Happy new year!

Mu er always irritated Zhong Yan. Sometimes he was so angry he wanted to strangle the girl, but of course, that was just a passing thought. He would rather strangle himself than touch his Mu er.

But it was also true that when Mu er found him angry, just a few words from her would always dissipate his anger. Zhong Yuan realised that if you really liked someone, it was difficult to get angry with her. Love was such a torture, but then he seemed to enjoy this feeling of torture. Maybe he was really masochistic.

Then school started, and when Zhong Yuan returned, he met Su Yan. Zhong Yuan actually thought that Su Yan had a worse chance than Zhang Xu. Although he looked several times better than Zhang Xu, he made the biggest mistake he could make with a girl like Mu er. He had confessed directly to her! This was the most taboo thing for Mu er and he was sure his Mu er would not casually accept the confession of others. Atleast Zhang Xu had a relationship with Mu er since they were children. What did Su Yan have ? Money? Good looks? If Mu er liked those, then Zhong Yuan would already be doing boyfriend duty!

Of course, even though Zhong Yuan had loads of self-confidence , he still felt jealous. Such feelings were difficult to control for normal people. But this time , Zhong Yuan made a pleasant discovery. When Mu er looked ta his eyes, there were some signs of softening..

Could it be that with the arrival of Su Yan, she suddenly found him attractive in comparison ? ( Su Yan – Old man, can you be a little less narcisstic?)

Anyways this was a good sign. The next time she saw him, she could not meet his eyes. Sometimes, she behaved intimately and then sometimes, she would feel shy. To him, these were all indications that Mu er had started liking him a bit. Zhong Yuan almost wept in relief, although he continued to remain outwardly calm.

But Mu er would be Mu er and she did not realise her own feelings. It didn’t matter. If she herself was unaware, he would find ways to let her know.

But when she finally realised her own feelings, she ran away from him. Zhong Yuan was angered beyond belief. Was it really so hard to admit that she liked him. In order to court her, he had been abused by her for almost half a year. In the end, he had just waited for a word from her. Could she not even do this one little bit?

He decided to calm himself down and make her tell him that she liked him. Only in this way would she come to terms with het own feelings, Only in this way would she not try to bury those feelings and abandon him. ( Readers  – abandon you ? Zhong Yuan you are too dramatic!)

But when he saw the pain she was in, Zhong Yuan could not bear it anymore. Forget it, let me be the one to confess. I am anyway very sure that you like me , he thought to himself.

Moreover, it was usually the boy who confessed, he thought again. The most important thing was that she looked so tortured and that distressed him no end.