Hearing this provocation, Mr. Lu couldn't sit still.

Just when Lu Mingshi wanted to say something, Gu Yixin said:

"Gambling is just my personal hobby. I have no right to decide to put the fate of the family on the gambling table. Mr. Gambler, when you decide to throw out your entire net worth as a bargaining chip, this decision will affect not only your personal property, but also you The future of these people behind me."

The gambling king's gaze crossed An Luoyu's face without any fluctuations.

The gambler's gaze crossed his subordinates' faces, and soon calmed down after the fluctuation.

Whether it is family affection or love, he cannot match his pursuit of wealth and power.

The gambling king sneered: "This is the courage that the gambling king should have. You dare not gamble all because you lack confidence and ambition!"

Lu Mingshi finally said, "Mr. Gambling King."

When he spoke, his hoarse and **** voice caught the eyes of all those present.

It is still effective to make your voice dumb last night.

When the gambling king turned his gaze to Lu Ming, he had no patience.


Lu Mingshi held a small crystal-clear key in his hand, and under everyone's attention, he dropped the key in the center of the table far away.

The tall, cool girl's cold and elegant voice echoed in the hall:

"We have a lot of this kind of keys in our house. Of course we have to have fun. My husband is too rational, so there is less fun."

"But it's okay." Lu Mingshi smiled, "I will spend this sole proprietorship. You can spend it whatever you want. Honey, can you help me win some pocket money back?"

Turning to the gambling king.

"With this account number xxxxx, you can call the Swiss bank to check the VIP level."

The gambler bowed his head, his eyes locked.

The people exclaimed. Soon someone recognized this key. The VIP level it represents is one level higher than the gambler!

Gu Yixin was deeply moved, and under the intense emotional impact, the bug energy level rose sharply.

After the crowd was restless,





Gu Yi's new card faced a straight flush, and the gambler stared at his four of them and hit 1,000,000,000,000 points critically.

An Luoyu was stunned by the ending, his face turned pale, and he felt unreal when his rich life fell from the sky. It turned out that the dream would eventually wake up.

This scene is irresistible.

The referee reluctantly declared Mr. Rothschild's victory and put two safe keys and diamond chips symbolizing the title of gambling king into the hands of novice Gu Yi.

When Gu Yixin returned the small transparent key to Lu Ming, he held his hand and wanted to confess--

Sudden changes occur.

With a wave of the gambler's hand, he brought a team of SSSS-class elite hired soldiers armed with all kinds of heavy artillery and fired at the sky. In an instant, there was a roar of escaped ghosts and wolves in the crowd, and an empty area was cleared in the middle of the hall. The sound crackled.

Gu Yixin held Lu Ming in his arms with one hand, and looked at the gambling king vigilantly: "Do you want to fall back on the bill? So you used this method to be the gambling king for twenty years."

Lu Mingshi buried his face on Gu Yixin's chest and twitched.

"That's how the gambling king who has been in the chain for the longest time ever came. I am really embarrassed for you."

The gambling king grinned: "The truth about the king and the loser, you stupid mandarin ducks, let's go to **** to understand! This is the open sea, a place of disorder, I control the force and I am the king!"

He fingered Gu Yixin and shouted: "Fire!!!"

Thirty hired soldiers started the second round of frantic fire, this time not towards the sky, but at the two lonely people in the middle of the hall!

Lu Mingshi wanted to lift his head from Gu Yixin's chest and threw him to the ground, but Gu Yixin couldn't shake him at all.

Seeing that two people are about to become living targets, they become the first sacrifice on this gambling boat.

When it was too late, Gu Yixin grabbed a handful of poker and threw it into the air!

The gambling king was taken aback, then laughed loudly: "Are you going to use paper to deal with bullets?"

Before the words fell, I saw the weak pieces of paper hit the bullets that quickly pierced the air, and then the bullets were ejected back!

Crazy, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, Qi Delong Dongqiang!

A row of hired soldiers fell, and thousands of bullets became soft!

The weak paper material instantly transformed into the skin structure of the Hulk, and instantly killed 30 mercenaries!

The gambling king was dumbfounded, his canthus cracked.

Lu Mingshi got out of Gu Yixin's arms and was also shocked.

