Gu Yixin performed very well in filming because he only needs to play himself. After the successful completion, he started his next plan non-stop: to get An Luoyu and Wei Junshan together.

With a hint of apology to Wei Junshan, Gu Yixin invited this brother-in-chief who had the same wisdom as Lu Mingshi.

Wei Junshan has a trace of fatigue on his face.

"Mr. Wei." Gu Yixin explained his intentions to him frankly. "As the saying goes, every successful gentleman always wants to marry a wife."

Wei Junshan looked at him in surprise, with complex emotions flashing in his eyes, and finally stayed in depression: "You finally figured out, when you are leaving Lu Ming, did you marry me?"

Wei Junshan sighed and said, "But I'm already married."

Gu Yixin was so surprised that he didn't have time to refute his marriage remarks. With a sweep of his eyes, he saw the ring on Wei Junshan's middle finger, and said dryly, "This...this really surprised me."

But, why is Wei Junshan married and the world has not collapsed yet?

Gu Yixin raised his left wrist to look at the watch. The electronic watch seemed to know his thoughts. After the numbers showing the time flashed, a big smile appeared.

Gu Yixin couldn't help being lost in thought.

"Mr. Wei, please take the liberty to ask, what is the name of your noble lady?"

Wei Junshan said indifferently, "I can't remember."

Gu Yixin: "???"

The corners of Gu Yixin's mouth twitched slightly: "Mr. Wei really is a nobleman who forgets things."

He decisively uses his mobile phone Baidu under the table.

Wei Junshan graciously called the waiter to refill Gu Yixin’s coffee. At the same time, Gu Yixin searched for Wei Junshan’s name, and the first news that popped out was--

"Newcomer An Luoyu Marries into the Giants"

Damn it?

Gu Yixin spit out all the coffee.

After composing himself, Gu Yixin wiped his face with a towel and couldn't help asking: "Mr. Wei, how did you and your wife meet?"

Wei Junshan: "Blind date."

Gu Yixin: "..."

He took out his mobile phone again, and all other news related to Baidu was a press release issued by An Luoyu Economic Company. After searching for a long time, he couldn't find valid information, so he switched to Bing.

Then he read this story: Wei Junshan's family said that the unique old man ran to fortune-telling, and the fortune teller said that Wei Junshan would be unpredictable unless he found a man who was born at x year x month x day x within a week and engaged in a wide-ranging industry. Only by getting married can we get rid of this disaster.

Wei Junshan sneered at this, but the old man was convinced. It was also Wei Junshan's bad luck. At this time, he fell at the door of his house, was struck by a bicycle when he went out, choked on milk for breakfast, and then caught a cold again.

The old man mobilized all his connections in horror and found all men born on x year x month x day x in the province, and then selected 658 candidates according to the nature of the job, and ordered Wei Junshan to meet all within a week. Choose one he is satisfied with and get married immediately.

On average, Wei Junshan sees 94 blind date every day.

"I was tossed to death that week." Wei Junshan concealed his face and did not dare to recall. "By the third day, I was already feeling sick. At this moment, the gentleman who could not remember the name came in."

Gu Yixin suddenly realized: "Then you fell in love with him at first sight."

Gu Yixin thought, this world is really good, and there is an automatic repair function.

I thought I left the main line as a bug, so the main line returned to the original path.

Wei Junshan's head is far away: "I know I won't fall in love with them, so I want to choose someone who will not have feelings for me, so as not to hurt each other in the future."

Wei Junshan paused and said, "Everyone who had seen me before gave me a secret look. He was the only one who kept looking down at his mobile phone without even looking at me!"

Gu Yixin: "..."

Gu Yixin tentatively asked: "Then after you get married..."

"It's pretty pleasant to get along with each other."

Gu Yixin breathed a sigh of relief.

Wei Junshan added: "Because we are very busy at work, we basically don't have much time to get along."


Gu Yixin watched Wei Junshan's back and got into the car, thinking in uncertainty, they would be happy, right?


By the way, since Hei Che confirmed that he was really pregnant, he planned to go home and confess.

"Don't go anymore." Hei Che persuaded him to go home with him and see Boss Hei An Qiao, "I'm really afraid that my dad will beat you, don't you give him a hammer to fall apart?"

