Gu Yixin went to the crew to move bricks.

The Yi family and Maodou carried out an astonishing twenty-four station joint support, with a variety of dazzling support stuff filled with the crew's launch conference site.

The stations on both sides are called crazy money spreading, which is more expensive than the amount!

Edamame burst into tears and burst out his card: "Leave me here! I was ready for my brother to quit the show business, but he silently appeared in the drama of the country's No. 1 director. Sanjin is not his brother's. The end is the Oscar! Brother, our future is the sea of ​​stars. Fifty cents, we want to accompany you on the road of flowers!"

The Yi family is unwilling to show weakness: "Let us leave this small matter to us! We are all ready for the male **** to withdraw from the brick-moving world, but he doesn't even forget to move the brick in the acting. If the male **** does not change, we will be green. Often!"

The two families unanimously said: "Male god, you are my little bit! As long as you have the original intention to pursue your dreams, we will always hold you in the palm of your hand!"

Such a fanatic fan circle is rare even in the kimchi country.

When the reporters finally stepped into the press conference, everyone was stunned by the sight in front of them.

Flowers, cakes, chocolate biscuits, drinks postcards on everyone's chair, these are of course routine operations. What really catches the eye is the huge pot on the table in the middle, with a diameter of two meters, with a fire still on underneath, steaming hot.

The reporters smelled the scent from a distance and swallowed collectively.

A young reporter at the very front was almost greedy. He picked up the paper bag on his chair and wanted to fish out a biscuit to satisfy his hunger, but he took out a pair of bowls and chopsticks from it, which looked very clean.

Then the reporter obeyed the call of his stomach and rushed to the table to get himself a bowl of pure black pepper yellow stewed chicken rice!

This reporter played a very good role as a model leader for his eager colleagues, and then reporters from various media rushed to the pot with bowls.

The reporters were so satisfied with the support this time. After returning home, they hiccuped while writing, exploding the project "You Who Moved Bricks" completely.


Gu Yixin was very moisturized in the crew, and his daily food was very satisfactory. The pillow for the accommodation was stuffed by Lu Mingshi in his suitcase, and the bed was also moderately firm.

The only thing is that I miss my son too much.

Lu Mingshi was busy integrating the company's structure at this time. He really didn't have time to visit the class. He could only make a video before going to bed, holding Xiao Jiujin's soft body and waving to Gu Yixin.

I don't feel it when I'm around, I feel lonely after I leave.

Gu Yixin counted, he has been wearing it for almost a year. A year ago, he never thought that he would flash marriage and have a little cub. But now, when he woke up to touch the empty sheets on his side, he was not used to it.

Unknowingly, a month and a half passed since Lu Mingshi took the cub to the hospital for a vaccination. He happened to see Hei Che also being checked.

Lu Mingshi couldn't help but stop, looking at this very rare man in the world who had the same experience as himself. Hei Che looked the same as usual, watching the value displayed on the instrument calmly, but there was a little excitement in his eyes that could not be concealed.

When An Qiao checked Hei Che, his expression was completely different from usual, especially cautious and nervous. Lu Mingshi watched An Qiao chattering with interest, until Hei Che stood up to tidy up his clothes, and reached out to Lu Mingshi.

"Mr. Lu." Hei Che said hello politely.

Lu Mingshi also smiled and shook hands with him.

Today, Young Black is quite restrained in front of outsiders, and the crazy admirer who hit the bedboard during the amnesia period seems to no longer exist. He stood quietly beside the doctor in white, like a loyal and innocent large black-back dog.

Anqiao greeted the boss with a smile, blinked to see Xiao Jiujin in Lu Ming's arms, and clapped, "Uncle hold?"

Comrade Lu Jiujin opened his small arms to cooperate with the business. Lu Ming raised his eyebrows and carefully put the cubs in Anqiao's arms, watching Anqiao teasing Xiao Beibi and giggling.

Lu Mingshi and Hei Che had an exchange with the pregnant husband.

"Don't be overly nervous." Lu Mingshi said comfortingly as a person who came over. "In fact, men have many advantages when they are pregnant. First, they generally have better physical strength than ordinary women. In addition, they can be relieved by supplementing energy when encountering crises, which reduces a lot of pregnancy. Risks in the process."

"Really?" Hei Che asked, looking at Lu Jiujin in An Qiao's arms.

"Hmm." Lu Mingshi put his hands in his pockets, facing Anqiao's direction, and Yu Guang glanced at Hei Che's abdomen inadvertently. After a short time, Hei Che's abdominal muscles were still very obvious under the T-shirt, and there were no other signs at all.

This posture made Lu Mingshi's shirt tightly cling to his lower abdomen. At the same time, An Qiao glanced here to see Lu Mingshi's blessed lower abdomen again.

Anqiao was surprised: "Boss, why are you fat?"

……Which pot is not opened and which pot is to be lifted.

Lu Mingshi said coldly: "I'll report to the personal trainer later."

"No, no, no." An Qiao stopped him, "You have to figure out the reason first, not blindly lose weight. Let's do it, Mr. Lu, you have another full-body check..."


