"The lamp waits for the lamp, waits for the lamp, waits—"

When the morning bell rang, several students ran into the classroom at the whistle, secretly carrying fried noodles with buns, eggs and soy milk in their bags.

The teacher hasn't come yet, and the morning discipline is managed by the study committee. The study committee member is the whole class, no, the person with the best academic performance in the school. At this moment, his tall body is standing on the podium, revealing a powerful aura of not anger and self-prestige.

"Take out all the books." Eighteen-year-old Lu Mingshi said calmly, "remember the text first, and I will collect my homework ten minutes before reading next morning."

Lu Mingshi is not fierce, he doesn't need to be fierce to let his classmates listen to management because he sets an example. He has good grades, good family background, and handsome appearance. He is the No. 1 high school grass who is as famous as Wei Junshan, the monitor of class B. He is very popular in school.

At this time, the girl in the front row was unwilling to study, staring at the fanciful face of the study committee member in a daze.

"Report!" A student in the back row raised his hand to report to the student, "Someone copied homework! Someone passed notes! Someone was eating fried noodles!"

Lu Mingshi frowned and walked to the back of the classroom. The students copying homework have stuffed the homework into the drawer and can't grasp the current one. The two people who passed the note were caught by him and warned against violating discipline.

Until he walked to the classmate who was eating fried noodles.

The scent of fried noodles has spread throughout the classroom. Almost all the students smelled it, and all took a sip of water.

Lu Mingshi saw clearly who was eating fried noodles and frowned further.

Although he also thinks that fried noodles are very fragrant, and people who eat fried noodles look better, it is not right to eat fried noodles in the classroom because it will disturb other students' study.

He knocked on the table, cleared his throat, and showed his existence to the classmate who was immersed in the fragrance of fried noodles.

At this time, Gu Yixin was reveling in his fried noodles.

He finally grabbed this fried noodle from his aunt at the gate of the school. It only sells 300 servings a day. This is the last one. The price for a single side is only four yuan, and the plain noodles and secret sauce are stir-fried, which is delicious and delicious. Adding an egg and ham and green vegetables is only seven yuan, which is super cost-effective.

You know, his breakfast is only five yuan, and he can only get a meal of fried noodles if he collects it in two days.

It was indeed difficult for him to notice the disturbances in the world at this time.

Lu Mingshi felt that Gu Yixin's classmate was incurable now.

Gu Yixin was not like this before. The former classmate Gu Yixin was very quiet. Although his grades were poor, he was still very disciplined. After Lu Mingshi rescued him once, he looked forward to him even more.

Lu Mingshi felt that it was his duty to protect his classmates. Although he sometimes found it troublesome to have one more follower, he did not dislike him.

Until a few days ago...

"Student Lu, I like you, please associate with me!" Gu Yixin's eyes rolled with tears, and his already white face became more like paper, and his eyes showed infinite panic.

Of course, Lu Mingshi refused without hesitation, and then he saw the weak male classmate in front of him crying and running to the edge of the rooftop, jumping over the railing.

Lu Mingshi immediately rushed up to pull the person, and he was pulled, but he was also taken and dropped, leaving only one hand hanging on the railing to dangle.

He was instantly gone.

Lu Mingshi gritted his teeth and pulled on the railing to try to pull both of them up, but that was too difficult. Finally, he saw that Gu Yixin suddenly stopped crying, and dropped his hand after he let go.

"No!" Lu Mingshi blurted out, his temples jumping suddenly--then he saw that the person who was supposed to fall did not know how to pull the railing of the next floor lightly and climbed in along the window.

Lu Mingshi: ...I probably had hallucinations before I died.

After all, Gu Yixin is a weak and beautiful man who can bottom out in 800 meters with a girl.

Yes, from this moment on, in the weak Gu Yixin's body, we are already our brick mover.


The memories are over.

Lu Mingshi looked at Gu Yixin, who had forgotten about eating fried noodles, his face black as the bottom of a pot.

"Is fried noodles delicious?" he asked coldly.

