The Rockery King completed his mission and returned to his original position. Gu Yixin washed his hands with a watering device and took the sleeping cub over.

Lu Mingshi seemed to be in a good mood because Anqiao told him that research on drugs had made great progress.

Lu Mingshi and An Qiao have recently gotten closer because Lu Mingshi has been urging An Qiao to develop drugs as soon as possible. For this reason, Hei Che has complained many times.

After Lu Jiujin fell asleep, Gu Yixin had a conversation between men while pulling Lu Mingshi.

"My wife, you often go to see Doctor Ann recently. What is the reason?" Gu Yixin asked seriously when he pulled Lu Mingshi's hand.

Lu Mingshi was very touched. My husband was worried about me. My husband was so kind.

"It's work."

Lu Mingshi did not lie. He and An Qiao did consider that if the drug could be mass-produced, it would definitely be very popular. However, the early stage requires a lot of preparation time, and it may not be completed in ten or eight years.

Gu Yixin heard that it was a work matter, and suddenly felt that his worries were very narrow, and guiltily ran to give Lu Mingshi a bath.

This was done in a few words, but Hei Che was still wandering downstairs at An Qiao's house.

Hei Che squatted in the cold wind, looking up at the light of An Qiao's house in a daze, until the light went out.

He was just discharged from the hospital today, and originally wanted to come to him and give An An a surprise.

But he saw the man who was seeing An An go downstairs.

Yes, that's Lu Mingshi.

Why, Hei Che's heart is full of bitterness, why you always look at others, but you can't look at me?

Hei Che took out a small handkerchief, blew out the nasal mucus that was sour in his eyes, and threw it into the trash can by the road.

The next morning, An Qiao carried 88% of his research results, and went to work in the hospital full of energy.

When he passed by bed 66, he habitually stopped.

However, today he did not wait for Hei Che's joyful call.

The doctor who had just checked the ward came out and saw An Qiao with a puzzled expression and explained: "Director, you came to see the 66-bed patient? He was discharged yesterday afternoon."

"Discharged?" An Qiao was a little taken aback, he was not Hei Che's attending doctor, so he didn't know about it.

An Qiao thought for a while and asked, "Has he completely recovered all his memories?"

"Yes," the doctor replied, "including the person who hadn't remembered before, he has also remembered."


An Qiao nodded, his expression did not seem to have changed, and he was still the open-minded and cheerful Doctor An.

An Qiao walked to the office and looked around. All the arrangements and furnishings were the same as when they left yesterday. He seemed to see that he and Mr. Lu were sitting here to discuss drug development yesterday afternoon, and at that time, Hei Che had already completed the procedures for leaving the hospital.

Did not even come to see him.

The second fool who pestered him every day was finally not stupid.

Of course, he had remembered who the real An An was, and he was just a fake.

When Hei Che remembered who really made him fascinated, he, an incompetent doctor, naturally withdrew from the stage of history.

"Great, Mr. Lu doesn't have to worry about someone coming to interrupt my research anymore." Anqiao checked the device to himself, and continued to work for the day.

In the afternoon, Lu Mingshi came to the office alone to check Anqiao's research progress.

"Hey, why didn't Young Black come to harass you today?"

"Leave the hospital." Ancho said listlessly.

"Or 88%?" Lu Mingshi was incredulous and looked at An Qiao unexpectedly.

Ancho frustrated: "Boss, I have worked very hard, but today is very strange, I can't concentrate at all, I always fly to outer space and don't know where to go."

Lu Mingshi felt that this matter might be more serious than he thought.

You know, Ancho is a real high-achieving student, and he will always be the first from childhood. He is outstanding from study to work, and his learning and working methods are also very reliable. He has never been unable to concentrate.

"Yes, boss, you also think it is very serious." Ancho covered his face and sighed, "but I can't find the reason."

Lu Mingshi and Gu Yixin have been together for a long time, and naturally they have also learned Gu Yixin's analytical methods.

"It's very simple. At this time, we should use the controlled variable method."

"Control Variable???"

Ancho thought in shock, how could I not think of such a simple method?

So the boss is really the boss.

Just compare today with yesterday.

The study time is one day.

The research locations are all offices.

The researchers are Ancho.

Even the breakfast he ate in the morning, the length of time the toothbrush stayed in his mouth, and the time he came to the hospital did not change.

The only difference is...

An Qiao's face changed slightly.

Lu Mingshi raised his eyebrows: "Because Hei Che was discharged?"

An Qiao's shoulders trembled slightly, looking at Lu Mingshi with a philosophical look.

"Let's leave work for now." Lu Mingshi said to An Qiao, "I think you have some other things that need to be dealt with first."

Ancho subconsciously denied: "Work is the most important thing..."

"Your job now is to find the person who distracted you and solve your problems." Lu Mingshi pointed to the 88% research progress. "This is a task. Hei Che's address is No. 250, Block B, Honggu District. ."

Lu Mingshi threw a bunch of car keys to An Qiao.


An Qiao drove the car provided by the boss and tremblingly came to the door of Hei Che's house.

He dialed the patient's contact information, but it was the housekeeper of the black house who answered the call.

"Hello, who are you?"

An Qiao explained that he was Hei Che's doctor and came to pay a return visit.

The butler's voice became very respectful: "Young Master is recovering well, wait a moment, I will report to Young Master, and then open the door for you."

Hei Che was holding An Qiao's photo in a daze.

The butler knocked on the door hesitantly: "Master, there is someone..."

"No." Hei Che said simply.

Who can be here? It won't be him anyway.

Hei Che rubbed the photo, and started to croak again.

Anqiao waited for a long time outside the door, but waited for the butler to call back.