"Husband." Lu Mingshi blinked and asked, "How on earth did this happen?"

Gu Yixin was a little embarrassed: "Uh, this explanation is more complicated. It may be from five hundred years ago... Hey, don't run!"

Gu Yixin carried the gambling king's back collar and gestured tentatively to his throat with a playing card.

"Wife, you said that Mr. Wang's skin is so thick, and a small piece of paper accidentally scratched, it won't be so good, right?"

The gambling king screamed like a pig: "Don't be a hero, if you accidentally swipe it, I will die. Wouldn't the hero become a murderer and dirty Mr. Rothschild's artistic hands!"

Lu Mingshi had no liking for the King of Gambling. Seeing that he had a murderous intention, he planned a thousand ways to send people to prison to survive.

"Kill it." Lu Mingshi sneered from the side. "Anyway, killing on the high seas, a place of disorder, whoever has the force is the king, eh?"

Gambler: "..."

Gu Yixin tied the gambling king firmly, tied it to a large mahjong table, and stepped back to admire the horrified expression of the gambling king.

"Your karma will be paid for the rest of your life slowly."

Gu Yixin said, turning to the shivering An Luoyu and his men in the corner, and said kindly: "Do you need to find employment again after you dock? I recommend moving bricks. For specific benefits, I can ask my entourage and bodyguard to come out and give an impromptu speech. ..."

The gambler was tied to the mahjong table and carried to the bow towards the sunset. The "Golden Cancan" returned slowly all the way north in the afterglow of the setting sun, docking at a deep-water port.

Mr. Rothschild generously distributed the revenue of this gambling ship to everyone who came to the voyage, and took the lead in realizing communism on a certain scale, and won the support and ecstasy of the whole ship.

Only Chen Zhiang, who was not out of danger after jumping into the sea and being rescued, could not get the gift, but he would not know why if he wanted to break his head.

The sunset glow reflected the golden light of the entire deep-water port. Killer B and Killer L sang the most glorious working people on the high platform, and the gambling king tied his shirtless shirt to the bow of the mahjong table, spitting bubbles in vain.

He also hoped that after he was penniless, his 18 wives could leave one or two to take care of him and support his comeback.

After disembarking, Gu Yixin stopped An Luoyu, who was walking around holding his mobile phone in despair.

"I know that your father has married many wives. First of all, I want to condemn him for blatantly violating the law of monogamy. Second, I want to ask you to do something."

Gu Yixin gave An Luoyu a card: "After I go back, I will give you 10 billion. Please be responsible for the reasonable distribution of these properties to your 18 stepmothers. After all is completed, you will also receive reasonable compensation. "

An Luoyu's eyes blushed: "You, you are such a good person. You won't embarrass me anymore, will you?"

Gu Yixin thought of the purple bubble wine that hadn't found the test results: "Uh, this is not necessarily." If you have ever considered poisoning me, I am afraid that Mr. Lu will not let you go first...

Once again admiring the fruit gambling king who was still tied to the bow, Gu Yixin hugged his wife very openly and went home to carry the cub.

Gu Yixin opened the car door, met his driver's puzzled expression, and uttered a signal extremely smoothly. The luxury car backed out of the parking space under the sun, and drove all the way to the home after three days away.


"The problems are all solved." In the evening, two doting parents who were lying on both sides of the cradle after coaxing the cub to sleep communicated with each other.

Lu Mingshi said, "Except for one thing."

The next day, Lu Mingshi and Gu Yixin held their baby and found Anqiao with the sample of purple bubble wine they collected.

However, as soon as they arrived outside Ancho's office, the two were shocked.

Hei Che, the **** whirlwind, was trying his best to curl up his body, shivering in Ancho's arms.

"An'an, I'm afraid."

"Don't be afraid or not." An Qiao comfortedly touched his hair. "We are not afraid, be good. I will make the nurse sister lighter if the injection hurts?"

Hei Che heard the words "injection" shaking more severely, and shook his head into a rattle: "It's useless An'an, the ladies don't like me."

Ancho said patiently: "But you have to get an injection to get better."

Hei Che looked at him tearfully, making An Qiao feel relieved.

"Hey." An Qiao's face was full of your helpless expression, but his eyes were indulgent, "I'll hit you."