News from Gu Yi finally raised his head, and saw that he was a handsome academic committee who was in line with his aesthetics, and suddenly smiled brightly. "It's delicious. Would you like some?"

Lu Mingshi: "According to Article 15 of the class rules, you need to go outside the classroom to finish eating."

Gu Yixin blinked: "Really?"

Lu Mingshi looked at him coldly, and taught him to abide by the law with his eyes.

Gu Yixin didn't care either, and he went out with a disposable plastic bowl, his back was cool and impatient.

He doesn't just care, he is very grateful: If he can, he hopes he can never enter the classroom. The classroom is a place to learn, a place to learn, can you eat happily?

Lu Mingshi looked at that guy's back like a happy husky, and fell into deep confusion. What is he happy about? Lu Mingshi thought suspiciously, and couldn't help taking out his small notebook and jot down a new item on it.

"Observe the strange Gu Yixin."


At the beginning, Lu Mingshi felt that he was nervous-because Gu Yixin, judging from his academic performance, if there is any change, it would be from second to last to first.

The former penultimate was a swarthy man. But Hei Che's family is engaged in a special industry, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't study well.

But people who don't pay much attention to learning don't want to take the first place. Since Gu Yixin started to take the first place, Hei Che has improved a whole one! Hei Che was very happy. He returned home and announced the good news to his family. The family was very excited. He believed that Hei Che's IQ was not incurable, and the future of the family would not be dark!

Hei Che's pocket money has doubled! He believed that this had nothing to do with Gu Yixin's efforts, so he especially generously invited Gu Yixin to dinner.

"Student Gu, just say whatever you want to eat!"

Gu Yixin gave the standard answer.

"Brown chicken with rice."

So he and Hei Che became good brothers who could eat yellow braised chicken rice together.

In the unobtrusive corner of the Yellow Braised Chicken Rice Restaurant, Lu Mingshi used the menu to cover his face, secretly took out the notepad, and wrote down today’s observation record:

"The appetite is strong, the learning state is extremely poor, and the popularity has improved."

In the physical examination the next day, the whole class noticed Gu Yi's new changes.

Gu Yixin, who used to practice volleyball with girls and consciously started picking up the ball after two plays, actually chose Sanda.

The physical education teacher thought he had misheard: "Gu classmate, what did you say you chose?"

"Sanshou." Gu Yixin repeated.

Lu Mingshi was put in a group with Gu Yixin.

He looked at the weak boy in front of him a little bit. After all, climbing the stairs with bare hands that day could be explained as the result of a surge in adrenaline. Lu Mingshi did not believe that Gu Yixin could develop strong physical fitness and skills in such a short time.

... Then he was taught to be a human being.

When he was thrown on the cushion for the fifteenth time, all the students in the gym came to watch.

Lu Mingshi felt extremely embarrassed. He lay on his back on the ground panting, sweating, and his hands and feet were almost out of strength.

He has never been so embarrassed.

Gu Yixin...very strong.

Stronger than him.

The classmates saw that their schoolmaster was completely suppressed and could not move on the ground. The person pressing him turned out to be...

"Oh my god, when did Gu Yixin become so strong!"

"This posture is also a bit... well."

Soon, their duel was spread to the campus forum and aroused discussion among the people.

Wei Junshan, who was scanning the forum, scoffed when he saw it.

"Lu Mingshi was originally an outsider who is strong in the middle." The other schoolmaster said disapprovingly, "If I were replaced by me, I would have this kind of white face, and I would be able to give him a squat in less than a minute."


Lu Mingshi couldn't help but hang colors on his body.

However, when he went to the infirmary and applied ointment to himself, he realized that the other party had deliberately avoided all the vital points, as well as his face.

Just avoid the point, avoid the face...

No matter how I think about it, I feel that the other party really thinks of himself as a little boy.

Lu Mingshi's face turned darker.

There was a piece of skin on his back that Lu Mingshi couldn't reach. But the doctor was not here today, so he put down the ointment in his hand and wanted to go home and ask someone to help.


The door opened, and Lu Mingshi looked over. It was not the doctor who came, but the Gu Yixin who pressed him to the ground again and again.