It was another ordinary shooting day. Gu Yixin used to come to the set and found that the atmosphere today was unusual.

I haven't heard that anyone will finish today, Gu Yixin thought.

At noon, after one shot was finished, Gu Yixin stood sweaty under the big sun, trying to wipe his sweat with his sleeves, but was afraid that he would not be able to play, suddenly he handed a towel next to him.

Gu Yixin took it, feeling cool and refreshing. He thanked him and put the towel on his face. The person handing the towel just nodded and turned and walked away.

The back is so familiar, Gu Yixin's eyes straightened, his wife got stuck in his throat, and the director has already started the next filming.


Director Li happily watched the film: "This one is available."

I finished most of the work ahead of time, and the next scene is about to be filmed at night. The director happily gave everyone a half-day holiday and only asked to gather on time at night.

Gu Yixin jumped off the excavator and trot a few steps in the direction of his familiar back.

Just as he was about to touch Lu Mingshi's shoulder, suddenly there were loud shouts around him.

"Gu Gu~~!"

"Brother Wu Mao!"

"Happy birthday to the male god!!!"

Gu Yixin stepped back and saw a group of fans suddenly emerged outside the fence of the site's studio. They were squeezing forward with countless colorful gifts in their hands, and they kept throwing in flower gift dolls from above the fence.

Gu Yixin took a step back, blinked, and it took a long time to realize that today was the birthday of the original owner.

Of course, coincidentally, it was also his birthday.

Gu Yixin lowered his head to think about this coincidence. Someone pushed his waist from behind. Gu Yixin looked back. Who else could it be?

Lu Mingshi was wearing a mask, but his figure was very eye-catching. Gu Yixin's brick-moving fan couldn't be more familiar with Lu Mingshi. At the moment, someone shouted excitedly and raised the camera.

Lu Mingshi took out a small box from his pocket and said awkwardly, "Happy birthday husband."

The fans who were close heard clearly, and the blood boiled instantly.

You know, seeing and hearing on the Internet and on the screen, and seeing with your own eyes, are completely two feelings!

The fans exchanged excited eyes.

"Fuck you, did you hear that, Mr. Lu is the husband of a goddess!"

"Fuck, I'll just say, is the male **** definitely a good offense!"

"Fuck, I don't believe it, the male **** must have forced Lu Zong to call his husband outside!"

"Don't struggle, Mr. Lu is absolutely uncomfortable. I will say that the child was born by Mr. Lu himself. If you don't believe it, look at his belly!"

The fans calmed down and took a collective look, and it turned out that Lu Mingshi's lower abdomen was slightly raised, and it looked like it had been a few months.

Gu Yixin's shiny eyes hidden under the mask and hat when looking at Lu Ming. The baseball cap made Lu Mingshi look several years younger, like a college student who hadn't graduated soon.

Gu Yixin took the small box Lu Mingshi handed him, and couldn't help but wonder what Lu Mingshi would give him.

The fans also watched unblinkingly, each guessing.

"Dove egg! Dove egg! Big diamond ring worth five million!"

"No, diamond rings are only used for engagement. Mr. Lu is not that vulgar! I guess it's a big customized brick!"

"Look at the size of this box and guess again. I think it should be a tie, or a pair of cuffs. Anyway, I've been around for so many years and I'm considered an old husband and wife. I still return to normal romance!"

"It could also be a letter or something, or cubs' footprints!"

Gu Yixin opened the box and took out a folded paper from inside.

As Gu Yixin opened the paper a little bit, the fans also held their breath.

Then they saw their male god’s expression change from surprise to joy, from joy to sorrow. Finally, they folded the paper in their pockets three or two times, and leaned forward, before everyone had expected the princess Lu Mingshi. Hugged.

When Gu Yixin hugged the unsuspecting Lu Ming, he hurriedly walked two steps towards his residence, and then remembered his group of fans who had worked so hard to celebrate his birthday. So he turned back and bowed deeply to the fans in the posture he held Lu Ming and thanked them loudly.

The staff quickly put away the gifts that were thrown on the ground, and the fans were stunned as they watched Mr. Cucumber holding the stiff Luffa Jun from the back.


Lu Mingshi stretched out his hand to pull off the mask with difficulty: "Husband, I can go, why are you holding me?"

Gu Yixin hurried back to his residence, tucked Lu Mingshi onto the bed, and then jumped up to lie beside him, holding his hand.

"Supplementary energy for you." Gu Yixin turned sideways and stared at Lu Ming, who hadn't seen him for nearly two months. When he remembered the date on the test result he had just seen, he couldn't help but become afraid.

"We were all negligent... But why did you wait until now to tell me the results that came out last week?"

Gu Yixin poked Lu Mingshi's belly slightly.

Lu Mingshi said: "Because I want to treat it as your birthday present."

Maybe it was one time to be born and second to familiarity, or it was because their Gu Zhangting classmate was much better than Jiu Jin. The little life that appeared during the three-day gambling boat trip did not bring anything to Lu Mingshi. Unwell. It wasn't until I went to the hospital last week to be checked out by Ancho for a forced medical examination.

