Lu Mingshi said to Gu Yixin, who was squatting on the ground to pack his luggage, "Bring the pickles and the dried fish. Hey, don't be hungry and thin."

Gu Yixin buckled the box and dragged it to the door, then turned around and kissed the big one and two small ones in turn.

Lu Jiujin and Gu Zhangting, under the instruction of their fathers, raised their necks and screamed, "Wow~" they looked very disappointed.

Gu Yixin didn't expose it, but touched the cheeks of the two cubs sadly: "Hey, I don't want to. But to prevent my baby from losing on the starting line, I have to go..."

"Okay, let's go." Lu Mingshi was afraid of calling him to cry. Without changing his face, he hugged the cub back with one hand, and signaled Gu Yixin to go out. "When you come back, remember to bring some local products. Love you, Bobo."

Gu Yixin had already gone out, put down his suitcase, and turned back to hug him.

"Love your wife. However, I am not good at shopping..."

Lu Mingshi didn't care: "You can do anything, take care of yourself. I will wait for you at home."


Gu Yixin just got on the charter flight to Neon Country.

On the plane, the coach of the Olympic track team vigorously slapped Gu Yixin on the shoulder, letting him sit between the two 110-meter hurdles.

"The three of you are the seed players of our track and field team this time." The coach announced loudly, "I should have arranged separate bedrooms for you, but you know, the city of Xijing is very crowded. There are no extra rooms in the Olympic Village, only three people. Live in one."

The coach said very apologetically.

"It's ok."

Gu Yixin said so, and thought so in his heart. Although the other two athletes agreed and looked at each other, they were a little worried.

Let's call them Xiao Chuan and Xiaolan.

Both the small cross and the small hurdle are top athletes selected from the grassroots by the country. This time they are also to challenge for medals. Of course, everyone likes to see players like Gu Yixin who can increase the strength of the track team.

However, he is an openly **** after all.

Sleeping in the same room, two straight men who didn't understand homosexuality could not help but have a little worry about their safety.

Gu Yixin obviously didn't realize this at all, he slept for two hours after putting on a blanket.

When I woke up, I was in the Olympic Village.

The track team got off the bus and lined up into the hall. As they arrived late, only the last ten rooms were left. Miss Neon who assigned the room was beautiful and very patient. Although she had been working all day, she still had a smile on her face when she greeted the last group of athletes.

As mentioned earlier, Xiao Chuan and Xiaolan are two big straight men, and they have been single for 20 years. The two were at the age when they were excited to see a tree hole. At this time, they saw a beautiful and lovely young lady. It was love at first sight.

Gu Yixin took a look and found that the three of them had fallen to the end of the team, so he coughed slightly to remind the two roommates to pay attention to their image.

But Xiao Chuan and Xiao Lan had already taken a step forward and graciously took out their business cards.

The young lady was taken aback, and politely took the business card and put it into a box on the table.

There are already a hundred business cards, which can be said to be very spectacular.

Miss Sister handed the last key over, Xiao Chuan wanted to reach out to pick it up, but Miss Sister handed the key directly to Gu Yixin.

There was also a business card of her own under the key.

Gu Yixin was stunned for a moment, and looked at the red face of the young lady, not knowing how to explain it.

Xiao Chu helped him solve this problem.

Xiao Chuan stretched out his hand and took the key and business card from the young lady's hand, then looked at the beautiful woman's sullen eyes and patted Gu Yixin on the shoulder:

"Small change, his, like men."

He patted his chest again.

"My, I like you."

Xiaolan repeated the same actions and words of Xiao Chuan, and then asked Miss Sister: "Yours, understand?"

The young lady looked dumbfounded. Don't blame her. The two Chinese people in front of me couldn't say a word in neon words, and didn't even express the purpose of confession.

Seeing that the young lady didn't understand, the treasure boy Xiao Chuan used sign language to assist her understanding.

He patted Gu Yixin on the shoulder, and then expressed his liking.

Pointing to himself and the small column again, indicating a man.

Xiao Chuan is about to explain the next sentence, Miss Neon has suddenly realized!

