To say that children are studying nowadays, that is a trouble.

The slogan of reducing the burden has been chanted for twenty years, and then the burden on parents has become heavier and heavier. For ordinary families, the pressure on money and connections is very great to support two children to study at the same time.

Of course, Gu Yixin and Lu Mingshi's family cannot be regarded as an ordinary family.

Gu Yixin, a very doting parent, was squatting at the door of the classroom with great anxiety. A piece of paper was pasted on the front door of the classroom with the words "Interview in progress" written on it.

How about the current education is very avant-garde and forward-looking? The financial resources, the fame, and the connections of the parents are well understood in all aspects, but the children still have to interview in person if they want to go to the best kindergarten.

Gu Yixin's expression was very nervous.

He struggled to become a national super athlete, got the best elementary school entrance qualification, but ignored that the child had to go to kindergarten first.

After half an hour, the door of the classroom finally opened, and the interview of this batch of children was over.

Gu Yixin immediately stood up vigorously, standing at the door with vigor, waiting for his big cub.

Lu Jiujin, who has absorbed the excellent genes of his parents and is half an average height of the children around him, is particularly eye-catching among the crowd. He was wearing a woolen vest and shorts knitted by Chen Ma, and he was walking out with his mouth bowed.

When Gu Yixin saw his son's expression, his father's heart was immediately broken into scum.

He squatted seriously in front of the little guy: "NinePounds, are they bullying you?"

Lu Jiujin lifted his toot bun face, and the four and a half year old preschooler looked at his kind old father with a very complicated expression.

"No." Serious milky voice.

Gu Yixin let out a sigh of relief and touched the soft fur of her cub. "Then why are you unhappy?"

Lu Jiujin's flat mouth looks exactly the same as Lu Mingshi's.

"Because the questions they ask are all about you and Dad. This is my interview, but they are more interested in you."

Gu Yixin thought that it seemed that if parents were celebrities, they would cause too much external interference to children's growth.

He suddenly felt a little guilty: "The milk froth, how did you answer?"

Lu Jiujin straightened his chest: "I told them that I hope to answer some more professional questions!"

As the biological son of Lu's president, Comrade Lu Jiujin, who has been fed by high-grade nutrient solutions and energy sources since the embryonic period, is of course very brainy.

Gu Yixin was adorable by the proud look of the big baby, so he put his son on his shoulders, and the father and son walked out of the kindergarten with a special spirit.


Of course, Lu Jiujin passed the interview easily and successfully entered the best kindergarten in the country.

Or rather, play.

After all, the kindergarten curriculum is a bit simple for this young comrade who can proficiently recite Tang poetry and Song Ci.

So in his daily routine, he is the first to answer all the teacher’s questions, solve the tasks of all the students in the complete class, and then take everyone to share the various trophies, including the time of the biscuits, candy, chocolate and Lego dolls on the slide.

As a result, Lu Jiujin was respected by all the children in Lushuiwan Kindergarten.

He was very pleased, because after half a year's daily limit came, he could cover his sister.

Six months later, Gu Zhangting's children finally passed the interview and came to the kindergarten.

Lu Jiujin soon realized that he was worrying too much--

His sister doesn't need a human cover, she has a stronger buff than him, she retreats to eat with confidence, and Jin can use violence to control violence.

Those little boys who tried to attract attention through various unfriendly methods were all punched by Gu Zhangting, and then ran away crying.


As spring passes and autumn comes, time flies, two worry-free children go to elementary school in the blink of an eye.

Parents of other people's homes:

Work during the day during the semester, supervise children to write homework, check homework, and upload photos at night;

During the holiday, wake up the child at 6 in the morning and take a photo to prove that he has done radio exercises, and take a photo at 9 in the evening to prove that the child has gone to bed;

On the holiday, I send meticulous blessings to the head teacher, thinking about what gifts can not cause trouble and be original enough...

Lu Mingshi and Gu Yixin:

Working during the day, one person picks up the children personally from school a day; during the holidays, the two cubs get up and shoot each other, and at night they pretend to sleep and shoot each other.

The head teacher was a fan of Gu Wumao when he was young, and the deputy head teacher bought one million shares of Lu's Group.

I don't know what fairy life is.

Another day in a worry-free winter vacation.

Eight-year-old Lu Jiujin and seven-year-old Gu Zhangting were doing their homework for winter vacation in their study. Three days after the winter vacation, they had only two diaries left.

Keeping a diary is good for Lu Jiujin, but it is unbearable for a small daily limit. At this moment, she was biting the penholder blankly, watching her brother writing on the paper with a blank face, almost crying.

If her brother finishes his homework first, then she loses.

Gu Zhangting, who has the blood of the Olympic champion in his body, will never admit defeat!

She took the workbook decisively and went to the fathers to find materials.


At this time, Gu Yixin was taking a selfie in the mirror.

"My wife, I have a lot of acne on my face." He said to Lu Mingshi very annoyed.

But Lu Mingshi didn't hear him, he was taking a bath.

Lu Mingshi finished the shower, lowered his head and blew his hair in front of the mirror. With a sudden movement of his eyes, he sensitively caught a white hair on the top of his head.

There really is one. It stood there abruptly. I didn't notice it yesterday, but it appeared so obviously today.

