Gu Yixin explained: "This is by no means true, wife, you know, I don't like him at all."

He stood up and changed his clothes and shoes: "I'm going to hold a press conference, so they won't let them write anything."

Lu Mingshi weakly said, "But why is An Luoyu's mobile phone screen you? Why does he say that in front of the media?"

Gu Yixin thought for a while, and said firmly: "He must want to fry CP. Director Wang told me that nowadays, it is very popular to fry male CP. It is very popular."

Lu Mingshi: "What can you do with fans?"

"You can make money." Gu Yixin said patiently, leaning down and kissing Lu Mingshi on the left and right cheeks. After thinking about it, he added, "If you want, I can clarify his, and then I will fry CP with you."

It's not right, it's not called speculation, it's called fact.

Lu Mingshi shook his head and stretched out his hand to hold Gu Yixin who was wearing socks: "It's too late, let's go tomorrow. Let's go see An Luoyu first and make things clear."

Lu Mingshi's expression was cold: "If he wants to play tricks, just wait and see."


"I'm sorry." An Luoyu said with air, "I don't know that you are the one drawn in the pictures. I will explain it to the reporters. Everything is just a misunderstanding."

He tried to smile at Lu Mingshi and Gu Yixin, but the smiles were really reluctant.

An Luoyu wants to cry very much now.

He didn't know that what he had drunk was an ineffective potion, and he always thought that he would definitely fall in love with the first person he saw.

My deeper and deeper feelings for the paper man also confirmed this fact.

Now, the paper man has become a real person, standing in front of him, still the one he least wants to face.

An Luoyu almost buried her head in her chest, afraid to take a look at Gu Yixin.

On the same day, An Luoyu personally clarified the matter on Weibo, but in addition to fans who chose to unconditionally believe, more people believed that all scandals and scandals in the entertainment industry were groundless. Why are you making your rumor without a basis? It must be because there are certain reliable sources that such scandals came out.

The big news media followed to refute the rumors, but more gossips refused to stop.

Lu Mingshi has been short-tempered and in a bad mood recently, and this incident is almost the last spark that ignited his heart.

Gu Yixin got up in the morning and even sneezed twenty times.

"Ahee! Ahee—Ah, ah, ah!"

Gu Yixin sat up ignorantly and rubbed his nose, his entire face wrinkled as he smelled the air.

Who can tell him what is going on in this room full of peppers?

Gu Yixin ran downstairs and found that the more downstairs, the heavier the smell. Finally, when he saw the helpless Lu Ming in the living room, and Lu Jiujin who was crying loudly beside him.

Gu Yixin hurried up and hugged her little boy to coax him, patted him on the back, and coughed loudly.

Lu Jiujin shrank pitifully in Gu Yixin's arms, twitching flicks, tears rolling out. No matter how irritable Lu Mingshi was, he couldn't be irritable when he saw his baby like this. He was very sad.

"Why do you cry when you get close to me?" Lu Mingshi said sadly, "Daddy loves you very much, Zai Zai."

Gu Yixin put the cubs to sleep and carried them to the farthest place in the house from Lu Mingshi, and asked Madam Chen to come and watch, turn on the air purification system to the maximum, and hug Lu Mingshi, who was exuding a 10-degree pungent breath.

Gu Yixin resisted the urge to sneeze and talked to Lu Mingshi, but it seemed difficult to hold back.

"My dear, why are you so spicy today — ah — Aye!"

And Gu Yixin discovered that as soon as he got close to Lu Ming, he became more spicy.

Lu Mingshi said melancholy: "I don't know, it became like this when I got up in the morning."

Gu Yixin guessed: "Are you still angry?"

Lu Mingshi immediately denied: "Impossible, why should I be angry with An Luoyu? He has no threat at all."

Hearing his answer, Gu Yixin affirmed his guess and determined his heart to hold a press conference.

"Mr. Lu, are you willing to disclose it to me?"

Lu Mingshi was surprised.

Didn’t they make it public long ago?

"I want to tell everyone that Gu Yixin is Gu Wumao, and Gu Wumao is Gu Yixin. There is no entertainment male **** Gu Wumao in this world. Only the construction site migrant Gu Yixin is me."

