The power of love promoted Ancho's youthful and vigorous energy, and the stuck rate rose to 98% within one day of 88% of the research progress.

But Lu Mingshi thoughtfully did not urge An Qiao again.

The two golden bachelors who have finally gotten off their orders should be given some opportunities to be alone. This is the respect and care that good employees deserve.


By the way, An Luoyu got off the gambling boat that day and distributed the money obediently to his eighteen... now it is sixteen moms.

Included, of course, there is now a penniless, unkempt cheap father.

The former gambling king never looked at those little wives who married after he developed, because he knew that these women he had loved had never loved him.

They just made a deal with him and each got what they needed.

But, Chunjuan, should Chunjuan still love me?

Mr. Gambler Wang, who was all in tatters, confidently supported by An Luoyu, walked towards his wife who had knotted hair when he was in trouble.

But his wife didn't support herself as he thought, and asked him warmly. Instead, she glanced at him with a cold look, like looking at a telephone pole on the side of the road.

The sixteen wives present listened to An Luoyu stammering and whispering about all the things that happened on the ship, their faces were earthy.

If you want to die, you should save more private money sooner!

At this moment, I don't know how many wives are envious of the seven and eight who eloped hand in hand.

It wasn't until An Luoyu said that there were 10 billion to share with his wives, that the commotion gradually subsided.

Because they were mentally prepared for nothing, they didn't have much opinion on who divided the money more and less.

Anyway, it was enough for them to splurge for a lifetime without having to wait on the gambler.

"Well, ladies, Mr. Rothschild said at the time that before dividing the money, you need to divorce your father."

When An Luoyu stated this condition, he obviously felt that the sixteen women in front of him, including the old lady, were very happy.

The seventeenth wife who released herself even sighed in front of her face: "Oh my God, what kind of a good person you have met on the boat! It is simply a great hero who has rescued us from the deep water."

The gambler was completely stunned.

He didn't expect that the young Mr. Rothschild, whose hair hadn't grown up yet, was so meticulous and cruel in his mind that he didn't leave himself any room for a comeback.

The gambling king looked at the chirping wives in front of him, and half of them took out their mobile phones to call the divorce lawyer.

The gambling king turned his last look at the big wife.


The gambling king tried to hold her hand affectionately, but Datai put her hand in her trouser pocket.

Took out a pen.

"Shanzhu, this is the last time I ask you."

The lady called out a name that hadn't been called for a full twenty years.

After the gambler became the gambler, he was no longer allowed to call his real name. He hated his origin, so he deliberately forgot his origin; just as he had forgotten, he once made a promise to the woman in front of him.

Today, this title represents a lot of unspoken words.

"Sign the divorce agreement." Datai pleaded, "Let me have a happy old age."

The gambler didn't believe it, he didn't take this pen, he just looked at the big lady inconceivably.

"Chunjuan, you said that no matter whether I am rich or poor, I will stay with me by my side..."

The big lady's eyes could not shed tears, she put the pen into the hands of the gambling king: "You also said that you only love me in this life!"

The gambling king looked at the big lady and suddenly couldn't speak.

He wants to say, you can’t believe what he said at that time, I lied to you!

"Eldest sister." The third wife who has already gotten a lawyer next to him couldn't see. "He hasn't said this to any of us? The difference is that we all know that he is talking nonsense. Only you, eldest sister, thought he was here. speak English."

The gambling king dared not look at the big lady's eyes again, took the pen, and tremblingly signed the agreement.

He handed back the signed agreement and pen to the old lady. The old lady accepted the agreement and confirmed that he had signed it under his real name, so he put it away, but did not receive the pen.

"You keep it." Datai said, "There are still a lot to sign this afternoon. The sisters are eager to get the money, so you can work overtime and sign the rest here."

After the noise of the afternoon, the fifteen wives all left the old house with satisfaction, and the gambler, grandma and An Luoyu were still here.

The gambling king watched his former beloved ones turn and leave without mercy one by one, and couldn't help but feel sad.

He looked at the eldest wife and couldn't help but tremble and asked: "Chunjuan, are you leaving too?"

Tai Tai glanced at him in surprise: "Why should I leave? You should leave. Now, this property is in my name."

The gambler just remembered that he had no money in his name.

Could it be that tonight can only sleep under the damp and dirty bridge hole like twenty-five years ago?

Datai divorced smoothly and was in a good mood, so he decided to show mercy.

"Two hundred yuan for you." The big lady drew two hundred yuan bills and stuffed them into the gambling king's trouser pocket.

The old lady pulled out one of her white hair and recalled: "Remember when we got married, you said you didn't have money to buy a gold ring, so you bought me a fake one for two hundred dollars."

Later, you set a two million diamond on this fake gold ring, but I got no more joy than when I got the fake ring.

Because you married your fourth wife on the day the ring was delivered to me.

"Return the two hundred dollars to you." Datai thoughtfully said, "There is a budget hotel six blocks away. One hundred and eighty-one nights, you can make do with it."

"With the remaining money, you can also eat a bowl of yellow braised chicken rice. That was your favorite flavor back then."


The gambling king walked out of the mansion where he had lived for twenty years in despair, and looked back in despair.

What Gu Yixin said to him on the day of the full moon feast suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Your palmistry was rough in your early years, middle-aged and rich, but in your old age..."

"How was your old age?"

"There will be catastrophes in old age."

"Mr. Gambling King don't have to be too panic. Money is something outside of your body. That's it.

Lose money and eliminate disaster?

This wealth is really broken.