It's fragile.

Gu Yixin.


Lu Mingshi said with a cold face: "If you are here to apologize, then you don't have to."

He did nothing wrong, it was ridiculous that he was inferior to others.

Gu Yixin shook his head: "I'm here..." Before he finished speaking, his eyes fell on Lu Mingshi's open chest, abdomen, and the tightly-lined abdominal muscles lined up neatly, full of energy.

Gu Yixin suddenly seemed to be stuck.

Lu Ming raised his eyebrows.

"...Need help?" Gu Yixin finally finished.

Lu Mingshi thought for a while, passed the ointment in his hand, and turned his back.

He showed his back to the other party so generously. Lu Mingshi was not such a sensitive person, he didn't notice the warm gaze, but when a warm palm touched his back muscles, the schoolmaster shrank slightly.

It was a conditioned reflex, he didn't even notice it.

Gu Yixin was very focused on helping Lu Mingshi with good medicine. This process took a long time, and it was so long that Lu Mingshi was puzzled—he turned his head and asked in confusion, "Is my waist hurt too?"

He doesn't feel any pain at all.

Gu Yixin said sternly: "There is a bruise, if it doesn't hurt now, it will hurt tomorrow. I can help you push it away."

So things developed to a bit like an essential oil push back.

And the scene of the picture is a bit colorful.

According to a boy who had no intention of breaking into the school infirmary at this moment, “I only heard one groan after another. Obviously, the situation was out of control.”

This incident became more and more dark, and it became more and more evil. When the school doctor came back to work last Monday, he disinfected the infirmary with an earthy face for one hour and permanently replaced the bedding on all the beds.


After this incident, Lu Mingshi felt that Gu Yixin was somewhat of a good person.

That kind of good person in the general sense.

Speaking of which he massages quite comfortable...

Lu Ming's chopsticks stayed in the air for a long time while eating breakfast, his face flushed a little.

Mother Lu looked at the child worriedly.

Father Lu affirmed: "In love."


In the past month, Gu Yixin and Lu Mingshi have had a good relationship. They often walked together after school because they accidentally discovered that their homes were very close, but Gu Yixin's family situation could not be compared with Lu Mingshi.

After such a long time, Lu Mingshi has become accustomed to the life with this classmate.

It's a pity that good times don't last long. Gu Yixin has often refused to accompany him home for a while.

Lu Mingshi didn't care at first, but later he became increasingly unhappy.

He realized that Gu Yixin was tired.

And the bad thing is.

But I seem to have just gotten used to all this.

When Lu Mingshi went to another school to play basketball, he offended a group of outside school gangsters. He didn't take it seriously. On this day, Lu Ming, who had finished playing, was walking on the way home with a daft.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure.

It was Gu Yixin, he was walking with... another boy.

That person looked familiar too, Lu Mingshi's gaze was fixed-it was Wei Junshan!

An inexplicable bitterness struck his heart deeply.

It turns out that you have found new friends.

Wei Junshan...Wei Junshan is naturally also a very good friend. Maybe they can talk more. Maybe he is not as boring as I am... Lu Mingshi thought frustratedly.

It just so happened that they came across shoulder to shoulder, and Lu Mingshi quickly hid in a side alley.

Then he felt a pain in his head and black eyes.

An unknown villain attacked Lu Mingshi from behind with a wooden stick.

"I don't know the heights of the high school students." The leader laughed cruelly, "Take it away."


Lu Mingshi was awakened by a basin of ice water.

His consciousness gradually recovered, and he lay on the cold concrete floor.

As I opened and closed my eyes, I could see that this was a deserted construction site. The sun has long gone down the mountain, the night has come, and the temperature has dropped quickly-it was already very cold here, and the cold of the ice water made him shiver, and the rapid loss of body temperature made people fear death.

"Let him speak."

The younger brother took away the rags from Lu Mingshi's mouth. He was **** with his hands and feet, thrown on the ground like a sack, his eyes fixed on the people standing not far away.

What he had taught him on the basketball court... turned out to be a black guy.

Lu Mingshi's expression finally changed after seeing what the man was holding.