Gu Yixin pulled Lu Mingshi up from the sofa: "Would you like to appear in public with me and explain the whole thing clearly?"

Only in this way can we put an end to all possible scandals, and you won't be so angry anymore.

Lu Mingshi was very moved: "Husband, you are trying to make me feel better, right? You are so kind."

Gu Yixin was a little shy when he heard him so straightforward.

"That's not it." Gu Yixin said, "It's always so spicy, you can't hold your little baby."

When Lu Mingshi saw that Gu Yixin had to go out, he pointed out that it was unrealistic: "It's dark now. If you want to hold a press conference, you need to wait until tomorrow as soon as possible. Why don't we, like An Luoyu, post a warm-up Weibo first."

Gu Yixin felt OK.

So he registered on Weibo as Gu Yixin and passed the authentication as quickly as possible.

"Are you ready?"

Lu Mingshi's left hand grabbed Gu Yixin's right hand, fingers interlocking.


Gu Yixin uploaded the photos to the platform, thought and meditated for a long time with words, and finally decided to follow his own cultural level and write as best he could in the most straightforward language:

"Hello everyone, I am Gu Yixin and Gu Wumao. I am married and have a three-month-old son. We are very happy now."

Since Gu Yi’s new Weibo is newly registered and the Weibo Square display is sluggish, this Weibo has no effect when it starts to be posted. But after Lu Mingshi forwarded it, it was different.

Of course, Lu Mingshi did not have a private Weibo. He went directly to the company's account, the big blue V with millions of fans, and blessed himself with private goods.

"May the boss and his wife have a good relationship for a hundred years!"

Fuck, one stone stirred up waves.

Gu Yixin looked at it and said something: "Mr. Lu, why do you call me the lady boss? That way everyone will think I'm the recipient."

Lu Mingshi smiled and kissed him: "No. How can a man who is infinitely be affected?"

When talking about Lu Ming, he turned up a shareholding change form.

"Look, Yiyi, last time you made a net profit of 300 billion, calculated as a personal shareholding, now you own 50% of Lu's shares, which is more than my parents and me combined. So, in this sense , You are also the boss of the company."

Gu Yixin thoughtfully: "That's why I am the boss, you are the wife of the boss, does that mean?"

Lu Mingshi corrected and said: "To be precise, we are each other's boss and wife. This is not important, what is important is that we love each other."

Gu Yixin felt that Lu Mingshi, a genius who graduated from the world's number one university, had a good level of speaking, and he couldn't keep up.

So he chose to shut up and also told Lu Mingshi to shut up.

Then they frantically [...]

again【. 】

At last【】【】【】! ! ! ! ! !

During the period, Lu Mingshi looked at Gu Yixin's snow-white body and became flushed red by himself. He was very sorry, and wanted to stop several times. But Gu Yixin really stopped, and he couldn't stand it anymore. So the two turned on the air conditioner to the lowest level, and at the same time, they ate sorbet to cool down while doing it. The process continued for four hours.


Here the clouds collect rain, and Caiche is bright.

An Qiao and Hei Che's family are all in a mess, wretched clouds and mists!

"You took a peek at him! You took a peek at him!" An Qiao angrily held a feather duster and paced back and forth at home, chattering like an angry rooster, "I saw it, you just peeked at him! You! Sure enough, I still can't forget him!"

"No, I don't..." Hei Che said weakly, "I didn't peek at him, An An, I..."

"Don't call me that." Anjoo stopped to take a sip of water, took a breath, and began to clutch her chest in despair, "I miss me Anjo, single for so many years, I want to find a single-minded lover..."

"I'm super single-minded!" Hei Che was about to cry, his swarthy face, his rough and handsome facial features twisted into a ball, his big eyelids blinked and blinked, and a cloud of mist had already gathered.

An Qiao paused, not knowing what to do, and was angry again. It hurts to see Hei Che like that, and he was even more angry because of his distress.

"He called you chubby." Ancho clutched his heart sadly, "There are so many people passing by the door, and you are so far away, he can see you at a glance and recognize you."

