As soon as Anqiao's voice fell, the air seemed to freeze together.

Hei Che murmured, "God."

He was silent for a while and looked at An Qiao for a long time.

Hei Che took a deep breath and questioned.

"If you remember correctly, haven't we made the last step yet?"

Could it be that when I was asleep, something happened that I didn't know about myself?

Hei Che stared at An Qiao suspiciously.

An Qiao's face blushed, he whispered "lack of common sense", "unsafe" and other words, and did some basic science to Hei Che.

"In fact, failing to do it in the end does not mean that there is no danger." An Qiao tried to suppress his worries as a lover, took out the patience of the doctor and explained to Hei Che.

"Because we...well, in the process of trying, the molecules carrying the gene segments needed to give birth to offspring have been mixed...Do you understand what I said?"

Hei Che was dumbfounded.

"Usually it's okay." An Qiao crossed his fingers and looked around. "But this medicine was specially developed for Mr. Lu. It was too overbearing for his special needs. You also know that Mr. Lu's genes are not conducive to the birth of offspring, so I put The medicinal properties are a hundred times higher than normal! And you--"

Anqiao looked at Hei Che: "I remember you have nine aunts, four uncles, six uncles, and three aunts, and the total number of your cousins ​​has reached..."

Ancho made a simple mental calculation, a little uncertain: "One hundred and two...?"

Hei Che's phone rang, and he glanced down at the screen.

"One hundred and four." Hei Che said.

Ancho paused. "Your aunt gave birth again?"

"The picture just posted in the WeChat group, twins." Hei Che replied, raising his phone.


An Qiao looked at Hei Che’s dumb face at this time, his heart was sour, and his arms folded in a comforting hug: "Don’t worry, whether you want to stay or don’t want to stay, I will do my best to help you. To reduce pain."

Ancho apologized guiltily: "I shouldn't tease you so much."

For Hei Che, pregnancy is tantamount to misfortune. At this time, he needs some care and love.

Hei Che sighed and said, "Don't tell me this first, I need to be quiet, my mind is very messy now."

"it is good."

Anqiao closed the door softly and thoughtfully, came out of the house, rushed to the garage and drove quickly to Lu's house.

Chen Ma opened the door and was surprised to see a familiar but unfamiliar face, looking down.

Why is it a bird's-eye view?

Because of this man he knelt on the ground, in the dim light of the morning, without his shirt.

Madam Chen was about to hit 110, only to hear this gentleman's sad voice cried out: "Mr. Lu, is this you Mr. Lu?"

An Qiao looked up and saw that it was a middle-aged woman with a tentative expression. He immediately guessed her identity and declared herself home.

"I really have something very, very important to tell Mr. Lu, please report it."

Madam Chen said: "Mr. might as well stand up and wait."

An Qiao's expression remained unchanged: "Thank you, but to tell you, it is necessary for me to do this."

Without revealing his feelings of repentance and fear, he cannot arouse Mr. Lu's compassion.

In that case, he is likely to suffer from Mr. Lu's unintelligence reply.


Lu Mingshi appeared downstairs, and a gray figure appeared in front of him.

A group of warm flesh immediately flew up and hugged his knees, the speed was unimaginable.

Of course Lu Mingshi kicked it reflexively.

Unexpectedly, this group of flesh was extremely sensitive to dodge, and it stuck to his calf like a 502, and it couldn't be shaken off.

No longer An Qiao said, Lu Mingshi would summon a biological and chemical weapon of mass destruction-his husband.

An Qiao didn't know that his life had been on the edge of the cliff. He cried out in time at the last moment:

"Mr. Lu, I am here to bear Jing's plea!"

A string of question marks appeared on Lu Mingshi's forehead.


An Qiao knelt on the red carpet in the open space of the living room, refusing to get up no matter what Lu Mingshi said.

"If you refuse to forgive my mistakes, I will never get up!"

Lu Mingshi looked at the bundle of hay on An Qiao's back.

"Do you care about this thing, called Jingtiao?"

An Qiao smiled: "There is no way, there is really nowhere to get the Jingtiao thing for a while, I can only make do with it temporarily."

"What the **** did you do to sorry me?"

When Lu Mingshi saw that An Qiao couldn't survive, he had to calm down and start questioning.

At this time, Gu Yixin didn't know why he passed by here.

This is actually a bit difficult, after all, the distance between the living room and the bedroom is not less than 400 meters. This time does not belong to walking after a meal, it can be explained as the attraction of an inexplicable magnetic field.

An Qiao burst into tears and explained the cause and effect to Lu Mingshi.

"That's the way it is." Ancho said uneasy, "Boss, I'm sorry, my impulse caused the whole plan to fall apart."