"What are you doing..."

He asked hoarsely.

"Yo? I'm very nervous about this broken book." The man turned over with disdain, and his malicious voice was soft like a snake. "Let me see... what our good students wrote in it... "

"Don't watch it!" Lu Mingshi shouted with all his strength, "Give me back! Give me back!"

He shouted desperately hoarse.

Although reason told him, it made no sense.

The man flipped through his notebook casually. Read out his secret loudly in that disgusting, slimy voice:

"His smile is so beautiful today, so I can see that my heart is a little numb, like an electric shock--" The man showed a disgusting expression, "It turns out that our good student is still gay. This is really an unexpected gain, I don't know. Who is this hapless one who is crushed by you? Let me see..."

"Don't watch!" Lu Mingshi roared...

But he was in vain.

He has never hated himself so much, why should he have the habit of having a **** record, why should he write that guy’s contact information on it...

"Oh." The man said maliciously, "This is angry. I call your baby over and let him see you, okay? Guess if he hears you are in danger, will he come to help? What about you?"


Don't come. Lu Mingshi thought desperately.

The abandoned construction site was very quiet, with the sound of water from upstairs falling on the ground.

"He said he will come right away, and he won't call the police." The bad guy was surprised. "Your little boyfriend seems to be very loyal to you, and he doesn't even care about his own life."

"I just don't know, did he resist you like this?"

Lu Mingshi shivered, the pain on his body told him that he had been severely taught when he was in a coma.

This group of people is too cruel.

Of course Gu Yixin will come, he is so kind. But Lu Mingshi didn't want him to come at all.

Maybe he will regret it and turn back halfway.

That's the best.

Don't get hurt, don't get hurt because of me.


"Ah, here he comes." The bad guy squinted his eyes and looked at the entrance indifferently.

A man walked into this dark place bathed in moonlight. He is thin, wearing a blue-and-white school uniform, and unarmed.

Even the little brother can't help but sigh, the power of this love is so great.

Gu Yixin walked very fast and came to this group of people almost teleportingly. Everyone was surprised at this speed.

The boss asked strangely: "Are you around here?"

Gu Yi reported a one-hour drive address.


"Liar." The little brother couldn't see it anymore. "You came by helicopter?"

"Come here." Gu Yixin raised his hand and wiped his sweat.

Everyone was silent for a while.

"Although he looks pretty, it's a pity that he is a fool." The boss defined it in his heart.

Gu Yixin asked nonchalantly, "How can you release people?"

The boss is meaningful: "Fight me."

Gu Yixin was relieved. Fortunately, they didn't ask for money. He really had no money.

If he wants money, he can only force a group of them.

Heads-up is of course easier.

Gu Yixin said: "Come on then."

The boss took a wooden stick and threw it to him, because he felt that he was of this size and wouldn't give the opponent a weapon. He would be ashamed to say it later.

"I..." The bad guy thought for many years and just thought of the villain's testimony, Gu Yixin tapped him on the chest with a wooden stick.


The bad guys fell to the ground and couldn't afford it.

Everyone was shocked: "Boss! What's wrong with you, boss! Don't scare me, boss! What's wrong with you, boss!"

When Gu Yixin lifted up Lu Ming, he untied the rope, but he felt that the person who lifted him was as soft as the rope that bound him.

Gu Yixin's face immediately sank.

"Did they beat you?"

Lu Mingshi hummed softly.

Then we had to omit the five hundred words that were too **** and cruel to describe.


Gu Yixin took the person to the hospital, and took out the notebook that he didn't know when he slipped into his pocket.

To say that this school uniform is good, it is big enough, and the pockets are also big, it is completely invisible in such a book.

He opened the book and read page by page.

Gu Yi's new student doesn't like to learn to read books, and he has never read words written by people so carefully.

His complexion became very calm and soft.


A week later, Lu Mingshi returned to school.

It was another physical education class. This time Gu Yixin took leave. He sat on the side of the playground with Lu Mingshi, who was still unable to exercise, blowing a small breeze leisurely.

