An Luoyu ran off, Lu Mingshi stared at his back in wonder, and said inexplicably, "Why is this back so familiar?"

Gu Yixin: "...That's An Luoyu, the lady's lady. I don't know why, I must drink this glass of wine."

The two stared at the bottom of the cup with only a shallow layer. Lu Mingshi took out a small bottle and poured the remaining liquid into the bottle.

"Take it back to Ancho for a test."

Gu Yixin scratched his head: "Is it necessary?"

Lu Mingshi solemnly said: "It is necessary. If this is poison, we can sue him."

Gu Yixin said: "The evidence may not be sufficient."

Lu Mingshi sneered and said, "If I make it full, it will be full."

Gu Yixin felt that Mr. Lu, who was broken by the Heavenly Cool King, seemed to be back again, but what was the sour smell in the air?

Obviously he was not the only one who smelled it, but the customers around him started to twitch their noses.

"Is the restaurant's vinegar overturned?"

"Honey, did you order apple cider vinegar?"

The guests talked a lot, Gu Yixin was bewildering, Lu Mingshi also smelled it, his eyes widened after a moment.

He didn't say a word, but he rushed!

As Lu Mingshi left, the smell in the air gradually dissipated.

Gu Yixin suddenly realized that he bought the bill to catch up.


An Luoyu covered his head with a thick napkin, closed his eyes tightly, stumbled in the restaurant, and an accident was about to happen. The gambling king's men rushed up and helped An Luoyu back to the control room.

The gambling king hates that iron can't make steel: "Insufficient success, more failure."

But it was his son anyway, the gambling king still sat down and ordered his men to think of a solution together.

There are so many people and so much power, everyone got together and came up with many ideas.

"If the young master has his own heart, it's okay."

An Luoyu's tears suddenly wet the napkin.

He almost succeeded in home base with Wei Junshan, but he missed that day for various reasons. When he dressed up for nothing, Meimei came to the door to apologize and expressed his hope of renewing the front line, but Mr. Wei told him righteously--

"Young Master Ben has fallen in love with someone else."

An Luoyu thought of her countless failed blind dates and wept to herself.

"Uh, if the person you love doesn't love you, then you might as well choose the person who loves you? This can ensure that the young master's future life will not be miserable..."

"Yes, Master is a big star after all, so he won't have no fans."

An Luoyu cried even more sadly when she heard this.

"But, my fans, they, they are all girls."

Everyone fell silent.

Only An Luoyu's sobbing sound still echoed in the room.

After a while, a bold subordinate asked: "In fact, girls are..."

The gambler was lost in thought.

When An Luoyu heard this, he was anxious: "Never, I can't do anything with girls." Even if medicine can change his feelings, it can't change his physiology. If he fell in love with a girl, wouldn't his future life be equivalent to chemical castration? None of them will be happy!

The gambler stared at the monitor and revenue, and waved his hand: "Hurry up and come up with an idea, or you will all be turned on."

The men started brainstorming and enumerated various methods.

"Master, do you chase stars? How about looking at photos of your idols?"

"As the saying goes, no matter how good a boyfriend is, there is no guarantee that he will love me forever, but a piece of paper will never betray me! It's better to find a few excellent strategies for the young master to play the game, so that the young master can be on the phone Falling in love will not affect normal life..."

Everyone tweeted for a long time, and An Luoyu became more and more miserable the more he listened. In the second half of his life, can he still have x life?

When all thoughts were lost, an idea boldly put forward by a subordinate attracted An Luoyu's attention.

"Master, there is a big basilisk in Harry Potter. A living person will die when he sees it. But none of the four witnesses died because they did not directly see the basilisk, but through a mirror, a camera, and glasses. And the reflection of the water on the floor saw it."

The man paused, and said his own suggestion: “It’s better to put on the young master A Bing sunglasses in a dark color, maybe it can weaken the passionate love that the young master will have when he sees the first person, and reduce it to one. A kind of ordinary goodwill that can be tolerated."

The gambling king waved his hand: "Just a pair of sunglasses is not enough. It's better than this."

After half an hour, the very mobile players found the props and carried out a systematic and detailed assembly.

Finally, An Luoyu, who dared not move her eyes tightly, wore Ah Bing sunglasses, and attached the cannon viewfinder frame with a telephoto lens to the sunglasses. A mirror was tilted in front of the cannon lens, and the mirror was tilted far away. A puddle of water on the ground, above the water is the poster of the most popular super-beautiful paper man in the legend that my subordinates urgently printed.

The best situation is that after the reduction, An Luoyu is in love with the paper man, but will not be overly addicted, and there will be a clear day.

"Are you ready?" The subordinates counted down three passionately, "Three! Two! One!"

An Luoyu opened one eye tremblingly and pressed the shutter.


Pressing the shutter, An Luoyu was sweating profusely, sitting on the chair as if prostration, and emptied himself.

He always felt as if something had changed, but he couldn't feel the slightest difference.

"Father." An Luoyu asked with luck, "Is it possible that this medicine is a fake medicine?"

The gambling king said it was impossible and asked his men to lift the poster in front of An Luoyu.

"Do you feel anything when you look at the cartoon characters on this paper?"

An Luoyu looked intently with a trembling trembling, indeed he painted a handsome guy, he painted very well, almost at the limit of human aesthetics, and between the two-dimensional and three-dimensional, the outline of the lines is exaggerated but not excessive. The brush strokes are delicate and the colors are vivid.

