Volume 3, 4: School Wonders, Part 3—That Angel, That Demon

Name:Illusions, Lies, Truth Author:
Translator: lucathia (proofread by Taffygirl13 & Trespasserby)

As he picked up the feathers, Jiang Ziya found that he had strangely returned to the location of the first school wonder. Did the angel disappear so early on?

A sudden flash of light made Jiang Ziya lift his head to look up at the rooftop of the department building, only for him to discover a figure standing beside the fence of the roof.

“Hey! Careful!”

Jiang Ziya shouted a few times, but the other person didn’t react at all. The only thing Jiang Ziya could do was begin to dash toward the roof. As expected, all the doors were open on the way there, as if someone had gone ahead of him.

He rushed straight to the rooftop, gasping for air. It felt like he had done a whole month’s worth of running today.

He tried pushing the metal door to the rooftop, and it swung open just like he thought it would. The moment he walked in, Jiang Ziya’s gaze was drawn by the most eye-catching thing there—the angel.

The angel was not hovering in the air like usual and was instead kneeling on the floor. It was struggling violently, as if tied down by an invisible rope, and its face was full of anxiousness. Even the angel’s eyes had reddened, its beautiful face twisted in fury—still, there was no escape.

Jiang Ziya peered closely, and only then did he discover that a circular sigil had been drawn on the floor around the angel. The shape was very similar to the drawing on the wall of the abandoned campus.

If the angel is here, then was the person I saw earlier Jian Zhi?

Jiang Ziya looked toward the edge of the building. Like he had thought, a figure was there. As he made his way over, he shouted, “Jian Zhi, it’s Jiang Ziya. Don’t be reckless. No matter what you’re seeing now, don’t move for any reason…”

The angel, who hadn’t ever made a sound before, spoke up with a hoarse voice, “N-no Jian Zhi.”

Jiang Ziya froze and turned his head to look at the angel. Tears streamed down the angel’s face, hands seemingly plastered against a formless cage that the angel could not escape from.

Jiang Ziya abruptly began to feel suspicious. Who caged the angel? Are the school wonders capable of doing this? But there was no school wonder about anyone getting captured.


Following the shout, Lu Yang shoved open the metal door. Upon seeing the situation, he yelled in shock, “Don’t move. Not even an inch!”

Jiang Ziya froze and asked in confusion, “Why are you telling me that? Shouldn’t you tell that to Jian Zhi instead? He’s already standing outside the fence. Don’t you see him?”

Lu Yang carefully said, “I don’t see Jian Zhi at all, just you standing on the edge of the building. Don’t move. I’m coming over right now.”

Since when was I on the edge of the building? I haven’t even reached Jian Zhi’s side! Doubtful, Jiang Ziya turned his head to look, only to discover that there was nothing in front of him. Below was the far too distant ground.

He paled, the height unexpectedly bringing about a wave of fear and dizziness. His foot slipped and didn’t find purchase. He slid downward, hand reaching out to grab the railing barely in time. Sharp waves of pain came from the hand that had been injured by Slay, and his wrist also protested. But this action delayed his fall by a bit, enough for Lu Yang to rush over and grab his hand.

Jiang Ziya dangled in midair, abruptly feeling that this situation was way too familiar. Last time, he too had grabbed hold of Lu Yang like this. Now, the situation was reversed, and it was Lu Yang’s turn to grab him in the nick of time.

“Ah Yang, if you can’t hold on…” Then, let go of me!

Before he even finished saying that, Lu Yang grabbed him with one hand, while the other hand held the fence, and easily pulled Jiang Ziya back up onto the roof. Of course, it was inside the fence.

…All right, comparing yourself to others can really anger you to death. This is inhuman!

However, last time, he had gotten shot before grabbing Lu Yang, so a comparison like this wasn’t fair. Jiang Ziya tried to redeem himself.

Lu Yang took measure of Jiang Ziya. Seeing that he was fine, he then summoned Slay to circle Jiang Ziya, who didn’t mind, letting the spiritual sword fly around him.

Looks like it really is Jiang Ziya. Lu Yang relaxed greatly.

“What were you doing?” After relaxing, he grew angry. Lu Yang scolded, “I told you to find Jian Zhi, yet you came here to jump. Did you think tonight wasn’t exciting enough, so you planned to scare me to death?”

Jiang Ziya said in puzzlement, “But I really did see Jian Zhi just now. Weird, was my eye acting up? Why couldn’t I see clearly this time?”

“No, your eye is fine. If not for you, we probably would have left a long time ago and wouldn’t have discovered that anyone had disappeared at all, at least, not until tomorrow when someone finds the bodies.”

Lu Yang frowned and continued, “Besides, it was possible for you to hallucinate and be guided to return here to jump off the building because you discovered that Jian Zhi had disappeared. So, the reason was to find Jian Zhi. If we hadn’t discovered the truth, it might have been some other reason, like receiving a call from me telling you to come here.”

“Why do I have to jump?” Realizing where he currently was and connecting that with jumping, Jiang Ziya abruptly recalled that he had seen a figure fall past the east-facing classroom while even smiling at him. Coming to this realization, he said, “I was…the victim of the first school wonder?”

“Yeah.” Lu Yang nodded.

Jiang Ziya scratched his face. He hadn’t thought that he had actually been the first to fall victim. Luckily, he had not disappeared without a trace like what had happened with the bathroom mirror and the wishing corpse.

Then again, this might’ve been because Lu Yang had been beside him. Lu Yang may not have noticed anyone else disappear, but if Jiang Ziya had disappeared, Lu Yang would definitely have realized right away. Therefore, he had ended up coming back to jump after they had split with the group.