An Qiao’s eyes were full of tears: "I know you are worried about me, but how can I let you go back and face Yue...face my father-in-law? What if he beats you? He beats me, let the old man It's good to calm down."

"No, you don't understand." Hei Che said in horror, "My father can hammer eight Tibetan mastiffs by himself. I converted, he is about one-sixth of Gu's combat effectiveness."

Hei Che's conversion method here is based on the fact that he has never seen Gu Yixin's heroic posture that makes the muzzle knotted.

But it was still enough to frighten Ancho: "I, I'm a little scared."

"Don't be afraid." Hei Che comforted, "I'll just go by myself. My family has rules not to beat pregnant women."

Ancho: "But... you are the pregnant woman."

This sentence successfully dispelled the courage that Hei Che finally mustered.

The two of them sat on the sofa in sorrow, avoiding the moment of seeing their parents.

After half an hour, Anqiao watched the eight or nine o'clock sun gradually rise to the middle of the sky, and got up to make a medicated soup for Hei Che.

An Qiao brought the soup to Hei Che, and said affectionately: "After drinking this bowl of soup, you will have courage."

Hei Che finished in one breath, and then said, "I'll take a nap and go."

This time I slept until the sunset.

An Qiao gently awakened Hei Che: "Kiss, it's time to go to kiss."

Hei Che snored loudly.

An Qiao gently shook Hei Che: "Kiss, you are already awake."

Hei Che snored and turned over: "No, I don't."

The two were still wrangling on the sofa, and suddenly there was a rustling sound from the door. After changing to the usual, with Hei Che's alertness, he had heard it long ago. But now the five senses were reduced, and the two people stopped until the doorbell rang.

"Ding Dong."

No one opened the door.

Hei Che's father peeked in from the cat's eyes suspiciously, not sure if anyone was inside, and pressed twice.

"Ding dong ding dong."

"Go and see who it is." Hei Che said.

"Ding dong ding dong ding dong."

Ancho stood up tremblingly: "Kiss, I always have a bad feeling."

Hei Che straightened his chest: "I protect you."

An Qiao said uneasyly: "What if it's your father?"

"..." Hei Che tried to calm his face and didn't change his appearance. "No, my father has become an old otaku since he was fifty years old. There is no way to get him out of the house except for "xx King Kong 18". ."

Ancho plucked up the courage to walk to the door and glanced at the cat's eye.

He didn't see anything, because Hei Che's father was tired from waiting and was resting with his back on the door.

So Ancho opened the door safely and confirmed. "Probably the pupil next door is playing a prank..."

Then Ancho looked at the old man who fell to the ground backwards along the door he opened, his heart rate soaring 180.

Ancho swallowed a bottle of quick-acting heart-saving pills, thought for a while, and poured another bottle into the old man who had just awakened and sat on the sofa in a daze.

Looking at her son’s bulging belly, and listening to the black boss who Hei Che hesitating and frank, Anqiao quickly sketched out a picture of where the various rescue tools and medicines in the family are placed, and the most ambulance. The picture of arriving at my home in a few minutes has never been so lucky that I am a doctor.

Hei Che looked at his father, shielded his stomach tragically, and moved his body to block Anqiao.

"Dad, all this is an accident, you are angry at me, don't hurt him."

The black boss looked at Anqiao, then at Hei Che in front of him, and slowly raised his hand—

Hei Che closed his eyes.

An Qiao rushed out and decided that he would not let Hei Che get beaten up here today.

In that one thousandth of a second, An Qiao finally blocked Hei Che's face with his own remarkable speed, replacing Hei Che's face with his own face.

The black boss wondered when his son's face became so white, and then realized that it was his daughter-in-law, so he slipped Ancho's face aside.

Then move on, stroking Hei Che's head as if stroking a small Tibetan mastiff.

"Children." Boss Hei said emotionally, "you still turned the worry about being a father into reality."

Hei Che: "..."

Ancho: "?"

What is "always worry"?

The black boss continued to stroke his son's dog head: "You see, you have always been the one with the most genetic inheritance in our family. When it comes to skin, you are the darkest. When it comes to fighting, you are better than your brothers. When it comes to learning, You are the worst. In terms of single-mindedness, you also make family members worry about you all the time..."