Lu Mingshi looked in the mirror to pull the white hair, but the hair that had just been washed was slippery and the position was incorrect, so he couldn't locate it accurately.

Lu Mingshi walked out after he finished blowing his hair. Gu Yixin was sitting cross-legged on the head of the bed, still staring at the mirror unhappy.

Gu Yixin saw him come out, moved aside, put down the mirror and pointed at his face: "Look at—"

Lu Mingshi took a closer look and said affirmatively: "You have pimples."

Gu Yixin:...

He felt that he was getting angry. After all, in terms of his psychological age, he was completely elder and young, and there was no way to connect with acne.

Even if calculated by the biological age of this body, it is already twenty-six years old.

Gu Yixin laughed: "How old do you think I am?"

Lu Mingshi calculated it and realized that Gu Yixin had already passed the age of acne.

But he couldn't digest this fact quickly in his heart.

In Lu Mingshi's cognition, his object was too small, and he would always think he was still small.

"...Can't you get acne at the age of twenty-six?" Lu Mingshi snorted softly, "Tomorrow, An Qiao will prepare some medicine to cure acne."

Gu Yixin thought that as expected, a chief scholar came to you as the family doctor's treatment. He wanted to say something. He only listened to Lu Ming and thought:

"By the way, you can also ask him to prepare some nutrient solution with black hair effect by the way."

Lu Mingshi lowered his head and asked Gu Yixin to check the white hair on top of his head. Gu Yixin stared at him, breaking his fingers: "One, two, three..."

The more Lu Mingshi listened, the more nervous he became. He thought there was only one, but it turned out that there was more than one.

Gu Yixin wanted to help him pull it out, but when he sensed that Lu Ming was feeling down and frustrated.

Gu Yixin paused, still gently pulling out his white hair for Lu Mingshi, and then hugged him.

"It's okay, isn't this okay?" Gu Yixin said, "We were meant to grow old together. If this hair is not white, we can't do it."


Lu Mingshi felt a little astringent, and finally nodded heavily.


Gu Zhangting returned to the study with the workbook.

Lu Jiujin had finished writing an article, and when his sister came back, the homework was still blank, so he asked if he got inspiration from his father.

"Got it," Gu Zhangting replied. She carefully wrote "January 30, 2027, the weather is sunny" on the first line of the blank page.


Lu Mingshi woke up very early this morning. He stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes. Gu Yixin was still sleeping soundly. The heavy curtains blocked the light well, and the room was still dark.

There was a villain between him and Gu Yixin. Lu Mingshi glanced intently, and his dark eyes could tell it was his second cub.

Zhang Ting didn't know when he ran into the house. He got into the quilt, and he breathed and breathed in a uniform length, lying side by side with Gu Yixin, with the same rhythm.

Lu Mingshi pulled her a little quilt, and then touched a hard-skinned book on the pillow.

He lifted it up and glanced at the key words with the help of the weak light of the night light.


Of course, under normal circumstances, children’s diaries cannot be read.

But Lu Mingshi remembered that this book was used by Erzai for his homework. Xiao Zhangting probably came to the bedroom and asked him to check his homework. It happened that he didn't want to sleep by himself today, so he ran over to sleep next to them.

So Lu Mingshi saw the full text of Gu Zhangting's...compiled version and homework diary.

first time:

"Today is a sunny day. In the morning, the red sun rose, so red, so red, as red as a big red apple..."

(The four hundred words used to praise how red the sun is is omitted here.)

Second article:

"Today is another big sunny day. In the morning, the red sun is rising again, still so bright red..."

(The three hundred words used to praise how red the sun is is omitted here.)

Lu Mingshi was dumbfounded.

He thought to himself that my cub was really working hard--

I knew she was so difficult to write a diary, so I taught her.

What "Today my father took me to the park to play, and a rockery came oncoming me" "Today I helped my grandma across the road, and the red scarf on my chest seemed to be more colorful"...

It’s not difficult for a second-grade child to ask her to write a diary for my baby. Lu Mingshi, who is like Gu Yixin full of fatherly feelings, thinks about it, the less it feels.

When he was about to put down the diary, the last paragraph attracted his attention.

"...I heard my dad say an idiom ‘to grow old together’, remember to ask him tomorrow what this idiom means.

My dad doesn't seem to like his white hair, but my dad is handsome, and his white-haired dad is also very handsome.

If dad just doesn't like gray hair, then I can give my hair to dad. "

Lu Mingshi was really going to shed tears from his old father this time.

He leaned down and kissed the little guy on the forehead, and whispered silently: "Dad is not worried that white hair is not good-looking, but that he will not be with you long enough."

Lu Mingshi got into the bed again and fell asleep.

In Gu Yixin's sleep, he seemed to sense that there was a cub next to him, and his arms unconsciously stretched out to gather the other two people, which was a natural protective posture.

Next room.

Lu Jiujin slept alone. The little man’s room was decorated in a navy style, with a small slit through the window, and the soft curtains were slightly lifted by the morning wind, bringing in another day’s sunny morning light. .

The morning light fell on the desk by the window.

The diary was unfolded, and a page of paper was lifted by the wind, and it was reflected in the last paragraph written by Lu Jiujin--

"Dad, daddy, younger sister and me, we are an auspicious family."


Milk foam, NinePounds, the English name of nine pounds ╰(*?︶`*)╯