Chapter 3. Rule Breaker

Episode 17


I was reading in my study when I jumped hearing a sudden scream.

I hurried down the stairs and all the maids were standing with something in their hands.

“Lily, what’s going on?”

“Miss! Wait a minute. The men went to get the weapons.”

“What? Why the weapons?”

I tried to go forward to find out what was going on, but it was hard because the maids surrounded me in layers.

“Lily, what the hell is going on?”



I had to think about who was here for a while because there were so many people, but there was only one person for this many of them to be wary of.

“Sir Wilhelm must be here.”

At the end of my words, all the servants and knights with weapons in their hands gathered in the central hall.

I stepped forward, moving the maids with my hands.

Wilhelm looked at me, ruffling his pants with his hand.

“That’s a little too much of a welcome.”

“It’s not too much at all, considering the way you barged into my house.”

Wilhelm sighed deeply at my words.

The atmosphere among the servants was heated by his reaction, who seemed to have done nothing wrong so far.

At that moment, other people appeared with the light.

“Father? Mother! What are you doing there?”

And then there was the bewildered Marquis and his wife.

Wherever they went since early in the morning, it seemed that they had been to the Marquis of Hunt.

“Come on, everybody back off.”

Father took the lead in separating the knights, servants, and maids. And he approached me and explained the whole story.

From visiting early in the morning to Wilhelm’s story of shamelessly lying.

Honestly, I was really surprised.

In the original, Wilhelm was a symbol of a righteous knight.

Although he lagged behind most of the male candidates in the original work, it was only because of his straight faith that he was popular.

‘You hang yourself on Tatiana to the point of betraying that belief? Is that possible in that short time?’

With me in thought, the surroundings were organized one by one.

Only my family and the Marquis of Hunt were left in the hall where people disappeared.

“Then let’s get started. Sir Wilhelm, is there anything to say for the last time?”

Mother asked, staring at Wilhelm.

Unlike a person who has never lied before, there was no change in his expression on his face.

“Then let’s get started.”

Mother raised her right hand high. White flowers bloomed on her fingertips.

And in an instant, the whole hall was filled with a bright scent of flowers.

My mother was a wizard of spring, so the source was life and flowers.

The petals, which had been scattered like a vision, increased one by one, and the hall was filled with soft smoke. Read only at pm tl.

As the mesmerizingly beautiful scenery disappeared, there was a translucent image of me and Wilhelm.

And the behavior that he did to me was reenacted.

“Oh, dear!”

As Wilhelm easily pushed the servants up the stairs and grabbed me roughly by the wrist, my father glared at him. Wilhelm kept his head down.

“Isn’t that Titi’s? Did you steal her bracelet because you wanted to imitate her?”

The scene where he accused me of being a thief was also vividly reenacted.

Now that I’ve come to see it, it was really arrogant remarks for someone coming to someone else’s house.

I held my father’s hand slightly withhis face bursting with anger.

“If you ever thought that imitating the Duchess would change my mind, I’m sorry. She’s the only one in my heart.”

And when the words to confess his feelings came out, there was only silence in the mansion.

“This…this, what the hell!”

The Marquis of Hunt clenched his lips tightly, as if he could not believe it even when he saw it in person.

The Marquess covered her mouth with both hands and didn’t say anything.

The parents’ feelings when they learned the dirty heart of their son, whom they were proud of, were clearly felt.

Actually, I didn’t really care because they weren’t that great.

Rather, it was much more interesting to see Wilhelm’s face turning white.

How does it feel?

‘Oh, I wonder how my liking will change. Will it fall further? Or will it go up?’

It was a bad habit, but I had a sudden thought. When the illusion disappeared, mother clapped her hands to get people’s attention.

The people who had gone out of their minds started to come to their senses one by one.

“Then shall we continue the story we talked about earlier?”

There seemed to be a chill in my mother’s eyes somehow.