"We have known each other for too many years, Ann..." Hei Che just yelled out the word "An" and immediately changed his words, "Jojo, I really only love you. Although we have not met for a long time, but in my heart It's just you, how can you believe me?"

Ancho sat down on the sofa and looked irritably around.

The house is in a mess. Neither of them are the masters of cleaning up. An Qiao has no habit of inviting people to clean. Because of his busy schedule these past two days, he has no time to clean up. There are messy dirty clothes and papers everywhere.

His gaze swept across the smooth wall, across the rags, and finally fell on his research results.

A glass test tube containing a clear orange liquid was clamped on the workbench and grilled on an alcohol lamp.

"Do you want to prove?" Ancho repeated, "Do you want to prove?"

"I love you." Hei Che said sincerely, "I am willing to do anything to prove it."

Then Hei Che saw his beloved stand up and remove the test tube from the experiment table.

Ancho lowered his head and stroked the test tube wall thoughtfully.

"You know what experiment I am doing, right?"

Hei Che looked at An Qiao's cold and handsome profile and was stunned.

He was always curious about what Ancho was doing, but if Ancho didn't say it, he didn't ask.

But at this moment, Anqiao's expression made Hei Che understand something.

"This is poison, isn't it Jojo?" Hei Che said sadly. "Do you want me to use my life to prove that I love you? No problem, Jojo."

He split his hand and snatched the small test tube from Ancho's hand, and pour it into his mouth.

This time it was Anjo's turn to panic.

"You, ah, hello!" An Qiao rushed to grab it, but it was too late. All the liquid in the test tube flowed into Hei Che's throat. The empty test tube fell to the ground due to the fight between the two and fell to pieces. .

When An Qiao thought of Lu Ming, he might blow him up, and his whole person turned into a bitter gourd.

"You, ah, did I let you drink?! Hei Xiaoche! You are too impulsive!"

Hei Che looked at him aggrievedly: "Qiaoqiao, I'm dying, you still yell at me."

An Qiao's mouth twitched and looked at the model, tenderly Yiyi, lying on the sofa with a weak twitch, trying hard to lean against Comrade Hei Che.

Hei Che felt that he would die soon after drinking this powerful poison, but he didn't feel the slightest pain. Instead, his whole person was wrapped in warm energy, warm and comfortable.

It is indeed the poison developed by our Qiaoqiao, the poison made by geniuses is neither bitter nor painful, and there is no feeling at all.

Hei Che thought with relief.

"Qiao Qiao." He felt that he was going to lose his life, and he must get An Qiao's confession when he was left, so he stretched out his hand to grab An Qiao's neck, but An Qiao pressed it on his thigh.

"Wow!" Hei Che cried sadly, "I'm almost dying, can't you be nice to me?"

Ancho slapped Hei Che in the **** without pain, angrily and funny: "Do you feel like you are dying?"

Hei Che blinked and burped.

"You are not allowed to drink anything in the future." Anqiao said.

Hei Che got up, twisted left and right in confusion, and indeed found that he was fine.

He was both happy and scared. The happy thing was that he didn't have to die, and Qiaoqiao's attitude was much better, and he might have believed in his love. I am afraid that I am afraid that I will almost never be able to open my eyes again.

"Qiaoqiao, what exactly am I drinking?" Hei Che asked anxiously.

Ancho got up helplessly to get the broom and swept the broken test tube glass on the ground: "Guess?"

Hei Che was thinking hard, never clue.

As expected, mental work is not his strong suit.

"Can't guess." Hei Che said honestly.

An Qiao washed his hands and returned, sitting cross-legged on the sofa, looking sadly at Hei Che.

This expression made Hei Che feel very bad.

"What the **** is it?"

An Qiao covered her face with one hand: "You drank a potion that I prepared for President Lu alone, which can increase pregnancy by 100 times..."

Hei Che: "What the hell?"

Hei Che: "???"

Hei Che: "..."

Hei Che and Anqiao looked at each other.

After a while, Hei Che ran into the bathroom frantically and tried to induce vomiting into the toilet.

"It's late." Anqiao patted him on the back, anxiously said, "The effect of this drug is extremely overbearing. If my estimate is good, it is very likely that you already have it now."


Hei Che: No, this is not true.