Barabala, when he flattered Li Bufan's words, Li Bufan was happy to hear it, and the beauty was so beautiful.


Chapter 449 Li Bufan teaches everyone what is kingly way! (2 requests for subscription)

What is the kingly way!! It doesn't matter if you hate me, I'm not afraid of you hate, but I just want you to hate me while having to laugh at Laozi, this is the kingly way!! Even Brian has pulled his face down, It doesn't matter to the board of directors.

Before, Brian, the face of the Special Defense Department was rubbed under the soles of Li Bufan's feet.They didn't have any deep hatred with Li Bufan, but because of their own power, facing other people, they were a little smug.

It's all right now, Li Bufan has completely woke them up, and they won't be the same as before.

After some greetings, everyone sat down.

First, Brian, he started talking, mainly talking about the "misunderstandings" between Antonio, Murphy and Li Bufan.

After seven days of hard investigation, the truth has been completely investigated, everything is Antonio’s problem! That... shameful conspirator, who unilaterally targeted Mr. Li Bufan Li, even the country was deceived! For this kind of conspiracy Home, they want to despise him fiercely, and they will nail him to the shame of history for the rest of their lives.Balabara is another big deal, and he heard Steve, Tony, and Nick Fury's mouth twitching.

Hell! You are really good enough, those people are gone, you have to pour dirty water on others, you are really good enough, haha!! It is Nima that makes everyone speechless, all the plot is true It's the same as what Li Bufan said earlier.

But if you think about it carefully, this is in fact in line with common sense.

Those people are all dead, they can no longer know what happened in this world, and if you pour dirty water on them, you can ease the situation and make the world a better place, then you must do so.

Of course.

Of course, this is someone else's idea, Steve definitely doesn't think so, nor does Toh, but their ideas are not important, they are just tools.

After Brian finished speaking, it was Javier's turn.

He coughed lightly, smiled, and, like you, first gave Li Bufan a rainbow

Fart, expressing his sincere respect for Li Bufan, and his affirmation of the peace of the world.

Immediately afterwards, the hard dishes came.

Javier officially announced that starting today, the Heroes Association was born!! He holds a document in his hand, which is a preliminary result of seven days of discussions among countries around the world to complete the various details of the Heroes Association's establishment. The plan will be implemented in accordance with this plan for the time being.

Afterwards, if there is a problem, then solve the problem.

Heroes Association.

This is a global organization, not affiliated to any country, nor sent by any country.All superpowers in the world can join the Heroes Association, including mutants with no criminal records.

1. The hero level is divided into six levels: **** level, level, level, level, level, and level.

2. The disaster level is divided into six levels: destroying the world, dragon, tiger, leopard, wolf, and human.

The disaster level corresponds to the hero level.The **** level is responsible for solving the world-destroying level disaster, the level is responsible for solving the dragon level and so on.There are two major advantages to doing this, one is that all valuable superpowers can be absorbed.

Another, the corresponding disaster level dispatches the corresponding level of heroes, in this way, the combat power of the top heroes can be released, allowing them to play their role in more important occasions.

The general content of Nuohao is this, but there is only one god-level hero, and that is Li Bufan! Cuo! Li Bufan was slightly taken aback.

Although he proposed the hero agreement, and even the hero level, to be honest, this is just a game for him.

He is him, he is Li Bufan, he does whatever Li Bufan wants, and no one else can control it.

I want to take care of the 500 people of the Special Defense Department who are looking at you underground.

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Chapter 450 Heroes Association, the only god-level hero: Li Bufan! (1 request for subscription)

Chapter 451 Great Super Power Era: Respect Wu! (2 requests for subscription)

Netizens from all over the world have all exploded.

"Fuck,! Fuck,! Fuck,!! For this series of operations, I just want to say: Naihe himself is not educated, so I’ll go all over the world!"

"Heroes Association, what the **** is this god's operation, it's so cool."

"!!! What's wrong with you people, now everyone is most concerned, shouldn't it be the Avengers who should be responsible for the Sokovia incident, why is no one caring anymore"

"Yes, why are your principles so unprincipled"

"Hey! Upstairs, come on, you guys don't look at the current situation, the Hero Association, the only god-level hero, the world's first, what are you thinking about?"

"I mean that too.

Upstairs, don’t even think about it, let me analyze it carefully, what era of super power is now! All kinds of super powers flying in the sky are emerging in an endless stream, their destructive power is extremely terrifying, and each of them is a walking nuclear weapon. Damn, after talking so much nonsense, I'll just say it straight, I just want to ask, like the **** of death, the only god-level superpower in the world, who is his opponent to tell you a very desperate fact, no one Can the country be okay? Can the United Nations be okay, nor can it be? Since neither is possible, then you still want to punish others by talking nonsense, don’t be joking, you are turning a god-level superpower into your own enemy ,Regardless of

Which country it is, this is an extremely stupid decision!!"

On the Internet, people from all over the world talked about it. The first thing everyone paid attention to was of course the Heroes Association and Li Bufan.

There is no way, the countries of the world have already said that the hero's association, a great proposal with epoch-making significance, was put forward by Li Bufan, and the other is his woman Scarlet Witch. There is no news.

As for the Sokovia incident, it is also qualitative, that is: this is

Let's take a hero action!! Punish you for making a joke, and then there will be anger on the Internet, and the quarrel will start from this.

Some people laughed and joked and didn't take it seriously, but some seriously explained that the so-called seriousness here is to rip the cruel truth to the nail on the head and tell those people what is reality.

This truth, this reality, is really cruel.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!! I take what you mean, but can it be said that the guy is invincible, he can ignore the law, and he can do whatever he wants"

"This is hegemonic thinking! We should fight to the end!"

"Yes! Damn! We should fight to the end and never succumb! How can we allow this kind of people to exist in the world now in what era?"

"Ha ha!"

"Hehe +1!"

"Hehe +10!"

"Upstairs, don't you guys, you still have to discuss what should be discussed, let me say-hehe +10!!"

"Ahem, let me make a definition, but everything that you don't understand is a group of sand sculptures! What era is it now? It's a special era of great superpowers. Using the settings in our cultivation novels, this is so special. Respect Wu!"

Then, someone explained below.

"The brother upstairs is extremely correct, but let me say a few more words. The respect for martial arts here does not mean that as long as you awaken your special abilities, you can do whatever you want. Will understand how to behave and will die miserably!"

"At what level can we respect martial arts and do whatever we want, the Sokovia incident provides us with the best example, that is, like a **** of death!"