Hei Che immediately wagged his tail brightly and brightly: "Hmm!"

So Hei Che lay down on the desk obediently and pouted his ass.

Ancho raised the syringe and pulled down Hei Che's pants, staring at her sturdy black **** in a daze.

Suddenly the door could not bear the burden of Gu Yixin, and he fell to the ground with a loud noise.

Lu Mingshi and Gu Yixin grabbed the precarious door frame quickly.

An Qiao was frightened, and the syringe that was falling in his hand plunged into Hei Che's **** uncontrollably.

In an instant the whole building only left the patient with bed 66, Hei Che's terrible screams, and the remnants of the screams continued for three days.

Even Wei Junshan, who had just stepped into the door wearing sunglasses and a mask, heard it, raised his head in amazement, and retreated to think about whether to change the hospital.

Hei Che's painful howling sound like giving birth to a child shocked Gu Yixin and Lu Mingshi. Although they were already shocked when they saw Hei Che's dark bare butt, there will always be more shocking things in this shocking world. Things happen like...

Hei Che, who was still struggling with life and death just now, suddenly stopped screaming, sobbing and whispering: "It doesn't hurt, huh. It really doesn't hurt, huh. It doesn't hurt at all, huh. An'an. , You are so light, you must love me so deeply too!"

Lu Mingshi clung to the baby in his arms in a daze, confirming that he was still in reality.

Gu Yixin said uncertainly: "Young Hei... Dr. Ann..."

Lu Mingshi shook his hands: "An Qiao blushed, did you see it? He actually blushed! I have known him for so long, and his face has never been red!"

Gu Yixin carefully stretched out his hand to stabilize the trembling cub in Lu Mingshi's arms.

"Little Hei blushed, did you see it? So black and red, even when he first encountered An Luoyu, he had never been so red!"

"The two of them..."

Lu Mingshi and Gu Yixin looked at each other and nodded heavily.

Inside the room, An Qiao finally peeled off the plaster Hei that had stuck him alive and alive, and persuaded people to return to his ward with a good voice. He watched Hei Che's figure who had left step by step and turned away completely disappeared from his sight before turning around Face the boss who has been away for several days.

"Boss." Anqiao smiled, "Is this time to take the young master to check?"

Lu Mingshi thought that your service attitude was really good today.

"Bring Jiu Jin to have an inspection, and I'll find you to test this." Lu Mingshi handed the small bottle of dark purple bubble wine to Anqiao.

"Good boss, no problem boss." Ancho smiled and took the vial into the laboratory.


ten minutes later.

Ancho held the small bottle and stumbled out.

"God! You must not have thought of what this is!" Ancho furiously waved the test sheet in his hand, "It's not an aphrodisiac! It's not a poison. It's not a magic potion that can make a man pregnant! This is an even more amazing The drug! Its function is to increase the ability that the user needs most when taking it by a hundred times!"

Lu Mingshi and Gu Yixin looked at each other, shocked.

"However, this kind of syrup must have a sufficient dose to be effective. If you don't drink 200ml at a time, it is equivalent to drinking water."

In other words, it is normal for An Luoyu to have no response after the wrong consumption.

But why did he react so much at the time? Maybe it was a mistake...

An Qiao said excitedly: "Boss, can this sample be temporarily saved by me? Maybe I can research out many super useful functions based on it, hehehe..."

Lu Mingshi knew what he was thinking when he looked at him like that, but it just so happened that he also had some other needs.

Gu Yixin took the cubs and went to another department for examination. Lu Mingshi and An Qiao had a good communication about the functions that this sample might develop.

"I still want a cub." Lu Mingshi said, "However, the chance of pregnancy is still too low. Jiujin is a big surprise from heaven. It is impossible to always have such a surprise..."

"I know the boss~" Anqiao issued a military order, "Guaranteed to complete the task."


Thank you for not knowing, 34386885x2, little red, little green, little blue, abalone fish, fish, fish, beard, grandma with white beard x5, HaHa, Sonic, lights, lights, wicks, water mines~!

Thanks to Devil Dad and Yellvalley for their grenade~!

Thanks for collecting and commenting, tweeted Mimi~~~