Lu Mingshi is a very professional man. His principle of conduct has always been that words must be done and actions must be resolute.

Therefore, at six o'clock the next morning.

When most of the passengers on the ship were still asleep, the dedicated president and family of migrant workers woke up from sleep and sat in front of the dressing table.

When Gu Yixin got up, Lu Mingshi was facing the tutorial sent by the female secretary, applying mascara to himself.

Of course, Lu Mingshi had already used Black Grey Brand Liquid Foundation, so no one would recognize him now.

Gu Yixin looked at Lu Mingshi in front of the dressing table with his head against the chicken coop.

"Who are you beautiful?"

Lu Mingshi shook his mascara brush, and rubbed the mascara on his eyelids.

It's time to use the secret sign.

Lu Mingshi: "&……*%&%&¥……!"

Gu Yi said: "@#¥#¥%@¥@!"


The two fully armed went to have breakfast together, and happened to ran into the gambling king and An Luoyu.


Lu Mingshi was adding salad dressing to the plate, and seeing the two people at the door, he immediately sat down on Gu Yixin's lap dedicatedly.

Gu Yixin: "?"

He didn't want to play in public.

Gu Yixin solemnly looked up at the back of Lu Mingshi's head, and Lu Mingshi demonstratively looked at An Luoyu at the door.

The gambling king is a little guilty, wondering if my son's women's clothing was seen through yesterday?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

My son is so manly, so masculine, and the contrast between women's clothing and usual costumes, how could he be recognized?

Lu Mingshi devoted himself to creating the perfect set of rich and prodigal son for Mr. Rothschild, so he generously performed thigh sitting.

Anyway, he is now in women's clothing, and he cannot be regarded as the real him. No one can catch this point and attack him anyway.

Lu Mingshi felt that such recklessness was a refreshing thing.

The gambler felt that his authority was challenged.

Someone is more arrogant and volatile than him.

He regretted not taking his eighteen wives aboard.

But what he didn't know was that of his 18 wives, there were only 16 left.

Qi Tai and Ba Tai took advantage of his carelessness to take away 860 million, Shuang Su Shuang Fei ran away softly.


At noon, the huge ship sailed on the calm surface of the high seas.

When the noon sun left only one black spot in the shadow cast by the flagpole on the bow, the biggest gamble of this voyage began.

Zhao Qian Sun Li, Zhou Wu Zheng Wang.

The eight great families gather here.

"Fuck." Lu Mingshi quietly vomited, "I said why these companies are worse than each year."

With 10 million chips, you can watch, and 30 million can join the gamble. In this gambling, you can bet 20 times with a winning rate of more than 95% before you can enter the gambling championship.

As soon as the eligibility for the king of gambling was announced, more than a dozen confident challengers were dumbfounded and began to argue.

"What the organizing committee is doing! The previous tenth session was 80%. Why don't you say a word and go up 15 points!"

"These fifteen points are the winning rate! It is the winning rate! 95%, the gambler can't do it himself, right?"

Right now, half of the players directly abstained, leaving only six players.

Lu Mingshi frowned: "95%, who can achieve this winning rate is not the gambler, but the gambler."

Gu Yixin took out crystal bricks worth 10 million yuan, and randomly borrowed two yuan from two wealthy people who followed him yesterday and won a lot of money, holding three bricks and sitting in front of the gambler with the highest winning rate.

The gambler's current winning rate is 85%. This result has been placed in the past to securely enter the challenge, but this year is still far behind.

At present, a crystal brick as high as a hill is piled up in front of the gambler, enough for him to buy a building and boat in Dubai to enjoy his life.

Unfortunately, he met Gu Yixin, who had to win 95%.

Ten minutes later, the gambler stood up in a daze and walked into the sea.

"Don't!" Gu Yixin rushed forward, grabbing the gambler's ankle and pulling the person up.

The gambler said: "It's all gone, I want to die."

Gu Yixin: "How much gambling did you bring on board?"

Gambler: "Five hundred thousand."

Gu Yixin: "Five hundred thousand?"

Gu Yixin gave him 500,000 chips.

"Don't just play ha." Gu Yixin said, "At least keep a copy for yourself."