She covered her mouth with one hand and couldn't hide her excitement. Looking at the handsome Gu Yixin and then at the two taller handsome boys beside him, that little love for beautiful boys instantly transformed into another instinct.

She pointed at herself, compared a big heart to the three of them, framed them all, and then spread her palms upwards.

It means that the three of you have a good time together.

Of course Sansha didn't understand, and smiled and waved at the small change and walked into the elevator.


The three people who got the key pushed open the door of the last room and couldn't help but pause.

This turned out to be a parent-child room consisting of a large double bed and a single bed.

"Isn't it possible?" Gu Yixin said doubtfully the voice of the two straight men, "Let's call the coach and explain the situation."

The coach answered the phone and told them guiltily that there was no need to change, only the last one was left.

"Xing Ba." Gu Yixin had to look at the two roommates, "How is this bed divided..."

Before a word was finished, Xiao Chuan and Xiaolan looked at each other, and flew towards the double bed as if they were flying together.

Gu Yixin: "..."

Those who didn't know thought they had been longing for double night and double flight for a long time.

No way, Xiao Chuan and Xiao Lan think that as straight men, it is inappropriate to sleep with Gu Yixin in the same bed.

Gu Yixin happened to be happy to have a single bed. He hummed a song and went to take a bath by himself.

Athletes like them are very regular, so the three of them all took a shower and went to bed early, and each took out their mobile phones or game consoles for a little entertainment.

The two hurdlers love to play and jump, and Gu Yixin's habit is to check his circle of friends and click likes one by one.

He didn't have this likes hobby before, but after the second cub was born, Hei Che and Anqiao's goose, Hei Xiaoqiao, was also born. An Qiao loves to post his goose's dynamics in the Moments of Friends, and praises Xiao Qiao's beauty and cuteness. Therefore, Lu Mingshi was not to be outdone. Every day, he took the videos and photos of Jiu Jin and Gu Gu to show off his wealth by taking pictures of his 360-degree panoramic balcony.

The battle between Lu Mingshi and An Qiao was already fierce. It was expected that the front was undecided and the rear was catching up. Wei Junshan and his father Wei, a dazzling wealthy demon, and a dazzling grandson, directly pushed the war to a fever pitch.

In this situation, how could Gu Yixin not give his wife and children a thumbs up?

This is almost a matter of principle.

Gu Yixin gave a serious look on today’s 10-consecutive photo shoot. Two straight men over there found that there was only one quilt, and asked the front desk to be unattended for a long time, so they had to stretch one quilt, and the two were sleeping together .

When Gu Yixin finished complimenting, his hands were already sour. He looked to the side and found that the two colleagues had already slept soundly, a quilt that was especially good for the brothers and two people had rolled into one place.

Gu Yixin looked at the big bed that was big enough to sleep four people, and he really didn't understand your straight men.

He shrugged, tucked the phone under the pillow, turned off the light and went to sleep.


Early the next morning, the hurdle brothers naturally got up early to train. But they didn't call Gu Yixin too, because everyone knew that Gu Yixin was an exception and he didn't need training.

Gu Yixin, who doesn't need training, went to watch the game.

The traditional weightlifting and shooting activities performed on the first day were very exciting. Gu Yixin was so excited that he took out a few photos with his mobile phone and posted them to Moments.

Happy time is always very short. Five days later, the official track and field competition finally began.

Track and field and swimming usually start in the middle and late stages of the race. Throughout the history of the Olympics, most of the time the United States slowly surpassed to first place from this time, because they have a great advantage in these two major medal events.

Gu Yixin was also called to the training venue from this day on.

The first event of the preliminaries was about to begin. The coach called him over and patted him on the shoulder earnestly.

"We are reporting a lot of projects for you this time." The coach said, "Adjust your mentality and get into the game as soon as possible."

Gu Yixin looked at his schedule. The first round of preliminaries was 100 meters, 200 meters, 400 meters, 800 meters and 3000 meters. There will be a 4x100 relay tomorrow.

Coach Gu Qianri uses Gu Yishi to show his true skills!