I headed to the place indicated on the business card and stood in front of the ugly building.

The old building, unknown when it was built, looked like it was going to be demolished at any moment.

It was a look that does not fit well with Berris Street, a symbol of wealth and splendor.

“Miss, do you really have to go into a place like this? I’ve been walking in Berris Street for a while, but this is the first time I’ve seen a store like this.”

At Lily’s whisper, the old and barely visible signboard caught my eye.

After the last uprising, the Marquis of Hunt neatly gave up on Wilhelm’s engagement with me.

I was able to rip off the sea islands I wanted and a fair amount of alimony.

Now that I have everything I wanted, it was time to invest.

[Nivea’s Perfume]

I was conflicted looking at the old signboard.

Was this ok?

Having made up my mind, I took a deep breath and grabbed the doorknob.

“I’m going in. Wait outside, Lily.”

“If anything happens, you should call me right away!”

With Lily’s support, I opened the door and entered the building.

The inside was clean compared to the outside.

The hardwood floors were polished and the walls were painted a pale gray with no dents or nicks.

“Is anybody here?”

The old but well-maintained shelves were free of dust.

The number of products on it was really small.

Among them, I picked a perfume in a yellow crystal bottle.

As soon as I opened the lid, I could smell the soft floral scent.

A freesia garden with moist morning dew spread out in my mind.

Unknowingly, I was amazed at the harmony of the fresh scent of spring soil and the scent of fresh flowers.

It’s this person.

I was caught up in the intense desire to get her.

I slowly passed the shelves and headed towards the cash register.

With a loud bang, someone suddenly popped out from the inside of the curtains.


The bright face looked at me and gradually darkened with gradation.

I pretended not to know, smiled as brightly as I could and spoke to her.

“Hello. Are you the owner of this store?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

I felt her affinity for me completely evaporated from the pungent voice.

I pulled out my trump card.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Karina Pioneer. I am the daughter of Freya, the great Queen of Spring. I came here through my mother’s introduction.”

Deliberately emphasizing my mother’s name relieved Nivea’s crumpled impression.

It was quite refreshing because I never knew I would ever meet someone with a favor to my mother’s name for the rest of my life.

“You’re Freya’s daughter. I seemed to have caused trouble, but what do you need?”

“Um. It’s going to be a long story. Is there any place to sit down and talk?”

The mention of her mother’s name lessened her vigilance, but her wall still looked high.

“Hah. I’m sorry. I don’t have the skills to have that.”

I was greatly taken aback by the unexpected answer.

Perfume was a luxury item, and refreshments were almost essential in boutiques selling such luxury items.

This place doesn’t just sell perfume.

Communication with customers was more important in luxury boutiques.

In order for customers to experience that they are special, a tea that suits their taste had to be equipped as standard.

But I couldn’t humiliate Nivea here.

Because she will be my precious perfumer.

“Then I’ll wait for you at the cafe in front of the store. You could go over there when you’re done with your work today.”

“Are you going to wait for me from now on?”

I nodded as if it was natural.

I wanted to show Nivea that she was just as important to me.

“I’m not going to work anyway, so let’s go out and talk right now.”

“Is that really okay?”

“Yes. It would be rude to leave my friend’s daughter outside for a long time.”

She closed the shop door and came out.

Lily, who had been waiting for me in front of the door, ran to me at once.

I signaled her that I was okay and went straight into the cafe across the street from her.

We sat down and ordered drinks.

“If you want something, please tell me quickly.”

Saying that, Nivea looked a bit nervous. As she kept looking around, it looked like she was being chased by someone.

“I’m here to offer you a business. Nivea.”

“Business… Hey. You must’ve been sent by the Duchess.”

All of a sudden, her face contorted violently.

Jumping up, she roughly grabbed her coat and knocked her seat. I quickly caught her.

“I am not the one who Tatiana sent. Rather, I’m a person who hates her.”

“How can I believe that?”