Elder Hei sighed: "So, I am worried that you will inherit the super fertility in your family's genes. Isn't it a strange thing?"

Hei Che was dumbfounded.

"So, for so many years, you have been asking me every day if I feel uncomfortable. It is not because I am worried that I will be disabled by fighting again, but because I am worried that I will get pregnant in the middle of the fight?"

The black boss spread his hands: "Look, the current situation proves that I am not worried in vain."

An Qiao listened to him like a cloud of mist, and wondered why this theoretical system was so familiar.

Boss Hei didn't feel embarrassed by the two young people, but patted An Joe's shoulder meaningfully, and then floated away with his hand.

Two people stood at the door watching the back of the boss flying away, lost in thought.

"My dear, how do I think that your father is not only fighting power, but also thinking like Gu Shao?"

Hei Che: "He has watched Gu Shao's TV series many times recently, and he has made up many Gu Shao interviews with my mother..."

The two looked at each other, and both felt relieved of a burden and returned to the house happily.


Good time always passes so fast.

In March of the following year, Lu Mingshi gave birth to a girl. This child was born at full term, but weighed only six catties, far from being as strong as Comrade Lu Jiujin.

"My dear, our Zhangting, our skin is as white as snow, and our hair is as black as ebony, we are simply Snow White!"

Gu Yixin stared at the little female goose ecstatically, not even daring to show the atmosphere.

Lu Mingshi was born and cooked again, and he was not as nervous as the first time. And this time, there is colostrum, there is colostrum!

The colostrum that Jiujin didn't eat, Zhang Ting finally ate it. It was really touching.

Zhang Ting struggled to eat, was very tired, and fell asleep after eating.

Gu Yixin took pictures of Zhangting, who was sleeping, and posted a Weibo.

"This time, please also ask the majority of netizens to think of a nickname for us." Lu Mingshi said.

Gu Yixin dreamtly announced to the world the news of the birth of the two cubs. Soon, the dual-effect one-in-one ultimate internet celebrity with the largest online influence in the country won 5 million replies.

"Everyone agrees that it should be called Gu Gu." Gu Yixin read the comments of netizens.

"Why?" Lu Mingshi was curious.

"It seems that it is because of the cry of a kind of bird..." Before Gu Yixin's words fell, his eyes widened, and when he looked at Lu Ming nervously, he seemed to have done something wrong.

Lu Mingshi looked at him strangely: "What's the matter?"

Gu Yixin said: "I just took a picture of your left hand when I was taking a picture of Zai Zai. Now everyone seems to have discovered this, so they said... said..."

"Look what I found!" Someone excitedly circled Lu Mingshi's left hand, accompanied by the ward furnishings and the extended human posture, "I said that the x reporter's guess was correct, and the gossip is true! Lu Always a girl, both children were born by Mr. Lu himself!"

"how is this possible……"


"Please think about it, hasn't Lu always been missing for a few months again? This is exactly the same as the situation before Jiu Jin was born! Imagination limits your thinking!"

The trio became tigers, and it was gossip to spread it in a small area. Once this idea took root in people's hearts, it would never go away.

Lu Mingshi couldn't help having a headache looking at these speculations, and he was about to get up when he opened the quilt.

"Help me up, I can still refute the rumors!"

"Never!" Gu Yixin threw his wife on the bed, carefully not to press his wounds, "The body is the most important thing, don't force it--"

Just when Lu Mingshi was about to blurt out "I want to reluctantly", Hei Che walked in with his stomach straight. An Qiao, who had just finished yawning, refreshed and stepped forward to help. Hei Che waved his hand to indicate not .

He is probably the toughest pregnant woman in the world. Hei Che Da Ma sat down beside Lu Mingshi's bed, and Anqiao had already replaced Ma Zha with a sofa chair in time.

"Mr. Lu, do you feel okay?"

When Lu Mingshi saw the only second pregnant woman in the world, he felt that he must play a good role model and take the lead, lest Hei Che panic before giving birth. An Qiao kept winking at himself, and Lu Mingshi gave a light cough, "Very good."

Hei Che let go a little.

"President Lu, I discussed with An An and decided! We want to announce to the public that this child was born by ourselves."

Lu Mingshi looked at An Qiao in shock, and An Qiao nodded.

