Chapter 1898: Ship Party 23

Having already accomplished my main objective of introducing Tre-san to Anne-san, I was thinking about what to do now, when Tre-san drew closer with a bright smile, seemingly having guessed my thoughts.

[Kaito is still going around to say your greetings, right? Then, how about I take care of Anne-san, or rather, why don't I stay with her?]

[Eh? Is that alright?]

[Unn. We can also talk about the details of the contract schedule while we're at it, so if Anne-san is also alright with it...... What do you think?]

[Y- Yes. I'm alright with it. Umm, I do feel a bit anxious about it but......]

As expected of Tre-san, she's very perceptive with these kinds of things. Perhaps considering Anne-san's situation and realizing that I might need to greet others as well, she kindly suggested taking care of Anne-san herself.

I really appreciate that, but I kinda feel like this would be a blunder. Of course, Anne-san should be fine with Tre-san herself now that she had talked to her to some extent, but if she were to act together with Tre-san after this, she would end up meeting many other people, a worry I just couldn't wipe out.

[Well, I understand it's impossible to completely dispel your anxiety, but if we can find someone else we get along with and she can talk to, she'll feel a bit more at ease, right? Just a moment, I'll call for a professional......]

[ [ A professional? ] ]

After understanding Anne-san's anxiety, with a bright smile on her lips, Tre-san said something about calling a professional and looked around, seemingly looking for someone.

After a few moments, she seemed to have found the person she was looking for and loudly called out.

[Oiiiii, Raz-chaaaaan~~ Can you come here for a sec!?]

[Yeeeees! What's the matter, Sister Tre? Ahh, Kaitokun-san! Hello! Seeing Kaitokun-san makes Raz very happy~~]

[Yes, for example......]

As Raz-san asked her questions in a cute manner, Anne-san's nervousness disappeared and she began to smile. The great thing about Raz-san is that you can tell that she really enjoys conversation from the bottom of her heart, which makes it fun to talk with her.

With a cheerful smile and a cute reaction to everything, Raz-san listens so attentively and happily that Anne-san also finds herself naturally talking to her.

She quickly became friends with Kaori-san as well, so it's safe to say Raz-san's exceptional social skills are truly impressive.

As their conversation progressed, Anne-san's nervousness seemed to melt away, and their conversation became more and more lively.

[And so, Kaito. We'll look after Anne-san here, so you go and greet the others.]

[Thank you. Well then, I'll leave her in your care...... Anne-san, Raz-san, I'm going to make the rounds to greet others, so I'll see you later.]

[Ah, yes. Thank you very much.]

[Yes! Come chat with Raz again later~~!]

Feeling warmed by Raz-san vigorously waving her small body to see me off, I head off to the next location.


Serious-senpai : [Yeah, if a 30cm tall fairy listens to you happily with glittering eyes, the conversation would be quite lively......]

? ? ? : [Raz-san really has good communication skills, and she makes friends easily even with people she has never met before. What's impressive is that Raz-san isn't being consciously calculating or trying too hard to make friends with others, it all comes naturally for her, effortlessly fitting into one's heart without any sense of unnaturalness to it.]