"Their swimming event is freestyle, butterfly, backstroke, and breaststroke; it is 50 meters, 100 meters, 200 meters, 800 meters, and 1500 meters. You say me I only reported six items for you. Is it too much? Is it too much?" The coach said to Gu Yixin with rich body language and melody.

"Not too much." Gu Yixin felt that what the coach said was too reasonable.

"Yes." The coach said, pointing to the runway, "Go ahead, let the world see what Chinese speed is."

Then Gu Yixin stood in front of the starting line.


The live broadcast of the 100-meter preliminaries was also very popular, and the commentator introduced the situation of this group with full expression:

"This group of players are very famous! Of course, the important thing in the preliminaries is not the rankings achieved in each group, but the absolute time. Even so, seeing so many seeded players assigned to the same group, we can almost think this It's a preview of the final."

"This includes the last Olympic champion John of the United States, the last World Championship champion George of the United States, the world record holder, the 35-year-old four-nation African player Hart, and the young Goose star Stanford Jowski."

Gu Yixin looked to the left. A tall black man opened his white teeth and was stretching; when he looked to the right, a thin black man opened his white teeth and was chewing gum.

Good guy, except for him, this group is all black at all. Even Stanford Jovsky, a native of Goose, is also a black-and-white mixed race, and of course he showed the strong dominant black gene.

At this moment, Lu Gugu, who was watching the live broadcast at home, shook his hands excitedly: "Kiligulu Kiligulu!"

Lu Jiujin’s child translated the little girl’s language: "Dad!"

Yes, they recognized the brightest star in the night sky at a glance.

Gu Yixin's skin was originally white, and it was even more obvious under the background of these black friends. Foreign narrators have automatically ignored his existence, but of course the Chinese narrators will not miss their weapons of mass destruction.

“Among the African brothers is our track and field athlete Gu Yixin. Mentioning his name, we have many stories to tell. Today, he is not a model worker with five talks, four beauties and three loves, nor is he a film star who swept the three European awards, but a star A glorious Olympic athlete! He first made his mark in last year's Provincial Games, and for various reasons has not appeared in major events until the announcement of the pre-match squad. I hope he can achieve good results in the preliminaries!"

Gu Yixin looked at the black brother next to him again in boredom, and found that their coaches were giving them the last word of advice. Gu Yixin couldn't understand English and Russian, and it was really boring if he didn't understand. So he set his sights on his coach, hoping to get some inspiration from the coach.

Then the two hurdle brothers who had just finished the preliminaries told him that the coach went to the bathroom.


Just rest assured me.

"The coach asked us to tell you two words."

Success? God rewards hard work? Unflappable? Do your best?

"Don't run away."

Gu Yixin thought I knew it. "Good job..."

Before he said the third line, the starting gun "quack-" rang.

The commentator also unexpectedly said: "Our runner is slow for a full second at the start, and his starting posture is very primitive, hey, if this is the case, there is no chance to make a decision... Decision..." The commentator's sigh stuck in his throat. .

I saw Gu Yixin rushed out 50 meters in one breath and surpassed almost all his opponents halfway. At this time, only Stanford Jowski was still in front of him. As for John George Hart, he was left behind. Behind.

Gu Yixin spent half a second thinking about whether to surpass the previous Stanford Jovsky.

The coach once told him not to be too pushy. If Gu Yixin knew that the previous world champion, world championship champion and world record holder had been left behind by him, he would definitely not accelerate.

But he didn't know.

Gu Yixin thought so. Anyway, the preliminaries only look at the absolute time. If he hides his strength so that he can't even make it to the finals, it's not over.

He didn't want to come here in vain, he wanted to buy a school district room.

The face of the two cubs seemed to be behind the finish line. Gu Yixin lifted his spirits, completely ignoring everyone's dumbfounded expressions and Stanford Jovsky's frantic calf in front of him, who perceives the danger, and moves forward three times!

He passed it with a chuckle, throwing off Stanford Jowski for 0.3 seconds.