"Sorry, doctor, the young master said that he was not feeling well, so I will see you another day and go to bed first."

An Qiao looked at the hung up phone, very uncomfortable.

I just said that I was recovering very well, and then I said that I was not feeling well. It must be a prevarication.

Hei Che didn't want to see me at all, An Qiao was a little sad.

However, I must meet him today and have an in-depth conversation, otherwise, there will be no way to work smoothly tomorrow.

So Anqiao gritted his teeth and crawled in from the courtyard wall.

Only Hei Che lives in the house on the side of Hei Che's family. Hei Che is very relieved of his personal safety, so the security factor of this house is not high, and he did not even call the police.

Ancho observed the terrain and decided to climb to the tree first, then jumped into the half-covered window on the second floor, and then went to search for Hei Che's room.

It was a risk, Ancho thought tragically. Anyway, he has already broken into the private house, so he will go one step further.

Growing up, Ancho has never climbed a wall or climbed a tree.

Anqiao was crumbling on the tree, and Hei Che was hurting the spring and sadness in the bathtub.

Ancho stretched out his hand hard, barely opened the door that opened outward, and tried to jump in.


Toss in the air for half a week, the degree of difficulty is 1.0, and the completion score is zero.

The main reason is that the splash is not suppressed.

An Qiao planted in sideways, hitting a hard chest with his head, making him dizzy.

Hei Che sat up abruptly from the bathtub, and he held Anqiao's shoulders as he was about to slide into the water, looking blank.

"Could it be." Hei Che murmured, "I have hallucinations?"

Hei Che reached out and pinched his chest fiercely.


An Qiao was not sober at first, and was shocked by this high-pitched scream and closed his eyes.


An Qiao opened his eyes and found himself lying on a luxurious bed. Hei Che was kneeling melancholy in front of him, staring at him with big eyes.

"An An!" Seeing An Qiao was awake, Hei Che immediately crawled over excitedly and graciously wiped his face with a towel.

An Qiao weakly took the towel by himself, and reluctantly said, "Didn't you have your memory back, why do you continue to call me An An."

Hei Che hesitated: " know it."

Anqiao rubbed his face with an ice towel, and the whole person regained his sense and soberness.

"I'm here to make this clear to you." An Qiao tried to look at Hei Che coldly.

Ancho stared at the dark and poor face in front of him. Hei Che's facial features were very rough and masculine, not the type that Ancho liked.

Or in other words, Ancho has been single for so many years and has never thought about what kind of person he likes. He has never even chased a star. In the past, some people showed love to him, but Anqiao was obviously very emotionally slow, so he never achieved a positive result.

However, this rough man's face now makes An Qiao a heartbeat that he has never had before.

Hei Che's eyes are always very focused when he sees him, as if he is the only one worthy of attention in the world.

So even though he knew everything was just a misunderstanding, he still liked this feeling.

Ancho made a bitter tear for herself.

Hei Che looked back at An Qiao blankly, his head full of question marks.

Suddenly, Anqiao leaned forward and raised Hei Che's square chin with one index finger. Hei Che had to raise his head to look up at Ancho at a forty-five degree angle.

Anqiao gradually approached Hei Che, and Hei Che's face became redder and redder...

An Qiao looked at Hei Che's face in surprise: "So your face can be so red."

Hei Che replied coarsely, "Oh, that's because the weather is too hot."

"An An..."

"Who is An An?"

An Qiao has always spoken to Hei Che with the gentleness and patience of a doctor facing a patient. This is the first time Hei Che has heard An Qiao's cold voice.

"It's you."

Hei Che reached out and hugged An Qiao's back, and buried his flushed face on Dr. An's cool shoulders.

When you have a brain injury, you will not blush after you confess a hundred times. Once the brain injury is cured, you will be embarrassed as soon as the brain injury is cured.

Anqiao's face was also tomato red, and he coughed covertly, and patted Hei Che on the back.

"Your illness is cured, Comrade Hei Che, please don't act like a baby easily."

Hei Che followed An Qiao home that night.

An Qiao went to the left, Hei Che went to the right, An Qiao's right hand and Hei Che's left hand were holding hands like that.

What are the other two hands doing?

Of course, I was desperately fanning my face.


When Lu Mingshi returned home, Jiujin woke up, screaming to hug him.

Lu Mingshi picked him up and dangled in the room, causing the kid to smile quickly.

After playing for a while, Lu Mingshi's mobile phone rang “Ding Dong”.

"Husband, you can help me take a look." Lu Mingshi was raising his clothes to nurse the cub, unable to get his hands free.

Gu Yixin picked it up and it was a WeChat sent by An Qiao.

Seeing Anqiao's name, Gu Yixin was a little nervous. When he clicked on the communication record, he couldn't help touching the hair on the top of his head.

An Qiao just sent a picture with hands shaking.

Seeing this complexion clearly, Gu Yixin was relieved at first, and then shouted in surprise:

"My dear!! It's amazing, Doctor Ann is actually...wrenching his wrist with Young Black!"

Lu Mingshi looked blank: "What is it? Husband, bring it to me to see."

Gu Yixin took his cell phone and showed it to Lu Mingshi.

Lu Mingshi: "..."

"Which one has one left hand and one right hand?" Lu Mingshi freed up a right hand, grabbed Gu Yixin's left hand, and held it.

Fingers interlocked.

"This is not called wrist-wrenching." Lu Mingshi said, "This is telling us that they are together."


Thank you onic, sonic, 咩咩Michiko, lamp lamp lamp wick, love it x2, Chaoge Yexian, is the mine of water and water, SIKI!

Thanks yellvalley for the grenade!

Bo Bo Da (* ̄3 ̄)╭?