Chapter 658: Great, Great! ! (2 requests for subscription)

There was a pause.

Queen Adora sighed softly: "To be honest, when our observers detected that Ronan led the Kerry fleet to invade the earth, the first reaction was that the earth was about to fall and become a colony of the Kerry people, but everything that happened afterwards, It exceeded everyone's expectations."

"We did not expect that the earth not only won, but also won extremely beautifully."

"When the news came back, I couldn't believe it. All the Xanders were shocked and suspected that it was... the observer made a mistake. Then, we Xanders received friendly exchange information from the earth. I'm sure that the earth can really do it."

"At the time, I was still thinking that the level of science and technology of 01 Earth civilization is far inferior to that of Shandal Star, and compared with the Kerry Empire, there is a huge gap, then how the earth can withstand it."

"According to that...Earth Observer, all of this is the death of His Majesty to turn the tide. At that time, I was thinking, how strong is His Majesty to be able to do it."

"After today's battle, I finally understand!"

"His Majesty, Thank you for your righteous action. If it weren't for you, facing the sudden attack by these six-armed beasts, even if we Xandal Star finally resisted it, we would have suffered heavy losses, and it was the death that prevented all of this. Your Majesty!!"

Li Bufan smiled slightly and shook his head to indicate that this is a trivial matter, please don't take Queen Adora to mind.

Queen Adora shook her head, saying that for Her Majesty Death, perhaps this is really just a small matter, but for Xandal Star, it is a major event that can destroy the entire planet's civilization, and must be given the most solemn gratitude.

Pure verbal words, of course, expressed the Queen’s gratitude, so she also decided to build a bronze statue of the **** of death with a height of 1000 meters in Xinxing Square!! Gundam: a thousand meters Li Bufandu

I was stunned, this movement is too big, it is undoubtedly achievable with the technology of Xandar Star, but without waiting for him to hesitate, Queen Adora said: "His Majesty the Reaper, please agree to this request, because of this. It is not only my request, but also all the people of Xander Star.

A good wish."

"That is, as long as you see the bronze statue of His Majesty the Death, it is like being protected by you, and inspiring every Xandal Star citizen to fight and never succumb."

Well, people have already talked about it, and if you don't agree, it will be too unreasonable.

Li Bufan nodded casually.

Queen Adora was ecstatic and couldn't help but thank Li Bufan.

As the Queen of Sandal Star, her status is still above the supremacy of the New Star Legion, but in front of Li Bufan, she does not have the queen's air and reservations. Too tough.

He won the unconditional respect and awe of Queen Adora!! After solving these things, Li Bufan finally had time to pay attention to the four-man team of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Li Bufan glanced at Xing Jue, Rocket and others, Centurion Roman Dai observes his words and looks, immediately.

After comprehending Li Bufan's meaning, he immediately introduced it in detail.

There is no need to introduce Roman Dai, Li Bufan knows these people, but after all, it is the first time to meet, in order to avoid trouble, even if you know, it is best to pretend not to know.

The two sides greeted briefly.


Li Bufan's gaze fell on Nebula, and he smiled and said, "Don't tell me, she is also your companion."

Huh!! Kamora's face suddenly changed.

Remind you: three things to read

Chapter 659 I am the one who kills and decisively! (For subscription)

Drax the Avengers still had that dead face, expressionless.

Xingjue and Rocket are a little embarrassed. Of course, Nebula is not their companion, and especially an enemy, but that guy is Kamora's younger sister.

Judging from Kamora's reaction, she still has a lot of affection for this sister, and she definitely can't kill it.

However, judging from Li Bufan's previous decisive methods of killing and cutting, he was a nonsense word. He really meant to kill and kill without blinking his eyes. Killing a million vanguard beast army is like playing. , He could hear it, so Xing Jue, the Rockets were embarrassed.

As a companion, you must speak, but you really want them to say, and you don't know what to say, you can't tell Li Bufan directly, saying that although Nebula is the leader of the vanguard, he is the sister of Kamora, can you raise your hand? It's not embarrassing to let her go.


I was really afraid of what would come, just when the two of them were puzzled, they only heard a swish, a Yanu arrow flew, and it came to Nebula in an instant and pointed it at Nebula's forehead.

"No!! Kamora changed her color in amazement, she made a decisive move, and tried to pull Nebula behind him in one fell swoop, but it was a pity that she didn't pull it, she flashed decisively and stood in front of Nebula.

Because of the sudden arrow from this forehead, Nebula's heart tightened.

Although she always scolded Kamora for hypocrisy, even though she always said that she was going to kill this sister, but whether she was acting or showing her true feelings, she could tell that her sister really wanted to save herself.

The New Star Legion changed color suddenly! The Vanguard Beast Legion was wiped out, and they had already put away their weapons, but seeing Kamora like this, they all took out their weapons and aimed them at the galaxy guards.

Queen Adora's face sank and said, "Kamora, are you doing this because you and her are in the same group, and everything you did before is fake."

Fake a fart! If it wasn't for the Guardian of the Galaxy

Team, you are Sandal, this can still be a fake Li Bufan frantically complaining.

Kamora took a deep breath and said: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty Death, I know you are very angry, and I also know that she has done too much, but I must say that she is my sister and I want to protect her!! "

"Also, she was only deceived by Thanos. In fact, like us, Thanos is also her enemy."

Xingjue nodded hurriedly: "Yes! That's it.

Hey, everyone, don’t be so nervous, are we not your companions, surely we are, let down the weapon, let down the weapon, relax, just relax."


The enemy has been wiped out, how can anyone treat one's comrades in this way, right?"

The Rocket was full of anger, and hummed: "Of course we are not your comrades in arms, but **** it, we saved you Xander Star before!! I don't ask you to thank you, but what is your attitude!"

The Avengers Drax was expressionless and muffled: "Rocket is right."

Queen Adora's face sank, she was about to go crazy, but she didn't send a stalk.

"Okay, I'm just kidding."

At this moment, Li Bufan suddenly smiled and promised, and then snapped his fingers, and the Yanu arrow fell on the ground with a sharp sound.

The four-man team of the Guardians of the Galaxy are all dumbfounded.

Nebula is also full of doubts.

Li Bufan yawned and said casually, "Xingyun, you can go.

Oh, by the way, and your Guardians of the Galaxy, do you guys want to stay in Xander, or leave"

What a ghost everyone was stunned, the previous posture was about to kill Nebula, but in the blink of an eye, she was about to let her leave!

Chapter 660: Excuse me! (1 request for subscription)