Everyone in, as long as they are not members of Hydra, are all incited.


The Falcons behind the US team were already stunned. They applauded emotionally and joked with a smile: "It's a perfect speech. You have already memorized it: Okay, let's play on the spot."

Steve shook his head slightly without answering

Headquarters, Pierce, and Sylvette are making a crossbones fiasco.

In the last war,

Everyone knows the **** of death and knows that he is very strong, but after all, they have not seen it with their own eyes.At this moment, all the members of Hydra have witnessed it, and they feel that their souls have been hit by unprecedented shocks.

Sylvett swallowed and said with difficulty: "Boss, that guy is really strong"

"I know."

Pierce seemed to be expecting everything, and sneered, "That's why I said, it's just a dessert before a meal, and the real meal is still there: later."

Sylvette said: "Uh, boss, we can really win this guy"

Pierce gave Sylvette a fierce look, and before he could speak, the captain's voice appeared in the command room, and all the Hydra members changed color in amazement.

"Damn!! We're in it!!"

Pierce stared at Li Bufan in the surveillance camera dumbfounded, that guy has come to SHIELD

Downstairs in the headquarters, smiling at the camera.

Laughing! Sylvete undoubtedly

Chapter 96 The Great Battle: The Horrible Killer of the Hydra! ! (7 requests for subscription)

Alpha meeting room.

The five members of the World Security Council also heard the captain's speech, and they were all bewildered.

What ghost S.H.I.E.L.D.

The former chief, is it the head of the Hydra that our ears have auditory hallucinations, or the world is too ridiculous, Natasha shrugged and said: ``You have heard it, that's the captain.

Even if you don’t believe him, you should stop the launch, at least until the investigation is over, right?”

Javier, Hilda and the others were pale and shocked.

indeed so.

Although they still have some doubts, they can be cautious and there is no big mistake.The sky aircraft carrier can launch at any time, but once this mistake is made, they will be uneasy for the rest of their lives.

Javier said solemnly: "Immediately.

Stop launching!"

Hilda yelled angrily, "Call that...damn **** Pierce, I want to hear what he says 14"

"No need to send someone, I'm already here."

Pierce's voice sounded outside the office, clicked, the door of the office opened, Pierce walked in with a relaxed face, accompanied by four S.H.I.E.L.D. agencies wearing black armed uniforms.


The most nonsense in the original plot was the insight plan that was clearly approved by the World Security Council, but because of the captain's speech, they immediately.

Change your stance and firmly believe in the captain.Please, the captain is a wanted person now.What credibility is it that these people have been brainwashed by textbooks, but if they are brainwashed, how can they want the typical protagonist aura of the captain?

In reality, this kind of thing will definitely not happen, and now the World Security Council's five-member five-team captain is still doubtful.

Havel looked at Pierce and said solemnly: "Pierce, what do you want to say to the captain?"

"I have nothing to say."

Pierce put his hands in his waist pockets and shrugged.

Don't worry, no one is forcing me, I'm all telling the truth."

Javier, Hilda and others were all shocked, even Natasha.

She thought that Pierce would still defend herself, but she didn't expect this guy to be such a bachelor. This admitted what he was doing. Javier was furious and yelled: "Hydra! You bitch, you are still: What are you stunned, don't catch him quickly!!"

The four 44 agents heard the words and raised their guns, but instead of aiming at Pierce, they aimed at five people and groups of five.


Javier was stunned.

Others also sucked in cold air, which also confirmed the words from the side, S.H.I.E.L.D.

At least one-third has become a Hydra.

Pierce shrugged and said with a light smile: "It seems that I have the final say now."

"Asshole, you say

Did I agree to this?"

Natasha immediately.

The shot was like a flash of lightning, kicking an agent's wrist, and the other agents fired several shots, but they were the opponents of the Black Widow.In a few seconds, the four 44 agents were all leveled by Natasha.

Pierce became a polished commander.

Unlike the original plot, even if he has become a polished commander, Pierce did not show any panic on his face, but clapped and exclaimed: "It is indeed SHIELD.

A tenth-level agent, close combat is not only strong, but also so pleasing to the eye."

Natasha frowned, and there was an unknown premonition in her heart, what kind of killer is this **** buzzing! The tarmac outside the Alpha Conference room suddenly heard a heavy roar, a S.H.I.E.L.D.

The helicopter landed slowly.

Everyone couldn't help but look out.

The cabin door opened, and a simple moving bed appeared, followed by Nick Fury.

"Oh, God!"

Javier, Hilda and others were taken aback

Chapter 97: Powerful: Incredible Mutants! (8 requests for subscription)