The commentator exclaimed in surprise: "Gu Yixin! Gu Yixin's preliminaries score is 9.50 seconds! This result can absolutely ensure that he enters the finals. He left four powerful champion contenders behind! What an amazing result! The best result ever of an Asian athlete in the Olympic 100-meter trapeze!"

The foreign media all dropped their eyes to the ground, feeling a little at a loss at the scoreboard.

This is just the beginning.

In the next 200m, 400m, 800m and 3000m preliminaries, Gu Yixin ran the best results in Asia. He ran at the top speed of the group, always stepping side by side with others without any hurries, and then in the last ten meters, leaving them ten meters away...

At the end of the day, Gu Yi has countless new enemies.

How can you say that there is such a thing, first to make you feel good about yourself, and finally to jump out for technical rolling?

Every second place in the same group viciously poke Gu Yixin's mashed potatoes for dinner.

Their coach is a sensible person. "Although he always surpassed at the end, it seems to be too much. However, you, who have been chased by him, have not been able to run your best results because of this?

Ladies and gentlemen put down their forks and fell into deep thought.


If the preliminaries on the first day are appetizers, the relay preliminaries on the second day are really full of gunpowder.

If the U.S. men's day group is a king, these countries in Asia have the most 4x100 gold. Competition for places in the finals has always been quite fierce, but this time, both Chinese and foreign, the media has projected great attention on the Chinese team.

Of course, this is due to Gu Yixin, a full-level bug that made the first day.

The coach glanced at the neon national coach who was staring at him warily, shrugged, turned his head and announced to the media: "We promise not to use Gu Yixin first."

So Gu Yixin obediently went for the last shot.

"Gah—" The starting gun rang.

Gu Yixin stretched his neck and looked at his teammates from a distance. He found that the small cross and small hurdles were also moving very fast. In this group, China is indeed the most competitive team, and the second strongest in this group. The host, Neon Country, has been distanced from the first strike.

By the third bar, they were already more than ten meters ahead. The teammate was the first to hand over the baton to Gu Yixin. Gu Yixin wanted to...fuck it since 1840! Just do it!

He Sa Yazi rushed out.

"Gu Yixin was the first player to take the last one! The Chinese team's lead is getting bigger and bigger! He left the second place 20 meters away! Thirty meters... approaching the finish line, this speed will once again set the Asian record !"

"My God, he's still accelerating, he's still accelerating!"


Gu Yixin crossed the finish line first. Neon Country's last shot fell and was overtaken by other national teams.

China finally entered the 4x100 finals with the second place, second only to the men's team of the United States.


These days, Lu Mingshi is still madly in the circle of friends, but the main content he publishes is no longer baby, but husband.

All sorts of data and pictures are listed every day. Gu Yixin blushes when he sees it, and he is not embarrassed to like himself.

So Gu Yixin spoke to Lu Mingshi euphemistically.

"Wife, I think we should keep a low profile." Gu Yixin scratched his chin while watching Lu Ming's eyes full of admiring stars in the video. "It's a bit embarrassing to see so many faces in the circle of friends. And we just entered In the finals, I haven't won a medal yet."

Lu Mingshi agreed, turned around and deleted his Weibo Moments.

Gu Yixin has nothing to do with Weibo, and of course he knows nothing about it. When he had just told Lu Ming that he would turn off the video and go to bed goodnight, suddenly there was a movement in the bed next to him.

Lu Mingshi heard the man's voice a little alert: "Who is it?"

"My roommate, two straight men." Gu Yixin said, looking at the bed next door, only two people were fighting under the quilt...

Gu Yixin: "?"

"Straight man?" Lu Mingshi listened, skeptical.

Gu Yixin: "...It used to be, but now it should be... or.... Hmm."

But in a few days, he won't be sure... Let's finish the race quickly, otherwise these two straight guys are still not two when they return, but it's a bit unclear.

Gu Yixin turned off the headlights and put his arms under the back of his head. Listening to the rustling sound of the bed next door, he missed his wife more and more.


The time for a decisive battle will finally come.

