The corner of Natasha's mouth twitched, and when Li Bufan wanted to go a step further, she suddenly pushed him away, with a charming smile.

A shallow dimple is exposed on the left cheek.

That originally charming white face is even more charming. When any man in the world sees it, he will only have one thought in his heart: eating this fairy!! "Now we are both clean."

Natasha smiled, her body flashed, and she got out of the supercar.

Damn, what the **** will run away and Li Bufan is annoyed: "Goblin, you thought it would be settled like this, and I will ask you to settle the account later!"

Of course he understands Natasha's "two cleansing"

What does it mean?When I visited Tony for the first time, Tony deliberately said that he was Natasha's son.He used this method to clarify that Natasha did a good job and returned.

If this is also called Liangqing, Li Bufan would like to know that if he is playing something exciting, such as being strong, then Natasha will be excited about how to think about it.

"I'm really looking forward to it."

Li Bufan was in a good mood and couldn't help whistling.

The smoke has not dissipated, but the enemy's attack has arrived. On the Kun-style fighter, the crossbones cursed fiercely: "Damn bastard! Will you guys do these little children's stuff! Give me the entire viaduct? Blow up!!"


Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh--instantly.

Dozens of small missiles were fired toward the viaduct, and the dense smoke was the hardest hit area.


Amidst the earth-shaking noise, the entire viaduct collapsed. It was already under traffic control, but the road under the viaduct was absent. Countless passing vehicles suffered no disasters, and more than a dozen vehicles were buried in reinforced concrete.

"God! Save people, save people!"

"What happened"

"! Are aliens invading the earth again?"

Exclamations and screams sounded, many vehicles stopped, and people raised their heads, took out their mobile phones, and started filming.

Crossbones looked fierce: "Asshole! The underground parking lot didn't blow you up, this time it can't kill you immediately.

Search for the enemy's trail, and never let go of them!!"

The deputy hadn't answered yet, a joking voice suddenly sounded under the Kun-style fighter.

"Don't have to be so troublesome, I'm here."

Crossbones' complexion changed drastically! At this moment, Hydra's follow-up air support arrived, and four Kun-style fighters flew over, immediately.

Report to the crossbones: "Boss! Boss! The Grim Reaper is under you!!"

"I know!"

Cross-boned angrily said, "I have eyes and ears! I can see and hear!"

"Victor, you control it, immediately.

Turn it on, get rid of that bastard!!"

next moment.

Before the crossbones and Victor changed positions, Li Bufan flew from directly below to the front of the fighter plane.

Chapter 95 Damn, we are in the middle! (6 requests for subscription)



Li Bufan's plan was a big success.He restrained all the forces of Hydra alone.Steve, Falcon Sam, and Natasha just killed a few guards, and then sneaked into the success without knowing it.

Natasha has appeared in the Alpha Conference Room, meeting with five groups of five members of the World Security Council.

at the same time.

Steve, Falcon appeared at the entrance of the information command department, played a trick, cut a line, let the people inside come out to check, the door opened, and a black muzzle was pointed at the staff's head .

Steve said: "Child, if you don't mind, please let me go, okay"

Worthy of being written to teach "one two, seven"

The hero in the science book, the captain's status in the hearts of the team people is really not covered, although Steve has now become a wanted criminal, the staff is still excited.

More than just seeing, seeing the American team, his eyes are full of stars.

"Yes, yes, of course, I mean, you are the captain!"

The staff member was so excited that he didn't know what to say.


Steve smiled with his signature sweetheart, immediately.

Enter the information headquarters, after taking over, order people to turn on the broadcast in all directions, so that they can be used by SHIELD

Hear it from all corners.

It's time for the captain's speech.

"Hello everyone, I'm the captain, Steve Rogers, yes, the guy that many of you chased not long ago, I'm back again.

When I come back, I might die, but I still come back because I have a reason to come back."

"Although it is difficult to accept, but I must tell everyone that S.H.I.E.L.D.

The truth about S.H.I.E.L.D.

Has been infiltrated by Hydra!"

"Their leader is Alexander Pierce. Their ultimate plan is to launch three sky motherships into the sky. Even if they can succeed, I am sure that Hydra cannot rule the world."

"Because we will fight, because we will never succumb!"

"But if they really do this, the death of Director Nick Fury is just the beginning, and thousands of people will die! I know that the price of pursuing freedom is high: yes, but I am willing to pay the price! "

"I know better, I am by no means alone!"

The speech ended, shocked S.H.I.E.L.D.