Lu Mingshi was obviously also shocked, especially the part of Hei Che who was pregnant.

This shock even dilutes his dissatisfaction with Ancho.

"This is really amazing," Lu Mingshi murmured.

Gu Yixin who passed by was also very shocked.

It turned out that Lu Mingshi had been close to An Qiao during this period of time, and it turned out to be to develop...this kind of medicine!

He didn't know anything about it, and he was jealous of Ancho.

So now, Lu Mingshi must be very lost...

Lu Mingshi bowed his head a little bit shocked, An Qiao stepped forward carefully, squeezed his shoulders and apologized sincerely.

Anjoe annoyed: "It's all my fault, boss, if you want to punish me, punish me."

When Lu Ming saw him like this, he couldn't blame him anymore.

"...Forget it." Lu Mingshi didn't know whether he was answering An Qiao or talking to himself, "Probably this is also the arrangement of fate."

He patted Ancho's shoulder with a forgiving way: "Take good care of the teenagers, it's not easy for a man to get pregnant."

Anqiao nodded: "Actually, when I was developing it, I also thought about whether or not to have a descendant of both of us with him. If this is necessary, I am willing to bear the pain."

Lu Mingshi raised his eyebrows: "I'm not surprised."

Saying goodbye to An Qiao, Gu Yixin walked out of the shadows and walked silently behind Lu Mingshi.

At this time, the sky was twilight.

Lu Mingshi sat on the sofa with his hands folded behind his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

He got up in a hurry without freshening, his hair stubbornly curled up, Gu Yixin reached out and pressed down Lu Mingshi's dull hair.

Lu Mingshi turned his head and saw Gu Yixin stretch out.

Lu Mingshi yawned immediately.

A comfortable lazy waist and a long yawn, because they did not sleep well.

Yesterday, I went to sleep until almost two o'clock in the morning, and was woken up by Ancho at five o'clock in the morning. This situation is very rare for these two adult men who work well.

Lu Mingshi yawned and said, "Why are you down too? Go back to sleep."

Gu Yixin: "Yeah."

He turned around and walked upstairs.

Lu Mingshi looked at him from behind, and felt that he should go back to sleep, and it would be better to have another beautiful dream to calm down the mood of being affected by the bad news reported by Anqiao.

So Lu Mingshi also got up naturally and followed Gu Yixin.

After tossing last night, his legs felt a little soft and he staggered when he reached the top step.

When Gu Yixin quickly grabbed Lu Ming, he picked him up.

Anyway, I picked it up, and I just carried it all the way back to the room.

Gu Yixin felt that Lu Mingshi seemed to be heavier.

Recently, their diet is biased towards high-protein and high-calorie foods, so this is not surprising.


When I wake up, it is already three rods.

Gu Yixin got up and took a look at the time, brushed his teeth, washed his face, changed clothes and went out, and ran back and kissed Lu Mingshi's forehead with Jiujin's little cheek.

Lu Mingshi slept in a mess, looking like he couldn't wake up completely, and asked him dazedly what he was going to do.

"Work." Gu Yixin said sternly, then turned and ran to the press conference.

Yes, during this morning rush hour, driving far to the inner ring of the city is not as fast as him.

Gu Yixin arrived at the press conference as scheduled, and then loudly announced the facts that had been posted on Weibo last night to reporters surrounded by water.

Journalists certainly have a lot of questions to ask this legend.

After Gu Yixin patiently explained the direction of his career development, he remembered to ask them the most interesting topics.

"Is your legal subject really Lu Mingshi Lu of the Lu Group?"


Lu Mingshi just got up at this moment. He rubbed his eyes and fed Jiu Jin milk for a while. Suddenly he patted his thigh and thought of the news conference.

He laid the cub on the bed, and reached out to the bed to fumble for the remote control.

The large projection was quickly projected on the entire white wall in front of him, and the live broadcast image went from blurry to clear.

Lu Mingshi saw a large number of onlookers behind the reporters. He saw the reporter's microphone and camera pointed at the person sitting in the middle of the stage like a gun.

He heard the reporter ask that sentence.

"Your legal object is really..."


Gu Yixin affirmed without any hesitation.

The audience was whispering instantly.

In this era, same-sex marriage is indeed not as concerned by the world as it was in the early days of passing the bill. However, in the upper class, there are still very few same-sex couples who will announce their union in public.

Society will never be as tolerant as society claims.

Lu Mingshi crossed his legs and dragged his son to him and lifted it high.

"Look at Dad," Lu Mingshi whispered, "Is Dad handsome in front of the camera?"

Lu Jiujin's **** eyes rolled around. Of course he couldn't see the image so far away, but he was very happy when he could feel Lu Ming next to him.