He looked at An Luoyu who had not left in the end.

An Luoyu's mood is also very complicated. Although he has no feelings for his father who has emerged, he is still grateful that the King of Gambling has helped him in his career.

"I still have some money, but you have to promise me not to bet anymore."

The gambling king sighed and was a little relieved: "I don't want your money. But, let me find a job in the crew. I need a box lunch."


Half a month later, An Luoyu was filming on the crew and welcomed a wave of fans of the exploration troupe.

Fentou carried a cannon forward, and the security guard with a big waist fought hard to block, and was hit by a junior high school girl who was 1.5 meters tall and weighed 80 kilograms by ten meters.

"No, why is this security so useless?"

"It looks familiar, as if I have seen it on the rule of law online."

The two fans in the back row talked a lot, but they didn't know that the one who was knocked off was the father of his idol, the former gambling king who had been in office for more than 20 years.

An Luoyu worriedly saw his father being helped by other security guards. The director waved his hand to let the security chief stop scolding, and handed over two lunch boxes to the gambler.

"Go eat in the corner." The director motioned.

The gambler gratefully left with his lunch.

An Luoyu was signing an autograph to a fan, and his phone rang, so he took out his phone to check it, but it was a harassing call.

At the same time, the powder head with the cannon in his hand has snapped a lot of pictures.

When I got home, Fantou immediately emptied the photos and started to quickly P pictures.

There is an acne that needs to be removed. Microdermabrasion needs to be polished but not distorted. The skin tone is brightened and dark circles are eliminated. The pores must not have my love beans, but a refreshing delicate boy!

The high-definition to heinous photos made the pores invisible, and the pink head had to spend a long time.

When she finally got a good face and was about to start with the ratio of arms and legs, she suddenly noticed the phone in An Luoyu's hand.

One is the lock screen and the other is the background.

It can be seen that they are all the same two-dimensional figures drawn by the same hand.

Who is this? Fantou vaguely felt a little familiar, but couldn't remember it.

She didn't think too much. After ten hours, she finally repaired all the pictures, knocked on her sore waist, and sent it out overnight.


The next day, as soon as An Luoyu went out, he was surrounded by a hundred reporters at the door.

An Luoyu was stunned, but there were so many people who wanted to interview, indicating that he was hot, so he was still happy.

"Don't squeeze everyone, come one by one..."

He was squeezed against the wall as he said.

"Mr. An Luoyu, can you show everyone the screen of your phone?"

An Luoyu felt that he had to be sincere in the face of the media, and felt that there was nothing shameful about his paper boyfriend, so he readily agreed.

The reporters showed their wolves, raising their cameras and shooting wildly at their phones.

"Mr. An Luoyu, do you have any special feelings for this... character on your phone screen?"

An Luoyu's face turned red, how did they know that they would really lick the screen?

"This, there is... a little bit."

"Is it really only a little bit?"

An Luoyu blushed and retracted the phone...


Although An Luoyu did not say anything more serious later, his fans were still severely hit.

So much so that when looking at their idol high-definition blushing big picture, the mother fans who used to hold their faces and shout "Mom loves you" can no longer laugh.

"How can he admit it?" Fantou said in disbelief. "Does he not know that idols can't announce love? Does he still want a career?"

Fantou rushed directly to the crew and questioned An Luoyu face to face.

"An'an, we will play charts for you, rush ratings, do statistics, turn to Weibo, sign in, send flowers, make super chats, anti-black forums, buy multiple albums that don’t make sense, and close your eyes to praise your terrible acting skills We quail eggs are crazy for you, crazy for you, and slammed against the wall for you. All we do are to let you walk on the road of flowers and realize your dreams...!"

"But how can you betray us and run to fall in love?!"

The words of the pink head, so much blood, even the hard-hearted people will cry.

An Luoyu felt that this matter was very serious, so he quickly clarified: "I'm not in love!" I'm just addicted to paper, people occasionally lick the screen owo

Fantou cried: "You admit to the media that you like Gu Wumao! You said you just want to find a boyfriend, not a niche who is still pressing you everywhere at the same time! This is to catch up to yourself. Make a mockery!"

An Luoyu: "???"


"Your phone screen and lock screen are Gu Wumao's fan pictures." Fantou said in grief, "Promise me, don't admit that you are in love, I still love you."

An Luoyu's expression was dull, and the phone landed, and the cartoon characters on the screen shattered.

"No!" An Luoyu crouched heartily and squatted down and held up the phone. He fainted on the spot when he looked at the boyfriend who was broken on the screen.


Lu Zhai.

Lu Mingshi and Gu Yixin had just finished their meal, and they were discussing where Zai Zai should go to elementary school in the future. Suddenly, Lu Mingshi was attracted by the sound on the TV.

The entertainment news channel is broadcasting:

"On June 30, 2019, the popular idol, An Luoyu, the popular star, collapsed and fainted during a fan visit, and was unconscious for three days. The media urged his rumored boyfriend Gu Wumao to visit, but Wumao has never been seen. So far, one party believes that The newcomer Wang Wumao is a scumbag who has always been in chaos, and the other party thinks that Wu Mao is just studying in the U.S. as the rumors say, no matter which party is calling for Wu Mao to come out early to clarify the truth and give the public an answer..."


Thank you Sonic, Zhenyue slept today, has your wife changed the text today, yellvalley, the flying pig fairy x2, and the mine of the wind!

I'll be watching tomorrow night at nine o'clock, to deceive people, I will name the second cub Gu Gu!