Chapter 1897: Ship Party 22

Having returned to her normal state from work mode, Tre-san calls out to the bewildered Anne-san.

[Ah, Anne-san, you also make yourself comfortable. Let's just forget about work and talk about it another time! We got a party to enjoy!]

[Ah, errr Y- Yes.]

[Anne-san, you might be confused, but Tre-san is someone you can trust, so you'll be alright. If there's anything negotiations-related that you want help with, as it's my responsibility for introducing you to her, I'll help you.]

[N- No, things like responsibility Rather, I already feel so indebted to you, Kaito, that I don't think I could repay you even in a lifetime, so I don't know how to express my gratitude]

[N- No, it's not that big of a deal.]

Anne-san bowed her head to me with genuine gratitude, and from the tone of her voice and her expression, I could tell that she truly thinks of this as a lifelong debt of gratitude.

[No, I'm not exaggerating. I never thought we would get an exclusive contract with the Seditch Magic Tool Trading Company I'm truly grateful. My union members have been diligently working to acquire high-level skills, but I haven't been able to provide them with jobs or pay that match their efforts, and as their representative, I felt a great deal of responsibility for that. The skilled members of my union could have had a better life if they moved to other unions, yet they have stayed with us without switching I've always wanted to recompense them in some way.]

[I see, there are indeed times when technical skills alone aren't enough in a business matters.]Reead latest novels at

[Yes, that's why I'm really happy to have this connection with the Seditch Magic Tool Trading Company.]

It seems that the issue of being weak with connections was a more serious problem for Anne-san's union than I had initially thought. Their union seemed like a small to medium-sized business? Since they have to secure work on their own, connections and negotiation are inevitably necessary.

[Unn, it's pretty amazing. There are 10 levels of Mining Qualifications, starting with 7th-Class, 6th-Class, 5th-Class, 4th-Class, Semi 3rd-Class, 3rd-Class, Semi 2nd-Class, 2nd-Class, Semi 1st-Class and then 1st-Class. Well, 7th-Class and 6th-Class are designations for trainees and apprentices, so proper skilled miners start from 5th-Class. Basically, they advance through annual promotion exams, but you can only advance up to 2nd-Class through exams alone. To reach Semi 1st-Class and 1st-Class, one needs to fulfill various conditions such as achievements and recommendations before they can take the promotion exam, so it really is just a handful who had such qualifications.]

[I see, so those with 1st-Class Qualifications really are just the chosen few.]

[Unn. Of course, if we're talking about the Kruels as a whole, there are quite a few who got 1st-Class Qualifications, but having seven of them in a medium-sized union is impressive. Especially for high-purity magic crystals is challenging, so you really need someone with at least Semi 1st-Class Qualifications to handle them with confidence.]

There are quite a few levels of qualifications, but in this world, magic crystals are incredibly important, so the mining industry may be strictly controlling the qualifications for those who could handle them.

[Then, Anne-san must be pretty amazing.]

[N- No, it's not like that. It just so happens that my parents have 1st-Class Qualifications, so I've learned a lot of things from them since long ago.]

At my words, Anne-san flusteredly shook her head with a blush, and with her petite figure, how should I say this She kinda feels like a cute small animal.


Serious-senpai : [Nuhh No, calm down, it's okay. She hasn't triggered my heroine sensor yet. She's still currently on the safe side.]

? ? ? : [She's a female character with a precious, pale skin tone.]

Serious-senpai : [Stop it! Don't try to attack with your uniqueness!!! There are people who like that kind of thing after all!!!]