So Li Bufan gave a chuckle and immediately said: "Little daughter-in-law, do you know when I miss you every day?"

"Bah! Who is your little wife!"

There, Natasha laughed and cursed for a while, and then said, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally, "Oh, then you can talk about it.

When do you miss me"

"One Six Seven"

"Only one time."

"Just one"

Natasha exploded her hair instantly, "You bastard, you can go to death!"

"While breathing!"

Natasha with fried hair, her cheeks flushed with shame in an instant, sits in S.H.I.E.L.D.

In the headquarters office, she came to pack up some personal belongings this time.

Her whole body floated, and her heart was sweet, and a girl's heart was pounding.

"Fuck you, it's disgusting, you should think about your little Wanda."

"Hmph, you will lie to me with nice words!"

"The person you mentioned is just an ordinary celebrity, not a privileged person. The information is not confidential, but it is more famous than ordinary people. The information of this kind of person is the best to find, and I will send it to you in a few minutes."


Natasha finished talking like a machine gun, then hung up the phone decisively, putting one hand on her chest, feeling her rapid heartbeat.

She is not a little girl anymore.

The man I met was not Li Bufan.Although there was no relationship, those men were also very good, but since contact with Li Bufan, her heart has changed subtly.

She didn't even notice it.

If at first, it was just because of the passion in the subway and the pure physical enjoyment, but in this time to eradicate the Hydra, the fearlessness of that...little villain completely caused her to sink.

His clever calculations, when facing crossbones, when facing Lucian Shaw, his bravery and fearlessness were all deeply impressed in Natasha's eyes and heart.

I originally thought that...little villain, arrogant, arrogant, disciplined, indifferent and ruthless, but it's not.

He is so brave, so heroic. "You little villain, you have hurt me. I and I are all possessed by you."

Natasha sighed slightly.

No! You can't do this anymore, Natasha! You are an agent, and love for your children is not something you should consider.

Natasha shook her head fiercely, silently encouraging herself in her heart.

Immediately after, she turned on the computer and left S.H.I.E.L.D.

Before, the last time I used S.H.I.E.L.D.

Intelligence network to help Li Bufan

Li Bufan is absolutely right to find Natasha, she is S.H.I.E.L.D.

Tenth-level agent, absolute legend, this does not only mean that she is in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Having extremely high rights means that in addition to SHIELD

, She also has an extremely extensive network of resources.

The information of Bucky, the Winter Soldier, is the most obvious example.

That thing was obtained by Natasha through the contacts in Western Europe. The information is extremely complete, so complete as to be taken from the Hydra archives. It can be seen that Natasha's contacts are just too powerful. After three minutes, Natasha sent a message and told Li Bufan that she had sent Strange's information to his mailbox.

This is actually nothing, it was completely in Li Bufan's expectation.

But-there is still

Chapter 106 Strange: You lunatic! (3 requests for subscription)

Wait, 12:1 tonight is now 11:30:11: At Kennedy International Airport, there is only one flight to Nepal.

Don't miss the opportunity! Li Bufan immediately booked a flight ticket to Nepal on the Internet, and left a note on the table.

Wanda has been very busy these days, and has not yet come back.


Although it's gone, Nick Fury also intends to fly to Europe, but he can't do nothing.He has been deploying top secret these days.As the core force of the Avengers, Wanda is naturally the top priority.

The note reads "Something.

, Go out, don’t worry about it, contact tomorrow.”

simple and clear.

What I didn't say, Wanda would definitely doubt it, but Li Bufan didn't care.Although Wanda enjoys the peaceful life of ordinary people, superpowers are superpowers, and sometimes they are too dull, and they will feel boring.

This calm is slightly boring, and Wanda has been around for several years.

1 Li Bufan knows her daughter-in-law too much, why did she take the initiative to join S.H.I.E.L.D.

Of course, S.H.I.E.L.D.

As a backing, dealing with all the troubles, including Magneto, is definitely the biggest reason.

But not all.

Seeking excitement is also one of them.

Moreover, Li Bufan knows better that as time goes by, there will be more and more earth-shattering events.The appearance of Thor and the appearance of the Kitari have brought about earth-shaking changes in the current human society.

A change that covers all of mankind is happening quietly, even ordinary people know it, and Wanda, as a superpower, can't not know.

Even if it's discovered, it's okay, it's not a big deal at all

At night, twelve o'clock 1.

Wanda returned home and saw the note left on the dining table, immediately.

Call Li Bufan's cell phone, but it didn't get through.