"Now approaching the starting line is Gu Yixin, the top hottest player of this event! He has created an unprecedented miracle. He has achieved the best results in the preliminary rounds in both sprint and long-distance races! The most watched pre-match, The four seeded players who have achieved brilliance in international competitions are now waiting for him at the starting line. Let's wait and see for this last time to test real gold--"

There were a total of eight contestants in the 100-meter trapeze finals. Seven of them were already standing at the starting line. Gu Yixin drank too much water and went to the toilet.

But being late is often the power enjoyed by the boss.

Gu Yixin walked step by step towards the black brothers from a distance. The seven big brothers stopped their warm-ups one after another and cast their attention to this little brother who was very likely to set a new world record.

Watching him at the same time, there are countless audiences all over the world.

Gu Yixin faced these unfamiliar friends—in fact, they were not unfamiliar. Four of them had been seen during the preliminaries—a little entangled. With his personality, he seemed to want to make friends with him. People should be friendly.

But he does not speak English.

Gu Yixin looked at the dark skin of Stanford Jovsky next to him, and suddenly had an idea-there is a language that is universal in the world, and it is said that the **** brothers especially like it!

Gu Yixin glanced at the game with five minutes left, so he relaxed and snapped his fingers, following the marching music being played in the venue, and started dancing!

This time, it was the audience's turn to be confused.

"What is Gu Gu doing?" The supporters were dumbfounded.

"What is the male **** doing?" The fans were dumbfounded.

"What is Dad doing?" Zai Zai forced.

The faces were dumbfounded.

The **** brothers were also stunned for a few seconds, but they deserved to be racially talented, and their love for dancing was passed down in their blood. John and George looked at each other, Hart patted Stanford Jowski on the shoulder, and everyone reached a consensus. :

This is a special warm-up method for the little brother.

So three twenty one, everyone danced together.

Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe are like a family in singing and dancing! At this moment, a community with a shared future for mankind is beginning to take shape!

"G-" Five minutes later, the starting gun sounded.

"Unbelievable! He set a new world record!" foreign media exclaimed.

Not only that, the four seeded players behind Gu Yixin have also set their own best records. This is a race for the 100-meter trapeze with no losers!

The coach, the small hurdle, and the thirty members of the track team all rushed over, and reporters of various skin colors desperately trying to squeeze in to interview were blocked outside.

"Xiao Gu, I said earlier, you are the best!"

"The new world champion! The world record is yours too!"

In the passionate national anthem, Gu Yixin put the Olympic gold medal hanging on his neck on his lips and kissed, then stretched out his right index finger and thumb, and compared the letter "L" when the camera was focused on him.

Afterwards, foreign media had heated discussions about the gesture "L" that the track and field athlete and newly promoted 100m trapeze Gu Yixin made every time he kissed the gold medal.

"That is the first letter of the English "liberty" for "free". Mr. Gu Yixin is calling for democracy and freedom!"

"That symbolizes'lonely' loneliness, please listen to Mr. Gu's inner cry!"

"No, no, what you said is not right. Gu is a human rights fighter who has come out publicly. He is openly fighting for the interests of LGBT non-heterosexuals!"

In this regard, the Chinese media who know the truth say that you have been thinking too much.

Gu Yixin finally accepted an interview with a foreign reporter, in response to which he responded: "Sorry, I don't understand English at all.'L' is the first letter of the pinyin of my wife's name."

Foreign media were dumb.

However, they soon realized that this was a super-romantic move, and edited the love story of Gu Yixin and his lover Lu Mingshi into English short stories and published them on various pages, making the story of this sweet lover widely known.


"you two……"

Gu Yixin looked a little dumbfounded at Xiao Chuan and Xiaolan walking hand in hand, but the two of them didn't think there was any problem at all. They were discussing what creams and body lotions to buy.

Xiao Kua noticed that Gu Yixin hadn't bought anything: "Brother Gu, don't you want to buy local products for your wife?"

Gu Yixin said frustrated: "I don't know how to buy things. Moreover, this place doesn't look like there will be local products..."

The small column suggested: "Let's ask the shopping guide lady." She said to hold a amiable shopping guide girl, "Is there anything only neon products for sale here? Be exquisite and beautiful."

