

ZhongYuan said, “My body will soon break. Why do you still not understand?”.

My body is stiff. I wanted to look up at him in surprise, but I was tightly held in his chest and couldn’t move. I was covered by him and could barely breathe.

ZhongYuan rubbed his chin against my hair and said softly, “Block-head, I like you a lot”.

I swallowed my saliva, feeling as if my soul was as light as a feather. “Really? Really?”

ZhongYuan didn’t answer. He only cursed, “Idiot” and held me even tighter. I said with great difficulty, “ZhongYuan, you’re suffocating m-me”….

ZhongYuan released me and held my face in his hands. He pressed his forehead against mine and both of his eyes were bursting with life. He looked at me deeply and asked, “how about you? Do you like me?” I’m a little embarrassed to say it, and what’s more, you have already exposed me, which shows that you already know…

ZhongYuan didn’t understand my mental activity, so at this time there was a chilliness in his eyes. “Speak. Do you like me?”

I blinked and said, “like!”

ZhongYuan pressed on, “like who?”

I grit my teeth and said, “Like you, ZhongYuan. I l-l-like you”.

The sudden kiss caught me somewhat off guard and my head instinctively recoiled. However, ZhongYuan pulled my waist and held me in his arms again with lightning speed. His lips were very hot, as if they were burning. He kept holding my lips, both nibbling and sucking. My lips were sore and numb, but my heart was drowned out by the sweetness of heaven and earth. So I took the initiative to hug him and close my eyes to welcome his lips.

ZhongYuan’s arms tightened around me, and an even more scorching hot and impatient kiss swept over. My lips were exhausted and I grabbed at ZhongYuan’s clothes to push him away. This time, ZhongYuan finally let go of me. With sparking eyes, he glanced at me and switched to holding me tightly in his arms. He leaned near my me, his scalding breath on my ear. I shut my eyes, feeling that this was unreal. ZhongYuan suddenly grabbed my earlobe with his lips and lightly rubbed them. As a result, my cold earlobe became warm, comfortable, and somewhat ticklish. Because of this, I could help but giggle. ZhongYuan let go of my earlobe and smiled. After a moment, he mumbled to me, “Block-head, I have been waiting for this day”. I was lying in his arms and it was still unbelievable. “I always thought you did not like me and you never looked at me”.

ZhongYuan bit my earlobe and said with a smile, “so you are a blockhead”.

I rubbed against him and said, “then why do you like me?” You have many choices. ZhongYuan couldn’t help but laugh. “I also want to know. It’s like I’m possessed, always thinking about you”. I hugged him, my heart full of sweetness. “Me too”.

Neither of us spoke for a long while. Like this, holding each other tightly in the snow, people came and went. I was a little embarrassed, so I simply buried my face in ZhongYuan’s chest to block it out.


When I got back to the dormitory, I was still a little captivated. This was all so dreamlike. My heart was so terribly sweet, but I still felt anxious. Like this, I entered the dormitory like a wandering ghost, moving to and fro. Lil Second, who was playing a game turned her head after catching sight of me. She smiled sinisterly and said, “heh heh, block-head, were you finished by ZhongYuan? ZhongYuan’s is too cruel, right?”

I was shocked by what she said and also a little guilty, so I said carefully, “How do you know?” Lil Second laughed like Grandma Wolf. At that moment, Boss and Miss Four came in. Boss noticed me right away and asked, “Blockhead Third, how did your mouth swell like this? Did you eat chilli peppers again?”

Me, “…”

I finally understood what Lil Second was laughing so lecherously. At this moment, Lil Second winked at Boss and they both laughed so hard that she asked indecently, “Our Blockhead Third has been bitten. Why do you pretend to be pure?”

“Of course I am pure”. At the same time, Boss walked up to me, held my face carefully, stared at my lips, and only after she was satisfied looking did she nod and say, “It turns out ZhongYuan is a wolf”. I immediately blushed and hid behind a chair. Boss carelessly rubbed my hair and said with a smile, “Come, come, come. Give us a detailed description of the big bad wolf gnawing the bunny rabbit”.

I leaned on one hand with my chin, thought for a moment and said, “We are both in love with each other, Minister, your servant thinks, heh heh. To think about it, I still feel a little odd about this business. Why does ZhongYuan like me in the first place?” Boss smacked me on the head. “Child, you sound like you’re showing off???” Miss Fourth helped me answer the question. “This is called, there is a rock to every scissor, a scissor to every paper, and a paper to every rock(1). the ideal is to be like water (which benefits all living things and does not struggle against them)(2), to use softness to conquer strength(3), and great intelligence may appear to be stupidity(4)…..”

“Four, Four, who are you talking about?”

Miss Fourth kicked the chair of Lil second once with a blank expression. “You fail again”.

Lil Second swept a glance at the screen and soon after frowned. “It’s like this again”