Chapter 3. Rule Breaker

Episode 16

My mother led me to the room.

The room, which had been locked for quite some time, was the same as when she occupied it.

I felt my father’s love for no reason, so I was touched.

‘If the two of you want to live together, it will be a little burdensome.’

I’m sure they would try if they heard me, but I didn’t want to get the type of family I wanted by doing that.

Lavender tea, mother’s favorite drink, was placed on the tea table.

“Sit down, would you like a drink?”


After giving me the tea, my mother began to check the bracelet in earnest.

“I’m feeling some type of unique power.”


There was a warm aura as if a little magic had been put into the stone.

The expression on her face as she quietly observed the bracelet was not very good.

“Who gave you this?”


“That punk?”

“Ha ha.”

She mumbled as she examined it more.

After putting down the bracelet and letting out a long sigh, she asked me.

“Looking at it roughly, it looks like it was made by mixing seasonal stones and mana stones.”

“Seasonal stone?”

Seasonal stones, the upper level of Manastones, were very rare stones.

If a manastone is a stone that holds magical power, a seasonal stone is a stone that produces magic.

Because it was so rare, it was difficult to find, and there was little research data about it.

But to mix those two together?

Either the person selling it was a man after rotten money, or he was a madman.

“What is this for?”

“Um. I think it’s for looking at people’s minds… It’s only possible for a few specific people…”

It was quite difficult to explain the system of likability to my mother.

But she, as the Tower Master, quickly understood what I was talking about.

“That’s made up with some really weird stuff. Who the hell made this useless thing? There’s no way that nowhere-near-perfect kid would have made it.”

“It was a long time ago, so he doesn’t seem to remember very well. It looks like it was bought from a wizard… So I wondered if you would know. Maybe someone in the Tower made things like this.”

When my mother heard Tower, she made an expression.

There were many people who were crazy about magic in the Tower. Even Raymond.

My mother’s theory was that the Tower was built to monitor each other for fear of accidents by those locked in their own world.

“Let’s find out. I think I know who made it. There will be a conference soon, so he will show up.”

Saying so, she put the bracelet in her pocket.

Then she was silent for a moment, and asked me with a worried look on her face.

“How are you?”

“How am I?”

“That Wilhelm, you said you were going to break up with that idiot.”

It was all over, but she must have still been quite worried about me. I said with a smile, feeling grateful.

“What can I do? I don’t like him.”

“And the Emperor? How did you meet that person?”

I pondered for a moment at my mother’s questioning. I couldn’t tell her that I wanted to go out with him on a whim to get revenge on Tatiana.

“Uh, um. Well, somehow it happened.”

I turned my gaze away from her suspicious eyes.

“You’ve never been in an accident before. Did you get hurt once?”


“Kari, you lived a very modest life.

“What are you saying?”

I was embarrassed, so my face got hot.

My mother looked at me like that and laughed out loud. Then she patted my head and said,

“You take care of your business. Leave the Wilhelm-thing to mom.”

With such a confident attitude, it could be said that I was most anxious about my mother.


(3rd person pov)

The Marquis of Hunt’s place was noisy in the morning.

The Pioneer couple, no, the Duke and former Duchess came to visit.

Delaying the breakup of Wilhelm and Karina’s marriage came back as a bigger boomerang that even called for the former couple’s union.

The Marquis Hunt and his wife’s eyes were shaking as they greeted them.

“Ah, thank you for coming this morning. Duke, and Tower Master.”

The Marquis’ wife stepped up on behalf of the bewitched Marquis Hunt.

It was absurd to have to deal with the work of their son.

“Isn’t that why you didn’t send me a reply in hopes of that effort?”

From the sarcastic remark of the Duke, who is famous for his good personality, The Marquess bit her lip.

He had one cheek swollen as if he had been beaten, and the Marquis could tell who did it without asking.

“I think you know why we’re here. You two.”

The Duchess, no, the Tower Master, raised the teacup with a graceful gesture.

“Yeah, maybe it’s because of the breakup. But Will also reflected a lot after that day. It was a mistake back then, uh… He went a while ago and said that he also apologized to the princess.”


The duke could not stand the sneer in front of them openly.

They didn’t seem to know what kind of dog Wilhelm was when he visited the Duke’s house.

“Call Wilhelm for now. I have a question for him and I want to hear from him. He told my daughter that he wanted to become the paramour of the Duchess, so shouldn’t I at least listen to his explanation?”

The Marquis of Hunt called his servant and told him to find Wilhelm. Wilhelm, who had been working hard on the training ground to shake off his thoughts, came into the drawing room after washing.

“You called me… It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you. Duke, and Tower Master.”

Wilhelm saw the two of them sitting in the parlor and knew what was going on.

He clenched his fists, trying to hide his expression.

“Yes. You seem to be doing well, Will.”

“Thanks for your concern, Duke.”

“I haven’t had a good time at all because of your lack of concern. You know why, right?”

Wilhelm shut his mouth at those words. Marquis Hunt then motioned for him to come closer.

“Have you not gone to apologize to the princess a while ago? I think you’ve probably heard the answer.”

Karina said she wanted to break up strongly, but he had to pretend he didn’t know.

“She said she wanted to break up. But I was really wrong, and I had no intention of breaking up with the princess.”

At Wilhelm’s hard tone, Marquis Hunt cheered with applause inside.

His son has finally come to his senses!

If he changes his mind, he will surely accept the princess as well.

“Then, are you saying that Sir Wilhelm wanted to become the Duchess’s mistress was a lie?”

Wilhelm was conflicted with Freya’s question.

He could not afford to give up the highest priority among knights’ virtues: honesty.

But love was also the most important of the knight’s virtues.

Wilhelm said, trying to hide his trembling voice.

“Of course.”

“Yes. So Duke, we have absolutely no intention of breaking up with the princess. Please think again.”

The duke was angry at his answer. Aren’t they acting as if it was all Karina’s fault?

“You dare to lie? You came into my mansion and told my daughter all sorts of nonsense, such as imitating the Duchess, and saying negative things!”

“I never said anything like that.”

The drawing room froze violently in an instant with the pressure of two men with enormous powers. Read only at pm tl.

Seeing the trembling Marquis Hunt, Freya opened her mouth.

“It’s easy to tell who’s lying. I’m not the Tower Master for nothing.”

Her words made their faces turn white.

They had completely forgotten that Freya was a wizard.

If it was revealed that he had threatened Karina, he might lose his current knight commander position and his parents’ favoritism.

The knight wielded violence against the Lady and blamed her for her crimes.

Wilhelm then realized how absurd he had been.

It was the first lie in his life, and it was so important and fatal.

“It’s a magic that regenerates the memory of a place, so it will be possible to decide who is right.”

Freya continued her words, stroking her chin as if regretfully.

“Of course, it would have been better if the memories of the cafe remained, but since it happened less than a month ago, I don’t think it will remain.”

Freya looked at Wilhelm’s bewildered face and continued her words.

“So, if it’s okay with you, why don’t we all go to the duke’s house and check the memories?”

“Yes! Then let’s go to the duke’s house now.”

Before Wilhelm could answer, the Marquis of Hunt agreed first.

Marquis Hunt knew Wilhelm well.

That this simple, upright bastard could never lie.

So, wasn’t that why he boldly went to the princess and told her that he wanted to become a paramour?

Then it must be true that he went and apologized and asked for forgiveness a while ago.

“Alright. There’s no need to call for a carriage.”

Freya raised her hand and teleported them all at once.