Like this, happy time is always short.

After taking a shower, both of them were a little lazy, sitting on the bedside watching the seagulls.

Gu Yixin looked at it and suddenly said, "It would be great if Jiu Jin was here."

Lu Mingshi was taken aback for a moment, and was immediately moved melancholy, nodding his head.

"Want to cub."

"Want to cub."

The two looked at each other, took out their phones and clicked on the album.

There is a special photo album in their phones. For these two novice silly fathers, the gestures of Lu Jiujin's children are full of the charm of human cubs.

Bringing a baby is hard work, and new parents will inevitably have the emotion of "thinking about the world of two people". But with the cub, there was concern. After leaving him for a long time, the two of them began to feel depressed and miss.

Especially when Lu Ming was born, he originally gave birth to the cubs. After he was born, he watched and held most of the time for more than two months. After eight months and two months, Lu Jiujin said that He has stayed with him for almost a year.

Once separated, he was sad.

Lu Mingshi was lost and said, "Why didn't we bring the cubs?"

Gu Yixin replied: "Because the organizer does not allow minors to board the ship."

Two people flipped through the photo album and laughed at each other's photographing skills, and it took more than two hours without knowing it. The sun has gradually shifted to the west, and finally the sunset has reddened the sea level, and the blue sea is brilliant.

The women's dress was so rubbed that he couldn't wear it. Lu Mingshi put on his shirt and tie.

Novice Gu Yi supported his chin, admiring the president's change of clothes.

"There's a dance party in the evening." Lu Mingshi suddenly said while adjusting his tie in the mirror.

Gu Yixin raised his eyebrows: "I can't dance."

Lu Mingshi raised an eyebrow in surprise, and took a look at Gu Yixin from the mirror: "I don't believe it. Is there really something in this world that you don't know?"

Gu Yixin said embarrassedly: "You can't always praise me like that, I will be proud."

"Don't be afraid of you being proud," Lu Mingshi said casually, holding the folds of his cuffs, and turning to ask Gu Yixin, "How do I look?"

Gu Yixin looked down from the broad shoulders, patrolling the narrowed waistline and the texture of trousers. Lu Mingshi's handsome and gentle face showed an inquiring look, with one hand in his pocket and the other hand adjusting the position of the tie. Under his beautiful fingers with distinct knuckles, the man's Adam's apple was sometimes obscured with his movements and appeared in front of Gu Yixin's eyes from time to time.

Gu Yixin blinked slowly, with a strange calm in his voice: "I suspect you are seduce me."

Lu Mingshi looked at him innocently, and eased the knot of his tie a little loosely. He glanced down as if thinking about something, but he was not busy answering.

It seems to be arguing, and it is also like acknowledging.

"So." Lu Mingshi asked for a while, "Am I successful?"

He walked over to Gu Yixin who was sitting in front of the glass porthole, and Gu Yixin reached out to him.


They entered the restaurant one hour late. The two strictly followed the principle of not knowing each other, and there was a five-minute difference in the time to walk out of the room. So when Gu Yixin first entered the restaurant, Lu Mingshi had already sat down with the menu for a while.

The waiter in the restaurant led Gu Yixin into his seat. With the idea of ​​"Let Lu Mingshi play freely", Gu Yixin chose a very distant window seat.

The waiter puts down the menu and habitually prepares to leave first, allowing the guests to slowly consider what to order.

But Gu Yixin never looks at the menu when ordering.

His way of ordering is to order the first dish from left to right from top to bottom on the menu, because he thinks that most restaurants will put their signature dishes at the top, such as the beef ramen in Lanzhou ramen, or Huang The yellow braised chicken rice in the braised chicken rice.

So although he was five minutes late, he decided to have dinner earlier than Lu Mingshi.

After the waiter left, Gu Yixin looked around boredly, but when he saw Lu Ming, people around him kept coming to talk.

Lu Mingshi rejected one boy and one girl after another. He was rather overwhelmed, and gradually became fidgety in his seat. He absently searched for Gu Yixin in the hall, and walked over when he finally found it.

Gu Yixin said in his heart, no, I just want you to enjoy a happy journey without burden and pressure, no one knows you.

Lu Mingshi politely asked if Gu Yixin had any companions, and Gu Yixin replied: "My wife is unwell. She is resting in the room."

With a regretful expression on Lu Mingshi's face, he also wished Gu Yixin's wife a speedy recovery. Gu Yixin thanked him.

Two "unknown people" "simply see each other" in the restaurant and quickly became good friends.

The gambler has been watching secretly through the lens.

Ten minutes later, seeing Mr. Rothschild's new friend leave to go to the bathroom, he immediately signaled his son.

Gu Yixin was eating his seafood set meal, and suddenly felt a fragrant breeze blowing around him, and then a young girl wearing a pink princess tutu skirt with a deep V-neckline and her career line shyly pulled out another chair and sat down. Next to Lu Mingshi, Gu Yixin was diagonally opposite.