Hey, that's not right.

An Luoyu thought, I praised him for so long, is it because my brain's emotional function areas have been controlled?

Thinking carefully, An Luoyu replied in a daze: "The palm of my hand hurts a bit."

The gambling king glanced at his son's palm: "You pinched it yourself. What else do you feel?"

An Luoyu shook his head in confusion, and said in confusion, "Maybe...a bit familiar?"

The gambling king glanced at the paper man, but he also felt a little familiar.

"Where did you find the ranking?"

"Report to the boss, search on Weibo." The subordinate picked up the ipad and showed the popularity ranking to the boss.

This is a fan painter, with a series of super popular pictures.

"I have sent the series of pictures to the young master's phone. I hope that the young master can gradually quit and eventually desensitize completely."

An Luoyu held this set of pictures and looked at it all night.

At first, he thought it was good-looking, and suspected that what he was drinking was really a fake medicine, but this painter was indeed very good, and the more he looked at it, the better.

In the end, An Luoyu felt that it would be nice to have a male paper ticket, and fell asleep with her phone on her pillow.


Lu Mingshi returned to the cabin and turned on the refrigeration system of the air conditioner to the lowest level. It was so cold that Gu Yixin sneezed when he came back.

Lu Mingshi hid in the bathroom and couldn't come out. Gu Yixin guarded the door amusedly and knocked on the door.

"It's okay." Gu Yixin persuaded, "I'm used to it. Compared with the bitter taste, this acid is quite innovative."

Like frozen lemon with fresh orange peel, it smells refreshing in summer.

Lu Mingshi's depressed voice was separated by a door: "I don't like this feeling of being unable to control myself."

Gu Yixin said: "You come out and we will make it sweet."

Lu Mingshi pushed the door open, his whole body was wet, apparently he had just taken a long shower. The sour lemon smell on his body has faded, replaced by the refreshing sweetness of orange soda, wiping his hair with a little annoyance.

"You don't have to worry about me." Lu Mingshi said, "The evening dance will be wonderful, don't miss it."

Gu Yixin shook his head: "My partner has gone, I don't want to go to the dance party."

Lu Mingshi turned his head, seemingly inadvertently looking at the sky that was completely dark outside the window, and a crescent moon in the sky.

"If you hook your fingers, there will be many people who want to be your dance partners."

Gu Yixin said: "I can't dance."

Lu Mingshi reached out to him.

Lu Mingshi, who only wore slippers, stood with the well-dressed Gu Yixin, and there was no longer any height advantage. The fierce music on the lower deck of the cruise ship was already playing, Lu Mingshi opened the balcony door, and the hot summer night air rolled in, filling the spacious suite with the faint sound of dance music.

"I teach you." Lu Mingshi said.

Lu Mingshi held Gu Yixin by the waist and showed him the male steps. He was only loosely wrapped in a soft bathrobe, and water dripped from his hair, sinking into the gully of his back muscles. He has deep eyes, and although his clothes are not formal at all, his expressions and movements can be called a textbook for mature men. It seems that he is not in the cabin of the cruise ship, but on the dance floor of the annual meeting, as if he is not a bathrobe, but a complete evening gown.

Gu Yixin was turned to follow the melody by Lu Mingshi, admiring his calmness calmly. After the strong sound of a violent storm, the drum beat of the dance music gradually changed sharply-the end of the song, they did not know when they had arrived on the balcony.

The sea breeze in the summer night was hunting and blowing the hair of the two of them, and the scattered hair covered part of the sight. Lu Mingshi let go of Gu Yixin's waist slightly. Just as he was about to say something, the back of his waist had already hit the hard railing; Gu Yixin pushed the prey against the snow-white painted railing and leaned down a little bit.

Lu Mingshi was forced to lean back. It was tens of meters above the sea level. He could feel the hot summer night and the dark blue sky in the background.

The crescent moon was dim, dotted with several stars, and gathered into Gu Yixin's light-colored eyes with a slight gleam.

There is a little danger, Lu Mingshi thought. He could hear the overwhelmed rattling of the railing.

But he didn't want to stop too quickly at this moment. It's strange, Lu Mingshi thought, I turned out to be a romantic person...

"Do you know what I saw?" Lu Mingshi asked quietly before Gu Yixin met him.

Gu Yixin nodded and continued to move.


"How did you know?" Lu Mingshi asked breathlessly.

"You see it in your eyes." Gu Yixin replied, "It's all stars."

The air has really become sweet.

The railing issued an overwhelming danger alert. This time Lu Mingshi didn't dare to neglect anymore, and quickly pushed people into the house.

"Come on, husband." Lu Mingshi relentlessly encouraged when he was turned over.

Although he has been confused, but he always remembers something very important and persists in inspiring Gu Yixin.

"We still have a task that hasn't been completed. It hasn't been completed yet. If the task is not completed, it must not be completed."


Thank you Sonic, I don’t know, light light light wick, Obama, cream nine-nine **** x2, no need to have an impression, Congliang., 33650582, Mo Wuyue, brother, Mimi Mimi’s crayfish, the author is lying under me, Yellvalley is a mine of water!

Thanks Yangui for the grenade!

Thank you Zhenyue for the shallow water bomb who slept today!

Today is also grateful!