So Lu Jiujin waved his little hands and grinned.

After a commotion, the reporter asked a more sensitive question.

"Mr. Gu, you mentioned on Weibo that you already have a three-month-old son. Everyone wants to know the origin of the baby!"

This is one of their biggest concerns!

In advance, the reporters had already had enough psychological construction for the relationship between Gu Yixin and Lu Mingshi, and they were only surprised at how calm and calm he was when he was public.

Everyone also made a lot of guesses about the origin of this baby.

Adoption or surrogacy are very common speculations, and there are some bolder theories, such as the remarks made by a young reporter at the end of March that "Mr. Lu is actually a woman, and Shenyin is actually going to have children for several months." Although it sounds like a horrible thing in the world, it has long been spread among reporters in private.

Gu Yixin was a little embarrassed at the moment, he didn't know whether Lu Mingshi wanted him to tell the truth.

But one thing, Gu Yixin thought, if one day tells the world the truth, then the truth should be announced by Lu Mingshi. He is the one who has the right to decide.

Thinking of this, he smiled meaningfully at the camera, as if staring at all the people watching him through the camera.

Lu Mingshi held the cub in both hands and tilted his head.

"No comment."

Gu Yixin said.

It's not that the time has not come.


During the following period, Gu Yixin received a lot of work invitations related to the entertainment industry. He had to change his Weibo signature to "Do not disturb during long-term vacations", and then concentrate on doing what he wants.

The most confused people are not others, it is the 50 cents of fans Mao Dou Dajun and Gu Yixin's fans move Zhuanyi family.

On this day, the two big fans finally exchanged contact information and started a big friendship between fans of idols and idol vests.

At the sorority meeting, both sides expressed their feelings and shock.

"It's so shameful, we can't even recognize our idols!"

"Look at these two photos now, it's clear that they are one person! Who was the one who took the lead and said that these two people belonged to them?"

"That's right, my brother is so good-looking, not to mention the work clothes, he wears sacks that are all super seasons of luxury goods!"

"Yes, yes, yes" and "Yes, yes" are endless, and fans on both sides seem to have found a confidant.

An Edamame sighed with emotion: "Hey, if you want to change someone else to lie to me, I will definitely hold a grudge for a lifetime! But there is no way, who will let him be my idol? I swore in front of the TV to protect Brother Wu Mao for life of!"

"There is no way, the idol of your choice, you have to spoil yourself on your knees. What's more, my brother is so handsome and handsome, where can I find a second such person in this world?"

The family moved brick fan Yi said so.

Fans on both sides had already been chatting very enthusiastically. As soon as they came out, they realized the problem.

There is only one elder brother, so he can't move bricks when he moves bricks, and he can't move bricks when he moves bricks.

How can we do this?

It is as if an actor has an indelible dream of music, and it is like a supermodel whose lifelong goal is to become an excellent children's show host.

The idol, who is keen on cross-border, makes fans hesitate.

At this time, Director Wang once again brought his friend, the winner of eight international director awards, and the super director Director Li, to find Gu Yixin.

Director Li took his handkerchief to blow his nose again, and his trembling hand took out the script "You Who Moved Bricks" that he had covered for many years, and held it in front of Gu Yixin again.

"It's you." Director Li said affectionately, "I originally wanted to find the male model Gu Yixin on the site to be my protagonist, and then I met the newcomer actor Gu Wumao, but I never thought that you are the same person. This must be God's guidance and guide me You must be invited to play this play!"

Except You, all the staff are not good.

you are unique!

Gu Yixin was moved by Director Li's sincerity.

In addition, Director Li told him that he only needs to be in the group for two months to shoot this movie, and it is all on-site shooting. There is no difference between the work he needs to do and the bricks moving in the weekdays, and he only needs to play in his true colors.

Gu Yixin picked up the pen and signed the contract in the tears of Director Li's eyes.


Although he was reluctant to leave Gu Yixin for two months, Lu Mingshi's face did not show any unhappiness.

"I support you to go." Lu Mingshi said, "Film is the seventh largest art in the world, and Director Li is a very good director. I believe you will produce a good work."

Good works will be remembered by the audience for a long time.

"There will be many, many people who love you." Lu Mingshi poked Zizzai's face as Gu Yixin was packing his luggage, his voice was a bit diverse, and he seemed to be looking forward to it, and a little bit sour.

Gu Yixin closed the box, jumped over the box to the bed, and threw Lu Mingshi down.

"Bam", he put a poke on Lu Mingshi's neck.

Lu Mingshi fought hard to resist: "I have a meeting this afternoon..."

Gu Yixin suggested: "Turtleneck sweater?"

Lu Mingshi: "It's July!"

Gu Yixin had to give up.