As a handsome and talented young man, Zhong Yuan was chased by many girls. He was like a big tree among the flowers. Everyone looked up to him but he remained indifferent

Until Mu er came into his life. Sometimes, he himself was baffled. Why was he able to be remain aloof under the siege of so many people, but when it came to Mu er, he was trapped to the point of no escape?

It was as if he has just been waiting for her all his life.

Of course, the first meeting between the two was quite unpleasant, in fact downright strange! In their first encounter, he saw a child with a bald head holding a basket ball. ( Mu er – It was clear that I was practicing!). The scene was quite funny and he briefly wondered if the child was a girl…

Then suddenly, she hit him with the ball, then pretended it was not deliberate. “ Sorry, my the ball slipped.” This was the first thing she told him.

Then she smiled and introduced herself to Lu Zijian. Zhong Yuan realised something. Was this intentional provocation? To impress Lu Zijian? So although Zhong Yuan was normally nor one to cause trouble, if someone took the first step of provoking him, je wasn’t going to take it lying down. Mu er, was it? Basket ball shooting contest, did he get that right?

What surprised him however, was that the child turned out to be a girl. Anyway, surprised or not, he had to take his revenge. But soon, he regretted the decision a little bit. As he looked at the cabbage tofu in the girl’s plate, Zhong Yuan felt a bit ashamed. She had taken the basket ball competition very seriously. If he compared her performance before and after the competition, he could discern that she had worked really hard. But he had cleverly robbed her of  the little bonus she had received as a result.

Zhong Yuan had never thought of himself as a kind and thoughtful person, but for some unknown reason, he felt a bit apologetic. Perhaps, this was because no matter what happened, she was always lively and active. So he decided to help her. Of course, a reason was not difficult to find. It so happened that there were a lot of girls recently who had showed an interest in him, and he needed to set the record straight.

While he still could not make up his mind about her, he was always unknowingly noticing her. Because… she was fun. He liked to look at her when she blushed or when she jumped around in anger. That felling was quite good.  Of course, he had yet to realise that these were the first signs of love.

So naturally he captured her. ( Wood – captured! Captured!) On the one hand, he tried to solve her financial difficulties, on the other hand he bullied her. He was happy to feed her sweet dates while greeting her with a stick on the head.

Until the time when they went camping….

In the car that day, when Zhong Yuan felt a sudden weight on his shoulder, his hand seemed to shake slightly, He looked down at the person next to him who was fast asleep. Her skin looked smooth and delicate, her eyebrows were thin. The closed eyes were rimmed wit long eyelashes. Her noes was pert and round. Her lips reminded him of fresh cherries. Suddenly, Zhong Yuan realised Mu er was actually beautiful. The bald head really subtracted from a person’s attractiveness, but Mu er passed the test. In her sleep, she licked her lips unconsciously. Zhong Yuan mimicked the movement

Something was changing.

For Mu er, the most exciting thing in the camp was to play with his camera. And Zhong Yuan’s most exciting thing was to play with Mu er. It was not until the night of the thunderstorm that he discovered something.

He frowned as he read the distorted words, “ Daddy, I love you!” written on her diary. Why didn’t she mention her mom? Were her parents divorced or did they have  a bad relationship?

Zhong Yuan did not like to meddle in other people’s private matters, but he thought about al these things. Whatever the answer, both options were sad for her. He felt some distress on her behalf. But when he heard her muttering her last words, he was irritated again. It was strange! He was always bullying her, so why was he upset that she never mentioned him?

After they returned from the camping trip, Mu er’s biggest loss was that she lost Zhong Yuan’s camera. Zhong Yuan’s biggest gain was that Mu er lost his camera. On that early spring night, in an inconspicuous corner of B campus, Zhong Yuan looked at the panicking Mu er in front of him. The longer he looked at her, the better he felt.

After returning from camping, the biggest loss of wood was the loss of Zhong Yuan’s camera. The biggest gain of Zhong Yuan was that the wood lost his camera.

He had no idea what he felt about her until the day of the so called ‘challenge’.

During intermission that day, Zhong yuan received a call from his room mate. He said that he had seen a group of people run towards the school hospital from the gymnasium. He had heard that Mu er and another college girl had been fighting , and there had been bloodshed.

He lost all his calm. Without any other thought, he rushed back to the school. His poor coach uselessly shouted at hs back, asking him to return. Fortunately, Mu er was not the one who was injured and Zhong Yuan could feel the iron bands around his heart relax. But when he heard her say she didn’t belong to him, he was upset again.

“I am not yours, but you are mine!”

When Zhong Yuan finished this sentence, he was stunned.

Why was he so anxious? Why was he so angry? Why did he not want to see her pay attention to others? Why was he irritable and frustrated when she was eager to clarify his relationship with her? Wasn’t he a person with a calm and equable temperament? Then why did he lose his cool every time he encountered Mu Er?