Ancho took out his four new papers published this year, held up the bound volume of the QWE journal, which was thicker than two bricks, and solemnly said:

"Mr. Lu, the frontiers of medicine and science are beyond the acceptance of ordinary people, but they will eventually return to the lives of the public, because our purpose of exploring the frontiers of medicine and science is to satisfy people’s growing needs for a better life. demand."

An Qiao touched the papers that had precipitated his countless hard work and sweat, and said in a deep voice: "Since these research results are published in a public collection of papers, they will one day be recognized by the public. But the wind has been released for so long. , People still generally do not believe our research conclusions."

Lu Mingshi understood what he meant. "You mean, the best way to make people truly realize the possibility of men having children is to show the public a living example."

"Yes." An Qiao rubbed Hei Che's head happily. "He proposed this idea. I think it's great, perfect!"

Lu Mingshi thoughtfully.

Gu Yixin pinned Lu Mingshi's sweat-soaked broken hair behind his ears: "Doctor An said it well."

Hei Che and An Qiao looked at Xiao Zhangting for a while, and left to prepare for their press conference. While leaving Lu Ming, he watched Gu Yixin absently taking pictures of the little girl goose 720 degrees, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Husband." Lu Mingshi asked suddenly, "Do you really want to be honest with the public like them?"

News from Gu Yi turned around and shook his head: "I just want you to feel comfortable."

If you think confession is better, we confess. If you don’t like being pointed, what does it matter to conceal it for a lifetime?

After all, honesty is courage, and so is concealment.

Gu Yixin hugged Xiao Jiu Jin. Xiao Jiu Jin looked at his sister's face curiously, his eyes rolling.

"Jiujin, this is my sister Zhangting, you can ask her to coo." Gu Yixin said patiently.

"You are the brother, the brother must protect the sister."

Lu Mingshi looked at this warm picture, smiled slightly, put the mess of thoughts aside, raised the camera, and clicked.

Leave a sweet and warm family portrait.




Three days later, the news of male giving birth appeared on all the pages of the country, and the mainstream channels were all followed up by the bombing.

Millions of people across the country cried with joy to their same-sex couples. The letters inquiring how to have children were like flies. Half of them flew to the US headquarters and half to the Lu family research institute.

An Qiao, who has become the dean and director of the research institute, pushed open the door of the office and was staggered by letters falling from the sky.

He pushed the gold-rimmed glasses, picked up a letter floating in front of him, looked at the falling money, his eyes widened.


"I really want a grandchild, boys and girls." The billion-dollar old man stood tremblingly outside the door with a cane, watching the man order a nine-fold lock on the steel panel door.

Inside the house.

Spring is in harmony, and the abnormal sweet fragrance confuses people's minds. There are two disheveled bodies on the large round bed, both of whom are trying to restrain themselves.

Wei Junshan: "The man who can't resist the physical impulse is not a man, but I am a man." He hit the wall with a punch, and the pain made his handsome face distorted.

An Luoyu: "Although I like men, not everyone can do it." He picked up his Nokia resolutely, and finally kissed his paper boyfriend.

Then An Luoyu shook her hand, and Nokia kucha slammed on the forehead, knocking herself out.



An Luoyu opened his eyes and found himself lying on a big bed next to a handsome handsome man he had always dreamed of.

Damn, this environment, this arrangement.

This is what he has put into his own novel. The name of the novel is "I Let the Three Overlords Be Jealous for Me".

An Luoyu is a poor little zero in reality, so he wrote a YY essay about the protagonist of the same name, imagining himself in the world of novels that everyone loves and flowers bloom.

Unexpectedly, I actually came in!

Wei Junshan picked up Nokia and was about to slap himself into a faint. Unexpectedly, An Luoyu suddenly changed his temperament and hugged him tightly.

"......??? Q@#$@%#^#$#!"


Ten months later, Wei Junshan was happy with a baby.


The text ends here! Next, there will probably be cubs studying outside, outside the Olympics, assuming that the age difference reverses from the perspective of Mr. Lu, etc.~

Thank you Zhenyue for sleeping today, Sonic, lamp lamp lamp lamp wick, yellvalley, who wants to drink water and ice, and Shuo's mine!


Thanks to Da Ga for all three months of company, I love, thank you for the refill, twee, twee!

Forgot to say, happy Lantern Festival~~~