When Gu Yixin looked at Lu Ming nervously, his expression was exactly the same as when he heard the cubs exist for the first time, Lu Mingshi couldn't help but laugh.

Gu Yixin pressed his hand dissatisfiedly: "Don't laugh, I am thinking."

"Thinking about?"

"Thinking about how much money I will lose when I quit the crew..." Gu Yixin looked at the ceiling and pinched his fingers, as if thinking seriously.

"Don't." Lu Mingshi disapproved, "Money is not a problem, but you have been shooting for a month and a half, why quit this time?"

When Gu Yixin looked at Lu Ming softly: "But you need me."

Lu Mingshi stared at her husband. He really couldn't bear this look, so he simply followed his heart with a wolf pounce.


"Boom boom boom."

According to the director's request, the errand boy delivered today's eight-point box lunch to Gu Yixin's door, but knocked on the door without hearing an answer, so he reached out and tentatively twisted the handle.

It was unscrewed as soon as it was screwed.

The little brother opened the door while holding up the boxed lunch in his hand: "Director Gu asked me to give you a boxed lunch..." He got stuck.

When the curtains were half drawn, there was still a seam left. On the messy bed, Gu Yixin was half-lying untidy, and a handsome man of first-rate figure was also untidy.

Brother Gu's hand was still wrapped around the opponent's strong waist, and he was staring at him with a ugly expression.

The cold sweat of the errand boy came down with a swish.

"I, I, I, I'm a transparent person and I didn't see anything!" The little brother threw down his lunch, turned and locked the door and ran away in one go.


Finally, Lu Mingshi persuaded Gu Yixin: "You have put in so much effort, don't waste it in the end. Don't worry about me, I'm fine."

Gu Yixin tidied up his clothes while looking at Lu Ming: "Take care of yourself, and I will go back soon."

Lu Mingshi stayed till night when the driver drove over.

Gu Yixin, who had just finished the play, got into the car with his hands in his pockets looking at Lu Ming. Xia Ye's cicadas rang once and he glanced at the time.

Gu Yi's newbie is wearing an electronic watch, which is actually a prop for the crew. He forgot to take it off. At this time, a chronological luminous electronic watch is showing a string of numbers: 9:19 on August 19, 2019.

Lu Mingshi pressed the car window, and the hot summer air outside the car suddenly swept in. He called out Gu Yixin who was in a daze.

Gu Yi came over with the news and asked gently: "What's the matter?"

Lu Mingshi gently shook his hand: "Happy birthday."

Gu Yixin smiled: "You have said it six times today."

"This time is the most important thing." Lu Mingshi said, his eyes swept across the standard time shown on the mirror, watching the number jump to 09:20, "Grow up one more year."

Gu Yixin thought, Lu Mingshi always regarded himself as eleven years younger than him, and always protected him everywhere. But I don’t know, in fact, his true age is not much younger than Lu Mingshi...

Why does he feel special today? Looking at the leaving car, Gu Yixin realized that he came into this world at this time last year-on the day the original owner just turned his eighteenth birthday.

So why did the original owner suddenly take a dog at that point in time?

Gu Yixin thought for a few minutes, too lazy to think about it. Anyway, the world is full of bugs, and a few more bugs have no effect.

Gu Yixin figured it out, yawned, and went back to sleep.


Gu Yixin came out of the shower and inadvertently glanced at the digital watch lying on the table.

The eyes suddenly widened.

A line of text is scrolling:

"Dear dear, it has been detected that your world bug is leaning towards the critical value, and will soon exceed the critical value..."

Gu Yixin:! ! !

This was the first time he got a hint about the world.

Gu Yixin picked up the electronic watch and asked loudly, "Hey, tell me clearly what's going on!"

But the electronic watch was obviously afraid of him, and the words began to flicker as soon as it was picked up, and finally shrank aggrieved and returned to its usual state.

Regardless of whether Gu Yixin threatened or tempted, intimidated or coaxed, it was indifferent.


Break the threshold and the world will collapse.

Gu Yixin cannot let the world collapse.

So he has to do something to bring the world line back.

Gu Yixin lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling, thinking that he and Lu Mingshi must not be separated. Since Hei Che and An Qiao are already close to each other, don't bother them.

Only An Luoyu and Wei Junshan are still single dogs. These two people are the real protagonists of the original book. As long as they are together, won't the world collapse?

After figuring this out, Gu Yixin went to sleep again.



There are so many cuckoos.

Vincent waits to grumble,

Wan Wencheng wasted.

↑↑↑Book of Regrets in 4D ↑↑↑

Thanks to the mines of Sonic, Obama, yellvalley, lamp lamp lamp wick, Azhi, Divoir, Qi Qi, Xiaoran, tangqw1

Thanks Yin Ling for the grenade

The text is almost over, thanks for all the lovely babies in the comments qaq

This one is wrong, bow to Daka! I love you forever, and I am willing to shed light on the pigeon hai