The answer surprised him. Because he cared about her. Yes, he cared about her, her safety, her moods, her thoughts, in short everything about her. Moreover, it seemed that she didn’t care about him …

Books are the ladders for human progress and the ladder for human love. With the help of the book, “ Love Psychology”, Zhong Yuan finally realised his own feelings. Without realising it, he had fallen in the love with Mu Er. Although I  am not yours, fortunately, you  are mine. And sooner or later, I will belong to you. Of course, from now on, I am going to act like I am yours as well .

The above tongue twister was Zhong Yuan’s internal monologue when Zhong Yuan finally recognised his own feelings. The next step was to let her take possession of him. ( Mu Er – Must you frame it in such an evil manner?)

Zhong Yuan didn’t plan to manipulate anything. Even if he could, he was unwilling to do so. He did not want to manipulate matters that were related to human emotions. Perhaps, he sincerely believed in this.

But even if he didn’t want to manipulate, he would still need some kind of strategy. Zhong Yuan thought for a long time on all that he had encountered so far and decided on a strategy for Mu Er – that od boiling frogs in warm water. This person had a weak personality, but could be incredibly stubborn and outrageous, especially when it came to emotional stuff. Zhong Yuan still had a long way to go before she would like him,

Why didn’t he directly tell her that he liked her?

Nope! Then he had no hopes of boiling the frog! Look at what happened to Su Yan later. Even before she had the chance to like him, if he confessed, she would refuse him upfront and immediately place him in the ‘impossible to date’ zone.

So he just had to wait till she liked him. This was the character of Mu er. So Zhong Yuan gritted his teeth in frustration. But while he hated this aspect of her character, he still liked her. So while it would seem that Mu Er was the oppressed one, in reality, Zhong Yuan was the one who was being abused.

The problem was that all of Mu Er’s attention was focussed on Lu Zijian. Lu Zijian was Zhong Yuan’s friend. He was a nice person, though occasionally, he was a bit stupid.Zhong Yuan was not convinced. In what aspect was he worse than Lu Zijian? Could it be that one block head could only like another block head ? ( Lu Zijian – Hey why would you shoot a person who is lying down?)

So the first thing he had to do was clear the field , i.e, get rid of Lu Zijian

This is when Miss Fourth entered the stage.

Of course, Mu Er was ignorant about all this. She even thought Zhong Yuan was interested in Miss Fourth. When he realised this was what she thought, he was extremely displeased.

Mu Er, that foolish girl, went to the wrong room on the first day they came to Lu Zijian’s house. Zhong Yuan was startled and tried to wake her up. But then he hesitated. He pursed his lips and then pulled her in his arms. When he thought about it, it was better if everyone knew that this little guy was his, especially Lu Zijian.

As a faint fragrance from the body of the young girl in his arms hit his nose, a certain part of his body started to harden. He took in deep breaths and at the same time tightened his arms around the soft body and closed his eyes. Seeing but not eating was a torment. Still, he smiled to himself. Zhong Yuan told himself that one day, she would herself take the initiative to hug him. And one day, he would do more than just hug him.

One day, he would be the one she hugged and slept with at night.

When Miss Fourth and Lu Zijian successfully came together, Zhong Yuan’s mind was at ease. To make her like him, apart from removing all the likely opponents, he needed to make her notice him. He needed to be present in front of his eyes so she found it difficult to forget him.

So Zhong Yuan naturally turned up to stay at Mu Er’s house.

Zhong Yuan knew that Mu Er did not have a mother, but he had not expected that her reality was even worse than what he had thought. It turned out that she was an orphan.

Such people could easily be suspicious of others and develop a more withdrawn personality. They were rarely as lively and cheerful as Mu Er. But a deep-seated insecurity still existed in her. For example, she had been subconsciously avoiding his feelings and always refused to be close to him if she could manage it.

This behaviour was horrid, but Zhong Yuan couldn’t really hate her. He just wanted to hold her hand and say, give yourself to me, I will treat you well.

But she did not even give him the opportunity to say these words. Every time he spoke, he could only helplessly sigh. Maybe it just wasn’t the right time.

What was even more distressing was her childhood sweetheart. The man named Xu , who had betrayed her like that was too cheeky , strutting about in front of Mu Er all day. Zhong Yuan wanted to beat up the guy!

Of course, even though he was jealous, Zhong Yuan had full confidence in himself. Anyway, he was not a worthy opponent. And his disgusting past record was another mark against him. But he was still a bit jealous. After all, Mu Er had tried to accept him in the past, which was a rare thing. Zhong Yuan had been around her for so long but had not got the same reaction.

Fortunately, this guy had bad vision. He had displayed incompetence from the very beginning. He had tried to give his heart, but had ended up causing her sadness.

All these complicated emotions had made Zhong Yuan’s dislike of Zhang Xu even more severe.

miumiu – Awww so cute. “It was as if he has just been waiting for her all his life.” And we get Zhong Yuan’s rationale of why Mu er was so slow in accepting his and her own feelings – “Such people could easily be suspicious of others and develop a more withdrawn personality. They were rarely as lively and cheerful as Mu Er. But a deep-seated insecurity still existed in her.”