"There is no one here, right?" An Luoyu asked in a soft voice, "I'm sorry, there are too many people in the restaurant. There is no other place to sit next to you. In order to make up for your discomfort, I Please have a drink."

After speaking, the waiter served a cup of dark purple fruit wine sparkling with bubbles and gold powder.

The gambling king asked Mr. Rothschild to hold his new friend, so when Lu Mingshi wandered slowly to the door of the bathroom, there was a long line in the men's room where there was no one for thousands of years.

Gu Yixin almost immediately raised his hand to pinch his nose. He desperately told himself to maintain a gentleman's manner, tried his best to resist the impulse, and said politely: "But..." There are obviously a lot of vacancies. You sit here, and my wife will be unhappy when he comes back. .

However, he got stuck as soon as he opened his head.

Gu Yixin stared in horror at the girl in the princess dress who was shyly looking down from the other side.

He obviously showed up in the afternoon. Where can I not recognize him after changing his clothes?

Gu Yixin's shocked eyes fell on the deep V on An Luoyu's chest. This is too dedicated. It doesn't look like it was stuffed in, it should be forced out with strong tape...

Good, good fight.

An Luoyu shook in front of him worriedly: "Sir, sir?"

Gu Yixin fell into thinking.

He has worked with An Luoyu for a few weeks, but he has never found that the protagonist is interested in women's clothing. Sure enough, everyone has a secret hidden in his heart.

Gu Yixin felt that he should respect other people's hobbies, so he decided not to break it.

"Sit down, we'll finish eating in a while, it won't matter." Gu Yixin said politely, "but you don't need a glass of wine..."

An Luoyu was anxious: "Please drink it."

"I'm not happy..." Gu Yixin blinked and asked, "Why do I have to drink it?"

Because this is a glass, after drinking it, you will fall in love with the first wine you see——

An Luoyu did not dare to make a sound.

This is the ultimate task given to him by his father to get Mr. Rothschild, or else he will quit the entertainment circle and return to inherit the family business.

And he loves acting so much, how can he give up!

An Luoyu stammered: "This, this glass of wine is not an ordinary wine. It has a magical effect. It can improve the state of a person. All states, of course, are mainly the aspect that you most urgently need."

What the people on the gambling boat need is to win money, and this is what An Luoyu wants to mislead Mr. Rothschild.

But Gu Yixin looked at An Luoyu's expression, coupled with a certain understanding of the tone of the book, he almost immediately decided that this glass of wine must be x medicine!

Gu Yixin calmly pushed the cup away with an index finger: "Thank you, I am a prohibitionist."


Lu Mingshi, who didn't know why he always struggled with the men's room after boarding the boat, looked at his watch impatiently.

Isn’t it usually the women’s toilet line up? Why are there long queues in men's toilets today?

Lu Mingshi grabbed a bald man: "Brother, you have already jumped in line three times without paying attention!"

Lu Mingshi couldn't wait any longer, and decided to go out of the restaurant to another bathroom ten minutes away.

When he returned to the restaurant, An Luoyu was already sitting next to Gu Yixin, holding up the glass of wine to persuade her.

"This glass of wine is just named wine." An Luoyu explained, "In fact, it does not contain any alcohol. You can eat it with confidence."

Gu Yixin thought I was not at all relieved, if it wasn't for you to expose your strength in front of your father in advance, you would have been beaten to the ground.

There was a bang in Lu Mingshi's mind. In his eyes, a strange woman was clinging to Gu Yixin, her chest almost touching her arm.

He stepped forward angrily and shouted, "Stop!"

An Luoyu shook his hands with fright, and the purple sparkling wine in the cup spilled out.

As soon as Gu Yixin dodged the gods dexterously, An Luoyu was not so lucky, and was splashed with wine.

The **** An Luoyu was in a daze. He didn't even dare to open his eyes. He stretched out his hand on the tabletop and wiped his face with a napkin.

I didn't feel the napkin, but when I heard Lu Ming asked unceremoniously, "What do you want to drink for Mr. Rothschild? Do you want to poison him?"

An Luoyu subconsciously opened her mouth to defend: "I didn't..."

However, he opened his mouth and felt a hint of sweetness on the tip of his tongue, and An Luoyu's brain banged, and the whole person crashed.

An Luoyu was about to cry, but he dared not even cry, for fear that he would accidentally open his eyes when he cried, and then...

Who knows who he will see? Maybe it's anyone, maybe it's a married person, maybe it's a scumbag... Then his splendid and splendid life that he has not yet begun to enjoy will be ruined?

The more An Luoyu thought about it, the more frightened he became. He finally touched the napkin without wiping his eyes. He directly covered the napkin on his head and ran away in a panic.


Today’s writing is in a hurry, thanks to the thunder-throwing friends and everyone’s New Year greetings. Tomorrow, I must spend more time thinking about it and bow to everyone.