Then Gu Yixin, of course, helped twenty people to quit gambling casually, with 400 million chips and a full winning percentage, becoming the only new challenger in the King of Gambling Tournament.

The gambling king sighed.

He temporarily set this winning percentage, hoping to block this bug from the competition.

Today’s plan is only...

He held up a glass of pink sparkling wine.

"Boss, this is the medicinal wine that the master gave us, the state has improved a hundred times!"

"Master ordered, it will work only after the whole drink is finished!"

"Looking at the current state of the young master, the effect of the master's medicine is really too strong!"

The gambling king glanced at his hapless son, An Luoyu was holding the phone and giggling.

I have been smirking for twelve hours continuously.

The gambler thinks his theory makes sense.

The unlucky son's performance must be due to the effects of the master.

and so,

Another medicine of the master is also absolutely effective.

The gambler picked up the glass of pink bubble wine.

He poured into his throat in one breath.

Grumbling, snapping, pala la.

Like a curse flowing into the blood of the gambling king, the strange energy travels with the blood in the old gambling body, injecting a light into his heart!

Ah, that light, so beautiful, like a guide from a god!

The gambling king felt this feeling of being full of power with a great shock. The pink energy gathered and climbed to the brain, the nerve center——

The gambling king slowly opened his eyes.

In front of him was his pie face that looked like a truck ran over.

Gambler: "!"

The gambling king discovered with horror that his face was gradually turning pink and his heartbeat was gradually getting faster, and how he looked at his pie face made him feel the beauty of heaven!

He even wants to divorce his eighteen wives, and then develop a serious relationship with his men based on marriage? !

The gambler is crazy.


Ten minutes later, the gambling king was fed five bottles of quick-acting heart-relief pills, leaning against his broad chest and taking oxygen.

Everyone comforted the boss.

"This must be a side effect of the drug, indicating that the drug has worked, and the boss must make Mr. Rothschild lose doubts about life!"

"The side effects will definitely disappear," his subordinates vowed, "the boss can rest assured, if the side effects do not disappear, I will let myself disappear!"

The gambling king had always been so angry that he was going to travel. At this time, he suddenly sat up and shouted: "No! I don't allow it!"

My heart tells me that it does not allow you to disappear in my world!

If you disappear, I will disappear together! The mountain has no edges, the world is in harmony, and I dare not be with Junjue!

The gambler has completely believed in his love.

He held the pie face under his hands and said affectionately: "Wait for me, today I will definitely propose to you with victory."

Subordinates: "..."

But I want to disappear more! ?


Gu Yixin waited for a confident gambler.

The gambler lost three games in a row.

Everyone has seen the decline of the gambling king.

But the gambling king disagrees.

"These are nothing." The gambling king waved his hand, and 1.8 billion was wiped out, but he didn't care at all.

The gambling king firmly believes that this loss of a small amount of money is just a matter of God helping him save his character.

Next, it is the moment when he decides the outcome of a game and lets the jumping clown dog lead him.

The gambler took out the key to his safe in the Swiss bank and shouted: "Shu. Ha!"

People were shocked.

In the safe deposit box of the king of gamblers, the total property is not exactly 300 billion euros!

Is he crazy? Where is the confidence?

Gu Yixin: "Huh? Really?"

He seemed to be afraid of the gambling king's mistake and confirmed it three times.

The gambling king was impatient: "I shuttle ha, do you want to surrender?"

Gu Yixin: "What is surrender? Shuttle ha! Counting the 2.2 billion I won before, there are... yes, there are gambling boats, um, half of the revenue?"

Lu Mingshi: "Yes, shuttle ha!"

The gambling king didn't care much: "It's boring. You only have a net worth of 8.8 billion. What kind of shuttle?"

The implication is that Mr. Rothschild, only the entire family is called Shuo Ha!

Don’t you claim to be richer than your cousin Buffett, shouldn’t you come up with real hard goods?


If you can’t finish writing, I’ll post it first and make up tomorrow.

I opened it and looked at it. It was all in a frame. I changed it. Yesterday there were a lot of things in this chapter and I didn’t finish it. I apologize to everyone. See you tonight.