Lu Mingshi thoughtfully looked at Wei Junshan, who was playing basketball, and Wei Junshan, who was cheered by a group of young girls, quickly glanced at Gu Yixin and was caught.

"what happened?"

Lu Mingshi: "No, it's nothing."

Gu Yi looked at Lu Mingshi and saw that Wei Junshan had just completed a dunk.

"He played well." Gu Yixin said casually.

Lu Mingshi suddenly said, "I played better than him."

Gu Yixin touched his head, not understanding why Lu Ming compared himself with Wei Junshan.

Lu Mingshi looked at him a little anxiously, and emphasized, "It's really better than him." When he said that, he would walk over to compete with others regardless of his physical condition.

Gu Yixin hurriedly stopped him: "Yes, you are better than him."

Lu Mingshi was only satisfied.

But he still felt a little pimple, thinking about seeing Gu Yixin and Wei Junshan walking side by side that day, the very harmonious scene made him disturbed.

"You and him." Lu Mingshi finally asked, "What is the relationship between you and him?"

"This." Gu Yixin said casually, "One day he stopped me on the road, saying that he was better than me in fighting, and he had to fight with me. I was in a hurry to go to the bathroom that day, so I told him to take me to the nearest To the toilet, and then fight with him."

Lu Mingshi: "...so?"

"Of course I didn't fight him." Gu Yixin said, "Fights outside school are to be remembered, and I am not stupid."

Lu Mingshi: "Then he didn't pester you anymore?"

Gu Yixin: "Why, of course I can't help it. When you didn't come to the last physical education class, you solved the problem with him."

His words were calm and calm, but Wei Junshan's face turned pale when he accidentally saw him sitting there.

Wei Junshan stood attentively for a while, and bowed to Gu Yixin.

Gu Yixin waved his hand to express friendship.

Lu Mingshi was very fresh, and Wei Junshan had never seen anyone else in his eyes. There is still this day!

But he soon thought of one thing again: "Fighting will be recorded. At the construction site that day...Aren't you afraid of being recorded?"

Gu Yixin looked at him, as if this was a very redundant question. His eyes were a little hot, a little different from usual, Lu Mingshi's breathing became faster, and he was a little nervous.


Gu Yixin stopped talking. He took the notebook out of his uniform pocket.

Lu Mingshi was shocked: "You...you saw it."

"Yeah." Gu Yixin said calmly.

Lu Mingshi took a deep breath and decided to explain clearly—he knew that it would be super worthless to refuse someone's confession, but then regret it when the other person no longer liked him.

"I didn't mean that." Lu Mingshi said.

"What do you mean?" Gu Yixin asked back.

Oops, Lu Mingshi thought, this guy has become smarter.

What else does he want to say, Gu Yixin has already returned the notebook to him.

The young man stood up with his hands in his pockets, covering the sunlight in front of Lu Mingshi, and said lazily, "Today's sun is good, I'm going to the rooftop to get some sun."

Lu Mingshi stayed in place.

The wind was so strong this day that he squinted his eyes. He watched the countless students running and frolicking on the playground, you chasing me, full of youthful vigor and vigor.

There must be many stories in every corner of the campus.

For a long time, Lu Mingshi opened the notebook, wanting to read it one last time, and then burn all the wrong heartbeats.

His hand stopped on the title page. There, under the name of "Lu Mingshi", three words that didn't exist before appeared.

The handwriting is ugly, with teeth and claws, strange strokes.

"me too."

Lu Mingshi's heart pounded wildly, he closed the notebook hard, and ran to the rooftop quickly.


The full text is over! It's been a long time since I've been outside, I don't work hard, I want to change my mind! Big brother's article will be opened within a week! I! Be a hard-working weaver! (The first time I called myself a bit shameful, I should just get used to it> ////

Ask for a collection of the author's column, please five-star praise if you are satisfied with it~~~app enter the page and click on the score to rate it!

At this special moment at the end of the full text, let me sing that special song for you! Unforgettable tonight, unforgettable tonight~~night, regardless of the end of the world and the corner. Shenzhou Wanli came to invite, the green hills are here, people are not old, people are not old~