~JQ How did it happen?~


Because Zhong Yuan has become my boyfriend, in accordance to the rules, he will invite the three wolves in our dorm to eat. I asked Zhong Yuan where to. He thought about it for a moment and replied, “How about Linjiang Pavillion?” I wiped my sweat. “Isn’t that a little expensive?” Zhong Yuan looked at me meaningfully and smiled maliciously. “Blockhead, are you in such a hurry to help me save money?” I… cough. Im shy again….


I had only one class in the morning. After class, I ran back to the dormitory to sleep. I slept until the evening. After getting up, I gathered together with one, two, four and Zhong Yuan. Eight people rushed to Linjiang Pavillion together and we sat together in the private room. Boss and us flipped over the menus and we were all embarrassed that it was extremely expensive, even though beforehand, these guys kept saying that it was important for Zhong Yuan to bleed money.

At this passerby A stood aside to boost the morale of the soldiers. “Beautiful women, don’t mention it. This guy, as a capitalist who has been hiding in our proletariat ranks for a long time, Zhong Yuan deserves to be punished. Passerby B also echoed, “Exactly. This guy has been running rampant and tyrannizing his neighbors for not just a day or two. That’s right! I am a member who will forever oppressed and enslaved. Today, we are permitted to air our grievances.” I looked at Passerby B silently. Brother, you are not alone. At this time, Zhong Yuan grasped my hand and was in a very good mood. He smiled happily and said to everyone, “Being polite to me is being polite to blockhead”.

This short sentence succeeded in arousing everyone’s jeering. Passerby A kept saying, “You cant be polite. You cant be polite… Waiter, stir-fry this recipe for us first”. As a result, the atmosphere of the feast became super lively. Everyone was already very familiar. At present it’s a bit unreasonable to be polite now, so they scrambled to order their favorite dishes. The brothers Passersby A and B had a heated debate over whether the bass should be roasted or steamed in broth. Finally, Zhong Yuan slapped the table, “Bring two portions. One steamed in a clear soup and one roasted”. I stared at the price of bass on the menu and sigh silently. Zhong Yuan, you spendthrift…….

The alcohol and food came very quick. The first round of alcohol was to be drank together. Zhong Yuan poured alcohol for each person at the table one by one. When it was my turn, he only poured a little into my cup in order to express his appreciation. As a result the people present quit drinking and shouted for him to fill me up. So, he raised his eyebrow and calmly reasoned, “I’ll drink double the amount.” . This sentence attracted another boo. I was a little embarrassed by his meaning and pulled his sleeve. “Actually, I can……. ”

Zhong Yuan gave a smile that wasn’t really a smile and looked at me. In a voice, he said, “With just that amount and with your drinking skills? Undress and what not only in front of me.”

I shivered and wiped my sweat. Looking back, the past is unbearable…… Therefore, I began to eat. This place is worthy being a money burning restaurant. The food is indeed really good. At the same time, while I ate happily, I played a game of gifting vegetables with Zhong Yuan. The onlookers said that they have a stomach ache to remind us of their existence. However, as soon as I looked up, I saw Lu Zijian put a piece of fish with its bones on Miss Fourth’s f*cking plate. However, the people turned a blind eye and continued to boo me and Zhong Yuan.

Hey, hey, hey, don’t ignore it so selectively.>_<

At the beginning, everyone talked and laughed while eating, but later, it completely turned into drinking. Today, this guy Zhong Yuan was especially bold and uninhibited. He simply didn’t refuse anybody. As long as it was alcohol, he can empty it just by lifting his neck. At the same time, he was watching me and forbidding me to drink. As soon as I touched the glass, he brought up the incident of me “undressing”, which made me blush at the site of the glass. I’m such a loser.

So except for me, the remaining six went crazy forcing Zhong Yuan to drink. At first, it was beer, but later they felt it was not satisfying enough, so they simply changed to white wine…… Its ridiculous! I really couldn’t stand seeing it anymore, so I stopped Zhong Yuan’s hand holding the wine glass. “Stop drinking”. Zhong Yuan rubbed my head, squinted and smiled. “Feeling distressed?” In exchange for that single sentence, the following reaction is as follows.

Lil Second: “I feel distressed……”

Boss: “I feel distressed……”

Passerby A: “I have a stomachache.”

Passerby B: “I have a toothache.”

Miss Four: “Haha.”

Lu Zijian: “Hehe.”

Me: “-_-|||||||

Zhong Yuan drained the wine in his hand, sat down with a smile and said, “I’ll stop drinking. Lets eat. When the waiter comes, we will order again.” In a word, a group of wolves howled. I looked at the unfinished dishes on the table and thought silently. Its shameful to waste, its shameful to waste, its shameful to waste…… So we temporarily stopped the siege of Zhong Yuan and began to chat while eating and drinking. We used to be very familiar during the summer vacation, but now we talked about this and that and didn’t hold anything back. As I talked, I didn’t know how to talk about the game. When Lil second spoke about the game, an ominous glint appeared in her eyes. “No need to mention the game. When I mention the game, I think about my heartbreaking Legend of Sword battle.”


This is part 1 of a 2 part chapter. If you notice any mistakes, please let me know.