Chapter 452 Online, the hot discussion continues! (1 request for subscription)

On the Internet, the hot discussion continues.

"As long as you have the strength of a **** of death, you can ignore the law and do whatever you want.

Who wants to touch your relatives and friends who didn’t say anything, **** it! Lao Tzu is a cow, Lao Tzu’s fist is hard, what can you do with Lao Tzu?”

"Haha, that's right, even if it is a country, the only superpower in the world, it must compromise."

"! What a hell, you people are just a little bit "six five zero"

Are there no principles? Does he have superior strength and he can do whatever he wants, regardless of national interests?"

"Fool! Having said so much, why don't you understand?"

"It's really an idiot, let's talk about the first point, national interest, which national interest is your country's national interest? This thing has something to do with our other countries, Shao Te is beeping here! It's a **** thing National interests, have you forgotten how your country has been doing it all the time? You just look at whoever is upset and do it. If you don't agree with you, you will fight until they are served. What is the difference between this and the **** of death, there are also differences. , What you are doing is for the benefit of the country, the **** of death is only for himself and his friends and lovers, hehe I can go to Nima!"

"Brother irritable, it's really interesting to denounce national hegemony online."

"Right, right!"

"To say that, the dominance of the **** of death really makes sense.

To be honest, I didn’t understand it before, but after thinking about it carefully, I suddenly found out, hey, this doesn’t seem to be a bad thing. Anyway, it’s the country that is deflated."


"That's right! The Heroes Association, this is a global organization of heroes. It does not serve any country. Its ultimate purpose is to guard the earth! The previous Special Defense Department was indeed powerful, but it was only national, and it did not have half a dime from other countries. Relationship, that is to say, the Special Defense Department

No matter how powerful it is"

"I support death! I support heroes!"

On the Internet, netizens from various countries are all discussing the Heroes Association, Wang, and Wea incidents. I don't know who it is, and they suddenly mentioned the Ministry of Special Defense, and the netizens exploded.

What is the Special Defense Department?In the era of great superpower, the Special Defense Department is a new type of nuclear deterrence, but now the plot has taken a sharp turn, with the Secretary of the Special Defense Department Antonio, plus Murphy and other four 44 core high-level leaders, collectively engaged in conspiracy.

Actually want to kill the **** of death!! Damn it, it's okay for them to be brave, but the most amazing thing is that they assembled 500 elite superpowers from the special defense department, not only did not kill the **** of death, they were also given a pot by the **** of death. , This kind of stealing chicken won't cause eclipse, but it's too showy 0 online.

Someone said: "When it comes to the Ministry of Special Defense, I only have one question. The Chinese side defines Antonio's ambush of Death as a personal grievance. They have no knowledge of it. Do you believe that there is a... conspiracy?"

"Fuck, hahaha, come and watch, there is a rare species here: Honest!"

"Onlookers +1!"

"Onlookers +2!"

"Onlookers +3!"

"Onlookers +10!."

The person who spoke first was dumbfounded, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching, and roared: "You bastards! Look at what you are doing now, this is how much a person can do to deceive people!"

"Hahaha, the honest person is angry, come here to comfort you."

"Hey, you people, what should I say to you, people have doubts that they really didn't want to understand, why can't you understand? I urge you to be kind!"


Chapter 453 Death, in my lifetime, I am willing to be your minion! ! (2 requests for subscription)

"Honestly, don't be angry, then I will answer your doubts.

Think about it with your toes. You must have a motive to do something. As far as I know, Antonio didn't have any intersection with Death before he was killed. That is to say, the two did not have deep hatred, then why did he kill Death? Is it just because the **** of death is handsomer than him? Of course, I haven't seen the **** of death really, but the powerful people are more handsome than the less powerful people, that's for sure."

"Second, if you think about the ambush, what level of energy was used by the Special Defense Department? One minister, plus four 44 deputy ministers, plus 495 elites among the elite of superpowers. Who can use such a scale of power? Even if Antonio is the Secretary of the Special Defense Department, he can't do it. Now you should understand!"

Some people start to analyze 21 seriously, and others are no longer just ridicules.


Someone followed the analysis and said: "That's right! This analysis is completely correct.

As a class representative, let me briefly summarize. First, Antonio may be jealous of the handsome Reaper, but there is absolutely no deep hatred between the two."

"Two 2. It is absolutely impossible for the people in the country to be ignorant. Okay, I summarized the profound point: The whole thing was planned by them, but the development of the matter exceeded their expectations. The super-divine power can definitely kill the gods in seconds, but whoever thought that they were counter-killed, and they had to throw the pot on the dead and build a step for themselves!"

"Three, the **** of people definitely know that his goal has been achieved, and there is no need to worry about it.

Now, no one should have any more...doubts."

"The analysis of the two great men upstairs, what they didn't say, just two words: cowhide!!"

"Niu batch!!"

"Hahaha I said that in the past, isn't it the same sentence, the country guy is crippled! This is really pleasant."

"Brother upstairs, let me say something else to make you happier

A little bit, this time, the countryman is more than just deflation. There are 500 elites in the special defense department, and the ministers are all taken in one pot. This is the ultimate loss."


"Why didn't the country pursue it, hahaha, because the strength is not enough, if they still have the ability to kill the **** of death, it is absolutely impossible to be as good as they are now, then it is definitely to use all their strength to kill the **** of death!!"

"I didn't say, death is mighty, angry!!"

"Hey! The most unfortunate thing is that every time the **** of death fights the battle suit, he still doesn't know what he looks like.

It would be great if he could be like the ‘Iron Man’ Tony Stark’s... big show bag."

"Who said no, I really want to see the **** of death, I really want to know what he looks like."

"If possible, I want to tell him, Reaper, you are my idol, my faith! In the rest of my life, I am willing to be your running dog!! No joking, completely from the bottom of my heart, I hope Reaper can hear it."

The Heroes Association incident, the Sokovia incident, and the Ministry of Special Defense incident.

From the beginning of 720, the focus was on the event itself, and gradually, no more discussion of the event, but only on the man who changed the global landscape by his own strength.He is mysterious, he is powerful, and he is the strongest man on the surface! He is-god of death!! **** of death.

This is the ultimate focus.The attention of netizens from all over the world is all focused on him.

Unprecedented! Breaking the ground!! Maybe there have been such great people before, but given the traffic and the absence of the Internet, even those great people have never done it like this.

In a word: So far, throughout the thousands of years of human history, no one has reached such a height! Death, mighty.

Chapter 454 You are angry, you are angry, you hate me to the bone, but you have to treat me respectfully! (1 request for subscription)

When people from various countries on the Internet explode, the country is also paying close attention to it.Here are mainly two places, which are more typical.