Volume 3, 4: School Wonders, Part 2—The Forgotten People

Name:Illusions, Lies, Truth Author:
Translator: lucathia (proofread by Taffygirl13 & Trespasserby)

“Why did you say those words?” Lu Yang demanded, “Don’t you know what the legend says?”

Jian Zhi asked in confusion, “If I don’t say it, how would we disprove the legend? We agreed from the start that I would say these words.”

“When did we decide something like that?” someone asked, puzzled.

“Huh? Didn’t we say I would handle this legend?” Jian Zhi looked like he was confused, too.

“No way…”

Lu Yang was practically about to explode. At first, he had thought the club to be somewhat proper, given that they had prayed and made offerings before setting off, so nothing serious should happen. Yet they had actually deliberately assigned someone to test the legend out?

“Don’t continue any further!” Lu Yang snapped, “If I knew the club activity would be so absurd, we wouldn’t have participated at all. Lin Zhixiang, I’m leaving with Jiang Ziya. Are you coming with us?”

He purposely called out to Lin Zhixiang. If enough people left, the remaining ones wouldn’t want to continue further. They already looked to be very tense. If half of the people left at once, the club activity would be disrupted.

“Okay.” Lin Zhixiang also felt that something was off. She hadn’t heard that someone would be assigned to test the legend out. She could not help but glance suspiciously at the president.

Xu Xikai quickly explained, “I didn’t! If you don’t believe me, you can ask Jian Zhi. I didn’t tell him to do it!”

The group looked at Jian Zhi one after another. The latter nervously said, “It was a message sent to the group. Weren’t we supposed to check the one we wanted to test? I saw that the anatomical model was the only one left, so it was the only choice I had.”

“There wasn’t a message like that!” Xu Xikai spluttered, “If you don’t believe me, go look at the sender of the message. It definitely wasn’t me!”

The group looked at each other, their expressions weird.

Lu Yang pulled on Jiang Ziya and said, “Come, whether or not the others leave have nothing to do with us anymore.”

Jiang Ziya was still taking measure of the anatomical model. As he turned to look at the rest of them, he abruptly felt that something was wrong.

Lu Yang saw that his expression was odd and immediately pretended to look at the group in anger, allowing Jiang Ziya more time to look.

Jiang Ziya surveyed the group. Wrong, wrong, everything is wrong!

Jian Zhi couldn’t help but draw a cross over his chest. With a pained face, he prayed, “God…”

Jiang Ziya finally realized what was the most wrong.

Where’s the angel?

“Jian Zhi.”

Jian Zhi turned and looked at Jiang Ziya, asking in puzzlement, “Huh? What is it?”