He read this sentence with a portable translation software.

So the shopping guide took Gu Yixin into the room. "I think the things here will satisfy you."

Gu Yixin felt that this was the most beautiful thing he had seen here, and it was definitely suitable for Lu Mingshi, so he swiped the card very refreshingly.

"Brother Gu, what did you buy?" The two straight men looked at the number on Gu Yixin's receipt and exclaimed. Brother Gu bought only one item, and the price was twenty times the sum of everything they bought. many.

Gu Yixin hugged the box tightly.

"Secret." He curled his lips.


One year old and two kids arrived at the airport to pick up Gu Yixin.

Gu Yixin saw the dear he was thinking about from a distance, as well as the dear little cubs. He leapt forward and took the cubs from Lu Mingshi's arms with one in each hand.

"Husband, I saw you confessed to me." Lu Mingshi blushed and pulled the car door. "When I saw that you were better than that L, I said to myself, I would do everything for you."

"Really?" Gu Yixin asked with interest.

"Hmm." Lu Mingshi nodded solemnly.

Gu Yixin stuffed the box to him: "A gift for you, I hope you like it."

Lu Mingshi happily returned home with the box in his arms. While Gu Yixin was taking a bath and changing clothes, he retracted into the bedroom and couldn't wait to open the box.

A complex twelve singles lined with cherry blossom pink and snow fell onto the sheets.

Lu Mingshi picked it up dumbfounded and held the princess dress until Gu Yixin came out of the shower.

Seeing Gu Yixin lowering his head and wiping his hair, one by one dripping onto his firm chest, Lu Ming swallowed his saliva.

My husband is so stupid, maybe he bought it as a bed sheet, Lu Mingshi thought.

When Gu Yixin saw Lu Ming's thoughtful appearance, his voice softly asked, "My dear, don't you like my gift?"

Lu Mingshi shook his head quickly.

Gu Yixin smiled and bends his eyes, then smiled and said, "Then you can put it on and show it to me."

Lu Mingshi: "!"

Gu Yixin was a bit wronged. "You promised me everything you said."

Lu Mingshi: "..."

The promises I made must be fulfilled while crying. So Lu Mingshi took a deep breath and looked in the mirror and began to change clothes.

He stayed in the fitting room for half an hour, still staying on the second one.

Lu Mingshi rolled his eyes to the sky, it was such a waste of time.

"Husband." He opened the door and came out. "Why do you wear it anyway?"

Gu Yixin still wanted to say something. When he looked at Lu Ming who was walking and taking off his clothes, he couldn't say a word.


Thanks for the lights, lights, lights, wicks, Sonic, yellvalley, electrified Ah Miao, Su Su Su, Kaji mines!

Thanks yellvalley for the rocket launcher!

Thank you for your long-term company, love you guys, boo~

Finally, Mimi asks for another pre-collection:

"Dressed as a Weak and Rejected by His Brother"


Xie Jiashu always thought that he had passed through, and it was not until he was struck by lightning in the literal sense that he realized that he was actually wearing a book.

But it's too late,

In the original work of the sweet pet article, the deep-wife and weak-loved brother, the pheromone is omega with sweet milk flavor, Zhou Linyu has been raised into the star boxer by himself, and he beats all kinds of physique 5s-level alphas in the StarCraft live broadcast every week, mailbox Stuffed with countless omega courtship messages? ?

That day, the little brother who was late to split suddenly came into estrus.

Xie Jiashu, who just recalled the plot of the original novel, looked dazed.

At this moment, where did he go to find the protagonist of the original, the three princes of the Empire xxxxx (the name is too long to remember)?

The male parents who took the younger brother on the long journey to find the younger brother-in-law took the lead and the eldest brother attacked x. He cried and screamed to his brother. O outfit A outfit O sweet milk flavored champion omega accepted

The offender has no blood relationship and no adoption relationship. He is the kind of brother that the older brother covers the younger brother.

Main offense, road comedy, offensive by double control, double su double arrow sweet text.

[Open this next book, open in March=w=]