea outside the glass curtain wall, Chen Zhiang suddenly wanted to taste the salty water.


At this time, Lu Mingshi also waited until no one was there, and finally he could lift his long skirt, let out a sigh of relief, and stepped into the men's bathroom he dreamed of.

With no one on the left or right, he raised the skirt very naturally, took out the proud xx, and aimed it at the clean toilet.

When human beings are in a hurry to go to the toilet, but hold back at the door of the toilet for half an hour, they will feel supremely happy when they release water at this time.

In this joy, Lu Mingshi ignored the fact that someone walked in at the door.

It wasn't until the music of Gu Yi's new frying tiger machine came from a distance that Lu Mingshi awakened from the sense of relief.

Then he turned his head, and later realized he was standing next to the urinal, looking at him with unbelievable eyes...

An Luoyu.

An Luoyu desperately calmed down and said, "Sister...Sister, you went to the wrong toilet."

Lu Mingshi lowered his head and glanced at himself when he heard the words.

An Luoyu's eyes also glanced over.

An Luoyu glanced down at herself.

Then ran out crying.


what! My darlings! happy New Year!

Good luck! I wish you all the lucky draws on the last day!