She sat on the sofa with a calm expression, without much worry.

Because she knows that her little man is not ordinary at all.Since he doesn't say it, there must be a reason why he doesn't say it.

"Sure enough, you little guy is not an ordinary person."

Wanda twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled happily.

Yes, she had already started to doubt.

As early as half a month ago, Kuaiyin took the lead to find Nifrey and expressed to him their brothers and sisters' willingness to join the Avengers, Wanda learned from Kuaiyin that Magneto had already known their siblings.

The strange thing is that the old guy only followed, but didn't touch her.

This is unreasonable! She asked Kuaiyin. Kuaiyin didn't want to say it, but she couldn't stand her grinding, so she could only say. Magneto asked Kuaiyin and sent someone to contact Li Bufan, but sent it. The mutant who came into contact with her man died somehow.


Yin didn't know what happened, and it was impossible to tell her, but she was not a fool, so she guessed something.

"Hmph! You little villain, you obviously have super powers, but you don't want to be with me, and you dare to run away from home, and see how I can take care of you when you come back."

Wanda smoked his small nose, got up and walked back to the room, and went to sleep

Just as Wanda was talking to himself, Li Bufan had already boarded the plane to Kathmandu, it was very late, there were not many passengers in the economy class, and many seats were empty.

Li Bufan's eyes were locked on a white man with long curly hair and a tall stature.

That's right.

It's you, volume! Oh no, it should be Stephen Strange, the future Doctor Strange.

This guy is really sad enough to say that he had a successful career, technical skills, and an absolute winner in life, but because of a car accident and tragedy, he completely robbed him of everything.

His house, car, all his savings, his girlfriend, and his arrogance! In order to heal his hands, he tried everything he could to spend all his years of savings, even by flying in economy class.

Chapter 107 Shot: Meet Gu Yi Master! (4 requests for subscription)

"Oh, if you're talking about hand problems, it's not a problem."

Li Bufan said, "As far as I know, the bald master in Kathmandu has magical powers, and can even bring people back to life."

Strange's face changed, and he said with caution: "Who are you and why are you here? How do you know that I went to Kathmandu to find a bald master. Are you following me!"

"You have too many questions, Doctor Strange."

Li Bufan shook his head and said, "You might as well think about what value you have worthy of my tracking. Is it that you have mastered state secrets, or something else that leads us to the next topic, do you believe that there is magic in this world?"


Strange looked at Li Bufan indifferently, and sneered, "If you want to cheat money, I can tell you responsibly, no! This flight ticket has exhausted my last savings, please leave. "

"No problem, I just want to remind you that there may be magic in this world."

Li Bufan smiled slightly, got up and left, and returned to his seat.

Strange murmured: "There is magic in this world"

He turned his face, glanced at Li Bufan from a distance, and said with a sneer in his heart: "Madman! Insane! Actually want me to believe that there is magic in this world."

Shook his head and ignored

Time passed in a hurry, and the plane soon arrived at Kathmandu Airport.Strange did not pay attention to Li Bufan anymore, and hurriedly got off the plane and started his own journey to find the bald master.

Li Bufan will naturally not bother.

He doesn't need to do anything, he just needs to follow Strange secretly and wait for the disciple of the ancient first mage to come.

Three days later.

As Strange said, the plane ticket alone has basically exhausted his savings.He searched in Kathmandu for three days, but found nothing, all the money he brought was spent, and his clothes were ragged, and he became a beggar. .

Li Bufan didn't make a move.

Gu Yi Mage must know that Strange came to Kathmandu to look for him.This may be a small test for Strange. If Li Bufan rashly intervenes, it may cause great changes.

During this period, Li Bufan had three phone calls with Wanda.

Basically, one report a day, from Wanda, Li Bufan can feel that his wife is already suspicious, it seems that he is ready to accept that he is also a superpower, and it is good to think about it.

Even though the life of ordinary people is very good, it is also very tiring to perform all day, so let's confess.

Wanda is ready.

By the afternoon of the fourth day, Stuart was desperate, but he didn't mean to give up.Li Bufan could also understand that he tried thousands of ways, but all failed and this was his last chance.

It is also the best opportunity.

He will not give up.

In a certain alley, a group of locals focused on Strange and surrounded him.Although Strange repeatedly emphasized that he was penniless, it had no effect.Those people beat him up.

The result is really not a dime.

The gang became irritated. They thought they met a foreign protagonist, but unexpectedly he was a poor ghost. They beat Strange again. During the beating, a man wearing a black cloak covered half of his face. Appear.

"It's finally here, Baron Mordor.


Li Bufan, who was hiding in the dark, chuckled lightly.

After Baron Mordor appeared, he drove away the locals three times, helped Strange from the ground, and said straightforwardly: "I heard you are looking for a bald master."

Strange said excitedly: "Yes, yes! You know him"

Baron Mordor smiled and said: "You should know, come with me, but I want to remind you one thing, when you see the master, you must forget all the knowledge you have learned before, because next you will be exposed to a completely different world."

Um, Strange looked dumbfounded, and suddenly remembered the madman he had met on the plane, and couldn't help but secretly said: ``Damn, why is this guy saying exactly the same thing as that madman".

Chapter 108 Gu Yi Mage: You really scared me! (1 request for subscription)

Chapter 109 Three Kinds of Magic: Dark Energy, Basic Magic, Space Gate! (2 requests for subscription)

About half an hour later, under the leadership of Baron Mordor, Li Bufan and Strange came to the temple where Gu Yi Mage was located, a woman with a big bald head and a robe of the Moon White Mage, with outstanding temperament.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time, please have tea!"

Mage Gu Yi smiled slightly, and the two tea cups in front of her flew up and came to Li Bufan and Strange.